Monthly Archives: December 2017

Our Guest Leif Hetland

SID: It’s hard to imagine, Leif, the way you were. You were a quiet Baptist Norwegian. I asked you a question the other day. I said, “You’ve had so many supernatural experiences. What is the most supernatural experience you ever had?” You didn’t blink an eye and you said, “When I was immersed in the love of God.” Tell me about it.


LEIF: Yes. It was a baptism of love, is what I call it, when the liquid love went into the deepest cracks of my life and the perfect love of God just took away the fear in my life. I’ve always been motivated, but I was motivated out of fear. It was something I had to do. I started then to receive his love then become love and now give love. So when I went, even as I started to travel into the Middle East and different places, I realized I have authority over what I love. I genuinely love these people, but the very love connected me to people, and then at the next moment God started to surprise with signs, wonders and miracles that gave such an openness that if I didn’t have the love and I came in fear, it’s like a dog that comes along. He can kind of smell if you are afraid. This was kind of how I operated before because there was a root fear in my life, and as a result of the reaction I got even from some of the Muslim community, that now when I had a perfect love and I started to love them with a perfect love, that perfect love started to change the atmosphere and take away fear. So it was not just that I was changed, the atmosphere around me started to change.


SID: Would you be reaching so many Muslims in so many hot spots in the world if God hadn’t shown him? And I love the way he says this. He now has the heart of a lamb, the heart of God’s love and the authority of the lion, and that proper mix causes him to become a giant slayer.


LEIF: For a long time, I tried to learn to be a lion. I went out there and I tried to roar, but it didn’t come from the lamb’s heart. So when the very lamb’s heart, and Jesus is both the lamb and the lion, and when I recognized that’s what the love did, when I got that lamb’s heart and I started to see people the way he was seeing them, feeling what he was feeling, then I started to say what he was saying, and when I roared, people started to gather instead of scatter because it came from the lamb’s heart. Suddenly you started to see there was authority in it. The atmosphere is changing because the authority came from love. And God is love, and when that love comes in place, because he loves these people, he wants them free, he wants them healed, and he wants them delivered, and that’s when that giant slayer comes in. Who is this giant that is trying to come against these people? Who is this giant that has crippled people with fear and in bondage? And that’s when that comes from the lamb’s nature because it recognizes that and feels that. Then the authority, you’re sending that on the inside, it is time to roar. It’s time to make a difference. It’s time speak to the giant instead of about the giant.


SID: And I hear you talking about, obviously you’re taking the story of David and Goliath, and applying it. How did God show you to put this together? I know you told me you were speaking for a school of students of the Spirit and they started to ask you how you could go to such dark places where it’s so life-threatening, lead a million Muslims to know the Messiah. And you started teaching on David and Goliath.


LEIF: I realized that what these people were looking for was just an encounter. Like what was the one encounter, and that is very important. But then as they looked at one of my videos, these students started to say, okay, we are interested now because we’re all facing giants. We all need a breakthrough in our life. So we are interested in how did you do it? And I didn’t even realize it was just the wisdom. As I started to say, the first thing I did, and it was kind of humorous. And I started to describe, I showed up and they all laughed. But then as we were walking in our life is [the fact] that you are not showing up. If I hadn’t taken the airline ticket, gone over there when there was a crisis, and faced that giant, I would have never saw the giant. But then we started out practically speaking in their life, if that was finances or addiction, pornography, things that they were struggling with, what are some of those areas you didn’t show up [to face the giant]. And then I went into the second, what is the next battle that you are fighting that you show up for the right battle. So I kind of just started, practically speaking. But then I started to hear it was the most life-transformational teaching they had heard. And I thought a lot of my kind of petty messages where they had encountered, they laid on the floor, had the fire had encountered, that was going to be the most transformational. Now they say, when you, instead of us watching you being giant slayers, when you showed us how to be a giant slayer and dealing with the giants in our lives, in our family, in our community, that’s what changed us. And now we have the tools on a daily basis so that we can wake up and face our giants, not just face them, but also to kill the giants. And that was my joy. When I started to hear the stories of other giant slayers and their giants coming down, and the testimonies that was being released, it encouraged me to write and say I want more people to experience this.


SID: You know, when you say, I want to look at people the way Jesus looks at people, I believe you. I believe you’re doing that. But you had a bit of a problem with this autistic kid who was drawing attention to himself, I mean, not intentionally. It’s a sad situation and you’re trying to give a talk in a large congregation. What happened?


LEIF: We had just been in Bangkok for two days and through the whole teaching and worship there was this yelling and screaming all throughout the event. And to be honest with you, it felt like the dove was leaving and pigeons was coming in. I started to sense this irritation.


SID: And you felt things dropping on you. No.


LEIF: That’s kind of how it felt. But then it was almost like, he says, Leif, when you’re looking at that boy and looking at the mother, I want you to see him the way that I see him, and I want you to think about him the way I think. So in the middle of my own irritation that still small voice whispered. And in the next moment we were going to pray and all these people came forward. He said, “I felt the Holy Spirit say, I want you just to sit down.” And I sat down, and I started to feel this mother taking the boy home at night. For all these years the boy has not been able to talk through the mother, the boy looking into the mother’s face and then in the next moment, he started to hit her. So this thing, I just captured and I started to feel, first of all, what Papa God feels, what happened to this girl and to this boy. But in the next moment I started to feel this boy and the frustration not being able to communicate and horrific things. And as I sat there, the boy started to fight himself through the mom’s arms. This is front of everybody. And he started to crawl up on my lap and he put his legs around me.


SID: You know what, I happen to believe that that love you were feeling went out of you like an arrow right into him.


LEIF: I believe the same thing. And what happened even when you watched the boy, because when I just got both the video and the picture, but when the boy first starts, he first screams and hits, but then he starts to change. He starts to look me in the face. This is in front of everybody in the room. And he starts to touch me, and he starts to look and he stares. And that night, as I was saying, he sat for an hour and 40 minutes. So it’s not just for a short minute. But the whole countenance of the boy changed. The whole nature of him changed and then his face changed, and you could see it on his face. And then later on, that’s when the mom came back that night, and it’s hard for me not to cry. But the mom came back and says, “My boy started to talk.” So the boy that night started to talk to his mom for the first time, looking her into the eyes, and she had an encounter with a boy that had just had an encounter with Jesus and with the very love of Jesus. So I just started to say, Leif, sometimes you are like a lion and you want to speak authority to this. Sometimes you need to be just like a lamb and the power of the lamb of being able to lay down and love, just started to feel what feel and sense what I sense. There is power in the lamb and there is power in the blood of the lamb. And I want you to learn sometimes like when to be a lamb and when to be a lion, and that’s so much a key to be a giant slayer. It’s just understanding the very rhythm of Heaven, because if not sometimes when we roar, if it doesn’t come from the lamb’s nature, the very compassion and the very love that God has for those people that has been hurt, wounded and been destroyed by the giant, then you do not have the authority to be a giant slayer.


SID: But do you know how easy, going back to that boy, or how 99.9 of the teachers or evangelists in America would have said, lady, will you take your son out of this auditorium, please, and smile, instead. That’s not what Jesus would have done. That child would have been able to start talking. And because you saw him the way Jesus saw him, he got healed. Okay, now you talked about picking the right battle. How do we know what is the right battle?


LEIF: I think it’s very important for us to know what we are called to do. First of all, we need to know who we are, the identity. And the second also is what are you called to do? Like for myself, I have some people that are asking me all these different questions, what’s going on in the Middle East or what do you believe about this and that? I sometimes stay away from those topics because it is outside my area of assignment. As soon as I start to move in that direction I move away from my anointing.

SID: And you know what, it’s like with me. There are many things I can do, but I have chosen my whole walk to be a specialist in what God himself has called me to do and I know, Leif, I would have never accomplished what I have had I tried to have done everything.


LEIF: And it is, if you are looking at you, Sid, everybody, what is your special sauce? What are you called to do? And we know that you are sharing the supernatural story who Jesus is and the Jews, and believers all over, Jesus is being glorified because you are staying in your lane. That’s what I am also doing in my life and I’m trying to help other people as who are you and what are you called to do. What is your destiny? Because often the very giant where the serpent has bitten you is where you have the greatest authority. So the giant often stands between your identity and your destiny. And the key is to get back into the identity. This is who you are. This is how I see you. But to do that you need to know who God is to you. And then when you see him, you see yourself, and then you look at the giant and now you can speak to the giant instead of about the giant, because you have the clarity of the authority that comes from the identity. This is who I am, this is what God has called me to do and I am one with him. I’m in covenant with a covenant-keeping God, and this giant is not the problem. It is actually a promise from me when I stay within my lane and I don’t get distracted.


SID: There is another thing you talk about. If you want to become a giant slayer, hang around giant slayers.


LEIF: I think this is another thing that has become so important for me to recognize. Even like last night I had dinner with some of your guests that are very prophetic, and I started to sense something prophetic going on among one of your guests that dreams at nighttime. Now I saw the dream during last night this hanging around the giant slayers. When I’m around Heidi Baker, I was just in Mozambique, it was just the lamb’s nature in me is just becoming so aware and I want to go lower. I did want to go deeper and just seeing people from a different perspective. So when I want to be a lamb I’m hanging around Heidi Baker. If I want to go in my healing anointing I’m hanging around giant slayers like Randy Clark that has faced the giant in the sense of sickness and disease over and over again. So the different people around my life is all giving me an upgrade. I’m going to be myself, but even as I’m honoring the different giftings that is around me that is around me and other giant slayers, I’m also realizing what I honor. I also have access to it.


SID: You know what, I think a lot of people want to be able to walk in that delicate balance between a lamb and a lion, between love and authority. And I believe that they can hang around you by just sitting under your teaching. That’s the same thing. That’s what’s going on right now. So when we come back I’m going to have Leif pray for you for the lamb and the lion anointing. Be right back.

Our Guests Adam Thompson and Adrian Beale

SID: Okay, Adrian, I had one awful dream and I don’t want to empower it by even talking about it on the air. But I believe it was from God. What do I do with it?


ADRIAN: What we need to realize is that as believers, Jesus has ascended and he’s raised us up to be ascended as well. We’re seated in heavenly places, which means that we have authority. And when we see a negative, we can speak a positive into being. So if we see death in a situation, if we see sickness or if we see a family breakup, we have the authority through receiving that revelation to speak the opposite into being, to speak life.


SID: All right. Let’s make something up. An elderly woman sees her son and daughter-in-law in a dream splitting up, getting a divorce. What should she do?


ADRIAN: She should speak about the unity of the marriage and she should bind anything that’s causing distraction or division between the two of them.


ADAM: Can I say that it’s a blessing for God to give us the heads up, a warning. So we get a warning. A nightmare can be a warning. It all depends what we’re focusing on. But this is different with you, Sid, where it’s a warning. You shared the dream with us and they’re blessings because it gives us, God gives us a heads up like the Magi in the Book of Matthew, when the Lord gave them a warning and a dream not to go back to Herod.


SID: What I’m hearing you say, Adam, that it’s when you’re a believer, in other words, even if the devil is up to something, you can stop him in your tracks.


ADAM: Absolutely.


SID: And that wasn’t a bad dream, that was a good dream. I mean, you’re going to give the devil a nervous breakdown.


ADAM: Amen.


SID: Adrian, you had something happen in real life. You thought you were going to die.


ADRIAN: I did.


SID: Tell me about that.


ADRIAN: You know, I was getting chest pains. I could hear the pulse of my blood going through my head as I laid my head on the pillow. I used to stay up studying in the Word to try to get focused and to bring my focus back on the Lord. What I did is I went into the bush. I took, I was fasting at the time. I would take a chair out into the Australian bush, my Bible and a notepad, and I was seeking God about breaking this thing. But I was also seeking God about a ministry tour that I was about to go under, go on. And so, I was reading the Bible and the Word jumped out at me. It says, “He who finds his life will lose it and he who loses his life will find it for my sake.” The last part of that jumped out at me, and I went, God, even if I lose my life, I’m going to find it in you. And I don’t care if I die. I’m going to hand my life out to you preaching the Gospel. That very moment, in the sky above me—


SID: Excuse me. You just gave us another clue. As you’re just reading your Bible that could be a sign of God speaking to you. That’s what you’re telling me.


ADAM: Yes. But at that very moment as I made that declaration and that decision in my heart, in the sky above me the cloud formations were abnormal that day. I saw a black cloud in the middle of my vista and it was in the shape of a dragon. And as I looked up, I went, well that is a dragon, and I went, is this any coincidence? Maybe it’s not. And I started to rebuke this cloud. Nobody else around me. I’m miles away from anybody. And so I started to rebuke, and I started to get louder and louder. And it was almost like the other clouds were morphing and changing as this cloud stood there in defiance of what I was saying. But I stood my ground and I went, “In the name of Jesus, I rebuke you. The blood of Christ rebukes you,” and so on. And it did eventually break up, and in its place a man, as God as my witness, a man on a cross, a cloud shaped as a man on a cross came into its place. God witnessed through the shape of those clouds with me, that day, and the decision that I made.


SID: Okay, but in the meantime, you’re dying from a heart condition. What happened?


ADRIAN: Things got better. My blood pressure went down, the whole thing abated and I went on tour, and we came into America at that time.


ADAM: It was a miracle.


SID: So you’re saying to me, when the scripture jumped out at you and you saw something that you knew was a story in a cloud, it triggered a healing in you.


ADRIAN: It did. And you know, I’ve been reluctant to tell it in churches because I believe that most people would think I’m coo-coo, but really that’s what took place. Adam will verify. I’m probably the most logical person in this room.


ADAM: He’s very conservative.


ADRIAN: Very conservative, very cerebral-based, and that’s what took place that day.


SID: Adam, there was a shift in the Spirit just a few minutes ago. You’re a seer. What’s going on?


ADAM: I actually do sense angels here right now. When you start talking about Yeshua and start talking about the One New Man, and you start talking about angels, it does actually, even testimonies, it does open a realm. It opens a realm.


SID: Even the atmosphere changed.


ADAM: Yes. It opens up a realm and I can see there’s a lot more beings in this room than there is in the physical.


SID: So, would both of you pray right now.


ADAM: Heavenly Father, we just decree right now whoever is watching this, whoever is the audience out there, Lord, we thank you that the eyes of understanding are opening up. We thank you that the spiritual senses are opening and we prophesy in Jesus’s name you giving the spirit of wisdom and revelation, spirit of wisdom and revelatory knowledge, and the understanding for them to discern what the Spirit is saying, discern the mysteries of Heaven. As they become intimate, Lord, with you, we thank you for revealing the mysteries of the Kingdom in Jesus’s name [speaking in tongues].


ADRIAN: Father, I thank you that for those that are being sensitized to the things of the Spirit right now, I pray that you would indeed open the eyes of their understanding, Lord, and that you would give them wisdom what to do with that. Holy Spirit, I pray they would become sensitive to your voice so that they can develop and become stronger in that prophetic gifting that you’ve given them, in Jesus’s name.


SID: The Bible says, Jesus says, “My sheep, hear my voice.” You’re his sheep and you, hear me now, you hear his voice.

Our Guest Shawn Bolz

KYNAN: Amen. This is so exciting. Shawn, before the break, we had a little chat and I wanted to ask you something. Do you speak Spanish?




KYNAN: So how can you explain to me how God gave you a Word in Spanish? You want to talk about that a little bit?


SHAWN: I told you, my best friend is Spanish. He used to make fun of me whenever I’d try, so I stopped trying. He’s from Guatemala and he’s like, he was brutal with me and so I never try and speak Spanish. And I was in Vacaville up in Northern California, and I was praying before the meeting. A lot of times before a meeting I’ll pray like on the spot with people if I’m in a coffee shop or whatever, God shows up and I take the risk. A lot of times before a meeting I want to pray because I want to bring a model of what the prophetic would be like in a meeting. So I was praying and had this phrase hit me, and I had to type it as fast as I saw it. I literally saw it written now, so I can say it. It wasn’t like I heard.


KYNAN: So you actually saw this.


SHAWN: I saw it written out. And it was Spanish phrase. It was like two and a half lines, and I was like, I hope this is real, like I have no way to know if this is real. One of my good friends said why don’t you use Google Translator to figure out. And I’m like, I didn’t think of Google Translator. I didn’t even know this could be real. And so I went to the meeting, and all the prophetic words turned out so well that I said I’m going to try this. I don’t know if this is going to work, but I have two names and this Spanish phrase. And so I said, “Does anybody here speak Spanish?” And this man came up, and he read the phrase. Now it had colloquialisms and it had like a certain way to say things. You’d have to be from the region she’s from to even understand it. So it’s not like Spanish you couldn’t just use Google Translator or something online. It actually had slang. And it basically, like this woman had given up her business career. She married this white man and she gave up her business career and had like a bunch of kids in a row. And she just, there was a part of her that was going through that mom thing, and going, is this significant? I know it is. I know these kids are amazing, but I’ve given up everything. Part of the Word was I said I feel like you’ve rubbed shoulders with John Maxwell, you’re a business woman, but you gave it all up for raising world champion leaders, and you’re kids are going to say, at the end of the day this phrase. And the phrase was, “You are like a totally charged, amazing mom.” It was like this certain phrase that you’d say.


KYNAN: In Spanish.


SHAWN: Only in Spanish that they’re going to say you are the ones who made our lives possible, basically, and you are this kind of mom. And because you’re this kind of mom, we’re these kinds of kids. And she’s like weeping, just couldn’t believe that, she knew I didn’t know that Spanish. She knew immediately, oh my gosh, this is so like only God could have given her this because it’s what kids so would say. So it’s not only a word from the Lord, it’s a word from the Lord of what her kids would say one day.


KYNAN: Wow, that’s something. You know what that means? Get ready for God to speak to you in a foreign language. Just FYI. You say that God can speak to us in all kinds of ways. What are some of the ways that God speaks to us? Because I know a lot of times we think of “Thus says the Lord.” It has to be in the audible Charlton Heston voice. It has to be that kind of thing.  But you say he can speak to us in different ways. Give me an example. What are some of the ways God can speak to us?


SHAWN: I think the number one way when we train people is just the impression, just the download of thoughts, or just, I wasn’t thinking of this before and now it’s in my head.


KYNAN: Is that a feeling?


SHAWN: It could be a feeling. It could be a sense. It could be like the same realm your daydreams are. You might get a picture. Whenever you think of something, you’re like, that reminds me of this person. That could be the same kind of experience you’re having with God. So a lot of cerebral ways that people hear from God are the most common ways, and the most discounted, because it’s almost one step past your own thoughts. It’s already in your own thought realm. And we don’t expect that, but the Holy Spirit is relating God’s thoughts to our thoughts constantly.


KYNAN: Now how would you distinguish between, I know a lot of believers have this question: How do I know when God is talking to me? How do I know when it’s my flesh? How do I know when it’s the devil talking to me?


SHAWN: We say it’s either God or it’s your hormones. So many young people go, I know I’m going marry you. I heard it from the Lord. No, you heard it from your hormones. “It’s the devil” is usually not as much as a factor, but it could be your own desire and it could be your flesh like you’re saying, I think you have to go on the journey of saying, God, I’m looking for your heart to manifest and I’m learning what your heart is. And you have to trust God’s heart to lead you more than the enemy can mislead you or you can mislead yourself. And that’s a hard part where you’re like it’s trial and error for a while until you get it. But once you get it there’s a foundation of when you’re adding the biblical virtues of the fruit of the Spirit and the character when that’s all driving you. It’s all love that you say character base is driving you, you won’t go very far off.


KYNAN: You know, according to you, Shawn, you say that a word of knowledge can restore destinies. Tell us how a man’s destiny was restored.


SHAWN: Are you talking about in the northeast when I told you that story?




SHAWN: I love this story because I was praying about it again, racism in America has just been one of my buttons right now, just prayer. And I was up in the northeast and there’s a very diverse crowd. And I called up this woman, an African-American woman, and I said, “Hey, is there somebody named this in your life?” And she said, “Yes, that’s my son.” And I said, “When he was a teenager, did he get violated by white cops?” And she said, “Yes, he did.” And he was brutalized and it was totally, it shouldn’t have happened. And they got held responsible for it, but it created a moment in his life that was really hard. I said, “Did it happen again?” And she said yes, and it didn’t get justified. There was no justice for. And she said, “Yes.” I said, “Well you go home and tell your son,” who wasn’t there at the time. “You go home and tell your son, who is now in his 30s, that these policemen were not a representation of God and this is not God’s justice. This is a man of justice. Your son has leadership in his life to restore justice and you’re going to tell him. Because he has purpose confusion now because of what happened in those two incidents that it actually tried to steal his destiny from him. So go home and tell him that God is going to restore him to this one word.” She went home and told him that she never knew this, but his whole life from the time he was little he wanted to be a police officer. And when he was violated by these two different groups of cops he decided that all cops are bad and he’s not working at the police force. When he heard the Word he had this purpose depression lift off his life and immediately enrolled in the police academy, and is now a police officer.


KYNAN: Wow, that’s awesome. Now Shawn, I want you to pray. I believe there are people watching right now that they need a Word, but more importantly, they need to be activated to be able to hear God. Would you pray for them right now.


SHAWN: Yes. I pray right now that God will release in you that, not just the faith, but the connection, the intimacy and relationship with him that you deserve, he paid the price for it, that you could have fellowship with his thoughts and his mind, and I pray that he would unlock in you right now the faith to have that kind of connection. John 17:24. He wants this connection more than you do. Jesus prayed that you would be with him where he is, that you’d see the Father in his Glory. And I pray over you right now a release of words of knowledge, words of prophecy, his original design over you, your family. I pray that you would see what was in his heart in the first place. Even as you’re watching this, I pray that there would be a breakthrough, a moment of time where everything is different because God is speaking to you in a different way than you ever anticipated hearing. I pray he would blow you away, Ephesians 3:20, beyond what you can hope for or imagine, in Jesus’ name.


KYNAN: Wow. I believe. That’s right. I believe that God has a plan for your life. I believe, according to Jeremiah 29:11, he knows that thoughts he thinks towards you. But more importantly, I believe that you are going to know the revealer of secrets and your life will never be the same. Shalom and God bless you.