Bill Kent & Mark Pool

Sid: Most people do not even get it; but the way that God orchestrated things is He goes to the Jew first to plant a seed to open up a door evangelism to all people. And this is God’s time for the spiritual scales to come off of the eyes of Jewish people so that we would see Jesus and for the spiritual scales to come off of the eyes of Christians so that we would recognize the need to evangelize the Jew.  Because when those two anointing’s the ancient Jewish anointing and the New Covenant Christian anointing merge together we have what Paul calls “Life from the dead.”  He says in Romans 11:11 “If it was a blessing the Jewish people rejected their Messiah so that the Gentiles could be grafted in,” that was a pretty good blessing. He says that it’ll be even a greater blessing when the Jewish people receive their Messiah; it’ll cause miracles like life from the dead.  And I’m so excited to tell you Mishpochah that I talked to the director of Messianic Vision Canada; yes we all throughout Canada now on television. We have an office there and there was a young Chassidic student who just happened to see our website; our web page.  As a matter of fact if you haven’t seen our web page I suggest you go there.  It’s www. And he went to our web page; called our Canadian office, and after just a couple of minutes our director lead him to the Lord and this was his statement.  He said, “I feel so clean, I feel like I’m washed;” I believe that’s a prophetic sign for us.  He even said “Do I have takeoff my yarmulke?”  That’s the head covering that Jewish people wear; and she said “Of course not you just have to walk in intimacy with God knowing as you just said that you are washed and you are clean.”  And I see that as just a foretaste of what’s going to be happening shortly so that the two streams Jewish people and Christians will merge together in the greatest outpouring of God’s Spirit in history; unfair.  What do you mean Sid?  Unfair, my guest that I have on the line right now is Mark Pool he’s a New Covenant Prophet with a gift he literally can see a tickertape over people’s lives.  And tell them what God is doing in their life; and he has an amazing accuracy.  Mark so the people will get to know you just a little bit; would you please tell me what God showed you before President Bush became President the first time.

Mark:  Well, thank you Sid for having me on first place.  I would like to say that I happen to be at a ministry center and I was in Mexico actually ministering. I saw the Lord gave me a word “That he will be President for the next two terms.”  He gave me just a real strong word and it was very difficult because I stayed over during the election period time, the ministry coincided there, and on the day after the election there was a very large paper the front page said “Gore Wins.”  And it was a little difficult on me.

Sid: I’m sure; were they getting the stones ready or… (Laughing)

Mark:  They were… I was getting a little bit of ridicule; a lot of chuckles, a lot of laughter it looks like the prophet you know missed again.  I said… I kind of drew away and I asked God I said “Lord, I’m not so concerned about my name but I said “Thus saith the Lord.”  He said, “That’s what I said.”  So I confronted and He said “That’s what I said.”  And they begin to laugh even louder. They said “You’re saying the newspapers wrong and the elections turned?  And I said “Yes, we just got to wait; we just have to wait and the next day it said “Woe, vote counts not complete” and you know the rest of it.  And then as it continued on towards the next election you know it was very difficult election I sought the Lord again and He said “I told you the first time, but this time note that my church won’t be given the election they’ll have to pray, seek my face, and then I’ll hear their prayer.”  And that’s what happened.

Sid: You know Mark I want to take you back to the beginning this people that are so prophetic and we’ll talk about some of the things you see happening to the United States and Israel this year. Before we even get to that I want the people to get to know you. Before you were even born God spoke to your mother; tell me about that.

Mark:  Well, she didn’t tell me until I had surrendered to the ministry after the age of 12 so she kept that in which was a great thing; she wanted the Holy Spirit to have His own way. But she said that when she was carrying me she was kneeling down in the divan over the sofa in the living room and she heard the audible voice of God; the only time He had ever spoken to her. Said “His name will be Mark and he will be a voice to the nations;” and she was like questioning that she had heard the audible voice of God.  And that day she saw an angel looking about 12 feet tall standing next to her while she was ironing “Saying the voice you heard was absolutely from God and don’t doubt it.” So from that moment on she began to purchase boy items and so forth and in those days they didn’t have the sonogram so everybody kind of laugh at her being prophetic stuff out that just stepped out and took God’s word.  But it was interesting because the day I surrendered in the ministry I explained to her what I’d seen in my prayer.  She said “You’ve always been able to I’ve noticed this growing up and help your mother by explaining like an Aunt and Uncle coming from Oklahoma City; she had no idea I was a toddler she said you just walked up and said “When is Aunt and Unky coming from Oklahoma City?”  And she said “What?” So she began to prepare and she made meals and they didn’t do a lot of phone calling if there where phones. You know those rural areas they were like even the early model so they would just show up.  And about 4 or 5 hours later they drove in from Oklahoma City and she said “That’s always the rule in our life.” So I’ve really not known not hearing from God, but as we grow older in the Lord it’s like a muscle the more you use it the more it gets…

Sid: Now you have been prophetic from just a toddler; your mom was very prophetic and one day you were going to visit her and you almost didn’t do it because you said “She was in a nursing home and you said I can go visit her anytime,” but you had that nudge by the Holy Spirit to go visit her and what happened?

Mark:  Well, that’s true Sid. I really wanted to go see another prophet who had a great television program in the Dallas community and I was headed in that direction; hadn’t seen him in 10 years, and was going just directly by the nursing home.  The Lord checked me and said “Pull in there right now.”  And I kind of argued with God I said “Lord I really want to go see this prophet of God and renew some relationships and get some old business in.”  He said “Now!”  So I ducked in and mother had been praying and she had been diagnosed with bone marrow cancer and was in great pain in her little nursing home by herself. She said “She had just been praying that God would send her minister son in to pray for her.”  And just as I walked in you know I just felt the presence of the Lord and was able to pray for her and she was actually she actually was healed that night, that day.  And our prayers and agreement came together and she didn’t pass from this earth with any cancer in her.  From that moment on she was healed but I asked God I said “Lord, thank you for that I appreciate it now I’ll go on to my meeting, and I just casually asked mother I said “Well, are you going to be okay?”  She said “Yes, what can I do for you?”  And the Lord prompted me quickly He said “Ask her for the double portion of that prophetic mantle.”  And He actually let me know that she wouldn’t be here a year from then at that moment it was kind of a happy and sad occasion to know that but I didn’t share the latter with her.  I just said “Yes, I would like to have that double portion of that mantle.”  And she said “Well, I guess it is you son so come and kneel down and so she laid her little…

Sid: You know she knew that someone was going to get a double portion of her prophetic anointing.

Mark: Yes, she knew it.

Sid: But that person had to come to her.

Mark: And she did not say a word ever to me about it.

Sid: Hmm.

Mark: And she said well, and she looked at me unusual and just kind of starred through me like I’ve never seen my mother look and she said “So it is you;” and when she heard me…it’s pretty emotional… hmm hmm excuse me.  But when she laid her hands upon me I’m sorry I still get emotional because I feel such an anointing that day Sid it’s really indescribable it’s kind of like describe to you Heaven when I was there.  It’s like something that just never leaves you; it’s like when I knew that I feel in love with my wife it’s something that never leaves you, you know what I mean. It’s the first love of Jesus.  It’s something that never leaves you; and it’s just there; it’s a deposit from God I mean what can you say.

Sid: It’s so phenomenal how God uses you now in the prophetic we’ll talk a lot about what’s coming future of the United States and Israel tomorrow’s broadcast or the next day.


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