Sid:  We want everyone everywhere to recognize that God is a God of the impossible.  God is a God that forgives, God is so good there has been a bad PR campaign against the truth about God by the devil and we’re proclaiming the truth and you’re going to know the truth and the truth is going to set you free.  Nothing is impossible in His presence all things are possible and we are in the presence of the living God.  I’ve got Gary Wood on the telephone and his daughter Angel.  Gary had a visitation to heaven and his life has never been the same, the Lord told him that if he would write a book about it it would go worldwide and everyone that read it would have the opportunity to be healed, deliver and set free.  But even if that wasn’t true and it is true, he’s got so many reports of people being healed and delivered and set free just from reading his book “A Place Called Heaven.” And even if that wasn’t true if Jesus is your Messiah and Lord you will be in a place called Heaven and it’s going to give you a picture of where you’re going to spend eternity.  And you’re going to be more heavenly minded than earthly minded and yielding more to God than you ever have in your life as a result of reading that book.  But tell me Gary a bit about your daughter Angel.

Gary:  Well, Angel is such a blessing to our family we’re just thankful that she was entrusted into our care.  Angel was born Sid a doctor said, “Mentally retarded” and they said that there were so many things that she would never be able to do or to achieve and we’re watching her just supersede all of those things.

Sid:  And was she actually tested and where was she tested and what did they say about her?

Gary:  She was tested here at the University of Texas and the physiologist told us that you could not tell her three things in a row and then she reiterate and speak those things back to you.  She had a sever coordination problem, you could throw a ball, she could see the ball coming but she couldn’t put her hands together and catch the ball.  And then they told us that she couldn’t go from the classroom in school to the bathroom and find her way back to the classroom.

Sid:  How far did they expect her to go in school?

Gary:  They said that she would never achieve over a third grade level of mentality.

Sid:  Okay when they gave your report what did you and your wife say and do?

Gary:  Well, immediately you just feel that sense of overwhelming hopelessness and my wife got an inspired idea Sid and God told her that she believe that if I would read healing scriptures into a tape recorder and just play them in Angels room all night long that Angel would be healed.  And back then you know they didn’t have all the modern devices that we have now.

Sid:  There were no I-Pods, ha-ha.

Gary:  No I-Pods, I think I can’t even keep up with all of them, but any way I just took a little cassette recorder, found all the healing scriptures I could out all different translations of the scripture and read it and read it with love.  And we played it in Angel’s room all night long and Dean and I would take turns waking up and turning that tape recorder over and just allowing it to play over and over and over and over, until it just saturated her mind and miracles bebin to happen.

Sid:    Tell me how she is today.

Gary:  Well, she has been studying the word of God with me for the past five years and has just received a Masters Degree from Grace Theological Seminary and Lois, South Carolina where I carry my Doctorate Degree.  But she is a tremendous intercessor, a tremendous prayer warrior, the most compassionate person I know on the face of the earth.  We had an old godly retired school teacher that came in and told me Pastor, I’m pasturing a church at the time and she said, “Pastor, I can teach Angel to read.”  And I said, “Miss Hedley you really believe that?  And she said, “Oh, I know I can Pastor” she said, “I still want to work with her.”  So Angel learned to read Sid by reading the Bible, that’s how she learned to read.  Then she got baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. Dean and I would get called down to school for a conference, and here is how the conference would go.  They would say, “Mr. and Mrs. Wood we’ve called you in to talk about your daughters progress. Your daughter speaks in this strange language.  We’ve never heard it, and we don’t understand it, we speak French, German, Spanish, but we have never heard the language that she speaks in.” I said, “Well what happens when she speaks in this language?” They said, “That is what we wanted to tell you. She goes like into a trance. Her eyes are closed and she prays in this language, and then she just gives the answers to the questions.”  I said, ”Well isn’t that what it is all about?” She studied, we worked with her, but she studied then, but the Holy Spirit would bring it back to her mind.

Sid: Well she is actually operating in ministry today.  Tell me the first time you realized that she operated in the gift of prophecy, words of knowledge, and healing.

Gary: Well God actually called her to the ministry in May of 1988 when she was with me in a meeting.  On the way back she was crying in the backseat, and I asked her “What was wrong?” She said, “That God touched her heart that night and called her into the full-time ministry.” It is increasing in her life on a steady rate, but just before I went to the Philippines she bowed at my seat and prophesied over me. She spoke into my life and said, “Everywhere the souls of my feet went I would experience the blessings of God and see a mighty outpouring of the rein of the Holy Spirit.” That is exactly what happened over in the Philippines.  Literally spiritually inside the service where the Lord told me to throw water on people typifying an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Then outside, where it literally began to flood, the only night in a 14 day meeting that it literally started raining to that magnitude. So everything she said came to pass. She is a powerful intercessor.  If you want prayers and know that those prayers will reach heaven then you want my Angel to pray for you.

Sid:  Can I speak to Angel right now?

Gary:  Yeah.

Sid: Alright we are putting on Angel Wood.  Hi Angel, are you there?

Angel:  Hello?

Sid:  Hi, did I thought I heard in the background that you had a prophetic word or something you wanted to say to me.  What was that?

Angel:  That God’s going to use you in a mighty way and that you are going to do good all over the world and that you’re going to be blessed to all the people all over the world in Jesus name.

Sid:  How long have you been prophesying Angel?

Angel:  It’s just been I guess about three weeks now.

Sid:  And when you hear a prophetic word is it something you have a thought or do you actually hear a voice?

Angel:  I hear a voice.

Sid:  My goodness, that’s a pretty powerful gift.  We’ll talk further on tomorrow’s broadcast but can I speak to your Dad again?

Angel:  Okay, just hold on a sec.

Sid:  Alright it’s you know I took a chance there because I wasn’t sure I overheard what’s going on but she actually had a prophetic word for me.  Gary, tell me about your book which is so important it’s called “A Place Called Heaven.”  I’ll never forget my mother used to always say heaven must be a wonderful place.  And that’s where she is right now, but everyone that names the name of Jesus as Lord and Savior they need your book, what kind of feedback do you get from people that read your book, “A Place Called Heaven?”

Gary:  Well, people are receiving all kinds of incredible miracles, there was a man named John who had fallen and he had broken several disks in the lower portion of his back the L2 and L3.  And there was so many things that he wasn’t able to do and was in intense pain and God just touched him miraculously and he told me he was even for the first time since he was a kid was able to ride a roller coaster; that’s just incredible .  Just recently a lady was healed of Lupus disease; we’ve gotten reports of people healed of cancer, blind eyes being opened.

Sid:  But even more important than those reports is what Jesus said to you about those who will read the book and practice what you say.  What did He promise?

Gary:  He promised that people would be born again, healed and delivered, He said, “Wake up my church.”  He said, “My people have lost their intimacy with me He said “They’ve fallen asleep and I desire to have a relationship with them once again.”  He told me He said, “Tell the people to get up early in the morning and start expecting with excitement.”

Sid:  Listen, as far as I’m concerned when people start reading your daughter’s book, that’s the sort of thing that is going to happen to them with a hopeless situation.   Talk to someone that’s in a hopeless situation why they would benefit from your daughters book “Angel A Walking Miracle.”

Gary:  Well, because it’s not the problem your facing that will defeat you whether it’s your attitude towards the problem and that’s the key with Angel.  Angel has the most positive attitude of anybody I know; people say that physiologists all told us that so many things were impossible for her ever to accomplish and I’m talking to people right now who feel like it’s just absolutely impossible with some overwhelming situations that they are facing.  But Angel gets up every morning, she dresses herself physically then she dresses herself with the full armor of God and she says, tell them Angel real quick what you’re favorite scripture; “I can do all things that Christ would strengthen me” Philippians 4:13.  She says that and she puts on the full armor of God and according to Ephesians chapter 6 and then she goes out and she just doesn’t believe there’s anything she can’t do.  She just believes that…

Sid:  And yet from a medical viewpoint they had given up on her.

Gary:  Absolutely, but she believes that she has soundness of mind.

Sid:  What is just very quickly what is the; she prays for people that have mental  problems that can’t remember and what happens to them?

Gary:  Well, suddenly they begin to remember and she…

Sid:  Oh, evay she’ll pray on tomorrow’s broadcast.

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