DERRICK: So, I began to walk down this corridor with Jesus. It’s an upscale elegant room. And as we get into this tear room, I see innumerable tear bottles, all shapes, all sizes. They’re crystal, they’re clear. It was a really upscale room. And so once I got to the bottles, I went closer to them and I began to look and I could literally hear the tears crying out.

DERRICK: It was like they had cellular memory. Whatever caused the individual pain or to cry on earth, that was still there and I could still hear it. And so as I began to look closer at the tear bottles, I literally saw a visual timeline. The scenes from the individual’s life that caused those tears to be there.

SID: Was there any one person’s bottle of tears, that we might know of, that made a big impact on you?

DERRICK: Oh, it was many people’s. I saw Moses. I saw Elijah’s. I saw Kathryn Kuhlman’s tear bottle. I saw her bottles and so many others and Jesus was like, “Come on, come on. I got some more I want to show you.” I saw a contraption and I didn’t really have language it for it then, but it was like a portal passageway. And I saw angels ascending and descending, coming in and out of it.

DERRICK: And so me and Jesus looked down, he showed me what the process of collecting the tears looked like. When we looked down, we saw universe, planet, stars, but then the scene switched to a home. There was a single parent mom and she had a lot of stress on her. She was going through a lot of pain. She didn’t have finances or income. She had multiple children and one was very sick.

DERRICK: I saw her praying and crying and she was just weeping, at a breaking point where she really wanted to give up. And so I see an angel in her house and the angel is there to collect the tears. And the angel is also there to give her strength and to empower her. And so it gets to the point where she takes a deep breath in and a deep breath out and she stops crying. And then Jesus says, “The angel is strengthening her.” And just that quick, the angel was back with the bottle of tears that he added to her bottle.

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