Our Guest David Hogan

SID: You were telling me that, not all, but many people that have been dead and come back, and they report what they observed, are saying the same thing. What is that same thing?

DAVID: Jesus is sending messages to us that he’s coming back soon.

SID: Isn’t that amazing? People that have literally … Tell me about that one older woman that died.

DAVID: This lady, she’s a wonderful person, this lady. She started out being a persecutor, a family of wealth that didn’t want the Gospel in their area. And about 20 years she persecuted us, and then the Lord Jesus got her, captured her. Then about 15, 20 years she served the Lord with us. Awesome person. But then she contracted two incurable diseases. One of the things I didn’t say about her story to you is she told them not to tell me because she’s ready to go because she’s an older person.

SID: She was afraid you’d raise her from the dead.

DAVID: She knew we would. Yes, sir. She knew we would. And so her son, which is one of our pastors, told her, “Mom, we’ve got to tell Brother David.

SID: How old is she at this point?

DAVID: She’s late 80’s, low 90’s maybe.

SID: All right.

DAVID: So she died and was dead, probably between 12 and 14 hours they prayed for her. And while she was dead, she was walking down this trail that had these little blue lights, and she came to this, over this rise. She was telling me about it. There was a city, golden city. She saw the city. And I told her, “I’ve never seen the city. I’ve heard about it, read about it, but I’ve never seen it.” And she explained the spires, the gold, the awesome, the light, the beauty of it. But as she was walking going over the hill into the city, a light came out of the city towards her, stopped her.

DAVID: And the light was a curtain, and out of the light a brighter light stepped, and it was Jesus. And Jesus was talking to her and telling her, “I need you to go back and tell them that I’m coming soon.” And out of his garment, the light, he pulled another light, handed it to her. It was in a crystal box. It had no energy source, but yet it was emitting light. And Jesus handed it to her, and she took it. It’s in her hand. And then it dawned on her. She said to Jesus, “I don’t have any money to pay for this.” And Jesus said, “The light of the Gospel is free. Take it back to the people.”

SID: David, it’s one thing when you pray for someone else. It’s another when you pray for yourself. But guess what? He died. Not just once, but twice. If he hadn’t trained his family on how to raise the dead, guess what? I’d be interviewing someone else right now. Be right back.

Our Guest Dr. Dennis Clark & Dr. Jennifer Clark

SID: Most people believe God, repeat the promises of God and don’t have the results that they expect. Is there something missing? You two have taught me and thousands of other people how to pray from the heart. To me, that is the missing ingredient with most believers.

DENNIS [Dr. Dennis Clark]: Absolutely.

SID: Jennifer, there’s a subject that you hear a lot about and it’s soul ties.

JENNIFER [Dr. Jennifer Clark]: Right.

SID: But soul ties are we think in terms of a sexual attraction, a man towards a woman. That soul tie, but it’s more than even the sexual arena. What does that mean?

JENNIFER: Well, a soul tie means there’s an emotional connection. Soul ties can be good or bad, Godly or ungodly, clean or unclean. The ingredient that makes a soul tie bad and even gives it demonic hell is if there is lust involved.

SID: Dennis, give me a real life example of someone you helped with a soul tie.

DENNIS: I can give you the one that comes to mind immediately is a man who was saying it was non-sexual. He says, “I’ve just got to get ministry. I’ve got this hard, difficult relationship with my mother. It’s like she interferes with our marriage in the sense that she’s calling all the shots and as much as I know better, I can’t stop from letting her run the show.” So, I had him pray in my office and when he got free, I could discern his spirit that it was free, but he said, “I feel like something broke.” His phone rang immediately and it was his mother and she says, “Why have you cut me off? I know it.” That brought in another important truth. When there is demonic activity with a soul tie, yes it starts out emotional but that demonic activity is like an invisible umbilical cord that connects and it’s looking for a connection.

DENNIS: If you’ve got unresolved needs that you’re not letting God meet that need, you’re finding some other way, that thing is going to connect. I’ve had another one was even a pastor who said he had married, happily married. Ran into a childhood sweetheart. Hadn’t seen her for 10 years and instantly he scared himself that the attraction was so strong, this was a happily married man.

JENNIFER: Was so strong.

DENNIS: But it was so strong he called me up and he says, “You know what? I want someone to pray with me on this.” He said, “I’ve frightened myself. I ran into her, haven’t seen her in 10 years.”

SID: So, he thought it was over, but it was just like he hadn’t missed a beat.

DENNIS: Exactly. He was surprised.

JENNIFER: You prayed with him and he was free of that.

DENNIS: Oh absolutely. Yeah. He got free, but he was shocked. The part he was shocked about was that was 10 years ago.

JENNIFER: Time makes no difference if you don’t know how to break the attachment.

DENNIS: Right. You can try, try, try, but it really has to be a spiritual disengagement so to speak that has to be severed. That umbilical cord.

JENNIFER: It doesn’t have to take a long period of time. Once you know how to do it, it can be just about instant.

DENNIS: Yes. But they just have to be able to identify it and a lot of times it takes an old connection. Now, we’re talking people connections, but it can go into so many areas that I’m seeing it rob people of their destiny. That’s what really troubles me it’s because it’s the counterfeit to proper relationships with people, places, or things.

JENNIFER: Then you have people forming relationships with other people to get an emotional need met and they’re actually using and manipulating another person and lo and behold, the person they’re attached to is using them. So, that is getting to be very, very common. God wants to put relationships together. He doesn’t want us using people to meet our needs.

DENNIS: In other words, one of the things that we saw and it was important is most professional men, even in the secular realm, if you were a doctor, a lawyer–

JENNIFER: Pastor, counselor–

DENNIS: Pastor, counselor and if you looked at your bookings for the day and you saw I’ve got Ralph at 9:00, I got so and so at 10:00, I got Sally at 11:00. If there was even a mild emotional stimulation, they should all be treated neutral. They’re clients. To get excited over one appointment over the other ones should be a red flag saying there’s something here that I need to put my guard up and take it to the Lord.

SID: I meet so many believers, this is related, that are for lack of better words, emotionally crippled and as a result, they sabotage themselves their whole life and they don’t even realize that they’re doing it and they have such potential if they could just clear up that baggage they’re carrying along with their emotional issues. I find this almost everyone is dealing with this, but when we come back I want to find out the most important key for total freedom. Be right back.

Our Guest David Herzog

DAVID: “How do I get back in?” I said, “It’s really simple. Just lay down – you lie on your bed and just start to remember that time you were in Heaven. Just imagine it, remember it, what it was like.” And your mind is a gateway, you know. your – your words are a gateway, but your thoughts are too; “As a man, thinks, so is he.” And as you start to think and remember, many times that gate will be [SNAPS FINGERS] instantly wide open immediately, and you ‘re – and before you know it you ‘re back in! Just like if you talk about the glory, suddenly the glory shows up. You start thinking about and remembering what happened; many times it opens it right up, just by doing that.

Now let me ask you a question. Have you  obviously I’ve been to your meetings, and you ‘ve found that many people get healed of many unusual things at your meetings.

Um hm.

  but from a distance, can someone be healed? Like we’re – we’re in –


t- in – internet now with this.  can – can someone be healed just watching us right now?

Oh yeah! They can be healed; even raised from the dead! We’ve seen both from a distance! Um, –

G-give me an example of one person.  in fact, the one that comes to mind that we were talking about earlier is where you knew someone’s name –


when you were speaking. Tell me about that.

Yeah. So I was moving in the prophetic, and the word of knowledge, and I said, “There’s someone”, I forgot the name now, but I was in Hammond, Louisiana. I gave the first and last name of a man. It’s wonderful when you get accurate like that. Only problem is [VIDEO BEGINS] nobody lifted their hand that was for them.


So I go, “Is anyone here by that name?”; nobody raised their hand! And I said “oh, great”. And finally a woman comes up and says, “Well that’s my husband’s name, but he’s not here.” She didn’t tell me what was wrong. She stood up, raised her hand. I said, “Well, we’ll pray for you , for him. We’ll -” “you ‘ll stand in proxy for him.” And I just said, “Come back”, three times. She fell out in the Spirit. The next day, she came to the meeting [VIDEO ENDS] and told me, “you didn’t know this, but my husband was in a coma for 4 days.”

And you called his name out.

Called his name, and I said, “Come back.”


But in my natural, I thought, “Oh maybe he left her”, or something, and –

Um hm.

no; he was [VIDEO BEGINS] gone. Like, his, “Come back.ö he was in a coma! And the hour that I called his name and she fell out! in the Spirit, he came back too.

  and, –

like, in a little while, if we pray what do you believe is going to happen to people that are just watching this? [VIDEO ENDS]

Well I believe the presence of God is already here; it’s in their homes. And if they’ll believe when we begin to pray, the moment we pray, things will begin to happen. They can believe if I give a word of knowledge. Even if I don’t give them a specific word, while they’re listening, they can just begin to get in the Spirit and start to declare their miracle, and they’ll also see miracles.

You know, a lot of people miss this, because let’s say David or myself function in the word of knowledge, which we do; we may not say the condition that you ‘re believing God for, so well don’t miss what David just said. He said whether he says it or I say it or NOT, it’s yours, in the glory. Now, tell me you ‘ve been teaching on these subjects. Tell me about it’s actually [VIDEO BEGINS] the “Aligning With Heaven” package. It’s the book and the 3 CDs.

Um hm.

when you teach on this, [VIDEO ENDS]

when you – people read the book, tell me the feedback you get. What’s going to happen to someone that goes through this “Aligning With Heaven” package?

People tell me they wish they had this information and revelation 20 years; their whole life would have been different. They’re SO thankful, because they’re seeing prayers that they’d never seen answered in 20-, 30-years get answered within hours, days and weeks. There’s realizing there’s an acceleration. “My people perish for lack of knowledge”, the Bible says. Because we don’t KNOW that we have the right to GO that way TO God, we don’t get the results; so it’s a HUGE revolutionary transformation over people.

tell me – tell me a few of the more popular teachings they get from the CDs and they get from this book.

There’s another teaching about how to activate your DNA into God’s DNA, because the blood of Jesus is very powerful – the blood of Yeshua. And in your bladder – your DNA – there’s memory; you – there’s memory of your sins, –

I know this; yes.

and that – your past sins; but there’s also memory of blessings down your family line. And a lot of us only break the curses on our family line, but we don’t liberate the blessings off our family line. Even if they weren’t saved, you can ask the Lord to –

You know, I’ve never HEARD of that before. How did you ?

Well the Lord [CHUCKLES] began –

How did you even know about that?

the Lord began to show me stuff, and I said, “Well let me test this out!”, and I started testing it on myself. And on my Jewish side I had relatives that were scientists, and they knew 12 languages, and they were in business, and government; and I started asking God –

I’ll take a little of YOUR DNA! [LAUGHS]

I asked – [CHUCKLES] – I asked – I want some of yours!


Our Guest Dr. Bill Hamon

BILL:  But Paul and Jude and Jesus said that people would come and they’d fall away, fall away. And by 500 A.D. the Church had gone into complete fallen away. And all the truths of the New Testament had been done away with or formalized into a religious form or belief but there wasn’t any experience of it and so they taught the words but not the experience. A form of godliness but no life and power in them.  Well that was a thousand years that was all lost. But in 1700 with Martin Luther God started the restoration of the Church. That’s called the Second Reformation. So just to give you a nutshell view of it. The 1500’s was the Protestant Movement. Mainly it was justification by faith and breaking away from the old Dark Age Catholic Church that had become to be established. And justification by faith and all of that goes with it. I mean hours on that. Then in 1600 you had the Anabaptist Movement of water baptism by immersion. That was added back into the Church. Then in the 1700’s you had John Wesley and the whole holiness movement of sanctification, living a holy, victorious life. Then the 1800’s you had the divine healing movement with A.B Simpson, a Presbyterian who got revelation of healings and the atonement and started teaching you can be healed, delivered in your body as well as saved in your soul and spirit.     


Then in 1900 we had the Pentecostal Movement where for the first time since the early days God restored back the gift of the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues. 


And that, and then that’s the reason in my book that I talk about “Seventy Reasons for Speaking in Tongues” and   then in the latter part talks to people who say why don’t all Churches teach this?

Yeah. Yes, yes.

And I say well in the Protestant Movement you had the Episcopalian, Presbyterian, and Lutherans, churches formed from them. In the Evangelical Movement of 1600 are your Baptist Churches and Evangelical Churches sprung up from them. In the Holiness Movement you had your Nazarene, Methodist, all the holiness churches, Church of God, all those holiness churches sprung up. But that wasn’t a part of the revelation. Then 1800 you had the Christian and Missionary Alliance sprung up from A.B. Simpson’s teaching but they didn’t have the revelation on speaking in tongues. When in 1900 when the Pentecostal Movement came there was a release of the restoration of the Holy Spirit’s gift of your own spirit language and then all the churches from thereon that have been established in the Pentecostal Movement, then the Restoration Movement, the Charismatic Renewal and the Faith Movement, Prophetic and Apostolic, all of those teach the speaking in tongues through the spirit in them. And that’s the reason if you’re a Baptist, Methodist or Evangelical you weren’t taught that the Holy Spirit gift is for us today cause it was not restored yet back into the Church. 

Now Dr. Hamon, let me ask you something. What is the connection between this revelation of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues and the Church living victorious today? How important is that for believers to understand?

Well in my “Seventy Reasons for Speaking in Tongues” book I explain that there are so many things it does for you. One of the best things to illustrate it is you got your own building and a hydroelectric power plant! And it’s a Holy Ghost power plant!  

I love that!

And what it is is the Bible says be filled with the Spirit! Well it was like they build a dam. I went through the Hoover Dam out there. They build a dam to make a reservoir and a river lifts up, fills it up. Then they have overflow things where if it gets too full it can overflow. But down in the lower part of the dam they have these great big water gates and they have a great big gate that opens up and there’s a turbine in there. And that turbine, zzzzz, you know it’s like a big ol’ airplane blades you know in their engine and curved blades and then when that water hits that it turns it real fast and it turns a great big dynamo and this big dynamo is like Ezekiel says a wheel in the middle of a wheel starts turning and I looked in the dam and they had about twenty of them big as this building, you know, and they started “mmmm” and they produce electricity. Now we have the water gate is our mouth.

Come on!

You got to open your mouth!

That’s good.

And then you have a turbine called a tongue.


And when Jesus said out of your innermost being shall flow rivers of living water and when that river comes up it flows through your turbines. It turns a dynamo of your spirit when the Holy Spirit are one and it generates the love of God, the power of God, the gifts of the Spirit, everything that heaven has to offer can be generated by praying in tongues!

Oh that’s powerful!

It’s the generator, it’s the activator!

So if I’m hearing you correctly every single believer has access to this Holy Spirit power that you’re talking about.


And as we begin to place a demand on this dynamo on the inside of us…


…which is the Holy Spirit, we’re going to see that power flow through us. So this is what Jesus meant when He said “out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water.”  

Our Guest Jamie Galloway

JAMIE: What I’m about to tell you is so real to me. Remembrance is supernatural! The ability to remember is supernatural! If I asked you to remember your last miracle moment could you do it? I mean many of us could, some of us would struggle. I think it might have been yesterday, 5 weeks ago, 2 days ago – I – it was something – oh yes, it was that moment. He says why do you not remember! Watch this. I was in my – I was sleeping one night. I had a dream. This is real. I had a dream and this showed me the power of remembrance. I was in a dream and I was doing something. However, when I woke up I couldn’t remember. And have you ever been in a moment where you wake up from a dream it’s so real, so tangible and all of a sudden it starts to dissipate from you?


JAMIE: I was in one of those moments. My son at the time was thinking he was a dinosaur every single morning. So he’d wake up, he’d roll out of bed and try to find mommy and daddy. He’s come into the room and he’d go “Rr Rr Rr” trying to find mommy and daddy. Now if you’ve ever had a dream that’s from God and you have a loud noise it can shake you out of remembrance. And I knew my son’s coming close. He’s not the enemy but his voice is actually causing my memory to fail. I can’t remember. All of a sudden this thing is dissipating from me. What happened? What happened? What was the dream? What was the dream? What was the dream? My son’s getting closer and closer. Arrrhg. Arrrgh. And I go no, please remember, please remember. What was the dream! And I get up. I stand up because I’m like, ah, ah. All right. I forgot the dream. I’m just going to let it be. And I stood up to receive my son, happy, good morning and when I did, as my son is turning around the corner saying “Hi Dad!” I see an angel of God sitting in-between my son and me in the natural! He’s dressed like a soldier and he’s got a smile from ear to ear. He’s looking at me and he’s like –


JAMIE: And then in that moment he disappears. When I saw him as he smiled at me I go “ah!” I remember. I was in the dream with him. And we were walking around and he was showing me how to operate in the supernatural! He was giving me clues and tips and techniques even of what it looks like to walk in the supernatural! That memory would have been lost but memory is supernatural! So here’s what Jesus says: How is it you don’t remember? And they say, well, he goes when I broke the 5 loaves for the 5,000 how many baskets full of fragments did you take up? They said “12.” And when I broke the 7 for the 4,000 how many large baskets full of fragments did you take up? They said “7.” He says how is it you do not understand? Here’s what’s amazing to me. The disciples didn’t see the miracle while it was happening! They didn’t even see the multiplication of the loaves and fish! They’re just doing it. They’re caught up in the moment. But do they stop to see the sign? If you have something supernatural happen to you, stop and see the sign! The sign is pointing to Jesus. The sign is pointing to God’s glory! But stop and see the sign! What is really taking place here? And I find we often move past the sign so fast because we’re afraid we’re going to, we’re going to take away from our love for Jesus. But here’s what I find we end up doing. We take from God’s glory! We need to glorify Him for this moment! He says why is it you don’t remember? You still don’t get it! God wants you to have supernatural and He wants you to recognize these moments all around you! But here’s what I want to propose to you. This is going to help you. First Corinthians 15, it tells us this: It says that first the natural and then the spiritual. The spiritual does not come first, however, the natural comes first and then the spiritual. If I could rephrase it like what I would say: The natural and then the supernatural. The natural first and then the supernatural comes second. However, we want to see things in the spirit and manifest them in the natural. God actually is manifesting them in the natural to us so that we can see what is going on in the spirit.


JAMIE: Let me give you an example. My daughter. We were teaching her about hearing the voice of God and she was going through a moment where she was not knowing whether she was to choose one thing or the other. And we said why don’t you go outside and process this? Why don’t you pray and process this? And we said God’s going to speak to you. So we see her outside on a bench. She’s sitting there. We said “go.” First, it was a little struggle, a little fight. She wasn’t like “yay! I get to go pray.” But she was like “okay! Fine!” And she sits down and she gets this “aha” moment like God is speaking to her. She stands up and we see her through the window and she’s like I know what I’m supposed to do! I know what God’s saying! I know what I’m supposed to do! And in that moment there was this swirl of leaves that started swirling in a swirly pattern all around her and it kept going and going and going for minutes! She looks, she’s going “what is this?” I said “honey, it’s an angel of God! He’s speaking to you and it’s a sign to you that he’s there, he’s literally there in the winds of God speaking to you right now!” She stood back. She goes “Ah! Ah! Ah! God is speaking to me!” Now most of us who have been trained well that’s when the coolness hits the warmth and there’s a cycle and an effect and science tells us. However, God wants us to see what’s hidden in plain sight!


Our Guest Jamie Galloway

LARRY: Yeah. Let me ask you a question because some people might read that and obviously read passages in the Old Testament, even in the New Testament, where it says are all prophets? And obviously not all are prophets in terms of office.

JAMIE: Right.

LARRY: Not all are prophets in terms of an – not all are “see-ers” in terms of being a formal office of a “see-er,” but let me ask you this question. Do you believe all believers, all believers who have the Holy Spirit living inside of them can see into the spirit realm?

JAMIE: Absolutely. I know the Holy Spirit reveals to us the deep things of God because He’s searching the heart and mind of God to know what it is that He wants to reveal to us. So we are called to see not based on a gift or based on a function but out of relationship! See what it is that the Father is showing us.

LARRY: Yeah, yeah.

JAMIE: You know Jesus Himself He says the Son can do nothing of Himself but what He sees the Father doing. And He’s not really talking about the Apostle can do nothing of himself.

LARRY: That’s true.

JAMIE: The prophet can do nothing of himself. He’s talking about the Son can do nothing of Himself and He’s speaking in third person in John 5:19 and 20. But He’s trying to relay a message. This relationship, this dynamic and the results of this relationship happen because the Son sees what the Father is doing.

LARRY: Yeah. Are there practical things because I want to get into this in our next segment. Are there practical things you think a believer can do, a Christian can do that actually help activate this in their lives?

JAMIE: Absolutely! 100%. And I feel if we can de-mystify this for people, you know really make it simple, make it super user-friendly I think we’re going to get around the kind of scary, eerie type stuff and then really get into the nuts and bolts and understand what it is the Father is trying to give us.

LARRY: Yeah, cause I think that you’re totally right. I think perhaps that’s where there is confusion and concern about it only because there’s a lack of information. There’s a lack of knowledge and you’re talking about making it user-friendly and really super-relatable to people.

JAMIE: Absolutely!

LARRY: Yeah.

JAMIE: It’s all out of relationship you know and so we’re called to worship God with our heart, soul, mind and strength and when that word “strength” in relationship to our new believer understanding is that we can use our body to worship God. I can glory God in my body!

LARRY: Yeah. Yeah.

JAMIE: So I can glorify God with my eyes. I can glorify God with my ears. You know with my mouth, with my nose. And I find, and I’ll talk about this a little bit if you’d like.

LARRY: Yeah!

JAMIE: But really understanding that our bodies are an antenna for the Holy Spirit!

LARRY: Wow! Wow!

JAMIE: We’re wired to see what it is that He’s doing.

LARRY: Yeah.

JAMIE: We are naturally supernaturally wired to hear what it is that He’s speaking, to smell Him what it is that He’s up to, and some of these different ways that we see are not always with our eyes which is super interesting. And so if I could just replace the word “see-er” with “perceiver” maybe that would help people because often we see but are we always seeing with our eyes?

LARRY: Yes. Yeah. You know what? In the next segment what I want to talk about as you’re talking about this is I feel like the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit wants people to understand the languages of God and God’s first language is not Hebrew. God’s first language is not Greek, it’s not English. I believe the language of God is really the language of the Holy Spirit. And there are so many different languages that God wants His people to tap into. Let me let you know Acts chapter 2, the fruit of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit includes dreams and visions. We’ve gotten prophecy, we’ve gotten tongues, there’s certain aspects of the outpouring that we’re walking in but I believe that the Lord wants to release a fresh hunger that we’d operate in the realm of dreams and visions in that revelatory world that God is calling us into. So in the next segment I’m going to have Jamie talk about that a little bit. Creating your body as an antenna for the Holy Spirit and how God actually wants to speak to you very uniquely and how you can learn His different languages! Stay there! Don’t go away!


Our Guest Cleddie Keith

CLEDDIE: You know I believe that every one of us, are candidates for something fresh and new from God! Just about the time you’ve got Him figured out He has a way of changing! How many of you have noticed that?


CLEDDIE: And so you there’s an interesting thing that happens when we begin to cry out to God! I have a friend that’s from India. He’s Ratnam Paul. He was kicked out on the streets when he was a child. God called him to preach. Do you know how he built his church? He didn’t say God give me buildings. He’s had four buildings and different people have burned them down. The Buddhists have burned him down. Other religions have burned them down. And he has about 200,000 people that come together every Christmas for a prayer meeting but he never prayed God give me a building. You know what he prayed? He said God give me people! God give me people! God give me people! What would happen in America if all of a sudden the pastors would begin to pray God give me people! Give me people! That’s what Jesus wants! He needs people! Those that are watching us around the world you can pray that way. I have a friend that is over the lottery in South Africa. It’s a 9 billion dollar lottery. I just came back from South Africa just a few months ago and he’s building a 36,000 seat facility.


CLEDDIE: He was in prison with Mandela for eight years. He was beaten every day. He went to a revival, a Reinhard Bonnke revival and he got saved! I’m telling you the Gospel can reach anybody! The Gospel can reach those that are watching around the world! The Gospel is the Good News and it can reach your sons and your daughters and your families, glory to God! I thank God for the power of the Gospel! I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to all who believe!


CLEDDIE: You see there are people that have fought against things that you and I don’t even know anything about and so I think some people won’t have a real move of God in their life because they have a track record of preferring the past! Do you prefer the past? Are you setting here preferring, you got to really be honest with yourself as in what our face answers face so the heart of man to men I’m preaching to your heart? Do you prefer the past? You prefer the past if you say well we’ve never done it that way before. That’s the people that prefer the past. And so we come to an hour like this and we know that God has to do something. He has to do something! He has to do something but it starts in the heart of His people that begin to cry out and begin to long for the glory of God to break through! You see if you prefer the past your past is your future! I don’t look to the past for preference. Have I seen things in the past? Oh, I could tell you things that I’ve seen in the past as I’ve walked with Him. As my family walked with Him. The miracle that my daughter was born with infantile glaucoma. She became you know Mrs. America at one time in her life. There are so many people that need to understand that we can have great things that happen in our past but we can’t camp there! We can’t stay there! We’ve got to go on. He said Call upon Me and I’ll answer you and show you great and mighty things that you know nothing about! Hallelujah! I’m getting blessed right now!


CLEDDIE: I was in Vacaville California preaching and I was out there with Dave and I was preaching out there and I came in the church one night and Sid, it was a crazy thing. Ever have God give you crazy things? I come into the church one night to preach and we’d been having a move of God. There’d be three or four hundred people there before we even came in the door. They’d all be on their faces crying out to God for revival. Have you ever done that? Have you ever gone to church early? Have you ever become a person that’s a vanguard? Somebody that’s going to lead the way? Like a lead duck? You say hey! I’m going to start a move of God! I’m going to start a rebellion against the spirit of lustfulness and slothfulness! I’m going to start the rebellion of one! And I’m going to believe God to help others to join me in the mutiny against the doldrums that we live in this time! How many of you would like to do that? I challenge you to do it! Amen! I challenge you to be the army of one that begins to cry out to God like you’ve never cried out to God before! I was sitting in the hotel room and I begin to think well these people are going up you know and they’re gambling at Lake Tahoe. It’s down in the valley. They’re gambling at Lake Tahoe. That’s what’s ran through my mind. And then all of a sudden I got this little thing came into my mind. Not me! I’m pushing my chips to the middle of the table. And I walked into the church and I was sitting on the first row waiting for all the worship to stop and I started thinking [singing] I’m pushing my chips to the middle of the table.


CLEDDIE: [still singing] Pushing my chips to the middle of the table. All my chips to the middle of the table cause I’m betting on God!


CLEDDIE: Look, you’re not going to win the hand till you push it all in! You go all in! Come on: all in!


Our Guest Becky Dvorak

BECKY: You just have that feeling every time you eat. It just feels sick inside of you. Right now, you receive your deliverance. Lay your hand on yourself. In Jesus’ name, you, be released, from this curse. Because it is a curse. Someone else is having a problem, what is that called? When it’s – yes the carpel tunnel, thank you. Someone is having a problem with that, and it’s in their left hand. Or their left wrist area. Yeah, in Jesus’ Name, you just release the healing power. You just say, “I receive it. I receive my healing in Jesus’ name.” Start moving your wrist, and you allow it to move. Pain-free, and be healed. The numbness, be gone in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen? Thank you for being here. Thank you for all of you that have tuned in. And we just say God, bless you as you are healed in Jesus’ name. Amen?

AUDIENCE: [clapping]

SID: You know, I’m a professional interviewer. I was watching you, and I’m a little disappointed. When conditions were mentioned, if you had. If I had a back pain, and praise God, I don’t have a back pain. But if I had, and that word was mentioned. I’d stand up and bend over. So, I believe the word is still in the atmosphere. If you have pain in your body anywhere, stand up, and walk into your healing. Don’t keep your pain, or whatever you want.

AUDIENCE: [clapping and standing up]

SID: Come on now. Bend your knee. How about that knee? Bend your knee. If you had a knee problem. Don’t do it if you didn’t have one. [laughs] come on, now faith. That is what the Bible says. Faith without corresponding action is dead. Do you want dead faith? Without faith, you can ‘t please God. So why would you want it dead, when it could be alive right now. Come on, test yourself. Test your fingers. Those that had a problem with their fingers. Okay, now, if your condition was not called, did Jesus pay the price if their condition wasn’t called?

BECKY: Absolutely.

AUDIENCE: [clapping]

SID: I would stand up for my condition, and get it. Right now. Stand up and get it right now, whatever it is. Whatever it is. Whatever it is. I mean, come on, be aggressive like you really believe.

AUDIENCE: [responding]

SID: Either that or don’t believe.

AUDIENCE: [responding and smiling]

SID: Okay, now that a few of you are standing up, I want everyone to stand up. If you had a manifestation of a healing today, raise your hand high, so that I can see it. Real high. Woah. Now those in the front row, turn around. Keep those hands up. Look at all those hands. Okay, I’m just letting you know. I’m going to pray an ancient Jewish prayer over you that comes from the Bible. And, more of you are going to get healed when this is prayed over you. except, I’m not going to pray it from the Old Covenant way before Jesus came. I’ll pray the same prayer from after Jesus came; much stronger. It’s already happened. now it’s just a matter of you walking it. The Lord has already blessed you. The Lord has already, He’s already smiled on you. The Lord has already surrounded you with His love and His Faith. The Lord has already given you gifts, good gifts. The Lord has surrounded you with His favor. He’s already given it to you. It’s not, “Lord give it to me.” He’s given You His favor. The Lord has already given you His shalom. His completeness in your Spirit, in your soul, and in your body [music] in the name of the Sar Shalom, the Prince of peace, Yeshua Ha Mashiach Tsidkenu; Jesus the Messiah, our Righteousness.

Our Guest Donna Schambach

LARRY: Welcome back to Something More. I’ve got my guest Donna Schambach with us, and today we’re talking about ministering out of the anointing, and ministering out of authority your spiritual authority in CHRIST! Now for the last two segments we’ve talked about anointing; flowing with the anointing, creating an atmosphere of the anointing in our lives, and learning how to recognize the movement of the Spirit of God. But let me ask you a question: What happens when you don’t feel anything? What happens when you don’t’ feel [CHUCKLING]? What happens when you don’t feel the glory? What happens when you actually see no identifiable signs of the movement of God? Does that mean you don’t pray? No; it actually means you step into the situation, and you pray with boldness and authority, because the Lord has said it to you. He said it to His 70 that He sent out to do the works of ministry, and He’s saying it to you today: Behold, I give you authority over all the power of the enemy. When you don’t feel anything, and you don’t feel the anointing, guess what? You still have authority in Christ to do something about that situation. Donna, you have a funny story about recognizing, learning, activating your spiritual authority. Can you share that with us?

DONNA: Yeah. It took me a long time, Larry, before I’d even share it because it was so embarrassing.


DONNA: to me. But I kind of describe it this way: I had to learn the voice of the anointing wasn’t in my head, wasn’t in my natural ears, but it came out of the place where I was birthed in the Holy Spirit.


DONNA: Out of your belly will flow rivers of living water. Well when I first started out in ministry, it was in the Bronx, New York, and I was starting a Christian school! And I was content being a teacher, but the Pastor introduced me to everybody as Brother Schambach’s daughter. So I guess people made the assumption that I was, you know, flowing at his level.

LARRY: Yeah.

DONNA: at that time, and I hadn’t even been called to the ministry yet!


DONNA: So  in that Italian-American  community, somebody invited me over for a spaghetti dinner, and of course I didn’t turn them down; but what I didn’t know is they had a hidden agenda. And my friend said to me, when I got to the house she says, Oh before we eat, there’s a lady sitting on my sofa. Would you cast the devil out of her? LAUGHS


DONNA: Can you imagine a pre-dinner.

LARRY: Yeah; yeah. 

DONNA: casting out of the devil?


DONNA: So I went into the living room, and there was this woman. She was had to be 7-foot tall, had to be almost 350 pounds, solid as a rock. NOT smiling, darkness all over her face.


DONNA: Didn’t utter a word. And, you know, because a Schambach doesn’t normally back down [CHUCKLING] from a challenge.

LARRY: Yeah; yeah, yeah.

DONNA: I just went after it the way I thought my dad would, you know! And so I squared [CHUCKLING] my shoulders, and In the NAAAME of JESUS, I got that kind of preacher voice.

LARRY: Yeah, yeah.

DONNA: and you know then I’d start slapping her on the back.


DONNA: and nothing happened! 

LARRY: Yeah, yeah.

DONNA: You know, nothing moved, not even a blink! And so I dug in a little deeper.


DONNA: and I said, I TAKE AUTHORITY, and I must have taken authority over every demon.

LARRY: Yeah; [CHUCKLING] yeah. 

DONNA: I could name: LAUGHING spirits of confusion.


DONNA: lying, you know, witchcraft, whatever!

LARRY: Yeah.

DONNA: Nobody budged. And then I thought, Well I’m going to have to really get violent here.

LARRY: Yeah.

DONNA: and so I took her by her face.

LARRY: Oh my.

DONNA: I tried to squeeze the devil out of her!

LARRY: Don’t do this at home!

DONNA: Do not try this [CHUCKLING] at home.


DONNA: you know. And I left that room defeated.


DONNA: Larry, because I did every trick in the book to cast that devil out.

LARRY: Yeah.

Sid Roth

Audience: Peter.

SID: Who does the talking? We do.  And supernatural languages. You get it? Peter walked. Here’s what happened. Peter did his part, and God did His part. Your part, is to speak, from your Spirit. I don’t know what to say. So far, you’re perfect. It’s called unknown tongues.

Audience: (laughs)

SID: Perfect. A-plus. But what if it’s not from God? Well what if it is from God? My Bible says if a child asks for bread, his father is not going to give him a stone. How much more will He give the Holy Spirit to those who ask in the name of Jesus? Get it straight. You’re either a believer or you’re not a believer. So, I want everyone,  that had either has never prayed in supernatural languages, that’s you at home. Or has, but didn’t realize what they were missing, to stand up. And the others, I’ll pray for your salvation. Come on, stand up. [laughs] Come on. Come on or I’ll embarrass you on international TV. Give me a break. Okay. Now, I want you to say this prayer and mean it with your heart. you at home, you think I won’t embarrass you on international TV? God knows your name. [laughs] Okay, pray out loud and mean it to the best of your ability. you at home too; Dear God

Audience: Dear God

SID: I’m a sinner

Audience: I’m a sinner

SID: against you

Audience: against you

SID: and you alone

Audience: and you alone

SID: have I sinned

Audience: have I sinned

SID: And I’m so sorry

Audience: And I’m so sorry

SID: I believe

Audience: I believe

SID: That Jesus died in my place

Audience: That Jesus died in my place

SID: and by His blood

Audience: and by His blood

SID: you remember my sins no more

Audience: you remember my sins no more

SID: and now that I’m clean

Audience: and now that I’m clean

SID: I ask Jesus

Audience: I ask Jesus

SID: to be my lord

Audience: to be my lord

SID: Lord Jesus

Audience: Lord Jesus

SID: come and live inside of me

Audience: come and live inside of me

SID: and in Jesus Name

Audience: and in Jesus Name

SID: I ask you to fill me

Audience: I ask you to fill me

SID: from the top of my head

Audience: from the top of my head

SID: to the bottom of my toes

Audience: to the bottom of my toes


SID: with your Holy Spirit

Audience: with your Holy Spirit

SID: and with your power

Audience: and with your power

SID: amen

Audience: amen

JULIE: (plays piano) [singing spontaneously]

SID: [music] I wonder if there are some people here that want to share a testimony, something, not something you saw yesterday, or even this afternoon, or something that happened to you yesterday. Or even, this afternoon. I’m wondering if there are any of you that would like to share something that happened to you tonight. Either, a vision. You saw something, or you did something you haven’t done before. Raise your hand, if you’d like to share and come forward, please. Just come on forward if your hand’s up. Come on. What’s going on with you?

Lady: When she started singing ├▒ Well, I have had a pain in my chest about 3 or 4 days, and it was real bad. And I just kept praying and praying, but it would never go away. I prayed this prayer too. [laughs] but I said, I listened to this Mexican guy that you had on there.

SID: mm um

Lady 1: and he was saying walking in the Spirit. And I asked God, ‘How can I go to Florida? I can’t go to Florida.’ I said, ‘I know I need that.’ And He said, ‘Go to Sid Roth, where you use to work.’ I said, ‘Yeah, that’s right.’ So anyway, one of the girls invited me here, and as she was playing, and you told us to just get in the Spirit as she was playing, and I did. And at first it didn’t go away, it seemed like it got harder. The pain, real hard pain like somebody was sticking a knife, an ice pick in my chest. And I said I’m not going to give up. And I just kept praying, and praying, and praying. And it’s gone! It is not there.

SID: Praise God

Audience: (clapping)