
SID: So have you ever said to God, God, I’m so practical, just tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do it. Have you ever said that? You know, have you ever said, God, I just don’t hear your voice. I feel so sorry for myself. No, you never say it that way, but that’s what you’re really saying. That’s the way most of us feel.

GARY: Yes. Before I learned, that’s how I would feel. But hearing God’s voice is the key. The Bible says that, “The Kingdom of God does not come by observation, but it is in us,” Luke, chapter 17, verse 20. We already have the Kingdom. We already have every answer we need, the capacity to hear already in us. First Corinthians says that we have the mind of Christ, and so that’s, we have to tap into that. And like the story we told about Luke, chapter 5, the fishermen, Jesus told them where the fish were. Now all we need is to be able to hear. And of course, when Peter had taxes to pay, Matthew 17, Jesus said, “Go catch a fish and you’ll find a gold coin.” And so.

SID: But you know, if someone just had that thought, they would say, that’s ridiculous, I’ve just been fishing all night, I’m not going to do that.

GARY: Yes. Yes.

SID: That’s what people do, you explained to me. We get these God thoughts and we flick them off. I don’t hear from God. Get off that thought.

GARY: Yes. Well a lot of thoughts we hear are for a reason. I always say your answer is hidden from you for you. We read in First Corinthians, second chapter, speaking of Jesus being born, that if Satan would have known about the plan of God he would not have crucified Jesus. So Satan will always, if he can pick up on the plan of God, he will change his tactics. So God uses strange and sometimes unusual directions to us so that Satan does not know what the heck is going on. And we actually go capture wealth and capture opportunities before he actually can pick up on it and interfere with it.

SID: We talked about a secret weapon that’s mysterious.

GARY: Yes.

SID: What’s the secret?

GARY: First Corinthians, 12, 13 and 14 — 13 says, “Show the love of God,” the love chapter, but it starts, “Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels.” And First Corinthians 14:2 says, “A man who prays in the Spirit, who prays in tongues utters mysteries out of his own spirit, and he actually edifies himself.” The word “edify” means teach or instruct. So as we pray in the Spirit, God is downloading to our spirit mysteries that bring the capacity for us to pick up on revelation of direction of things we have need of, of the instructions. Just like as if Jesus were sitting there with you, he would say there’s the fish, go catch them.

SID: Stop flicking off God’s ideas. That’s the message.

GARY: Yes.

SID: So we have a young man in our mailroom and he got so excited, he’s working for us, and he said, “You’re having Gary Keesee. I listened to his teaching and I had literally a miracle happen.” Ian, you’re sitting in the back. Would you stand up for a moment. He, newly married. They had their first child. They want a home. All he has is a couple thousand dollars. So he reads the teaching. There’s the most phenomenal story. And rather than use the 2000 for the house, which they probably could get the house they wanted anyway, rather than use that he found out about a woman that had a severe need. And guess what he did? He planted his 2000, which is all he had, all he had into that family. So what happens? Make a long story short, a relative says, I’m going to give you $15,000, out of the blue, and he gets the house of his dreams because he applied, he didn’t just give to get. He gave where his heart showed him a, really a bigger need than he had.

GARY: Yes.

SID: And that made the difference. But that was following, and that’s the amazing thing. It was following after he listened to Gary’s teaching.

GARY: Right.

SID: When you apply God’s laws in the Spirit, the supernatural happens and although it may take a few years using supernatural principles to get out of debt, do you know that God is speeding everything up. This is your moment right now. Don’t miss it. We’re in a living in a new time, a new period. Heaven is coming so close to Earth. Don’t give up. You’re at the finish line. Pray what God is showing you right now.

GARY: Father, in the name of Jesus, I break the spirit of anxiousness over the fear of lack. I break the spirit of poverty in Jesus’ name. Father, your Kingdom is a kingdom of wealth and you give us the grace to prosper in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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