Sid: We are learning so much truth; you see God says in His word “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.”  And we’re coming into not just the information age as far as natural things but the information explosion of supernatural understanding.  And I have Pastor Henry Wright on the telephone I was speaking to him all last week about the brand new addition of his book “A More Excellant Way – The Spiritual Roots of Disease – Pathways to Wholeness.”  Where he has traced just about every major disease and explained what are the spiritual roots, how to close them there’s excellent teaching in this book. And then examples of people that had similar diseases to you and how God has healed them.  Now Henry before we went on the air you were telling me a staggering fact that you put on conferences for Christians and then you poll Christians about the diseases that they have and what have you found out?

Henry:  Well, the average audience say of about 250 to 300 people in a conference that we do. When we poll the diseases from A to Z we find the average audience has over 250 different diseases in that room.  And over 5 to 600 total that means one person has more than one disease. There’s not an audience I speak to even of quote Christians that are not plagued with all manner of disease.

Sid: Well, what’s the answer?

Henry:  Well, the answer is to find out why they have the disease. Of course healing is still the children’s bread, but we talk about healing as if God were required to heal us or something. Because we see healing as part of the atonement, and that’s a debatable subject in many quarters today Sid.  There are denominations that teach that healing past away 2000 years ago with the apostles.

Sid: But what I’m concerned about is those that understand that healing is today but aren’t getting their healing.

Henry:  Well I suppose the first place to look for the answer to that is in the entire 1st Chapter of the book of Isaiah because it’s addressed to God’s people it’s addressed to covenant people and if you read the entire 1st chapter of the book of Isaiah it’s all about the connection between God’s people serving sin and all manner of disease.  I guess we don’t understand what serving sin is all about that’s such a horrible word isn’t it sin.  I suppose we should probably follow the newest modern profile and just call it negative emotion or psychological defect.

Sid: Or unfortunately as many people in many congregations do just ignore it.

Henry:  Well we ignore it become so one; I guess you say “Well it’s just human nature.”  I want to talk about human nature.  When God created Adam he was called a son of God; human nature is not evil but something has joined human nature which has changed our image into something different than what who God is.  If God is love and the Bible says He is love and we allow bitterness and hatred and division and schism and anger and rage to be part of our life that’s overthrowing who God is in creation.  And we don’t think that we think being angry with our brother is normal; we think hating ourself is just normal. He do like “Well, that’s just the way I am.”  I have people tell me when I come to them with a disease and I say “Are you dealing with this issue in your life?”  “Yeah, well that’s just the way I am pastor if you don’t like it get over it.”  I said “Well, what about the scripture that says from glory to glory we are being changed into His image.”  Sid I want to tell you looking down at Christianity around the world between salvation and Heaven there’s a huge gap of a wilderness of problems.  And yet in the Lord’s Prayer Jesus in teaching the disciples to pray He said “Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven.” I think it’s time to bring a little bit of Heaven to Earth, what do you think?

Sid: I agree. Tell me in these audiences that have so many diseases what are the types of defects that are really behind these diseases.

Henry:  When we finished looking at the profiles of the diseases in these audiences it’s really amazing. It’s broken down, there’s always exceptions, but basically the bulk of them about 80% of them are broken down in three spirit spiritual battlegrounds. First is fear, anxiety and stress.  Those are things people are worrying about; but we always think about worrying about fear of terrorists or fear of not paying our bills.  But we sometimes are afraid of our own mother-in-laws, oh boy that’s a whole different subject.  The other area behind fear, anxiety and stress is the battleground when people have with themselves about themselves. A lot of people don’t like themselves, they feel inadequate they feel like nobody loves them. They feel like “Why were they born?”  And there’s a whole big battleground.

Sid: I’m too fat, I’m too tall, I’m too short, no one likes the way they are.

Henry:  Nobody likes the way they are; I even had people that were male that wished they were females and females that wished they were males.  I’m a male, thank God for that, if you’re a female thank God for that; that’s what God created you to be.  But we have such a battle; I have this saying “Who you are is not what you do but what you do is who you are.”  I went across so many people, so many diseases for example “Chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia, and diabetes II for example that people are dressed up, they have what we call fabricated personalities.  We spend all of our lives conforming to the image of somebody else what they thought about us; what they said about us until we don’t even know who we are anymore.  And this is foundational to disease.  The third area that we see…

Sid: I’ll tell you what I have to go back to that “What about someone that says “You know that’s me; what do I do about it?”

Henry:  Well, first of all you can change (Laughing) I suppose what you can do about it is to go back to God in your prayer time and say “God who did You see from the foundations of the world, who am I?”  If you are unhappy in your life what you’re doing you probably made a wrong turn.  You say well, I’m too old, I want to tell you something, you can tell that to Colonel Sanders and he’ll laugh you I’m too old. You can tell that to Moses who wasted 40 years the prime of his life hiding in the backside of the desert and God called him at age 80 and he pastured the largest church in the history of mankind 3 ½ million.  You can tell him that you are too old.

Sid: You know that people speak a big game but then they look at themselves in the mirror and they forget that God says “All things are possible.”

Henry:  That’s correct, the thing about God is that you’re not stuck in your day; you’re not even stuck with who you are because God is a God of change Sid. Thank God for that, I wouldn’t want to be the old Henry for many years how about you?

Sid: Nay.

Henry: Throwing up.

Sid: For sure; let’s talk about something that’s really plaguing society let’s talk about Alzheimer’s I’m hearing more and more talk about this.

Henry:  Alzheimer’s is an autoimmune disease of the brain, we’ve been studying it for quite some time. The key to Alzheimer’s is not healing it’s prevention; now I know people don’t want to hear that it is one of the fastest growing diseases in America it’s going to increase over 400% this year alone.

Sid: Four hundred percent!

Henry:  That’s correct.

Sid: Wow.

Henry:  It is a plague and coming out of our conversation we just had a moment ago is keys to understanding Alzheimer’s you hear it being helped.  We have known that Alzheimer’s was an autoimmune disease of the brain for many years.  About 3 or 4 years ago the medical community finally defined it out of dementia and guess what they said.

Sid: What’s that.

Henry:  An autoimmune disease of the brain.

Sid: (Laughing)

Henry:  We knew that and how does it work?  Here’s how it works; what happens in Alzheimer’s is the immune system begins to form a plaque buildup of white corpuscles or eat the neurological pathways of memory recall.  A person who gets Alzheimer’s has not lost their memory; there is not a thing wrong with their soul, there is not a thing wrong with their mind.  But the pathways of memory recall are interfered with either by a eating of the pathway by the white corpuscles or a building up of the plaque which acts as an interrupter of neurological pathway flow like electricity would be and they’re not in touch with their memory. Now let’s talk about autoimmune it doesn’t make any difference say that it’s Crones or it’s multiple scoliosis or it’s whatever autoimmune disease you want to talk about.  Whenever you hear the word autoimmune it is always self versus self-conflict.  And as a person is not at peace with themselves about themselves there is a spirit of infirmity comes at the human body that causes the immune system the white corpuscles and killer cells to actually go an attack and eat.  When they eat it’s called a sclerosis of the eat the body part.  If they form a plaque it’s called nonbacterial inflammation. Now let’s talk about Alzheimer’s we call the people who get Alzheimer’s actors and actresses because these are people that have spent their entire life becoming and pleasing others.  Becoming ….you’ll find them in society, you’ll find them in churches; they’re the best servants, I mean to tell you they’ll serve you with a smile but they’ve never taken time for themselves.  They don’t even know who they are in their own personalities because their entire life has been built on others. I want to say this to you and anyone listening. He who receives the message is not greater than he who brings it; and nobody not one person even listing to this program is expendable to the welfare of another. You are as important as another person because of one scripture.  God is no respecter of persons.

Sid: So someone identifies with what you’re saying and they say “Hey, I am setting myself up for Alzheimer’s I really see it now; what can they do?”

Henry:  First of all, they’re going to have to understand it; you quoted the scripture “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” that’s in Hosea 4:6. Isaiah 5:13 says “My people have gone into captivity because they have no knowledge.”  The issue is this the Bible says this Psalm 139 “Before our body parts continue in its fashion from the dust God knew us and we are fearfully and wonderfully made and the hand of God is upon us.”  I don’t understand all this because I’m not God but God saw every person from the foundation of the world.

Sid: He also saw that we were running out of time we’ll pick up right here on tomorrow’s broadcast.

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