FRANCIS: Then after the while he said, you know what, I don’t believe in God, I don’t even care about men, but I do care about my peace of mind. And this woman’s nuisance value is rising and I want to deliver myself of this, so he gave her justice and protection from the adversary. Jesus then says, what about your heavenly father? How much more shall we avenge his own elect? So Jesus is telling us that unless something has been dealt with in the court of heaven, you can’t give up on it. That’s where anything else you couldn’t get answered in prayer is answered because the judge now gets to rule on it.

SID: Now, when you’re in court, the person coming against you or suing you, if they don’t show up, the court case is dismissed. How’s this work in the heavenly court?

FRANCIS: The Lord spoke to me, he said, Francis, my children, he said to me, the devil keeps getting default judgments in the court of heaven because my people don’t show up for court. It’s so important for us to show up in the court of heaven so we can silence the accusations of the enemy, because accusations is what gives the enemy legal right to even enter the court of heaven in the first place. Just like in the world of men, unless you are accused, the court system does not begin until there’s an accusation. So that’s why it’s important for believers to show up in the court of heaven and the most, another thing, why it’s important for them to show up is because the court of heaven, unlike natural court is biased in our favor because Jesus already paid the price.

SID: Oh, I like that. What are some of the areas that we have, the evil altars we have to deal with, many people in their lives?

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