Kirt Schneider

Sid: My guest is red hot for the Messiah; he’s a Messianic Jewish Rabbi Kirt Schneider congregation Adat Adonai Toledo, Ohio. And he also has a Jewish root evangelistic ministry called “Shalom Ministries.”  On yesterday’s broadcast we’re talking about such an important subject there is so few believers in the Messiah that understand dreams and visions and prophecy, especially in the arena of dreams.  Kirt we are missing so much and on yesterday’s broadcast you talked about all the books on what the various symbols of dreams mean, but you have kind of almost a different slant on it. Explain that,

Kirt:  I really do I think that people are so personal that different symbols God uses and they mean different thing to different people.  I believe that the same one that gave us the dream Sid is going to be the one that gives us the interpretation to the dream.  I don’t think that God wants us to rely so much on other people to find out the interpretation for our dreams I think He wants us to look to Him the one that gave the dream.  I think of a recent example here Sid that we were thinking of purchasing the building that my congregation was meeting in. And we were purchasing this building because it was affordable and because it was on a big enough piece of land that we could build in back and we actually had entered into a contract to purchase the building and the contract was signed and shortly after signing the contract within a week after signing the contract I had a dream one night. And in the dream I was watching somebody, I didn’t know the person but I was just objectively watching this person.  He was opening up a health food store and as I was watching him open up the health food store he was opening it up and this really old neighborhood and his was the only commercial building in this residential neighborhood and the street was real narrow.  Not only that but he was opening up this health food store on the second floor of this commercial building and he was the only business on this second floor. And as I watched him doing this Sid I knew in my dream that he was going to fail because he was opening up this health food store in the wrong location.  Well, the next morning because I have a practice you know of writing down my dreams I began to you know write the dream down I had to force myself…

Sid: Excuse me, I have to ask you this “When you write them down do you it immediately after you wake up or do you do it a time later?

Kirt: Sometimes immediately, sometimes I go down and get a cup of coffee and I just sit in my couch in silence and that’s when I begin to record.  I generally don’t have a problem if I have a cup of coffee I still remember everything’s fresh in my mind.  Because the first that I do when I get out of bed is I think about my dreams, as soon as I’m getting out of bed I think I ask the Lord to cleanse me for the day.

Sid: So you have actually an expectation and excitement.

Kirt:   Oh, I absolutely do, I’ve seen God so many times speak to me in dreams. Now let me say that I absolutely know that all dreams are not from God in fact most of our dreams are not from God. Most dreams come from our own psyche, but some dreams comes from the dreams a small percentage come from God; we need to be paying attention.

Sid: Let’s go back to this dream you saw a guy in a health food store.

Kirt:  So I begin to write this dream out only because I’m in the practice of doing it, I think what is this dream; what do I know about a health food store this is probably just some strange dream and it means nothing. But because I’m in the discipline I started writing it out.  As soon as I started writing it out Sid I realized you know what?  I’m kind of in the health business, you know I’m ministering the Spirit of God I’m ministering the Spirit of Health to people. And then I started seeing where this guy was opening up his health food store in this old dilapidated neighborhood and I realized that you know that kind of looks like the neighborhood that I’m in contract to buy this building in. Then I realized that this was the only building in my dream the only commercial building in the neighborhood and I realized you know what we’re the only commercial building in our neighborhood.  And then I saw in the dream that the guy was on the second floor and no other business were up there and he was going to fail.  And I said “You know what I think God’s telling me that I’m not supposed to be buying this property and we’re going to fail if I purchase this property here.” Sid based on that dream I called my leadership team together I said “I believe the Lord’s spoken to me and I don’t think that we’re supposed to buy this property.”  Through a strange series of events the contract that we signed was not valid and it had nothing to do with us it had to do with the other end. We were released from the contract, a pastor called me up and offered to allow me to use his building and basically all I’m paying over there is the utilities it’s a great building. My congregation has doubled in this new building.  And if we had been locked in to where I was we were already filled up in that place, we just thought that we were going to buy it because we could afford it and we could have later built in back and it would have been a terrible mistake. And so just direction that God give in dreams I think of the Apostle Paul in the Book of Acts and how in Acts Chapter 16 he was wanting to fulfill God’s mission and he was on his way to minister to a certain group of people. But the Bible says in a vision of the night, and I believe the the term dream and vision of the night is synonyms they mean the same thing.  We see this in like I said “Job 33 verse 15 it says “In a dream a vision of the night…” they’re the same thing. So here’s Paul he’s going one direction but God appears to him in a dream and he sees these people from Macedonia saying “Come, come over here and preach the gospel.” And the Bible says Paul concluded that he was supposed of go to Macedonia; you see many of our listeners right now have decisions that they need to make in their life for direction. They don’t know what house to buy, they don’t know what job to take; they don’t know who to get married to.  The Bible doesn’t tell us these things, the Bible gives us God general revelation but God speaks to us in His Spirit to give us his specific revelation.  And one of the primary ways that God speaks to His people with His Spirit is in the dreams.  The Bible says “He who has an ear to ear let him hear what the Spirit is saying to His people.”  If we’re not paying attention to our dreams Sid we’re not listening because the Bible specifically says in Acts 2 that “Now that the Spirits been poured out upon us He’s going to speak to us in our dreams.”  To disregard our dreams is to disregard the voice of God.

Sid: You said not all dreams are from God, how do you know the one that are from God and the one that are from …I hate to use the example, Pizza.

Kirt: Exactly, great question great question and once again I’m not a connect the dots type of a person. I believe that if we will seek God to grow in our ability to hear His voice in our dreams then we’ll begin to recognize over a period of time which dreams are from him. Now often times God will give me a dream about something Sid and I’ll think it’s from God and I’ll be watching and I’ll be paying attention and I won’t forget about it, but I just kind of wait and see.  But the thing is that when the thing that God showed me comes to pass, then I’m prepared for what happens because God already showed me in a dream.  What I’m saying is okay if this, this and this and this happens then you know it’s from God.  But I am saying that if a person will begin to pay attention to their dreams; if they’ll begin to write them out, what’s going to happen is God is going to begin to perfect them in their ability to discern His voice.

Sid: Well, you know I’m reminded of a scripture you shared earlier this week from the Prophet Joel that in the last days one of the phenomena we’ll be experiencing is dreams.

Kirt: Absolutely.

Sid: And I have to believe we’re in the last days right now we’ve been in it since Pentecost but we’re really in it right now.  Kirt when people take your seminar or listen to these two CD series called “Prophecy Dreams and Visions” what type of reports are you getting?

Kirt:  Well recently I ministered at a pastor’s church that he was in a situation financially he didn’t know what to do he called me two days after I ministered there and he said “God showed him what to do in a dream after that.”  People in my congregation because I teach in this so often they begin to receive information from the Lord in their dreams.

Sid: I know a lot of people do because when I listen to it it just perked things up again rather than a lot of the confusion I had on all of these symbols and how am I ever going to know. You just made it so simple; tell me some specific things that people have been told about in dreams.

Kirt: Well, for example we see Abraham, God reveals Israel future to Abraham in a dream when he falls into a trance and he sees the Spirit of God moving through the two pieces of the sacrifice.  But let’s go through the Book of Genesis 15 verse 17 – 15 again.  Again Abraham sees God’s future and I already shared an example of one of the previous broadcasts of how God many times has shown me the future of something that’s going to happen in my congregation with this specific individual in dreams.  In Genesis 28:10-16 we see Jacob receiving encouragement from God in a dream where he’s running for his life. He’s from his brother Esau, he’s all alone and he’s completely lost and terrified and directionless and we know the story. And he goes to sleep at the place of Bethel and puts his head upon the rock and as he puts his head upon the rock Sid and falls asleep God appears to him in a dream he sees a ladder extending from Heaven to earth and angels ascending and descending upon the ladder.  And the Lord speaks to him and says “I am with you” and isn’t it amazing that Jacob wakes up and he says “You know what the Lord is in this place and I knew it not.”  In other words How did Jacob receive the encouragement that he needed to know that God was involved in the affairs of earth and more specifically in his life?  He received that encouragement in the dream when God spoke to him and said “I am with you and will keep you wherever you go.”  And often times He speaks to His people to give them encouragement they need but particularly when they are going through hard times through a dream.  I remember many years ago Sid I went to sleep one night and in my sleep God just allowed me feel the pain that was in my soul.  I was not aware of the pain in my soul and it was like the most excruciating pain of soul I’ve ever felt in my life and then suddenly in my dream and there is no question in my mind that this was a literal angel and angel spoke to me.  I did not see the angel I heard his voice and he said to me “You’re on the right path.”  And I cried out in my hurt so bad Sid that I cried out and I said “If I’m on the right path why does it hurt so much?”  And then the angel spoke to me in a kind voice but he said to me “Maybe if you’d cooperate more it wouldn’t hurt so much.”  In that dream I found both encouragement and direction; the encouragement to know that even though you know I was hurting that I was on the right path and that God was saying to me “If you’ll learn how to yield to me more it’s not going to hurt so much.”  Just like Jacob found encouragement in his dream that God was with him I found encouragement in my dream that God was with me at a time when I was feeling tremendous pain.

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