Monthly Archives: April 2021

Our Guest David Hernandez

DAVID: And so as I’m ministering, I’m preaching my message. And I like to use, what’s called spirit-led structure. You set it up and then the Holy Spirit can knock it down if he wants. So I’m over there ministering. And I remember hearing the words coming out of my mouth, but it was as if I was a listener with those in the congregation, listening to me speak. I remember hearing myself interrupting my own sermon. And it was as if the Holy Spirit had taken hold of me. I understand that we have self control. It is a fruit of the spirit, but this was not a loss of control. This was an overtaking, being controlled from the deepest part of who I am.

SID: You were operating out of the spirit, not within the brain and the flesh.

DAVID: Right. It was a different function. And I remember when that anointing comes on me, I become a different person. And so I remember in the middle of my sermon, I start calling this woman up and I knew that I knew that I knew that she would be healed. And so she comes to the front I very gently took her cane, set it aside. And I told her to receive her miracle. Right there in front of everyone. She began to move her right arm, her right hand and lift her right leg. She hadn’t been able to do that for years, move like that. And there was a collective gasp and sense of awe that came over the congregation. By the end of that revival weekend, she was dancing on the platform during the worship and the people’s faith was stirred. But that’s what comes, things like that, they’re a manifestation of living in that inner reality with the spirit

SID: The oneness you talk about, that’s what you’re explaining right now. When people read your book and you explain how to pray in the Spirit in the book. Can every true believer enter this oneness, this surrender that God has directed you to?

DAVID: Absolutely. First John 2:27 says we’ve all received that anointing within. We’ve all received that stirring within us, the Holy Spirit residing. Now, some people want to know, “Well, how do I activate that? Because I know I’ve had that deposit.” Well, think about this, first Thessalonians 5:23 alludes to the fact that I am a spirit who has a soul that lives in a body. My body is my earth suit, my soul, my mind, my will, my emotions. And my spirit is my connection with God. So the key then is surrendering the outer shells of who you are to that inner reality. John 7:38, out of your innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.

DAVID: Surrendering to that innermost reality is the essence of the Christian life. It’s not something special for people who sit on Sid Roth’s program. It’s not something special for the guy who stands at the pulpit with a microphone. This is to be, the early church understood this. This is why the gospel exploded onto the scene in the face of persecution, because they grabbed ahold of the reality that all believers get their identity from deep within, not judging themselves based upon the outer shells, but pulling from that inner reality and recognizing, “I am one with the Holy Spirit, I am one with God. I fellowship with him already. And it’s just a matter of releasing that through surrender.”

SID: The most amazing thing is some of you may have tuned in late, or you take a look at David and you say, “Well, he’s a pretty young guy. I don’t know if he can teach me anything.” How many years have you walked with the Holy Spirit?

Our Guest Katie Souza

SID: Yeah. You know, Katie has researched these scriptures, but this is something I’ve always wondered. Moses, Caleb, they were elderly men, and their strength wasn’t abated. Even their eyesight didn’t even fade. They somehow knew this secret.

KATIE: Yes, they did. The devil even fought over Moses’s body. Think about that. Why did he want to do that? Probably wanted to look into how he stayed so young.

Caleb gives us the answer. Remember it says that when they went into the Promised Land, that Caleb went to Joshua and said, “Okay, I’m 85 years old. I want my inheritance. Because 45 years ago, Moses told me that my inheritance was the hill country of Hebron,” which is where the Anakim, the giants lived. Okay? He told Joshua, he said, “I’m 85 now, but I’m just as strong as I was back then 45 years ago. In fact, I’m just as strong going into battle as I am coming out of battle.”

Now, what was his secret? He’s an 85-year-old in a 45-year-old’s body. What’s his secret? He was from the tribe of Judah. It’s praise. See, when we praise, when we worship, it brings in the glory.

SID: Okay. Now, tell me, very briefly, and this is outrageous, the woman with the dead bones.

KATIE: Okay. There was a woman named Terry Woods. I’m in Oregon with Steve Schultz. I’m doing a conference. The power shows up. I’m walking in this revelation already over the spirit of death. I say, “Whoever got a miracle now,” because I started operating in miracles, I said, “Come up to the front.” You can watch this on YouTube. Every video, every miracle we’ve ever had is on YouTube. Okay.

She comes up. Her name is Terry. She had what’s called a dead bone. An MRI and an X-ray proved that the ball at the top of her arm was completely dead. But even though it was dead, it caused her excruciating pain, like 10 level plus pain. She was scheduled to have a surgery to try to do something to fix it. Even though she had that pain, she could bend her elbow here, but she couldn’t raise her arm.

I come up and I said, “Whoever’s 100% healed, come up.” She walks up to the stage, looks at me and goes, “100%.” She’s bawling. I call her up. She tells the story. I said, “How’s the pain now, girl?” She goes, “No pain.” I go, “Can you move your arm?” She proceeds to throw her arms up and down…. a victory stance, and a thousand people going crazy.

SID: But she can’t do that with this—

KATIE: No, no. In fact, she canceled the surgery that she was scheduled to have.

SID: Sounds good to me. When we return, Katie will break off the spirit of death on your health, mind, family and finances. Be right back

SID: Hello. Sid Roth here talking with Katie Souza. This is ridiculous, Katie.

KATIE: Yeah.

SID: A lady shook off the spirit of death?

KATIE: Oh yeah.

SID: Tell me….

KATIE: I actually shook it off her through the power of God. Her name was Marilyn. I’m in a meeting. I’m taking questions from people afterwards. She stands in back of me, waiting in line. She tugs on my shirt, finally, to get my attention. I turned around and I said, “What can I do for you?” She said, “I am dying.”

I looked at her, and she was right. Sid, she looked just like the man in Job 33. Her bones were sticking out. Her flesh was clinging to her body. She was gray. Her hair was sparse. She did look like she was literally at death’s door.

Then she began to explain how she had radon poisoning and also mold poisoning, and how the doctors had treated her, but she could never recover. She said, “I’m weak. I can’t drive. I can’t get myself ready. I barely want to eat. Nothing satisfies me.” She goes, “I know I’m dying.”

As she’s telling me the story, Sid, I see a vision in my mind. I see a vision of me grabbing hold of her and violently shaking her, while commanding the spirit of death to come out. Now, I don’t recommend this for the audience. Okay. They have to have a word of knowledge before they do it.

Our Guest Natasha Schedrivaya

DONNA: Natasha. Natasha. I want you to stay with us. We’re going to take a quick break, but we’ll be back in just a moment.


DONNA: Welcome back to “Something More.” I’m here with Natasha. And she has a wonderful story that she wants to tell.

NATASHA: Yes. Just not long ago I was up in the, above the [inaudible] circle area where we have mission work and churches. And during the Sunday service I was talking about God’s goodness, and telling the stories from the Bible, and giving testimonies, stories from the people who have experienced God’s miraculous power. After that, And I prayed for their healing. A general prayer. I didn’t lay hands on everybody. So, after the service, a lady runs to me, and she says, She’s doing this; she’s shaking her hand, her arm. And she says, “Can you imagine when you said that God is so good, and you were talking about how He is loving, and how He is kind, and how He wants to heal me, Here I am for 15 years having this arthritis and swollen – uh?

DONNA: Knuckles? [laughs]

NATASHA: Knuckles. Knuckles. She says she lived with the pain and took a lot of medicine. And she said, “Suddenly I saw that why in the world I’m carrying this sickness if God loved me so much that He already took, Jesus took upon Himself all the symptoms and all the pain?” And she said, “And here I am standing during general prayer while you are praying for everybody. And I’m shaking off this sickness.” And she says, “It doesn’t belong to me. It doesn’t belong to me.” And she comes to me and she shows me, and I don’t see any swollenness. And I asked the pastor to come. And I said, “Pastor. Look at this lady.” And the pastor starts praising God. And he says, “Well, the church has been praying for this lady,” because she had, you know, pain and arthritis. And so he saw, he confirmed that the healing took place, the miracle took place. And this is how unique each person’s response is to God’s goodness. If I would just preach the whole sermon about what you need to do, what steps everybody needs to take, it’s almost like giving the same pill to everybody.

DONNA: Yeah. Yeah.

NATASHA: But once you give them the revelation of God’s goodness people know what to do. You know, they immediately, when they trust God, they know in their heart how to respond, and how to shake out that sickness and make this healing a reality for them.

DONNA: Yes. Yes. And as you said, you take it upon yourself. Your task is to make Him irresistible.


DONNA: And then they trust Him, and miracles follow. What did you say? A chaos of miracles? [laughs]

NATASHA: A chaos of miracles takes place.

DONNA: I love it. I love it.

NATASHA: We are so focused on order, you know, especially in Russia. You know it’s a country of law and order. So we just want order during the service. But once you really bring the revelation of God you cannot control that, when people get their revelation, and when they start responding in faith. The miracles start happening during, before the prayer.

DONNA: Yes. And something so important, You know how when you want something it’s different than when you long for something.

NATASHA: That’s true. Mm-hmm.