But I had seen miracles. And I’m praying for people and they’re having miracles and healing and my body has this and I’m in so much pain I want to cry. And instead you know what I do? I envision the accuser of the brethren before the throne of Jesus saying “well sure, when You give him whatever he wants he always loves You.” So you know what? In the midst of my pain I raise my hands on my bed to the heavens and I say “Jesus, You are Jehovah Rapha whether I live or die!” And that’s kicking sand in the face of the enemy and giving glory to Jesus! And you know what?

It’s an opportunity to stand in faith and show Him we love Him whether we’re getting what we want or not because He is God and we want His presence, not because we’re just seeking His promise. We want Him for what He can give us. That’s the secret to walk in. To have the relationship, such a relationship with your Father that He’ll do anything for you! Automatically you’ll see it. You need not strive. This woman, just a few more points, she touched Him and immediately she was healed! And then I love what Jesus says here. He says “who touched me?” I thought what a stupid question!

The disciples thought so too. Everybody’s bumping into You and touching You! How can we tell You who touched You? Jesus was making a point. You see Jesus, Isaiah 46, verse 10, it says He’s the God who declares the end from the beginning! From the foundations of the world He knew on this day that that woman was going to come up and touch Him! So why is He asking who touched Me? Because He’s making a point that everybody was bumping into Jesus and you can’t just come and bump Jesus! You have to touch Him with a touch of faith! Loving Him and touching Him!

Audience: [Clapping] 

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