Many times people will come up to me later and say, “Brother David, I didn’t even need to get in line for prayer! When you spoke the message I was healed just sitting there because the word was going forth!” Amen? Your spirit is getting lifted. The discouragement starts dropping during the message and joy starts to flow! I feel it right now! There’s people who were discouraged when they came in. You’re already feeling joy. It’s starting to rise up in this place! Hallelujah! We’ll see it! Praise the Lord! The message I’m going to begin in a second and I just wanted to ask if there’s – for a timing. If there’s anywhere that I can see it or get a sense of our time together. So hallelujah! So? Okay, great. Praise the Lord! Every once in a while it helps me because see since my job is to build your faith if it doesn’t rise I just lock the doors and I’ll keep you here all night!

Audience: [Laughing]

DAVID: Don’t think I haven’t done that in places! [Laughing] Praise the Lord!

Audience: [Clapping]

DAVID: But I can tell you may not need that! You’re already with me! You’re here! Praise the Lord! The message that God encouraged and put on my heart was entitled” The Virtue of God!” God’s virtue. Hallelujah! The key verse is found in the Book of Luke, chapter 6, verse 19. It says “the virtue flowed from the robe of Jesus.” And all – not a few, not some, not his favorite, “All were healed!” Amen? We have to understand who we are in Jesus Christ! We can all receive healing! I used to think well maybe this one or maybe that one. Jesus said “all!” It flows! One time I was praying and people were getting healed. Their knees and different sicknesses. Digestive problems. And they brought a man with 4-stage cancer to me and I said oh don’t make me pray for him!

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