Sid:  Now my guest undermines the myths taught in our public education schools and colleges and universities.  The myths taught in secular media to discount the authenticity of the word of God for the sake of having everyone follow the devil, it’s that simple. Now my guest James Nienhuis has a book and I am so excited about it it’s called “Old Earth Why Not” and he explains myths.  For instance Jim I mean there’s so many areas that people of faith believe but t they don’t have a reasonable explanation so they believe by faith.  But I believe that we’re so close to the return of Jesus that we don’t have to believe by faith there’s enough documentation and evidence, but what about we read about these fossils that are found of these ancient man and the monkeys and all of these forms that actually prove evolution?  I want you to blow that myth out of the water.

James:  Sure, well a monkey is a monkey and a man is man.  Neanderthal man was a man, he was just a guy who lived really old; a really long life.

Sid:  About 3 million years ago or?

James:  Oh about 4,500 years ago you know at the close of the deluge when the ice age kicked in because the oceans after Noah’s flood; after the waters slid off the thickening continents with the rising mountains at that time when Noah’s flood waters slid off those thickening continents into the then deepening ocean basins.  Those were warmer oceans Sid at the close of the deluge because of the fountains of the great deep the Bible speaks of which  broke open to cause the deluge along with the 40 days and 40 nights of rain which was only a small portion of it’ because the deluge you know increased to 150 days.  So with that, when the waters slide off into the deepened ocean basins those warmer waters what did they do; what happens when warm water on a cold day Sid, you see all that steam right?

Sid:  Sure.

James:  That evaporation of warmer oceans to cause the dense cloud cover which must have been for the ice age.  You can’t have an ice age without dense cloud cover and you can’t have dense cloud cover without greater evaporation rates off the water.  So that is proof in and of itself that there was a global deluge which caused the waters to be warmer at the close of the deluge which caused the ice age and the ice age ended when the oceans had cooled to about our temperatures to lessen the evaporation.  But…

Sid:    Wait, wait, wait are you telling me the ice age is not millions of years old?

James:  The guy, let me finish, the guy the men during the ice age like Neanderthal man they lived longer in the descending generations after Noah’s flood as the Bible tells us; you know a couple hundred years old descending longevity.  But those old guys in that cloudy ice age climate got little vitamin D, and that results in rickets. That is the pathology we see in the bone structures of the Neanderthal man.  Lubinow back in the 1850’s the German scientists had discovered everyone of these guys immediately said, he’s a pathologist Sid, he said, “This guy had rickets, but then the Darwinist got hold of it and said, “Oh look, it’s a monkey man and off we go.”

Sid:  Yeah but did they have any scientific evidence based on your studies to date them so old?

James:  Carbon 14.

Sid:  Oh well, how do you explain that?

James:  Well, Carbon 14 presumes to know that the amount of Carbon 14 in the atmosphere back then is essentially what it is today, but since during the ice age as documented  by all the ash in the Arctic icecaps there was much more volcanics going on during the ice age.  Therefore all the Carbon 12 dilute in the carbon dioxide coming out of all those volcanoes, all that Carbon 12 diluted the amount of Carbon 14 in the atmosphere. So it diluted Carbon 14 in the atmosphere, creatures that died back then show exaggerated Carbon 14 dates today when we measure them because of the volcanic that were going during the ice age. But you see the main stream scientists say that the ice age was going on before or after that, so they don’t factor in the reality that these guys were living when the carbon fourteen in the atmosphere is being diluted by all the volcanos.

Sid:  Okay, as long as we’re exposing myths the big thing people and are getting noble prizes for have to do with global warming.

James:  Huh!

Sid:  And I mean this is serious business, the countries really even divided on this issues that want to stop everything and get rid of all of the systems that we have for transportation and make every…otherwise I mean we will speed up the demise of this planet.

James:  Well, first of all let me just throw this out you know China and India with us you know there excluded, so that having been said, “If there actually is global warming atmospheric warming Sid, what does that do to the surface temperature of the ocean?

Sid:   Make it hotter.

James:  And with hotter water like we previously discussed that would make more clouds and it cools it back down you know shady day?

Sid:  That makes sense.

James:  Just picture a shady day with rain that cools down the atmosphere. Now there is; that’s a negative feedback mechanisms Sid, that’s hydrology 101 that none of these people seem to be talking about. And you know, if we are having an upsurge in hurricanes, well that’s predictable.  Those hurricane vents, the eye of the hurricane, those are giant vents venting atmospheric warming up into the stratosphere. So that’s God’s nature’s way of venting any excess heat that’s on the surface.  So it’s a negative feedback mechanism, the whole thing is crazy and you know like I said before let’s get the Chinese and Indians on board with us if we’re going to do it.

Sid:  You know what I don’t understand is the material by Al Gore who’s kind of the point man on this whole issue in England was banned because they said, “It was faulty science.”  Do you agree with them?

James:  Oh, obviously yes.  You know more methane is put out the tail end of cattle then human’s by 10,000 fold…

Sid:  Is that where Rush Limbaugh got it from? Okay. (Laughing)

James:  Yeah, you know it’s completely absurd. Volcanoes you want to talk about carbon dioxide?  When a good volcano or two goes off it makes what we produce pale so the whole thing is I’m afraid really…

Sid:  So what is China and India doing if the theory is correct?

James:  Well, I think they’re bottom line as per in China at least using slave labor and what not, that you know the environment and the health of their people it is not high on their priority list I don’t think.  Nevertheless you know we sit here talking about Europe and America should do while we don’t say anything to China and India so it’s just the theater of the absurd you know.

Sid:  Okay, you have a chapter here that says “Dinosaurs Died out 65 Million Years Ago.”

James:  That’s what they claim.

Sid:  Okay, that’s a myth, you state; why?

James:  Well, because we have a vast sedimentary layers that should have eroded away within 15 million years at current erosion rates, but here they say it’s 65 million years old.  Well, all the continents should have leveled the sea level within 15 million years; so that’s a specious argument in and top of itself.  On top of that they’ve discovered T-Rex bones with skin red blood corpuscles, bone marrow, spongy organic materials Sid, sitting there within sedimentary rock now that should have dissipated over 65 million years.  But obviously…

Sid:  But why haven’t they publicized that, that’s an amazing find.

James: Well, to a degree but it doesn’t get the repeat business like New York Times articles gets though out all the publications throughout the world, you know what I’m saying.  It’s they can say “Well, it made the news,” we thought that it was obvious, not to be emphasized if you want to say that the earth is billions of years old.  It’s not the kind of information you want out there; nevertheless it came from North Carolina State University, Montana State University, mainstream scientists who came upon this spongy organic material in these T-Rex’s bones and they go “Well, well, well isn’t this interesting.”  And to this day they haven’t explained it away they just forced it to go off the radar screen.

Sid:  What about the basic 101 of evolution, “Monkey’s evolved into men.”

James:  Yeah…

Sid:  Why is that not true?

James:  Well, if monkeys were evolving into men, men should be involving in the process of evolving something right now right?  Constant change through time like the Darwinist say and likewise there should be monkey’s that are transiting into humans right now just a little bit slower.  And why are monkey’s still around if we supposedly evolved from them, if we supposedly are better than them?  They should have died out if we evolved from them out of necessity and we’re a superior being, why didn’t they die out?  Why is the alligator still alive after 500 million years?  Why are fish still around as they are in the fossil record from 500 million years ago?  You know the whole thing is a crazy.

Sid:  You know you hit so many different areas in your book I don’t know where to start, where to stop, but real quick you have a problem with Israel being called Palestine, why is that?

James:  (Laughing) Well, you know Palestine the ever generous Alexander the Great is the name that was bestowed on Israel when he conquered Israel. Actually Israel surrendered you know they saw that the Phoenicians were going down and the expedient thing to do is to just say okay big boy.  But anyway so when Alexander took over in about 330 BC he names it Israel, Palestine.  Named after Philistines, arch rivals of the Israelis at the time of David 1000 BC; now the Philistines lived down in the Gaza area.

Sid:  Oh this is too good to rush – we’re out of time today we’ll pick up here on tomorrow’s broadcast.

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