Monthly Archives: August 2022

Our Guest Jim Maxim

JIM: And Sid, she used to go like this to me. She said, “Jimmy, it was like this, that when I was praising God, I saw His index finger come down and touch your left eye. And when I saw that, Jimmy, I knew you were going to be okay. I knew that God was doing something.” But Sid, what she didn’t know was that when, as I was in my coma and I was falling through darkness and, Sid, it was as real as me talking with you right now, I reached out my arms on both sides, Sid, to kind of break the fall. I was looking for a railing or something, but there was nothing there. And as I

kept falling, I was completely scared. I’m a big guy, Sid, and I could usually take care of myself, but I knew this time I had gone one step too far.

JIM: I was in a place that was not meant for mankind, and I knew it. I just didn’t know what it was. I had never read the Bible. I had never been to a prayer meeting or Christian church as we know it. I didn’t know that there were wicked spirits and high places, demonic forces that were living inside of me. I had no knowledge of that. But Sid as I was falling through darkness, my fall stopped. And I was in like a black room and I looked over on my left hand side and for the first time in my life, I saw two creatures that were standing right there and I knew they were going to do something to me. I had no idea they were demons. I had never understood that concept. How could I, I had never read the Bible, not exposed to that, but those two things, whatever they were, they were real.

JIM: And they were going to hurt me. There was a pull, like a magnetic pull, trying to take me back behind this wall back there, whether it was Hell, I don’t know, but I know they wanted to hurt me. I had no understanding, Sid, but those were the demons I learned later on as I studied the Bible that were living inside of me. The Bible says, “Give no place to the devil.” Well, I had given them every place. So they had every right. They had a claim on my soul, and Sid, as my mother was home praying for me, as she said that she saw this, God’s index finger touch me, as she was home crying out to God. For me, the value, the power of prayer. Jude tells us “Have mercy on those who doubt, snatching others as though taking them out of the fire.”

JIM: That’s what she was doing through prayer, Sid. That’s why prayer is so powerful. And Sid, as she was praying for me, it was then that Jesus came to me. But as he came to me, the essence of the discussion, what He didn’t say, is what shocked me the most, Sid.

SID: What?

JIM: Why should I help you now? You loser. You fool. You laughed at me.

SID: He didn’t say that?

JIM: No. I might have said that. You mocked your mother. You mocked me. My people, but Sid, it was like a liquid sea of love when I looked at Jesus and he said to me, “Jimmy, you’ve been playing around long enough, do you want to continue?” And I said, “Jesus, I don’t.” But I prayed that prayer in jail, get me out of this jam and I’ll go straight. Well, here I am again.

Our Guest Dr. Bill Hamon

BILL: Don’t let anything, devil, man, flesh, fear, don’t let anything hinder you or stop you from being a part and being one of those instruments in God’s hand for this last day and hour. Your reward in heaven is going to depend how much you co-labor with Jesus in fulfilling his third reformation purpose and the church is being prepared for 2000 years and we’re getting ready to see the greatest demonstration of God’s glory ever recorded and the more miracles, signs and wonders. Listen stick with the church. Stick with God’s people and fulfill God’s will.

SID: Amen. What do mean when you say we need the Caleb attitude?

BILL: Well, I had several of the prophesies say that God would give me a Caleb anointing and when I turned 85 I said, “Okay, I made it. I’m like Caleb now, I’m 87.” But it said we are well able. Caleb and Joshua said we are well … it’s impossible. It’s ridiculous. There’s no way we can do this but he said, don’t make what we think. God said we could and we would and we’re going to do it.

BILL: And he said we are well able and they took that attitude and God’s raising up a well-abled people that says we can heal the sick. We can cast out devils. We can do the works of Christ and they’re not going to be held back by modernistic preachers or dead theologians. They’re going to rise up in the spirit and demonstrate the kingdom of God. Holy Spirit’s going to start spurring. Now we’re getting ready for an awakening.

BILL: Now an awakening’s different in the sense that awakening is a sovereign move of God that sweeps through the land, brings conviction, God consciousness and we’ve had three awakenings in times past where conviction came after much prayer and a lot of repentance and things,

BILL: But there’s an awakening coming where it’s going to be like a 1000-foot tidal wave sweeping across the earth and Gods going to bring holy conviction. He’s going to manifest his glory in ways that we’ve never seen, signs and wonders. Isaiah where it said, behold I do a new thing. You haven’t seen it before. It’s never been before but in the third reformation … it’s all new stuff. It’s all new stuff. It’s not [inaudible]. It’s brand new stuff God’s going to do in finalizing his purpose.

Our Guest Donna Grisham

SID: But you had no choice because, what happened?

DONNA: I ended up pregnant and I ended up 25 weeks pregnant. And I don’t know if people realize how far along that is. A baby can survive at 25 weeks. My mom came, we end up going to the doctor. I don’t remember her driving to the doctor. I don’t remember us walking in the doctor’s office.

DONNA: I don’t remember being in the doctor’s office, Sid. The only thing I remember is walking out of the doctor’s office. So I had to somehow get in that doctor’s office. As we were walking out, my mother was walking before me and my mother said, “I ought to just leave and never come back.” And at that time, at that point, that even broke me even more. That was just another breaking, of just ripping my heart out. And she made the decision to take me to the abortion clinic in Birmingham, Alabama. I ended up having what they call a saline abortion. A saline abortion is where they inject the woman in the womb and saline, the solution, it’s a salt solution that goes into the womb, into the abdomen. And the baby drinks that, and it kills the baby, burns the baby from the inside out.

DONNA: And I started having pains and my mom had to take me to the hospital, which was the Baptist Medical Center Hospital in Birmingham. They took me there. Now, let me go back to the Planned Parenthood Clinic. Planned Parenthood, the clinic never told me that it was a baby. They told me it was a blob of tissue. I give birth to a baby, 25 week baby. The nurse was supposed to close the curtain and she didn’t close the curtain. I happened to look over and in a jar was my baby and I lost it. I commenced to screaming. I was saying, “I want my baby.” Nurses, interns, doctors, everything, everyone was just coming around me trying to quiet me up, “Be quiet, shh, shh.” And the doctor said, “Close that curtain now.” And the nurse closed the curtain, and she got in my face. She said, “You shut up. You’re going to be just fine.” And when she said those words, I went black because I guess they must have gave me something to knock me out. And the next thing I remembered, I’m in the backseat of my mom’s car on the way back.

SID: And there’s a dark side, many dark sides of murdering children, but there’s a dark side. Most people don’t talk about. There is a trauma of the mother and some are totally aware of it and some live with it and no wonder why they are the way they are. But you can’t murder your own child without having a consequence. What was yours?

DONNA: I lived with nightmares. Sid, I would have nightmares at night of babies drowning in blood. And I would try to save these babies and I’d wake up with sweat. I would have sweat all over me and I would just… All of a sudden the reality of what I had done. It was like, “That’s my baby.” I ended up in the hospital numerous times, numerous times trying to commit suicide. And honestly, I look back and I couldn’t even do that right.