Our Guest Bobby Connor

Sid:  My guest by way of telephone is Bobby Connor; I’m talking to him at his home in Moravian Falls, North Carolina.  And Bobby any time I talk to someone from Moravian Falls I know that they are moving in the supernatural.  I hear so many stories about people seeing or having visitations from angels from Moravian Falls. I was reading in my notes about the time that you had a visitation of fourteen angels.

Bobby:  Yes.

Sid:  Tell me about that.

Bobby:  Okay, a man built a cabin here, I man asked my wife several years ago, “Do you think if I built a little cabin Bobby would come stay here some?”  So, she said, “I don’t know ask him.”  So finally I told him yes I would.  So there was no buildings up in here at that time so there was a little old creek running and beautiful little place.  So the man built a cabin, a little bitty small cabin and so we’re dedicating this cabin after he got it built so we’re praying and it’s around 9:00 at night and as I’m praying loud footsteps began to sound inside the cabin.  There’s only two of us there and neither one of us are moving. This man squeezed my hand real real tight and he said, I got to leave hadn’t I.  And I said, “Yes.”  And so he left and then I hear a noise out on the porch of this cabin and Sid I walked out there and there was fourteen to eighteen angels.  And they were dressed like pilgrims.  Now I’ll tell you why they were dressed…

Sid:  But wait a second, just out of curiosity had you had numerous angelic visitations before that or was this a first?

Bobby:  No, I had angel visitations before that.

Sid:  Okay.

Bobby:  So these angels were dressed like pilgrims because the Moravians had stationed them way back in the 1700’s when the Moravians’ had come through here, Zinzendorf that group.  And so the first question the angels asked me was this, “What took you so long?”  You know they were talking about picking up the mantle and coming to the land and occupying the land.  And so I stayed out on the porch, now this sounds crazy but it’s the truth, and I just fellowshipped and played with these angels.  They would jump off the porch, they would jump back on the porch, they were swinging in the porch swing, they’d swing around the post on the porch.  Now I’m actually awake I’m you know actual angels and then all of a sudden after about forty-five minutes one group got kind of quiet and I looked and they vanished.  And I looked and the other group vanished and then so it’s about 10:00 or 10:15 at night so I walked back in the cabin and I’m setting there on the couch watching the fireplace burning, and I’m kind of chewing myself out I thought, wow, I shouldn’t have played around I should have inquired of the Lord and something like that.  And Sid about that time a heavy knock came on the door real hard.  Now remember we’re up in the isolated mountain in a cabin no houses is a round.  Whop,whop the knock came, startled me my heart jumped up in my throat and I said, “Come in” and a voice said in a “No, you must come out.”   And Sid I go to the door, open the door and there stands Jesus Christ, not a vision, I’m talking about Jesus standing there at the door of the cabin and He had a bottle in His hand which appeared to me that looked like a Champaign bottle and here’s what He said to me, “He said, “We’re going to have a Christening service, but you don’t know anything about christening that’s what He said and then walked right passed me, didn’t stop in the living room where the fireplace was, went straight to the bedroom and before in just a flash He took the bottle struck the wall with it and the bottle shattered and an oil began to run down the wall.  Now watch this, I thought it, I didn’t say it, I thought it, I thought “Oh, my how am I going to explain the man that built the cabin the first night something has happened to his wall.  The moment I thought this the Lord Jesus rebuked me, he said to me, He said, “You never have to attempt to apologize for what I do or explain what I do.”  Then He said, “Look, He had me look at the wall and oil that was running down the wall in this cabin had been turned into a map of the world.”  “Have you seen a war room where the map is laid out straight, you can see all the continents at one time?”

Sid:  Yes.

Bobby:  That’s the way this was Sid then the Lord took His finger and would point at the map and where He would point would light up and He said, “You can only target what I target or you’ll become a target.”  And He stayed with me all most all night, every hair on my body stood up like I’d been electrocuted and it was the strangest thing.  My wife was in Texas praying, “Oh God give Bobby a visitation, I’m in Moravian Falls praying, “Oh God don’t kill Bobby.”  I’m telling you for weeks my hair, every hair on my body stood out like electricity.

Sid:  My goodness, now the places that He was pointing on the map. What was going to happen at these places?

Bobby:  He just told me that you can only target what I target or you’ll become a target.  When He would touch those places He would show me some of the things that He’s going to do, some of the events that’s going to take place there good and bad.  I’ll throw this one in, one of the place that He pointed at was Kiev in the Ukraine.

Sid:  Yes.

Bobby:  And hear what He said about Kiev He said, “The largest revival in the history of mankind will spring from Kiev and it’s going to start in Kiev and run down to Russia.”  And He said, “It will mainly erupt in Russia with youth, and then He said, “Watch this.”  And He showed me like a, do you remember in the old western movies they would light up a powder keg?  They would light a fuse, remember?

Sid:  Sure.

Bobby:  That’s what happened, He lit what looked like a fuse and I saw a foot run up and try to stamp it out, which was orthodox religion and they couldn’t stamp it out.  And then I saw another foot running and tried to kick dust on it and that was the mafia, but they couldn’t stamp it out.

Sid:  It’s interesting whenever I go to Russia or Ukraine especially in Ukraine especially in areas like Odessa and Kiev where I’ve ministered, but especially Odessa where every other person has Jewish ancestry, which is amazing, it’s like an open heaven there.

Bobby:  Can I tell you what happened to me here in Moravian Falls?  When we came up here to live I go to a certain place, it’s a certain big rock and I’m setting there looking out over the land and I’m just praying, but I’m not really fervently praying, I’m waiting.

Sid:    Right.

Bobby:  And Sid the Lord Jesus Christ came and sat right down at my right and here’s what He said to me.  He said, “I’ve called you to this land to redeem it for its original purposes.  I said, “What is that?”  He said, “It’s the salvation of the native American and the protection of the Jews, get under this rock.”  That’s exactly what He told me.  And there’s a rock a great big rock the size of a big room in a house.  And then He said, “Get under this rock” and I protested, I said, “Lord, I can’t get under this rock.”  He said, “Get under this rock” and I looked and there was a lip and a clef under this rock.  So I climbed under the rock and as I’m pushing with my hand to keep from falling a rock fell off in my hand about the size of a dinner plate.  And He said, “What’s that in your hand?”  And I said, “Why” and I looked at it and it’s a perfect cut out of the state of North Carolina.  And so I showed it to Rick Joyner, he said, “Keep that its a sign.”  But the Lord told me, He said, I’m calling you here to this land for its original purpose, the salvation of the native Americans and the protection of the Jews.  Isn’t that strange?

Sid:  I have heard that about that particular land before, now when the Lord visited you He talked about it’s time for you to take up your mantle.  What is your mantle?

Bobby:  I’ll tell you our mantle I believe is really just being a prophet to the nations and just trying to show people the Lord does speak to them.  John 10:3 says “My sheep hear my voice,” John 10:27 says “and they will follow me and another voice they will not follow.”  So I believe we need to train the people of God to clearly and concisely hear the voice of God.

Sid:  … “God’s Supernatural Power” about walking in the anointing, most people don’t even have a clue what that terminology means.  What does that mean?

 Bobby:    It means doing the works that Jesus Christ did through the same power that Jesus Christ did through while He was walking here on earth.  It’s the power of the Holy Spirit.  And one of the verses we use in our new book is Psalms 92:10 “I shall be anointed with fresh oil, this fresh oil anointing will release my strength like that of a wild ox.”  And we need anointing; if we study the Bible in the New Testament Jesus did no mighty miracles until He was filled with the Holy Ghost.  Acts 10:38 tell us God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power.  And so that’s what we got to have we got to have that anointing and the power of God.

Sid:  Now I’d say the number one thing in addition to that though, but the number one thing is what you said just previous and that is hearing God’s voice.  Is it just becoming aware or is there something else we can do to hear His voice clearer?

Bobby:  I tell them, intimacy.  Nothing will intensify hearing like intimacy.  My wife and I have been married over forty-three years.  If she called me and I go “Who is this, woo we’re in trouble.”  But see I should be able to tell whether she’s happy or sad just by the inflection of her voice.  And so that’s what we’ve got to do; we got to become very and very intimate with the voice of God.

Sid:  Tell me some practical things we can do to accelerate this.

Bobby:  Number one we’ve lost the real art of getting still before the Lord, Psalm 46:10 & 11 says “Be still and know.”  And we’re in a very fast pace world and this world tries to get us so busy so we don’t have that time of meditating upon the Lord waiting before Him.  And so we need to learn how to shut the world out.  Remember it says, Jesus said when you pray inter into your closet.  Now we can’t spend time, 24 hours a day in a closet, but we need to learn how in a fast pace world how to get alone with God, to shut the world out and put our focus on the Lord.  And one of the ways to do that is the Word of God and getting still.  I like to listen to real soft praise music, you know there’s terms out there about soaking and marinating and stuff like that.  But I believe it’s good to be still and just wait before the Lord.

Sid:  Did God show you anything about these radio shows that we’re doing right now?

Bobby:  I’ll tell you what we’ve got to do, God is going to initiate a hunger in the hearts of the people.  But God’s going to start releasing prophetic words to people.  Here’s what I saw, I see right now there’s a woman listening.  Her name is Ruth, her last name starts with an L.  But she’s got a wayward daughter; Ruth has a wayward daughter that has been away from home and away from the teachings of the family and away from the things that she was trained in, but God going to bring her back.  And she goes by Nicole now, I don’t think that’s her real name, I thinks it’s almost like a nickname that she’s picked up for herself.  But I want to encourage Ruth that her daughters going to come home.  Her daughter will be back home and it’s going to be a wonderful time.  I see the month, by November, by this coming November Ruth’s daughter will be back home and it will be as though she never really broke fellowship with the home.  So I’m very excited about that.

Sid:  Now are you hearing what you’re saying or are you seeing a vision, what’s going on?

Bobby:  Okay, while I was talking to you a moment ago when I said that Jesus came and sat on the rock, and then I saw this woman named Ruth, and I saw that she’s been praying, she is listening to the program.  She’s been praying for her daughter.

Sid:  You saw this like in a vision or you actually?

Bobby:  I really did, I just saw it up in the airs is what I would call it because we’re doing this interview from the home in Moravian Falls and I can see my office and I can see the house hear.

Our Guest Mike Shreve

Sid:  I’ve been so excited all this week about this end-time mentoring tool that we’re making available by Mike Shreve, it’s called “God’s Promises for Your Children.”  Now Mike is living a prophetic life because Mike has had to have miracle after miracle after miracle.  Number one, they weren’t even supposed to be able to have children, and then their two children both of them, there was attempts on their life before they even were born.  Your daughter was supposed to have spinal bifida, your son should have had brain damage and as a matter of fact the spinal bifida would have stopped your daughter from being able to dance.  She’s a dancer today; being deprived of oxygen with your son that should have made him very slow mentally and how bright is your son right now Mike Shreve?

Mike:  Well, he’s pretty much a straight “A” student and he’s got almost a photographic memory.

Sid:    So what the devil meant for evil by praying these promises…and what about your son had a physical problem he was a toe walker.

Mike:  Yes, I had never heard of that until it happened for him, he never walked on his heals he tip toed continuously. For about seven years we prayed but we didn’t really war over the situation as I believe we need to. Finally I resorted to possibility of a surgeon taking care of it and we went to a large hospital in a major city and the doctor said, “He would have to clip the tendons in the back of his foot and it may make him worse off and he may end up in a wheelchair.  And while he was talking to me I heard the voice of the Lord speak to my spirit and He said, “Get out of here and don’t ever come back.”  And so I left that hospital knowing that the only answer was the supernatural one, just a little after that I was in a conference with a number of other ministers and we brought my son up and warred over him and intercession and sought God and claimed the promise.  And incidentally there’s a promise in Psalm 91 where God said “No evil shall be fall thee, neither shall any plague come neigh your dwelling and that includes your children that are in that dwelling with you.”  And I said “Well, Lord we’re supposed to be free from sickness and disease and infirmity,” You said “No plague will come neigh your dwelling” and we prayed probably ten, fifteen minutes over him passionately.   Well, the next day he was flat footed and has never walked on his toes since, it was absolutely a miracle, God lengthened his tendons immediately be the power of prayer.”

Sid:  You know that when your son was just four years of age he had a heavenly visitation and he was told by the Lord not to watch bad TV, why is that so important not to watch bad TV?

Mike:  I believe it’s because that’s how the enemy is transferring spirits into children’s lives.  You know for instance one of the biggest plagues of our generation is the increase of sexual perversity. What happens is that they see these Hollywood stars that are cast in roles where they are in a situation of indulging in sexual perversity.  Maybe not blatantly in a program that children would normally watch.  But sometimes subtly and by even laughing with comedy characters that are putting on like they’re sexually perverse it opens the door to accepting that kind of lifestyle and it just transfer that spirit right into a child’s life or mind they wonder why they get wooed that direction, it was opened up to them through the television and that’s just one example of many.

Sid:  And why is it so important not to speak even if it’s true, a negativity, about your children or grandchildren?

Mike:  Well, the old word is WYSIWYG, is What You Say Is What You Get, life and death are in the power of the tongue. One of the most powerful promises given for our children, and there are 65 specific promises God’s given the children of His people is found in Deuteronomy 30 verses 19 & 20.  This was where God was rehearsing in the minds of the children of Israel the importance of making a choice between the blessing or the curse being passed down through the family line.  And He said, “I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you that I have set for you life and death, blessing and cursing therefore choose life that both you and your descendants may live; that you may love the Lord your God that you may obey His voice, that you may cling to Him for He is Your life and the length of your days.”  Well the key thought there is where God says, “Choose life that both you and your descendant’s may live.”  What does that mean to choose life?  Well, God is talking more than just physical life, He’s talking about the things that give us a spiritual well being or mental well being as well.  There’s things that feel death to us emotionally and mentally; like for instance hatred, anger.  The Bible says that if we hate our brother we abide in death, it has a debt dealing impact on the soul, it deadens our inner being with attitudes that carry us away from God, depression, discouragement, fear etcetera.   And God is say, “it’s up to you to choose life”, and when you say “I choose life” you’re in essence saying “I choose all the life giving attributes of God that fill the heart, that fill the mind with life giving influence.  I choose joy, I choose peace, I choose victory”, that’s what you’re saying when you say “I choose life.”  I choose the character of God, I choose the nature of God and that’s your way of passing down that blessing to your offspring when you say “I speak over my son, I speak over my daughter and I choose life for our family.”  Then that covers every arena of life.

Sid:  Now explain to me this end time tool that you’ve just, it’s literally just off the press, “God’s Promises for Your Children.”  You know I have to be candid with you when I first saw the book I thought oh it’s another book on prayer, we know we’re supposed to pray, but no it isn’t this is so practical, explain.

Mike: Well, this generation is under attack, this generation is so much a part of God’s plan, I believe this is the final generation that will see the compilation of many prophecies and I believe this is the generation that will see the Lord Jesus Christ return.  And one of the promises that God gave at the beginning of the new covenant era, Peter preached about it when he stood up on the day of Pentecost he said, “This is that which was spoken of by the Prophet Joel in the last days says God I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh”, and then here it is He said, “Your sons and daughters will prophecy and your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams.”  Well that was the beginning of that era of time called the last days.  Well, we are in the last of the last days. So this is going to intensify even more and it’s a time when God I believe is intending to raise up our sons and daughters as the prophetic voices that will bring in that last harvest that we’re going to see right before the coming of the Messiah.  And so it’s all the more important to take these 65 promises and pray them over your sons and your daughters that this final determination of God will take place.  I believe that it’s in our hands, we can either sit by idly, and watch the enemy take over the lives of our children, or we can say “That’s enough, enough, enough, it’s enough, I’m praying these promises into their lives and watch God watch over His word to perform it.”

Our Guest John McTernan

Sid:  My guest John McTernan is a prophet, he wrote a book called “As America has done to Israel.” He’s just recently updated it, it is such an urgent book. He proves that the major economic disasters of modern day America can be pinpointed within 24 hours in most instances of going against Israel.  And we were talking about Hurricane Ike and we we’re talking about the various financial institutions that have been shaken to their core and that happened within 24 hours of the United States making public they were trying to divide Jerusalem.  Now John you have spoken on our radio broadcast for years and you use a terminology that you’ve recently changed, the terminology that you used to use was warning judgments.  You’re calling it more serious now, explain the difference.

John:  Yeah Sid I believe that what I had documented in the past was God’s warning to the nation that we’re on a collision course with Him.  And Sid some of those warning judgments were some of the most powerful hurricanes that ever hit America.  The North Ridge Earthquake for example, stock market, big stock market down turns, massive flooding that was occurring on the same time that we were pressuring Israel.  Gigantic forest fires, especially out west, and we’ve always recovered Sid.  Fortunately there was never really a great loss of life.  So I use the terminology warning, judgments or judgments unto repentance.  When I went around and spoke through the country or was on your show I would state that, “This is God trying to get our attention” because it’s usually on the front pages of the papers Sid. You’ll see Arafat would come here to meet with well it was President Clinton at the time and every time Sid, Arafat came to divide the land there was a disaster that hit, big stock market down turns, hurricanes hitting, massive floods.  And I’ve documented all that in my book, but now Sid I believe that these judgments unto repentance, the warning judgments God gave us about twenty years Sid the nation as a whole did not listen.  For whatever reasons pastors were too busy to lead their churches in repentance and crying out to the Lord; where cause that the church did not respond and now Sid I believe that we crossed that threshold, we crossed the red line; and were into the destructive judgment Sid for which there is no remedy.

Sid:  You explain to me that often times at 3:00 AM in the morning God will wake you up and speak to you, but on yesterday’s broadcast He said something that shook you to the core.  Would you repeat that?

John:  Yes Sid, He said that I heard it clear as a bell, I have broken the back of America and that has to do with the economy Sid.

Sid:  Now many of prophetic friends tell me that if there’s proper prayer and repentance as late as the hour is things can turn around.  What do you feel?

John:  Well Sid, it would have to be an emergency, it would have to be the church literally overnight rising up to do that because Sid each day that this goes on it’s sort of like hemorrhaging. It’s sort of like a person hemorrhaging, and you’ve got to stop the hemorrhaging because the blood loss you’ll die and our economy is the same way Sid.  And without the church rising up and crying out to the Lord in repentance Sid I believe that we’re on the way down to becoming—the power will be taken away from America Sid and we’ll become, this is a hard thing to say, but economically were going to become like a third world nation.  Our money will be worth nothing Sid, we’ll be saddled with an enormous debt and the whole country will be locked into this, there will be no liquidities Sid.

Sid:  In your book you pin point exactly when the U.S. walked away from the blessings in reference to Israel.

John:  Yes Sid.

Sid:  Explain that.

John:  Sid it starts with the Madrid Peace Process on October 30, 1991.  President Bush Senior took it upon himself to initiate a comprehensive peace plan for the Middle East, which meant Sid, for Israel to give up Covenant land for peace.  From that day on Sid these tremendous disasters that have been hitting America almost all of them are associated with us dividing the land of Israel.  That’s what I document in the book. and Sid I couldn’t put all of them in the book because there was too many so I limited it to about forty.

Sid:  If I were to push you to come up with a number of how many things you document from the newspapers and from history, modern history and judgments within 24 hours or so after, how many would they be would you say?

John:  Sid, I would say a fair number is seventy-five and they’re happening so fast now that it’s virtually every day adding to it.  But Sid when we’re talking about this, we’re not talking about weekend thunderstorms, were not talking about the stock market losing you know 120 points on a day, we’re talking about massive hurricanes like Andrew and Ike which just hit and Katrina.  And we’re talking about Sid just to bring this to your attention, your listener’s attention.  I’ve pin pointed the very day that the NASDAQ peaked, and it was in 2000, Sid March 10th 2000.  And on that very day that it peaked and you remember it peaked at 5,048 points and on that day Ehud Barak had been in the United States talking with President Clinton about dividing up Israel and ended up the Camp David Accords in July of that year.  But on the very day Sid that the NASDAQ peaked and then it contract Sid to the point now that it’s at 2,000, but NASDAQ was 3 trillion dollars Sid. The very day that it peaked was the day that Barak was here in the United States meeting with President Clinton to divide Jerusalem and the NASDAQ went into convulsions after that and we ended up losing 3 trillion dollars.

Sid:  What is God telling you?  What are you feeling to very core of your being as to what will trigger the next judgment in America, and what might it be?

John:  Sid there’s several things going on; one is the economy which is so prevalent right now.  President Bush is determined, is determined Sid that he wants a comprehensive peace plan for Israel and the Palestinians before he leaves office which is in January next year.  And Sid if he continues this and Condalisa Rice, Secretary Rice, going over there pressuring the Israelis to divide the land and to divide Jerusalem, Sid based on what’s happened with the Lord up to this point I see Him continuing to grind our economy into dust Sid.  That’s what I said, “We will be turned into a third world country.”  But Sid at the same time as this Russia is back as a world power.

Sid:  That really, I mean I’m amazed the way that they’re flexing their muscles and virtually ignoring the United States warnings.

John:  Yes Sid, Russia wants a confrontation with the United States. Sid I’m saying this because you asked me like a feeling, I’m not saying that I heard this from the Lord, but it’s very possible that the Lord is raising up Russia in a military sense to judge us Sid.  And that’s very hard as an American to say, the Russians have been you know obviously been so evil in everything they’ve done.  But Sid when Israel went wayward from the Lord and Israel was worshipping Baal, killing their children and they had homosexual temples there on the top next the Lord’s temple.  God raised up Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians to come in and judge Israel. Sid I got this sinking feeling inside of me that we don’t realize how far, what we’ve done to the Lord to anger Him Sid.  We don’t realize what His word says about Jerusalem and dividing the land, we kind of like gloss over that and say we’ll were Americans.  Sid it doesn’t say in the Bible that I will judge all nations except Americans Sid.  That’s the reality of God’s Word and we’ve been cavalier with it here Sid, the pastors have not taken it serious, I know you have but so many do not take this serious and they’re blinded by a false doctrine, or they are blinded by worldliness.  Sid so many of many are afraid to speak out, they’re afraid of being ridiculed.  These pastors and church leaders are afraid of being ridiculed and the integrity of our country is at stake Sid.

Sid:  Pretty sobering thoughts; you know people say to me “What should I invest in, what should I be devoting my life to, there is only one thing, “He who wins souls is wise.

John:  Yes.

Sid:  No matter how smart your investment advisors are “He who wins souls is wise, the only thing that you’re going to take with you are souls.” And what concerns me is some that have picked up on God blessing those that bless the Jewish people and they’re going for economic blessings, verses spiritual blessings.  The spiritual blessings are the ones that last forever.  So what if you get more white paper with green ink and it isn’t worth anything; “He who wins souls is wise.”

Our Guest Jonathan Bernis

SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with Rabbi Jonathan Bernis. And what I want to understand is, according to the Jewish historian, Neander, there were approximately a million Jewish believers in Jesus at the turn of the first century. But somehow something happened and these Jewish people weren’t identified as Jewish believers any more, and it resulted in the church losing its ability to walk in large numbers of people in the miraculous. Jonathan, tell me that scenario.

JONATHAN: Well again as you said, the church, the first church, were all Jews. They never converted to Christianity. They lived as Jews. But of course in Acts, Chapter 10, the Gospel goes to Cornelius, Paul becomes the apostle to the gentles and the Gospel quickly spread in the gentile world. And sadly, by 135, you have writings like Justin Martyr writing against the Jewish believers and saying, “He who claims to be Jewish and Christian is neither Jew nor Christian.” And sadly, the church begins—and there are reasons for this we don’t have to go into, and I think it’s important that Christians do study to understand this—begins to move away from their Jewish roots. And the second century all the way up to the culmination with the Nicene Council in 325 A.D., you have the church severing what’s now the dominantly Gentile church, severing themselves from their Jewish roots. And when that happens, Sid, the power drains out of the church. This is turning your back on your father, I believe. I think that until this is restored we’re not going to see the fullness of power coming into the church. And let me say it the other way. When the Jewish roots of the faith are restored, or the Hebraic roots, we’re going to see an outpouring of the Spirit we haven’t seen since the first century. It’s coming.

SID: I believe that, and that’s what I call the One New Man, when the middle wall comes down between Jew and gentile, to form one new humanity, which will result in the full dwelling place of God by His spirit. Now Jonathan has told me about a heresy that I understand, too, that so few understand. It’s the difference between you being in the blessings of God or the curses of God. Tell me about this heresy.

JONATHAN: I’d have to set it up by saying this. Genesis 12, “I will bless those that bless the children of Abraham and curse the one that curses the children of Abraham,” I believe is just as true and powerful, and real today as when it was written. And that’s the danger here, because we can be under the blessing of God, based on how we treat the Jewish people, or the curse of God. And the heresy is called replacement theology, or Cessationism. And very simply again, in the beginning of the second century this erroneous teaching that the church has replaced Israel. In other words, the Jews killed Jesus. They were responsible for his death. They committed deicide, and now God is through with them, He’s given up with them, they’re under His curse. And so now the new people of God, the new Israel is the church. Now the truth is that Christians become spiritual sons and daughters of Abraham and receive all the blessings given to the Jewish people, or given to the children of Abraham. But they join; they’re grafted into the natural olive tree, which is Israel. Replacement theology, most Christians don’t even know the name, still has vestiges and there’s residue that affects every Christian, and it cuts out the blessing of God.

SID: In Romans 11, that deals so clearly with it. Give me a couple of verses.

JONATHAN: Very simply, “Boast not against the natural branches,” because if God cut them off, how much easier to cut you off. And if he can graft a wild olive branch, which is the Gentile believer, how much easier to re-graft back in the Jewish person and bring them to faith. So it’s very clear. Paul says three times in Romans 11, God has not rejected Israel. It’s so clear, Sid. And we have to come against this heresy if we want to see supernatural outpouring of God’s spirit return to the church.

SID: Well I believe that it’s time for the greatest favor of God to hit Bible believers. It’s time to move from the curse to the blessing. And we have a mezuzah that we’ve designed for the people that we mentor. It’s got millions of Jewish names that do not know the Messiah in this mezuzah. We’re instructed in Scripture to put it on our door. And Jewish people kiss it when they enter their door or when they leave their door, and they pray for God’s blessing over them when they’re in their house and when they leave their house. How much greater blessing when we pray for the salvation of millions of Jewish people. Jonathan, I want you to agree in prayer with me, as we pray over this mezuzah, and I want you to agree in prayer with me as we pray that these millions of Jewish people come to know their Messiah, and you will walk under the blessings of Genesis 12:3, the favor of God. We agree in Yeshua’s name that the spiritual scales will come off the eyes of Jewish people. We agree in Yeshua’s name the spiritual scales will come off the eyes of Christians to be able to share the Good News with Jewish people. We agree in the name of Yeshua’s name that there are modern day Paul the Apostles in these names that will lead the world in righteousness, and yea, once again, the Word of the Lord will go out from Zion. And I am so excited when these Jewish people become one with Gentile Christians and the middle wall of separation is finally coming down.

SID ROTH: Next week on It’s Supernatural. Is it possible that there is an ancient mystery that holds the key to America’s future? Could this same mystery be behind current events from 9/11 to our economic meltdown, to even the war in Iraq?

Our Guest Mark Virkler

Sid Roth:  Now if you were to go in the average church of America and give them a test how many of you really and truly have intimacy with God?  I think you would find that in some churches 98% – 99% of the people would say no.  If you were asked how many of you hear God’s voice on a regular basis?  How many of you are like Jesus who said, “I only do what I see my heavenly Father doing; I only do what I see my heavenly Father doing.”  Very few, well I have a guest who teaches people on how to hear God’s voice and says it works 100% of the time.  His name is Mark Virkler and Mark my audience and myself we’re all ears because the whole purpose of life is to hear God’s voice and be obedient as far as I’m personally concerned.  Its Supernatural! And sometimes I say to God, “God, I don’t want this multiple guess work, I’m to pragmatic just tell me what to do and I’m going to do it.”  I’ve actually said that to God, does that sound familiar to you Mark?

Mark:  It sounds very familiar to me, and it lines up with my own frustration for the first eleven years of my Christian life I could not hear God’s voice.  And I had no idea why I couldn’t hear it and I was frustrated as could be and it was eleven years of complete frustration.

Sid:   Did you ever reach a point and there is a whole section of the Body of Messiah that’s reached a point where they’ve said, “I’ve tried and tried and I haven’t heard His voice, so I guess He just doesn’t do it that way anymore.”  Did you kind of justify your deafness?

Mark:  Well, I actually got saved in a church that told me “God didn’t do it that way anymore,” it said, “God doesn’t speak” and so I believed that initially.

Sid:  Well, why did you change your mind?

Mark: Well, my heart was hungry it said, “I want to experience God” and I ended up leaving that church and I joined a Spirit filled church that did experience God.  And I would ask them, I’d say “What does God really sound like?”  And well they’d say, “Well, they would just say that you just know, that you know, that you know.”  And I would just say, “Well, I don’t know that’s why I’m asking you.”

Sid Roth:  You know, there is so many books that the implication is that you know, that you know, that you know, but we really are not taught how to hear God’s voice.  That should be part of basic discipleship.

Mark:  Well, it should if anyone could define what His voice sounds like, you know.  I was listening inside for a voice because I assumed it would be a voice and I didn’t hear any voices.  All I heard inside was thoughts.  And I said, “Well, there is no voice here, and I said, “I’m not going to pretend there is a voice here because all that is inside of me a thought.

Sid:  And you must have thought that a lot of them were your own thoughts.

Mark:  Well, I thought that they were all my own thoughts; except I did accrue a few to Satan because they were pretty negative because I have some of Satan’s stuff some of mine.  But you know what?  It never crossed my mind hey, if Satan can talk to me as spontaneous thoughts that light up on my mind, I’ll bet when the Holy Spirit speaks to me it also sounds like spontaneous thoughts that light up on my mind.  I never said that to myself, well I finally learned.

Sid:  So, you go through the first eleven years of your life as a believer in this limbo, actually knowing there’s something more, but not being able to grasp it.  What changed this?

Mark:  Well, what changed is the thought came to me and said “Why don’t you spend a year of your life focused on learning to hear God’s voice?”  And I objected and said, “I don’t spend a year learning anything, I read a book in a week and go on to the next book.”  And I had a second thought say, “Well you’ve spent ten years in defused time for you didn’t get through, if you spend one year in focus effort and got through would be the best year of your life.”  And I said, “Good point.”  So I decided to risk one whole year learning one lesson which was how to hear God’s voice.

Sid:  Out of curiosity what did your wife think of this thing of taking a year off?

Mark:  Well, that was okay I mean I would still pasture a church and preaching and reading my Bible and income and so I was still doing a job.

Sid:  Okay, so this is your goal tell me what it was like, “What did you do first?”

Mark:  Well, focus effort for me means for every extra hour during the week I have I will focus on trying to learn this.  So I read everything in the Bible on hearing God’s voice, I read every book on prayer I can buy, I experiment with hearing God’s voice, I go to conference on hearing God’s voice.  And that year God taught me four very simple things which opened up His voice in two way prayer where I could write out a page or two of what God was saying to me and what I was saying back to Him.

Sid:  Now you’ve literally had God speak to you in an audible voice and give you directions, what did He say?

Mark:  Well, the only time I’ve actually heard Him an audible voice was when I woke up in the middle of the night with a audible voice saying, “Get up saying I want to teach you to hear My voice.”  And I laid back down and said, “You can teach me in bed.” He said, “No, get up.”  And so I got up, went over to my office which is next to the parsonage and I sat down and I began to journal and that’s when the first time that I really learned to hear His voice which normally for me comes as spontaneous thoughts that light up on my mind when my eyes are fixed on Jesus.

Sid:  You know for myself, I have heard God’s audible voice, but it’s been so infrequent it’s almost like, “God, why do You wait so long in between with Your audible voice?”  I mean I have to tell you, that I know that God speaks through our thoughts, but I’m so pragmatic I just wish it was audible all the time. – Its Supernatural.

Mark:   Well, I think we all do and I think we all have the same frustration you have and which I have.  And I think I’ve heard God’s audible voice once, “You can’t build an intimate love relationship with one conversation.”  I mean I hear my wife’s voice everyday and God wants to speak to you and I every day, that’s what the Garden of Eden was all about; walking with God in the cool of the day.  So every single day we can hear God’s voice and since I learned these four keys I’ve been able to hear God’s voice every single day and write out a page or two or more of what God is saying to me.  And you can too and every single listener can, I promise they can.  Ha-ha.

Sid:  And now to me, I can’t picture any true Bible believer that would not give anything to be able to hear God’s voice every single day.  But I have to ask you, how do you know that its God’s voice verses your thoughts or the Devil?

Mark:  Well, there’s a couple of really easy things to do the Bible says that “Every Rhema, attest to all things, hold fast to what is good, and in the mouth of two or three witnesses every fact.  And the word in the Greek is “Every Rhema is established.”  So a Rhema word is a spoken word, when God speaks into your heart what I teach people to do and what I do is I take it to my two or three spiritual advisors and I say, “Here’s what I felt God was saying to me, does your heart bear witness this came from God?”  And if my three spiritual advisors say “Yes Mark, I think that’s God.”  Then I’m willing to say that’s God, because it’s confirmed the way that God told me to confirm it, which wasn’t in the brilliance of my brain, it was by the mouth of two or three witnesses.  So I encourage everyone establish two or three spiritual advisors, take your journaling to them, particularly for the first few days.  I mean the first day I journaled I took it to my wife, after half hour of writing and I said, “Patti would you read this and she read this?” And she read it and I said “What do you think?”  And she said, “Well, I believe that’s God” and I said, “Really” and she said, “Yes,” and my faith leapt and I went back and journaled  thirty more minutes and I took that to Patti and she said, “I believe that’s God too and my faith leapt again.  And I went back and journaled thirty more minutes and I took it to Patti and she minutes and I took it to Patti and she said, I believe that’s God” and my faith leapt again.  I spent five hours that first day I learned to hear God’s voice I spent five hours writing down what God was saying to me and having it confirmed by one of my spiritual advisors every thirty to sixty minutes.  So that’s the best way that I know is to have it bounce it off from two or three spiritual advisors, of course you know that it has to line up with the Word of God, it has to be full of the Spirit of God; love, joy, peace, mercy, faith.  It’s got to be full of that and your heart you know should be comfortable and true and if I get a spontaneous thought that came when my eyes were not fixed on Jesus then I will go ahead and I’ll test it bay fixing my eyes on Jesus, presenting that spontaneous thought to Him.  And I’ll see if in the picture if He looks uneasy like He wants to move away and if He wants to move out of it and edge out of the scene and then it’s an indication that the thought didn’t really come from Jesus.

Sid Roth:  Now itt seems to me that we in the west are the decided disadvantage as opposed to people in the east, why is it so hard for us here in the west?

Mark:  Well, we’ve been influence in 1200 AD with rationalism which swept through the European Universities and it’s swept into our culture and it’s the God that we worship, everything must funnel through my little reasoning brain.  And I looked up every verse in the Bible on reason you know and I’ve found God never even told me to reason.

Sid:  Sometimes I wish that I didn’t have a brain and I could just live 100% out of my spirit, wouldn’t that be wonderful?

Mark:  Well, it would then you know…

Sid:  You know my spirit knows everything, my pea brain knows only what I put into it.

Mark:  Well, that is the exact truth and when you teach this to kids, like in Sunday school they can all do this effortlessly, quiet themselves down, fix their eyes on Jesus.

Sid:  You mean become like a little child like Jesus said?

Mark:  You know that’s what Jesus said and you know what I tell people that when you are there with Jesus in a vision why don’t you picture yourself as an eight year old kid.  I tell them that every weekend when I go out and teach, because if you picture yourself as an eight year old kid it takes you out this adult frame work; it takes you back to your childhood and lets you approach God as your suppose to and your brain is out of the way.

Sid Roth welcomes Larry Hutton

Sid: Its Supernatural.  You are going to be so excited when this revelation gets down deep because in 1977 Larry Hutton had a visitation of the Lord, the peace and the presence of God was so strong he could barely move.  And he was personally taught by God how to live in peace all the time.  I mean step by step and since 1977 he can honestly say not through…and by the way Larry, we’re not talking about through a self will positive thinking approach because that isn’t going to cut it when the things people walk into they experience.  I mean positive thinking works only until your first crisis.

Larry: Exactly, yes.

Sid: But step by step you were taught these things, but what happens, now I heard your teaching and I have to tell you, I can’t get enough of it, there is such peace, such peach of God that is in my spirit when I listen to you teach on this.  And to believe that I could walk strife free, I could walk, worry free, I could walk hurt free, I could walk depression free 24-7.  I mean it’s like you said when you were first told you could do this by the Lord.  It’s almost too hard to believe.  But I can’t think of a greater gift for a believer with the times that we’re living in right now.  Now you were teaching on Isaiah 53 that gives a lot of keys to the understanding of how you can walk in supernatural peace 24-7 forever.  Ha-ha, tell me little bit about what God showed you.

Larry: Well, in Isaiah 53 verses 4 and 5 it talks about our redemption when Jesus went to the cross, it says that He bore our grief’s and carried our sorrows and the next verses says the chastisement of our peace was upon Him. So the Lord taught me that when He went to the cross, that He bore griefs, sorrows, stress, depression, strife, hurt feelings, bad temper, all of these negative emotions that controlled us.  And He bore them so that I didn’t have to and not only did He bare them but them He bore the cause that there’s nothing that can cause me to be depressed Sid Roth.  Nothing can cause me that I have to make a choice, He showed me in that next verse when He said “The chastisement of my peace was upon Him.”  That word chastisement is the rebuke or the restraint of my peace, so there’s absolutely nothing that I can rebuke or take away my peace of stop it from operating if I learned to use it.  And I found out that Jesus gave me His peace when I received Him.  And that was such a life changing thing, in fact Sid, can I share something real quick about something He taught me?

Sid: Please.

Larry: It’s like He told me that His peace was a fruit, it’s called the fruit, one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit that He brings in when He moves into a new believer and that peace, He said, “That peace is called a fruit and He said, “It’s not seasonal fruit.”  And that just exploded in me, it’s like woe, because I was raised in Florida working in the orange groves picking fruit, and I knew that you could only do that during certain seasons.  But when He told me His peace was not seasonal, that’s when I got that revelation; what you’ve been saying over and over 24-7 365.  I realized I could live in this peace 24 hours a day 365 days a year and that was just, just awesome.

Sid: Okay, you can live in that peace; I understand that, I understand this teaching but what happens when you get symptoms of cancer?  What happens if all of a sudden you wake up one day and you find a tumor growing in your body?  That happened to you, tell me about it. – Its Supernatural.

Larry: Yeah, I actually had a tumor grow inside my back and then start coming out my back.

Sid: Oh, it sounds awful!

Larry: It was it was very excruciating pain that came up and yet because the Lord had told me; He said that when you get attacked in these areas and all those thought come of fear, and panic and depression and worry and all those things.  He said, “Take My peace and speak it, speak my peace and just kind of like Jesus did when He was going across the ocean that time in the boat and the storm arose and you know he was sleeping on the back part of the ship with his head on a pillow and His disciples woke Him up and He said, “Peace.”  He spoke peace and I remembered just speaking peace, I just dwelt on Jesus you gave me Your peace.  Sid Roth reads Ephesians Chapter Two says “Jesus is my peace.”  Well, He never leaves me nor forsakes me so therefore I have Him, I have His peace.  And I remember when I just spoke that peace and believed that that once again that peace just overwhelmed me and it was like a guard over my mind, which was so cool because then it like I wasn’t trying to not worry, I was in His rest and it was like He was just taking it from me.  It was so cool Sid, because then it was like I wasn’t trying to not it’s almost hard to explain you know.  But it was so fun to be able to stay in that peace even when that tumor had gotten painful and bigger.  And then of course when we believed for healing and that tumor ended up bursting and then my wife and I have these thoughts of gangrene and stuff because it looked terrible after it burst.  But I just knew that it was dead at the roots, that I was the healed and I had the peace of God and I wasn’t going to worry or get in fear about it all and that’s exactly what happened I can honestly say before God I did not get afraid, I stayed in peace the whole time.

Sid: Now this supernatural peace it works two ways, 1. It keeps you in tremendous… it keeps your body working in the way that God wanted it to work and not working the way the devil want to work.  But I happen to believe that it works in another way, I think that you when you walk into a room and you’ve been walking 24-7 in supernatural peace, I happen to believe the atmosphere must change in that room.  You know, you tell me.

Larry: I mean how many times when you bring that peace into a situation people, they can’t even put words to it until maybe later on they said “Man when you came in and when somebody else may have had that same revelation walked into the room it was like wow, you know it was just okay, everything is going to be all right.  You know it just brings that rest, that peace into situations and along that same line Sid when people learn to live this way it brings it into their marriage, it brings it into other relationships.  So it makes me and you and those of us who learn to walk in peace, it makes us more enjoyable to be around you know.

Sid: Well, let me give you a real life illustration and assuming this was you how would you handle it.  I have a friend that’s an evangelist and one day his wife walked up after twenty years and marriage and three children and says, I’m sick of this life, I don’t love you I’m leaving she not only left him, she not only left the children, but she left the Lord.  And she went into a life of sin, and he did everything he knew, he believe she would come back, he prayed in the Spirit for hours at a time; he did everything, he confessed God’s word and every time he’d reach out to her she would not physically, but literally slap him in the face and says get on with your life.  Well he didn’t want to grant her a divorce because he’s believing for the restoration.  Its Supernatural. How can he walk in supernatural peace?  If that were you how could you walk in supernatural peace?

Larry: Yeah, that’s when it seems like you know you can’t lean unto your own understanding because I’ve had friends that exact same situation Sid happened to them as well.  And that’s when you know it comes down to trust in the Lord with all of your heart and not lean to your own understanding; you have to really have confidence in God that he’s going to take care of me.  Because one of the things that he spoke to me about walking in supernatural peace is He said, “Nobody can make you feel anyway, it’s a choice that you make.”  And so no matter what, even if my wife does that and walks away, I mean as hard as it may sound, I still have Jesus on the inside, I still have His peace on the inside; and I can actually use that to overcome the feelings of depression and discouragement that try and overwhelm.

Sid: Now, what about let’s take a particular case where that occurred in you know, people have free will, and the wife never comes back and they get that divorce, there’s a lot of hurt.  There is a natural process called the grieving process.  How does that fit in with this supernatural peace?

Larry: Well, I watched one of my friends go through that and he realized  you know, when God said “He bore my grief, that means okay, so I’m going to have this natural thoughts, like what’s this, it like God grieves when something doesn’t go good.  I’m going to grieve that this didn’t go the way that God wanted it, but God has a bigger plan and a bigger purpose.  And I remember watching my friend that had the exact same situation happen to him, the wife left, she went out and lived a world of sin and all of a sudden because he decided you know what God, You are my source and You’re my life and my peace, and that peace guarded him and put him in a position where God brought another lady into his life that was so wonderful and they ended up being married and they’re in the ministry today doing more than they ever did for God and so ecstatic and so happy and such peace in their marriage.  He just never thought it could be this good.  So you know there’s light at the end of the tunnel for people that face those things and that’s why we have this peace that can change the situation.

Sid Roth: Well, I just got back from a trip in New York and talk about a testing ground, Manhattan.  I mean I was listening to your material, but I hadn’t mastered it yet, so I repent publically.  I am convinced that I can live that way, and you are living that way and so many others are.  I’m convinced that you can live that way and that is that you have no more down days, you’ve not involved in strife, in hurt, in depression, in anger, and now that doesn’t mean you won’t get angry, but that means that you’re not going to lash out at people and stay that way all the time.  I mean, what a way to live, can you imagine how much more you’ll accomplish for the Lord.

Our Guest Dr. Chuck Missler

Sid: Now my guest, I’ve known about for many years, I’ve interviewed him previously; his name is Chuck Missler.  He has quite a background, he’s a Naval Academy graduate, a former Branch Chief for the Department of Guided Missiles, been on the Board of Director’s of twelve public companies.  He’s CEO of six of them.  He’s had a very high profile corporate career and quite a spiritual career; he has been affiliated with Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, California for many, many years.  Known as a Bible scholar and that’s why when I found out that he was getting involved in UFO’s.  I thought how does someone that’s such a Bible scholar get involved in UFO’s?  I mean I think in terms of fringe people are involved; how did you get involved in the study of UFO’s Chuck Missler?

Chuck: Well, probably the most meaningful one is in pursuit of my Expositional Commentary.  See for thirty years I was an active executive in the strategic arena obviously, as you just summarized.  But also throughout that period even though that was my vocation, my primary hobby happened to be Bible studies, I took them and began to increasing take them seriously and I developed a following of sorts; I taught the Monday night studies at Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa for about twenty-five years.  And so it was about twenty years ago that I sort of shifted, made my hobby my primary career; and so for the last twenty-eight almost thirty years I’ve been publishing verse by verse commentaries on the Bible.  And I was getting and doing all of that I became very sensitized to a very peculiar briefing that Jesus gave His disciples.  Four disciples came to Him to you know to inquire about his second coming and he detailed the preceding events of that and that’s recorded in three of the Gospels; in Matthew 24 & 25, Mark 13 and also Luke 21.  And in that it’s interesting He cautioned them and said take heed that nobody deceive you and that’s going to be an important caution here.  But then He makes a strange remark, He says but of the days of Noah were so shall the days of the coming of Son of Man be.  And I understand what He’s talking about there, it turns out you’ve really got to understand what brought about the flood of Noah, which of course is all dealt with in Genesis 6 and following.  When you look at Genesis 6 the first two verses in your Bible are actually one sentences; and it says “That it come to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them that the sons of god saw the daughters of men and that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose.”  Now the sons of God in the Hebrew, Benaiah Elohim, it’s the term used distinctly of a direct creation of God; and therefore it’s the term used of angels all through the old testament that term is used of angels; in Job three times, and so forth and it’s also in some extra biblical terms, things like the book of Enoch and others the Septuagint and so forth.  And so the point is that’s a term of angels.  Now what’s so strange about that passage is that these creatures that apparently were some kinds of angels, it turns out that they are fallen angels generated some high breds.  They took daughters of men and when you get down about verse four it says, “There were Nephilim in those days.”  The word Nephilim is a Hebrew word, it comes from the verb nafall, the fallen ones, is really what it implies.  In the Greek translation of the Old Testament that term is used as giantess, which most people think means giants and its transliterated that way in your English Bible but the actual word in the Greek is Gegos, its the same word that Greek Mythology it the same word that Greek Mythology uses for Titans, that’s creatures emerging from the interbreeding of Greek gods and human beings.  Eugenia means breeder kind, the English word is gene and genetics comes from the same root. The point is in the Greek translation emphasizes that the earth born.  So these fallen ones, these high bred that derive from some kind of strange comingling which comes between the fallen angels and human girls generated a breed that were the mighty ones.  The apparently were giants, the word giant picked that up but is actually a transliteration rather than translation.  But the point is these strange creatures turn out to be the reason that God sent the flood of Noah.  The human…

Sid: Now I have never heard that, I never even heard that speculated upon before.

Chuck: Now that’s one of the interesting things about this area because what I’ve just summarized superficially one could call the angel view of Genesis 6.  In most seminaries they don’t teach that because they teach a contrived alternate view that’s called the line of Seth.  Most people have been taught that what that really refers to is the lines of Seth and so forth, which is a non Biblical, they say “The sons of god, that really belongs to the Sethite leadership and the daughters of Adam really means the daughters of Cain.   That’s not what the text says but that what they contrive.  You see back in the fifth century Celsus and the Julian apostate used the traditional belief to attack Christianity and Julius overcame this resorted to this Sethite contrived idea as a more comfortable way of explaining that passage.  And then Cyril of Alexandria and others used it to repudiate the Orthodox view.  Augustan came along, he embraced the Sethites theory and that prevailed all through the middle ages.  So most seminaries teach the Sethite Theory which is itself is fine except they never most of them don’t even mention the existence of the so called angel view.

Sid: Well, listen I have studied what you have been teaching on the two CD’s that we’re making available called “Return of the Nephilim,” and it makes much more sense to me than what’s taught in the Bible institutes.

Chuck: Oh, I have to tell you that when we publish some of these things, I got calls from senior executives in publishing houses that even though they are in executive capacity, they are seminary graduates and they were angry, not at me, but they realized that they hadn’t had the benefit of either exposure to these ideas; in seminary you would think that a good seminary would say hey here are the two view and here at the pluses and the minuses of each.  They don’t do that, they re just sell the Sethite theory and sweep the other one under the carpet.   And the tragedy of that is that there are about twelve specific reasons why the Sethite Theory is not Biblical at all.  The angel view, while weird, I have to admit it sounds pretty uncomfortable is the one that, not only is it in the text in Genesis 6, it is substantiated or collaborated at least two maybe three times in the New Testament.

Sid: Well, you know Chuck the thing that gets me is that there is a cover-up of that particular area.  A blindness if you will and there’s also a cover-up for instance, in 1947 most people have heard that there was some very strange phenomena that occurred in Roswell, New Mexico involving UFOs and I wasn’t aware of it, but this information  this happened in ’47 and it’s being classified even as we’re speaking.  We can’t get the facts.

Chuck: And one of the shocking things that I discovered because I was deeply in the classified community professionally, I was Chairman and CEO of four different publically traded defense contractors and one of those companies particularly was in the deep declassified program.  One of the things I discovered while in that world is that the Roswell incident enjoys a security classification that is even higher than our most sensitive warheads, the W88; that came up because of a slipup; they won’t even suppose to reveal that it was enjoyed that level of classification, but it turns out that it does.  And why it does is a mystery to everyone to the few people that do know about it, we have been unable to determine why it is even classified at all, that’s what sixty years ago.  How can that technology or otherwise somehow be a grave concern to the US?  But it’s clear that it is classified and it’s also clearly documented evidence of again, again, and again where the government will intervene to cover-up certain instances.  And Roswell isn’t the only one, but it’s of course the most notorious one.

Sid: You know well in these two CDs that I’ve been listening to, you do an excellent job of teaching in this area.  I mean I feel that this is some of the freshest stuff that I have seen in a long time of Bible teaching as well as instances.  For incidence in July 1947 and the Roswell, New Mexico there was a colonel involved; Colonel William Blanchard and what did he say had occurred?

Chuck: Yeah, well the first announcement was that of course they had some kind of alien crash of some kind.  But then the overseeing command the next day countermanded that press release and published a different one saying that it was just a weather balloon.  And that started a whole series over the years, the air force has continually, you know issued one cover story after another and each one is actually more clumsy than the previous one.

Sid: Well, well the thing that’s so amazing to me is with the new digital imaging technology we have there was a general, what’s his name?  General Ramey that you talked about at got some amazing information from.

Chuck: Yeah, during the press conference there General Ramey, I was giving his cover story, he happened to be holding, crumpled in his hand a memo that he apparently had in his hand from just before the picture was taken, and the quote that was revealed by the advanced digital editing technique was that they could read some of the word and it said, “The Victims of the wreck and the disk they will ship.”  So the point is that the illusions to victims of a wreck and the fact that they are going to ship the disk, this vehicle whatever they found and apparently they ship it to Wright-Patterson Air Force base is alluded to or implied by what they can read from this memo; that happened to be in General Ramey’s hand.  So that event, the revealing of that thing by advanced digital techniques that were its sometimes called the smoking gun, it reveals that the Air Force was lying, they were trying to cover this all up.  And for them to do that back you know in ‘47 is one thing, but for that to enjoy still even to this day, a security classification that certainly at least one president and four congressmen have tried to crack and have been unsuccessful.

Sid: Well, President Obama has publically said that he’s going to let this classified information out.  Do you think that it will be?

Chuck: Well, I personally don’t have a very high regard for anything that Obama swings what he says and what he does is not connected in so many other areas I don’t know what to make of that.  The fact that he is saying that I would try to study because there must be a reason for him doing that.

Sid: I tell you what, our time is slipping away and you have such fascinating Bible information, and investigative reporting information about what I believe is ready to happen any minute now on planet earth.

Sid Roth welcomes Peggy Joyce Ruth

SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Peggy Joyce Ruth. And I am just overwhelmed over that Thanksgiving miracle. But I mean, you have lived in your own family so many miracles. No wonder that you got that 91st Psalm so deep inside of you and the teaching is so rich on the 91st Psalm. Tell me about your niece, Julie.

PEGGY: My niece was 10 years old and she was thrown from a horse and hit her head on a large rock. Well by the time we got to the larger city where they had taken her they wheeled her bus and I didn’t recognize her. I didn’t even, her head had swollen and the doctor immediately told us that she would not live through the night. Well my brother said, “We have a covenant, a Psalm 91 covenant.” And he said, the doctor said, “Well don’t even try to expect her to live because she will be brain damaged. She will have loss of eyesight. The bone behind her ear is completely crushed. She will not be able to hear.” And my brother turned to us and said, “I have a covenant with Psalm 91 and my daughter will be fine and she will not have brain damage.” In seven days Julie walked out of that hospital, no brain damage, no loss of eyesight, no loss of hearing, and it was a miracle.

SID: And no fair for you as you begin to understand the covenant that you have. Tell me about that woman where the rapist come into her apartment.

PEGGY: Yes. That was Julie Patty and she lived in Fort Worth, Texas. She was getting ready for church. Someone knocked on her door. She just assumed it was one of her friends. She opened the door and this man ran in and grabbed her and took her into the bedroom, and he was prepared to rape her. And she started confessing Psalm 91, and he would just kind of lose his focus, and she said he would just kind of shake his head like he couldn’t figure out what was happening. And this went on for 45 minutes, and she kept confessing Psalm 91. And he would attack her again and he would lose his focus. And one of those times she was able to get out the door. And he had raped many, many women this way. She was the only one that he had not been able to rape and because of Psalm 91.

SID: How does Psalm 91 work with terminal diseases? Like tell me about the woman that had lupus.

PEGGY: Yes, Rene. She’s a good friend of mine. And when she went to the hospital they told her that she had less than three months to live. They told her to go home and get your affairs in order. Well I tell you what, she started quoting Psalm 91, but yet she was getting worse by the day. And the doctor said, “This is gonna happen. You’re gonna get worse and worse until you just pass away.” And she said, “No. I’ve got a Psalm 91 covenant.” And it took months. She did confess this covenant for months. But gradually she started turning around. Her kidneys started functioning again. Her liver began to function again. She got completely well. The doctor finally said, “I can’t explain this, but you have no lupus working in your body.” That was 10 years ago. She went with me to the Philippines about two years ago and we went over and got to witness to the people over there, and it was just wonderful to see her so vibrantly going for God.

SID: Peggy Joyce, for over 35 years you have been studying the 91st Psalm. You have seen person after person rescued out of disaster by this 91st Psalm, starting with yourself. I mean, you must be one grateful person. Would you teach one or two lines from Psalm 91 right now?

PEGGY: Yes, I’ll be happy to. I love Psalm 91, every bit of it. But Verses 5 and 6 are so special because it covers every evil known to man. It talks about, first of all, the terror by night, which includes all of the evil that comes through what another person can do to harm you. It talks about the errors that fly by the day, all of the assignments of the enemy. Then it talks about the pestilence, all the sickness and disease. And then last, it talks about destruction, and that takes in all of the natural disasters, the hurricanes and the tornadoes, and the car wrecks. And it says, “That a thousand will fall at your side, 10,000 at your right hand. But if you dwell in the shelter and believe God’s word,” it says, “it will not approach you for any purpose.” That’s a tremendous promise.

SID: This is God’s promise to you. With long life you will be satisfied. Satisfied. Why? Because God loves you and you have become a disciple, a student of God’s word, and you have a relationship with God, and the relationship begins by telling God that you are sorry for all the mistakes you’ve made. I actually met people that said, “I didn’t make any mistakes.” Oh, you never stole anything? You never lied? You never looked at pornography? You never had sex outside of marriage? You never were addicted to anything? No, no, I wasn’t. Well that’s wonderful. How about if you compare yourself with pure love. Have you been pure love? Of course not. God is love. Compared to God you’re filthy. Repent your sins. Tell Him you’re sorry and believe that the blood of Jesus washes away your sins and then when you’re clean God promises to come live inside of you. Say that out loud and I promise you He promises you with long life you will be satisfied.