
Sid: My guest, and you’ve probably seen him on CNN, on Fox, on CBN Erick Stakelbeck. He’s come out with a brand new book “The Brotherhood America’s Next Great Enemy.” Erick you came to the Lord as I study it God used your father who had a great love for Bible prophecy, but he also used a book on prophecy by Hal Lindsey, “The Late Great Planet Earth.” However, the thing that intrigues me even more is what happened to you in 2008 in Israel.

Erick: You know Sid I have never heard the Lord, unfortunately I’ve never heard the Lord audibly in my ear. I wish He’s say “Samuel, Samuel” like He did to young Samuel. I wish, I’m waiting for that day but the Lord has spoken powerfully to my heart on several occasions. Sid in November 2008 my very first time in the land of Israel a lifelong dream I went to the Western Wall and I’m standing there I’m trying to take it all in and I feel powerfully on my heart “Help My people.” Now He wasn’t talking about the Amish people, or the Mormon people clearly in the land of Israel God was talking about helping the Jewish people, the land of Israel and the Jewish people. Suddenly Sid it all made sense, this lifelong passion for Israel, for prophecy a lifetime of friendships with Jewish friends, coaches, mentors, teachers it all began to make sense to me. This is why I’m here, this is why God has me in this field of covering counter-terrorism of warning against the threats against Israel, against America; it hit me like a ton of bricks Sid in Jerusalem in the eternal city.  And that started my path to embracing our Lord Yeshua living for Yeshua leaving all the consequences to Yeshua and just walking with the Lord.

Sid: You told me some very supernatural things that have occurred for you to have this new book. You told me about several situations where angels were involved, but I personally believe you were supernaturally helped to get these interviews. I mean the heads of Islamic terror groups, why would they even let you interview them?

Erick: Sid I’m asked that question all the time. First of all when you go into these situations I always pray Psalms 91 “God will give His angles charge over you.” And even Al-Qaeda situations Isaiah 54 “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” Why do they talk to me Sid? I’m still trying to figure it out. Don’t these guys have Google, can’t they Google my name and see what I’m all about? I think it’s the Lord’s hand number 1. I think number 2 Sid from my experience these guys love to hear the sound of their own voice. They are very arrogant individuals. Number 2 they want to get their message out, and number 3 they see me a western journalist and they automatically assume “He’s just another naive liberal western journalist we can spin him like a top and use him to spout our propaganda to the world.” But at the end of the day, the Lord is opening those doors for sure.

Sid: For those that perhaps didn’t hear Monday or Tuesday, I urge everyone to hear this entire week. You state the Muslim Brotherhood was the first of the modern terrorist and they literally spawned groups like Al-Qaeda, like Hamas I mean this is not a friend. You also point out, and especially through these secret documents which I want to find out more about; just like Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf exactly what his strategy was to do and the world didn’t pay any attention, we know the strategy of the Muslim Brotherhood, and you call it “America’s Next Great Enemy.” Tell us more of the strategy from these secret documents that you’re aware of.

Erick: Sid isn’t it amazing we actually have the enemy’s plans in our possession. Our own government has these secret Muslim Brotherhood documents. This is the equivalent as you said of having the Nazi plans of World War II, of having Stalin’s plans during the Cold War; we know their game plan. Sid in 2004 right outside of Washington D.C. the FBI conducted a raid, they raided the home of a leading Muslim Brotherhood operative just 10 minutes from the White House. In his home they found box upon box of official Muslim Brotherhood documents written in Arabic. Now when these documents were translated they provided the Muslim Brotherhood’s blueprint for America. What that is Sid, in the Brotherhood’s own words is “To destroy western civilization America from within.” In these documents Sid the Brotherhood names names, they have a list of all their friends, and all the organizations who they’re connected to in America. The end game is again destroy western civilization from within, and they are very very patient.

Sid: Give me, and by the way that is such a key factor, we in America think of everything instant, they’re just goal oriented they don’t care how long it takes. Give me an idea of their strategy with say the mosques that are going up in America.

Erick: You know Sid it is no coincidence that since 2000, in a little over a decade, the number of mosques in America has doubled from 1,200 to over 2,200 and that’s since 9/11 Sid. That is astounding and that is not a coincidence. The reason I say that is because these secret Muslim Brotherhood documents that we are discussing, and again Sid our government has these documents in its possession, these documents call mosques or Islamic Centers which is a much benign term…

Sid: It sounds, they posture them as neighborhood centers like the YMCA.

Erick: Yeah. It’s just like your local “Y” Sid move along nothing to see here, nothing to fear. They call mosques, thats the Brotherhood, the access of their movement where battalions are supplied. They compare the mosques, the Islamic center, to a beehive the center of activity. Sid I describe in the book I’ve been in these Islamic enclaves throughout America, throughout Europe and the mosque is always the center piece. You’re seeing them now in America in rural areas; people might not know that multi-million dollar mega mosques are being built in places like the Bible-belt near Nashville, Tennessee. In the Heartland Columbus, Ohio, it’s not just the traditional gateway immigrant cities like New York, LA. no this strategy is to spread out across a wide geographical area from coast to coast. This is the Brotherhood strategy…

Sid: Okay, but what is going on in the mosques? This is just Muslims praying, that’s what we think anyway.

Erick: Of course, with freedom of religion in this country of course, and not every mosque is a terror hotbed, but enough mosques have been terror hotbeds Sid that we need to stand up and take notice at their rapid spread in this country. I document in the book several instances of mosques being used to plot terrorism. I also document how the Muslim Brotherhood controls many American mosques. Sid I’ll give you an example, the Boston bombers who killed 3 people wounded 264 more at the Boston Marathon these 2 young men attended a Muslim Brotherhood controlled mosque…

Sid: Okay what you indicate is the Muslim Brotherhood’s agenda from these secret documents is to turn out a new breed of domestically radicalized terrorists.

Erick: Yes. In the book I call it “Mosques Enclaves Victory.” Basically with the mosques, with the Islamic Center, if you build it they will come. That’s the Muslim Brotherhood’s philosophy; they build the mosque Sid as a sort of beachhead. Often times I’ve found in my investigations that they’ll build the mosques in a non-Muslim area where’s there’s a very small Muslim population. All of a sudden more and more Muslims come to the area, they move in they surround the mosque, non-Muslims move out. After a while all the stores in the area have Arabic on their signs; after a while you have Friday prayers spilling out into the surrounding streets, the call to prayer wafting through the area 5 times a time. There you have it that…

Sid: That sounds… I tell you I go to Israel a lot and that is a very disturbing disconcerting sound I wouldn’t like it in my neighborhood. (Laughing)

Erick: Could you imagine, but we see it in the Detroit, Michigan area in some places for instance Sid. You know in the Heartland of America we are seeing that.

Sid: Let me ask you a question, how much do groups like the Muslim Brotherhood control our media?

Erick: Well controlling the media, the American media, good question. We know they are regulars as guests in the American media Sid, we know these are the “go to guys” for CNN, for the New York Times; these are the moderate American Muslim spokesmen. I can tell that Al Jazeera, the infamous Al Jazeera Network, which by the way has a growing operation right here in America. Al Jazeera without a doubt is flooded with Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers. As a matter of fact Sid, in Egypt the government there, the new military government actually shut down Al Jazeera because it was so pro Muslim Brotherhood. Isn’t this great Sid now Al Jazeera is coming to a TV set near you here in America.

Sid: I tell you, I just believe Christian in America must read your brand new book “The Brotherhood America’s Next Great Enemy.” You really believe that, you really believe the Brotherhood is America’s next great enemy?

Erick: I do Sid. I say that for a few reasons. Look this group…

Sid: I’ll tell you what we’ll hold that thought till tomorrow’s broadcast.


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