Sid:  I’ve been so excited all this week about this end-time mentoring tool that we’re making available by Mike Shreve, it’s called “God’s Promises for Your Children.”  Now Mike is living a prophetic life because Mike has had to have miracle after miracle after miracle.  Number one, they weren’t even supposed to be able to have children, and then their two children both of them, there was attempts on their life before they even were born.  Your daughter was supposed to have spinal bifida, your son should have had brain damage and as a matter of fact the spinal bifida would have stopped your daughter from being able to dance.  She’s a dancer today; being deprived of oxygen with your son that should have made him very slow mentally and how bright is your son right now Mike Shreve?

Mike:  Well, he’s pretty much a straight “A” student and he’s got almost a photographic memory.

Sid:    So what the devil meant for evil by praying these promises…and what about your son had a physical problem he was a toe walker.

Mike:  Yes, I had never heard of that until it happened for him, he never walked on his heals he tip toed continuously. For about seven years we prayed but we didn’t really war over the situation as I believe we need to. Finally I resorted to possibility of a surgeon taking care of it and we went to a large hospital in a major city and the doctor said, “He would have to clip the tendons in the back of his foot and it may make him worse off and he may end up in a wheelchair.  And while he was talking to me I heard the voice of the Lord speak to my spirit and He said, “Get out of here and don’t ever come back.”  And so I left that hospital knowing that the only answer was the supernatural one, just a little after that I was in a conference with a number of other ministers and we brought my son up and warred over him and intercession and sought God and claimed the promise.  And incidentally there’s a promise in Psalm 91 where God said “No evil shall be fall thee, neither shall any plague come neigh your dwelling and that includes your children that are in that dwelling with you.”  And I said “Well, Lord we’re supposed to be free from sickness and disease and infirmity,” You said “No plague will come neigh your dwelling” and we prayed probably ten, fifteen minutes over him passionately.   Well, the next day he was flat footed and has never walked on his toes since, it was absolutely a miracle, God lengthened his tendons immediately be the power of prayer.”

Sid:  You know that when your son was just four years of age he had a heavenly visitation and he was told by the Lord not to watch bad TV, why is that so important not to watch bad TV?

Mike:  I believe it’s because that’s how the enemy is transferring spirits into children’s lives.  You know for instance one of the biggest plagues of our generation is the increase of sexual perversity. What happens is that they see these Hollywood stars that are cast in roles where they are in a situation of indulging in sexual perversity.  Maybe not blatantly in a program that children would normally watch.  But sometimes subtly and by even laughing with comedy characters that are putting on like they’re sexually perverse it opens the door to accepting that kind of lifestyle and it just transfer that spirit right into a child’s life or mind they wonder why they get wooed that direction, it was opened up to them through the television and that’s just one example of many.

Sid:  And why is it so important not to speak even if it’s true, a negativity, about your children or grandchildren?

Mike:  Well, the old word is WYSIWYG, is What You Say Is What You Get, life and death are in the power of the tongue. One of the most powerful promises given for our children, and there are 65 specific promises God’s given the children of His people is found in Deuteronomy 30 verses 19 & 20.  This was where God was rehearsing in the minds of the children of Israel the importance of making a choice between the blessing or the curse being passed down through the family line.  And He said, “I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you that I have set for you life and death, blessing and cursing therefore choose life that both you and your descendants may live; that you may love the Lord your God that you may obey His voice, that you may cling to Him for He is Your life and the length of your days.”  Well the key thought there is where God says, “Choose life that both you and your descendant’s may live.”  What does that mean to choose life?  Well, God is talking more than just physical life, He’s talking about the things that give us a spiritual well being or mental well being as well.  There’s things that feel death to us emotionally and mentally; like for instance hatred, anger.  The Bible says that if we hate our brother we abide in death, it has a debt dealing impact on the soul, it deadens our inner being with attitudes that carry us away from God, depression, discouragement, fear etcetera.   And God is say, “it’s up to you to choose life”, and when you say “I choose life” you’re in essence saying “I choose all the life giving attributes of God that fill the heart, that fill the mind with life giving influence.  I choose joy, I choose peace, I choose victory”, that’s what you’re saying when you say “I choose life.”  I choose the character of God, I choose the nature of God and that’s your way of passing down that blessing to your offspring when you say “I speak over my son, I speak over my daughter and I choose life for our family.”  Then that covers every arena of life.

Sid:  Now explain to me this end time tool that you’ve just, it’s literally just off the press, “God’s Promises for Your Children.”  You know I have to be candid with you when I first saw the book I thought oh it’s another book on prayer, we know we’re supposed to pray, but no it isn’t this is so practical, explain.

Mike: Well, this generation is under attack, this generation is so much a part of God’s plan, I believe this is the final generation that will see the compilation of many prophecies and I believe this is the generation that will see the Lord Jesus Christ return.  And one of the promises that God gave at the beginning of the new covenant era, Peter preached about it when he stood up on the day of Pentecost he said, “This is that which was spoken of by the Prophet Joel in the last days says God I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh”, and then here it is He said, “Your sons and daughters will prophecy and your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams.”  Well that was the beginning of that era of time called the last days.  Well, we are in the last of the last days. So this is going to intensify even more and it’s a time when God I believe is intending to raise up our sons and daughters as the prophetic voices that will bring in that last harvest that we’re going to see right before the coming of the Messiah.  And so it’s all the more important to take these 65 promises and pray them over your sons and your daughters that this final determination of God will take place.  I believe that it’s in our hands, we can either sit by idly, and watch the enemy take over the lives of our children, or we can say “That’s enough, enough, enough, it’s enough, I’m praying these promises into their lives and watch God watch over His word to perform it.”

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