Sid:  Now you don’t have to go to Heaven or experience Hell to be red hot for the Messiah, but I’ll tell you the truth it would help for a lot of you to experience the reality of Hell, and the reality of Heaven.  I can tell you as a fact that although I have never experienced the reality of Hell; I have never experienced the reality of Heaven it’s as real to me as if I have.
Why?  Because I have intimacy with God through Jesus, but I believe God has raised up witnesses in our day that for His purposes many have died from a medical viewpoint, gone to Heaven and have been sent back to tell what Heaven is like.  And many have experienced Hell, I have put together the ten best stories that I have had over the years of experiences in Heaven and in Hell, nine different people and I decided you better listen to this excerpt.

Well, we hear lots of shows about heaven, lots of shows about angels, lots of shows about healing, lots healing, lots of shows about deliverance but what about Hell, whatever happened to Hell?  Well, we don’t talk a whole lot about Hell, it’s not the right thing socially correct to do in most circles, but I believe if you had the experience that my guest had you would not be lukewarm anymore, let’s go to the interview with Bill Wiese.

On November 23, 1998 you went to a prayer meeting obviously, figures and it’s like 3:00 in the morning or so, and what happened?

Bill:  Alright we came home from the prayer meeting the night of the 22nd and at 3:00 in the morning the Lord picked me up and dropped me off in a prison cell in Hell, I found myself in a prison cell with stone walls and bars just like you would image in a cell.  And I didn’t realize where I was at that moment but I noticed immediately the heat was incredible heat and I should have been incinerated and died right away, but I was still living through this heat.  I looked and I noticed that there were these two creatures in the cell, they were reptilish in appearance, huge about 12 or 13 feet tall, large jaw, big teeth, huge claws and they were pacing like a caged bull in this cell. They were talking amongst each other, blaspheming God and cursing God.

Sid:  Now you told me that Jesus had told you later then that He took all memory that you were a Christian so you went to experience what it was like as a non-Christian in Hell.

Bill:  He withheld it from my mind that I was a Christian and explained it on the way back, but also so I was there as a unsaved person would be just like someone that had not accepted the Lord.  So when I saw these creatures I didn’t realize immediately that they were demons, but that’s what they were; fallen angels or demons.  And they had hatred for God and for myself and they immediately directed their hatred toward me and picked me up threw me against into the wall. I felt my bones break and the other one picked me up and shredded my flesh with his claw, just tore up my flesh.  And you know my wife and I like to work out and take care of ourselves and eat right and now none of that mattered the body was just being destroyed.

Sid:    You know what kind of pain were you feeling when this was going on?

Bill:  I felt pain, I felt quite bit of the pain, but again on the way back the Lord explained that He withheld a lot of the pain from me so that I wouldn’t have to experience full brunt of it, but enough of it to let people know there is literal pain felt in Hell.  You will feel pain and the heat and the torments are tremendous in Hell.

Sid:  Now, could you hear anything going on.

Bill:  The screams were deafening overwhelming screams it was terrible to even endure that, but you couldn’t escape it was so loud it was piercing. So that was one of the things.

Sid:  So, it’s got to be almost like say a Vietnam Veteran that remembers those things; it’s something you could never forget those screams.

Bill:  No, you’ll never forget them, I know I won’t. I managed to move I noticed I had no strength in my body at all, you have no strength in Hell so I managed to somehow crawl, that’s as much energy that I could get to make a move and apparently they let me, I crawled out of the cell and one direction it’s completely pitch black.  A darkness that was beyond any darkness that you could feel here on earth; and it as a darkness that you could feel, like it talks about in Exodus in 10:21. I looked the other direction and there was flames of fire leaping high into the sky, it was off in the distance, I knew that it was about 10 miles away this huge raging pit of fire.  And it  light up the sky line just enough to see the desolate barren wasteland, nothing green, no life of any kind, just all barren and desolate.  So at that point I was drugged back into the cell by the demons and more torments. After that I was picked up and taken out of that cell and placed over near the pit of fire and it was enormous about a mile across ragging fames. I could see the outlines of people in this fire screaming, they were being burned in the fire and torment.  I didn’t want to go in there it was already hot enough, but I knew that I just didn’t want to go into the flames.  That’s a terrible thing to have to suffer and these people were burning.  There were demons all around this cell pushing the people back in it if they tried to claw their way out.  They really couldn’t get out anyway, but the demons were just there shoving them back in.  I felt so awful for the people, but also for myself.

Sid:  Has that thought ever crossed your mind what it would have been like to be there for all of eternity?

Bill:   I just can’t imagine, I mean when I was there I did imagine it and it was horrible to live with that thought to never get out, and I just felt so bad for the people.  But He allowed me to feel a little bit of His heart what He feels for the people and He wept over people going into Hell, He doesn’t want one person to go there it hurt Him so much that the amount He allowed me to feel I couldn’t stand it.

Sid:  As many of you know I was raised in a traditional Jewish home. When I was young my earliest recollections are my parents being away and me being home alone at night and being very afraid. One day a thought popped in my mind, and the thought was “What happens when you die?” I began to speculate “What happens when someone dies?”  Because in Judaism it’s l’Chaiyim a language of life, but although we believe in life after death we don’t talk about it so what a young kid to conclude?  I concluded since we didn’t talk about it the answer to the question “What happens when you die?” Is you cease to exist.  Well then I started to ponder, what would life be like if I ceased to exist, whatever was me, the real me was going to be snuffed out and it was such an objectionable thought I blocked it, I stopped thinking about it until many years later and I reached appoint where life was too hard.  And I really I didn’t want to live like that anymore. Some Christians in the first time in my life had told me that I could know intimately, I could have intimacy with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  And they told me a prayer to pray, and the worse night of my life I had prayed the prayer the day before I didn’t feel anything but you know we get fooled by feelings.  Something happened, God heard my prayer and the next night when I went to bed I was so fearful I was so fearful of life that I didn’t care if I ceased to exist and I yelled out a two word prayer, I said, “Jesus, help.”  And I went to bed and when I woke up the next morning I was filled with such Shalom. Now many people that say this prayer do experience the presence of God and feelings.  Many that say this prayer like myself when I said it the first time, didn’t experience anything. Whether you experience anything or not you have got the attention of the creator of the Universe and a change will occur in your life if you just say this prayer out loud and mean it to the best of your ability.  Dear God, I have sinned and I am so sorry. With Your help I turn from my sins, please forgive me, in Yeshua’s Name.  I believe that Yeshua died, rose from the dead, and is at the right hand of God, now that I’m clean I make Yeshua my Lord, and ask Him to live inside of me.  Amen.

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