
Sid: I’ll tell you what we’re seeing this happen more and more; as a matter of fact I have never lived in a lime in my entire walk in the Lord which has been over 40 years now in which I’ve seen so many Bible signs coming into place. But top it off with a dream I had recently in which Jesus said He’s coming back soon.  And I want you to know that if He’s coming back soon if He says that He is.  Now Paul McGuire is a man that God has handpicked from an intellectual viewpoint to understand the last days but from a prophetic view point to understand the last days. On yesterday’s broadcast we found out that he’s trying to get away from crazy Christians but they prophesy over him they said “Well the people that pick you up they’re are going to be Christian.”  Well, he’s in the middle of nowhere this isn’t going to happen, so what’s the first ride he catches a Pentecostal Minister. And then the second ride he catches a Bible salesman filled with big thick Black Bibles throughout his entire car.  So he asked you if you want to be born again you’re afraid you’re from New York you’re afraid you’re in the middle of cornfields and what’s this guy going to do to you. So what did you say when he says “Do you want to receive Jesus?”

Paul: So Sid what happen is I thought “Oh, he’s going to chop… literally thought he’s going to chop my head off bury me in the bushes and pray a prayer over me.”

Sid: At least you’ll have a Bible go ahead. (Laughing)

Paul: Yeah right and so we pull off on the side of the road and it’s a real short prayer. He says “Repeat after me,” I do it.   And the prayer was simply “Lord Jesus Christ,” which I said out loud “I come to You now I ask that You forgive me of my sins; I confess that I’m a sinner God.  And Jesus I invite You into my life to make me born again.”  And that was the prayer.  And I felt nothing, okay absolutely nothing. So he drives me back to the campus I go out and get drunk which is my normal habit at the evening at the campus.  And then the next morning really early these Christian’s who were witnessing to me rang the doorbell especially the girl that I thought was cute.  So we end up in the center of the campus with these giant Roman columns, and I share what happened to me hitchhiking and as I’m talking to my Christian friends a girl that I had never seen before was sitting there over listening to our conversation.  She walks up to us and then looks at me; we didn’t know who she was and she looks at me and she says “You know I was sitting here listening to you talk asking me myself the question “Is God real, does He exist.”  And then she looks at me and said “I’m a ministers daughter but I don’t know if I believe in God.”  And then she says to me and she looks at me pointblank in the eyes and she says “Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?”  For some strange reason I blurted out the words that I’ve never said in my entire life I said “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”  When I said that it was literally as if the sky cracked open and I saw God, not in a physical sense but in a spiritual sense.  In that moment it was a revolutionary overwhelming experience; in that moment I knew that all the New Age stuff, astral-states, altered states of conscientiousness; communicating with spirit guides, seeing the great white light, astral-projection, all the studies and gurus and meditation at that moment I knew that it was all false and only Christ was God.  And that revolutionized my life and set me on the journey that I’m on today.

Sid: You know Paul there’s some that can’t comprehend that, but I can comprehend that because the same thing happened to me.  Instantly I knew everything about Jesus was true.  I knew the Bible was true, and as a Jew an Orthodox Jew for that matter there’s no way and I never understood how did I know all this stuff?  But now I understand; I want to fast forward a little bit you’re at a Christian coffee house in Time Square in New York called “The Lambs Club,” and you have another encounter that’s preparing you for your future.

Paul: Yeah, well for all these years I was in the New Age movement and communicating with spirit guides I didn’t realize when I started this stuff that I was opening doors in another dimension, or the invisible realm, or spiritual realm or whatever you want to call it, to demonic beings and entities.  I didn’t understand that I was ignorant back then but I was through these occult practices; so even though I was saved I was still being harassed by spirits. And you know not Casper the friendly ghost or anything like that, but these presences that would attack me.  I mean on one hand I was very sane and rational but these where things that were going on privately in my mind.  So the minister of this church on Times Square ask me if I would like to be baptize in the Holy Spirit? And then he told me to meet him in the church library in about four days and told me to fast and pray and meditate on some scriptures which I did.  Then I meet him in the library and he places his hand on my head and he begins to pray for me.  The next thing I know I fell the power of God flooding through my being with such force that I’ve never felt this before in my entire life. And it was as if the room disappeared and I saw myself, in the spiritual realm, I saw the feet of Jesus Christ wearing sandals. And I briefly looked into His eyes and I saw the most pure being that I’d ever seen in my life before the Messiah.  But I didn’t know what to do and so I wasn’t trying to be religious all I could do was start to sob and cry, and my tears fell at His feet. And as that happened I felt this indescribable love flood my being and the power of God and the love of God supernaturally flowed through me with such power and force that I began to sob.  Then I opened my eyes and I looked into the minister’s eyes and he said “Paul did God baptize you in the Holy Spirit?” And I said “Yes He did.”  At that moment the Lord, Yeshua, set my heart on fire with the flame and that flame over 35 years ago has never ceased to burn Sid even to this day.

Sid: Well, speaking of a flame God his made you a prophet you know things that are going to happen in the future and you’ve actually been called by God to warn believer’s about what you see.  Tell me some of the things you’ve seen.

Paul:   Well the Lord has lead me to go into areas of research supernaturally by the Holy Spirit. In other words, He’ll lead me to go and read extensively and study extensively things that I wouldn’t necessarily normally want to pursue. One example would be based on the book I’ve written called “The Day the Dollar Died.”  It’s also one of the topics in the three DVD series your offering “Are You Ready for the “One World Government, One World Religion, One World Economic System?”  And the Lord spoke to me after my research on economics and the history of economics, the Federal Reserve and the dollar and so on and so forth. He prophetically spoke to me and said “The time has coming very soon when the US dollar will be devalued and we will merge into a One World Economic System and the dollar will be gone and we will go into a cashless society where we’ll receive a microchip or a biochip implant if we choose to reject Jesus and accept the anti-Christ as Lord.  So as I do all this research I’m watching George Soros the super-billionaire on the BBC. He’s talking before like 20 million people in Europe on television and he’s coming out openly and saying that the goal is to value the dollar.  And the reason they want to devalue the dollar is you can’t have a world currency if the dollar is strong.  So he said “By weakening the dollar and transferring the wealth of the middleclass into third world nations.”  Which some people sounds Christian but it’s going to end up in the hands of dictators.  Then he says “We will equalize the playing field and people will be ready to accept a one world currency.”  Now they’ve announced that this world currency will be called “A Phoenix” and it will be available by 2018. Whether or not they achieve that date I don’t know but they’re planning for a world currency to be established in 2018.

Sid: Well you know in going to your research and you have spent 30 years Paul McGuire researching the microchip and the mark of the beast but I couldn’t believe the quote you had from such credible people because you not only seeing things from a prophetic viewpoint in dreams and visions, but then you’re doing true intellectual research and matching things.  What did Ralph Nader say recently?

Paul:  Well, Ralph Nader and he’s a consumer advocate and a liberal, and he said that he has seen, he’s been in the factories where they’re manufacturing the technology for the mark of the beast.  And this is not a fanatic by any means and he claims that the technology and the mark of the beast is there and their making now and that he’s seen it.

Sid: Tell me one thing you’ve seen that would happen in the future that happened.

Paul:  God has given me like a supernatural sense of warning and deep urgency of a coming crisis and it’s like a burden; it’s more than a feeling it’s a sense of knowing before it happens.

Sid: It’s sort of like a 1929 thing?

Paul:  This is more along the lines of a cataclysmic event which will shake our nation to its core, and it will be so upsetting and physiologically traumatizing that people are going to be forced to choose between serving government like god or continually on in the Bible traditions.

Sid: So it’s a separation between the true Christian’s and the false. We’re out of time Paul.

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