
SID: Now another key for making right decisions every time simply is praying in a supernatural language. The Bible refers to it as unknown tongues. Tell me why that’s so important.

KAREN: Well it’s your spirit praying directly to God. You know, when the Bible says when we pray in tongues we don’t have an understanding in our minds, and so there’s so many benefits to praying in tongues. First of all, it makes you bold. Second of all, it gives you, it helps you pray out the mysteries of the future. You know, he who prays in tongues is praying directly to God for his mysteries. And you know, the future is a mystery to us. Right. And so if you’re seeking God’s direction or asking him for right decisions, when you pray in the Spirit or pray in other tongues, you’re praying out things in your future, like when you get there, it’s ready for you already set up by God. And another, in you know, Romans 8:26 it says that, “The Spirit helps us pray when we don’t know what to pray for as we ought.” I don’t know about you, but there’s lots of times I run into things when I know somebody should pray, but I don’t know what to pray for.

SID: You know the symptoms, but you don’t know the causes. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to pray precise prayers.


SID: From the Spirit of the Living God to change the circumstance in your life or a loved one’s life.

KAREN: You know, I think about Peter on the day of Pentecost. This is a guy who denied the Lord three times and was probably feeling guilty, and was feeling weak. But he went to the Upper Room with the disciples. When the Holy Spirit fell they all spoke in other tongues and then Peter preached, and won 3000 people to the Lord that day.

SID: Well my message to you is start praying in tongues.

KAREN: Yes, absolutely.

SID: But you tell people, and I think this is phenomenal, when they go to sleep, go to sleep praying in tongues. Explain a little bit.

KAREN: I was in children’s ministry for like 21 years and so I got lots of kids filled with the Spirit praying in other tongues, which is so exciting. I used to tell them, guys, you got to practice and so I gave them a practice time. Every night when you lay your head down on the pillow just pray in tongues. And then adults heard me teaching kids that, and they would come back to me and say, you know, I go to sleep praying in tongues and I wake up knowing stuff.

SID: The Bible says you have to become like a little child.

KAREN: It’s true.

SID: Pray for people right now that are born from above, because that’s the only requirement, born again. You believe Jesus died for your sins, his blood washed them away, you’ve repented and you asked Jesus to be your Lord. If that’s you, pray for them to receive the filling the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. And by the way, you can be filled with the Holy Spirit without speaking in tongues, but you could speak in tongues if you’re filled with the Holy Spirit.

KAREN: Yes. And it’s easy. You know, this is a gift from God. When somebody wants to give you a gift and they’re holding it out like this, what do you do? You just take it. You don’t have to qualify for it. You don’t have to earn or deserve it. It’s just something given to you by God. And God has put his Holy Spirit on the earth ever since, Acts, Chapter 2, Verse 4, ever since the day of Pentecost, for us, for a gift, and it’s not hard to receive it. In fact, all you have to do is just pray this prayer with me. Father God.

SID: Father God.

KAREN: I ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit.

SID: I ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit.

KAREN: Fill me with your spirit.

SID: Fill me with your spirit.

KAREN: With the evidence of speaking in tongues.

SID: With the evidence of speaking in tongues.

KAREN: I receive it now.

SID: I receive it now.

KAREN: In Jesus’ name.

SID: In Jesus’ name.

KAREN: It’s that easy.

SID: Now you can’t talk English without cooperating with your mouth and your lips. Right? You can’t speak from, it’s not coming from here any more and this will rebel, it’s coming from here, your belly. Therefore, you’ll not hear it until you do your part, God will do his. You can’t speak in English unless you articulate the words coming from your brain. You can’t speak, I don’t know how, perfect, it’s unknown. You start speaking as quickly as you can, a language you haven’t been instructed, like a little child, right now. [speaking in tongues]. Now if you don’t start speaking, no one else will do it. [speaking in tongues]. Someone’s ear was just opened in Jesus’ name. [speaking in tongues]. Hey, this really is supernatural, Karen. Now what if someone has missed it? They know they’ve missed it. Are they finished?


SID: Good.

KAREN: Haven’t we all.

SID: Of course.

KAREN: You know, I think nobody has done everything perfectly. And the devil would love you to believe that now you’re disqualified, you know, or that was your only chance and it’s over for you. But he’s a liar, you know. If the Bible shows us anything, it shows us people who got another chance, you know. Look at Moses. He killed an Egyptian and he thought his time for being a deliverer was over, but no, God’s plan for him was go, he kept going.

SID: Look at David.

KAREN: Look at David. We’re talking about, you know, sleeping with somebody else’s wife, getting her pregnant and killing her husband. I mean.

SID: You think you did bad.

KAREN: Exactly. And yet even the New Testament still calls him a man after God’s own heart. He repented, you know. And so if you’ve missed it, if you feel like you’ve gotten off track, I’m telling you, God is big enough to get you back on track.

SID: Well I want you to pray right now for people, right now.

KAREN: Okay. Father, we just come to you, I come to you on behalf of those who have maybe missed it, maybe gone off track, maybe gotten in the wrong direction. And Father, if I just pray that you give them Divine impartations and truth, and revelation that they can ask you for forgiveness and they can go on that your plan for their life is still coming to pass, that what you created them for will, is still your plan for their lives. I pray over those people. I pray that you are able to just receive God’s forgiveness and keep on going because he knows how to get you right back on track in Jesus’ name.

SID: And my way of saying the same thing is just throw off the dust and the horrible things and say, thank you for your blood. I repent, Jesus. Now you have to repent. Don’t get me wrong, that means a change of action, you’re sorry. You repent and I’m going to tell you, you will not miss a step of what God has for you in your life.


SID: You are ready to walk into your destiny. And God told me tell you that right now. That’s his message for you.

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