SID: Jennifer, one more quick story about Azusa Street. I can’t hear enough about what God did in that. It started with a one-eyed African American pastor and a few African Americans and spread worldwide. Tell me one more, quick.

JENNIFER: So I was just doing some tent meetings in Kentucky a few months ago in a place where the Cane Ridge Revival and the Great Awakening was birthed. And I’m sharing about the revival history of Kentucky. And then I decided to add the story of Azusa Street on top of those stories. And as soon as I did that, a guy watching starts to shake like he’s getting electrocuted. People start coming to the front, not even being invited, lay down prostrate and there’s mud. They’re literally on their knees and on their face-

SID: I heard it was raining there.

JENNIFER: … in the mud because they wanted more of God. And these are Christians who are like, “I’m all in,” consecrating themselves. I’ve never seen that. I was marked and moved and it inspired even me just to see their hunger. It was incredible.

SID: How important is fasting in most of the great moves of God in the history of the world? How important?

JENNIFER: Well, I don’t know if you knew this, but Azusa Street Revival was birthed when William J. Seymour and a few of his friends were on a 10 day fast. And that is crazy because a century later, we are still living in the momentum of a 10 day fast that a small group of people went on. That’s incredible.

SID: Tell me some others that you know about.

JENNIFER: Most revivals have been marked by hunger and the way you get hungry is you fast. And so I’m sure you can probably trace most, any revival. Evan Roberts would pray and fast for 13 years for a move of God, until he finally saw a move of God in 1904. And he realized what he was praying his whole life for had finally come when, I think a handful of people got saved.

SID: I understand that one of the people that mentored you, one of the true heroes of the faith, Heidi Baker, what happened when she fasted?

JENNIFER: Oh, she was on, I believe, a five day fast. As a teenager, when God called her to Africa, England and Asia, she got her life defining call on a fast early in her life. And she’s since we know the nation of Mozambique has absolutely changed because she’s given her life to them. And that came from being on a fast.

SID: Fasting is so misunderstood, Jennifer.


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