
Our Guest David Martin

Hallelujah.  She left a believer.  She had an experience and this is what’s missing in the church today.  The experience with an almighty God and God wants to use you in that same way.  That there’s people in your office.  There’s people in the mall.  There’s people wherever you go.  God wants to reveal to you, by His Spirit, words of wisdom, words of knowledge, discerning of spirits and operate with supernatural power of miracles, and faith beyond your own, and gifts of healing.  We’ll get into all that.  But God wants to work through you to demonstrate why, to change people’s beliefs.  People are stuck in a rut, believing what they’ve learned because of the culture, because of the religious system that they’ve been part of.  And because the power of God has been so void in the church, we see more people today buying Harry Potter books than we do Bibles.  Why is that?  There’s something on the inside of people that wants the reality of a miracle working God.  How are they going to get it?  Through you.  They’re not going to come to most churches.  They’re not going to come to my meetings or other people’s meetings, but they do come to work.  They go to the market.  So what’s going to happen in this great revival we get a chance to be a part of, is we get to take the gifts of the Spirit with us, where people live, where they shop, where they work, and just… Hallelujah.  I get so excited on this and I’ve got to keep moving through these slides or we’ll never get through this presentation.  Number one again, what is God’s will?  Well, He wants you to have life and have it more abundant.  Amen.  Next, He wants you to reign in life, hallelujah.  We can see this in the scripture, in Romans 5:17.  It say, “For if by the transgression of one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive of the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness shall reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.”  Hallelujah.  When I went to Bible school, as great as all the teachings were that we had in Bible school, on faith and healing, all the teaching that came to me, the greatest teaching I had was understanding righteousness.  Understanding who I am in Christ, the Messiah.  And righteousness simply defined is the ability to stand in the presence of an almighty God as if sin never existed.  And that’s what you have because you accepted Christ.  Because you’ve accepted God into your life, you have received the gift of righteousness.  You are… You can’t get more.  It’s like a woman who gets pregnant, not that I would know, but my wife, I know, but when she got pregnant we only knew it by a test, a test tube type test.  Yeah, she’s pregnant.  There was no showing of it, but she was.  But over the course of months, by the time she got to six months pregnant, everyone knew, or seven months, everyone knew she was pregnant.

Our Guests Drs. Dennis and Jennifer Clark

SID: When I ask them my first question you are going to find out why so many of the promises of God that you’ve been begging God to answer haven’t been answered. And Jennifer, you gave me the key, and of course it’s in the Bible, but you gave me the key from science. Science has proven we have two brains. Explain that.


JENNIFER: Well in 1999, a gastroenterologist discovered that we have a second nervous system that he called a second brain, and where this is located is in the gut. It’s neurons that are in sheaths that line our entire intestinal, our stomach, our esophagus, our bowels, and this is our emotional processor, our gut. We have a thinking brain and we have an emotional brain and our emotional brain tells our thinking brain how we feel.


SID: Dennis, you told me it is possible to live in the Spirit 24/7. You told me it’s possible to develop your spirit to such a point that you have discernment whether someone is telling the truth or not. Tell me how that works with you.


DENNIS: In every case, from the very inception is a baby Christian. When I would be communing with God, and I just love being in his presence, and I would see a face flash before my mind and I would lose that peace. And the Lord spoke to me and he said, “Don’t let anything come between what you and I have together.” So I learned just as a principle of not having anything between us, and so any negative emotion, whether it was anger toward a foreman at work or what have you, was coming between me and my Jesus. So I learned at an early place to just release forgiveness and the ugly emotion would go, but I could still picture that foreman without the poison. And I saw that forgiveness has to flow, we know it’s Matthew 18, but forgiveness has to flow from the heart. And when forgiveness flows from the heart the internal evidence is peace. And from the place of peace you discern everything going around you, good or bad.


SID: You know what, studio audience, I don’t know about you, I’m experiencing that peace as he’s talking. Are some of you catching that? How would you say emotional health is so linked to physical health? I mean, I said the statistic by CDC.


DENNIS: We saw it primarily when we spent a number of years traveling church to church. We would see people who were dealing with just really repenting and releasing forgiveness to mothers, fathers, issues of life, and they were pleasantly surprised by physical healings that they weren’t even pursuing at that point in time. And I said, there’s the connection between the emotional freedom and health in general, yes, but we saw the manifestation of actual physical healing. The one that really amazed me was a person, a young man received forgiveness for his father. He said he always tried to forgive his father for years. He was sincere, but doing it from his head. When I taught him how to release it from his heart, he just sobbed and released it. Peace was in evidence after the forgiveness and he was instantly healed of color blindness. Now even Jennifer said with all her counselor training, no one would have linked that. If God knit us together in our mother’s womb, I trust him to see where the tangles are because they’re beyond our training.


SID: Jennifer, how does this work with marriage?


JENNIFER: One of the most wonderful stories is a couple who got divorced, worked through the 60-day challenge individually. After their issues were dealt with they were able to fall back in love and remarried.


SID: I’d say that is supernatural. Now if it’s okay with you, only if you’re interested, when we come back, can I have them equip you how to have that supernatural toxic emotion be set free? I mean, you can do this lifetime of garbage, get rid of in less than two months and then you become your normal, normal as defined by the Bible, [self]. Be right back.

Our Guest David Martin

Well, the first few sessions again, we’re going to be digging in; kind of a line upon line, looking at the…kind of the background of the operation of the supernatural.  Helping to understand some basic principles.  that as we get into the gifts of Spirit, it’s going to be far, I believe, more valuable to be able to make it applicable to your daily walk in the Spirit, your walk in the supernatural.  One of the things that I’ve recognized particularly as I’ve studied the miracles and…  My study for 35 years has really been focused on what God told me, literally, in February 1979.  To know how to do what Jesus did.  A couple years ago, God kind of dropped a neat cliché in my heart and as I’ve been teaching on this for 35 years.  How did Jesus do what Jesus did?  Amen.  Well, something God said to me, “Well if you wanted to do what Jesus did, then do what Jesus did”.  Did you get that?  If you wanted to do what Jesus did, then do what Jesus did.  Jesus had a life of prayer, fasting and self-denial.  Now as much as I’m teaching you here and we’ll be getting more and more into the operation of the miracles, the signs and the wonders; again, the operation of the gifts of the Spirit.  It’s very very important that you understand the nature of God; the character of God.  Because what’s happened in years gone by is many revivals have gone amuck because people got weird.  They got outside of sound Biblical teaching.  So it’s very important that you develop a base line with the fruit of the Spirit.  And I know, you know, the fruit of the Spirit isn’t nearly as exciting per se as the gifts of the Spirit.  But it’s through the study of the fruit you get the nature of God, the character of God, the ways of God.  So that when you’re operating in the supernatural, you’re going to be balanced.  And you’re not going to get outside of the plan of God and the ways of God.  I heard someone say one time, “If you get to much Word, you’re going to dry up.  If you get to much Spirit, you’re going to blow up.  But if you get a balance, you’re going to grow up”.  Hallelujah.  So, in studying here, the operation of the supernatural, again, we want to get the base line and understand the principles of the will of God, the heart of God, the nature of God.  So we can apply the power of God.  Amen.  And I used to teach because this is what I was taught.  In teaching on the gifts of the Spirit, as an example, when I taught miracles, I mean just seven or eight years ago; my definition of miracles was different than it is today because God’s given me greater revelation in the last seven years as I’ve studied different elements of quantum physics and how things work.  And I recognize something.

Our Guest David Martin

But to give you a little glimpse into this, in operating in the gifts of the Spirit, what you’re going to find is the most important aspect and we’ll be teaching how to do this here in this course, is hearing the voice of God.  Nothing more important than knowing what is God saying.  And again, every moment of every day, He wants to help you in this, in leading you in the supernatural.  What’s interesting is the word inheritance is the Greek word [?].  We find that word translated there in, Acts 26, inheritance, but we find the same word in each one of the Gospels.  Do you remember what they did to determine who would get Jesus’s garment at the cross?  They cast lots.  They cast lots to determine who would get the garment.  Then when Judas died, they cast lots again to determine who would replace Judas and Mathias was chosen.  Well, here’s what’s interesting, the casting of the lot is what they used to get the direction.  That word “casting of the lot” in the Greek is the same exact word for your inheritance, [?].  The casting of the lot literally is the light and the life of God given to you as a born again believer.  It’s your ability to hear the voice of God.  And as we get into that study, it’s amazing.  But I say that as a foundation to this introduction because hearing the voice of God; one: it’s your inheritance, knowing what God wants to do is what God wants to help you with and is what this course is going to be all about.  Praise God for understanding the miracles and the gift of faith and the words of wisdom and knowledge, prophecy and tongues and all of that kind of stuff.  But it all comes back to one very simple principle or precept, if you will, and that is something Jesus said, I do nothing except what I hear my Father say or I see my Father do.

Our Guests Dr. Michael Brown & Dr. Sandra Kennedy

SID: So my friend Dr. Michael Brown, before he was a doctor, of course, he’s into drugs, he’s into rock music, he’s a musician. And you think his parents would be so happy, his nice Jewish parents, that now he’s off of drugs and he’s become as we Jews call a real mensch. But they weren’t happy because of Jesus.


MIKE: I mean, listen, they were thrilled that I was off drugs. But my dad sat me down and he said, “Michael, it’s good you’re off drugs, but we’re Jews. We don’t believe in this.” So here, I’m saved in just a matter of weeks. I’m shooting drugs, using heroin, LSD, cocaine, stealing money from my own father, just a decadent, wicked kid, 16 years old, brand new believer. Dad said, “Great, you’re off drugs. We’re happy for you, but we’re Jews. You have to talk to the rabbi.” So within weeks, literally within weeks of me being born again, I have my first appointment to meet the local rabbi who’s now going to begin to lovingly challenge me about everything I believe. You’re talking about a brilliant guy, just graduated from Jewish theological seminary, studying Hebrew all his life. He knows objections I don’t even know exist and now I’m going to get challenged. So literally, right out of the spiritual womb I get challenged.


SID: And one of the things he said to you is how well do you speak Hebrew or understand Hebrew. What did you say?


MIKE: Look, when I was Bar Mitzvah-ed I learned enough Hebrew to chant a passage from the Torah, the Prophets, but I didn’t even know what I was reading. I just chanted the Hebrew.


SID: Me, too.


MIKE: So the little I remembered was just a few letters, a few words. So I said to him, “Look, I don’t know Hebrew now, but I can use it in a concordance in the back of Strong’s, there’s a dictionary in the back.” I said, in the meantime, I remember he said to me, “Meantime, shmeen time, it doesn’t mean a thing.” So once I started college, I thought, okay, I got to learn Hebrew, but they were teaching modern Hebrew. So I thought, all right, I get a textbook. I taught myself biblical Hebrew, and then I thought, you know, I could learn maybe some of the related languages like Arabic, but you know, the New Testament is in Greek and Latin is important, and the scholars write in German. So I ended up in college studying six different languages and then going on to NYU to do my Master’s and Ph.D. there and then learning the other ancient Semitic languages. Look, I loved the study. I enjoyed that. But I was determined I don’t want to have to rely on a dictionary. I don’t want to have to rely on the commentary. The rabbi says that. I want to be able to think for myself and understand what the text says.


SID: The big question is, Mike, I know you. I know that you have a healthy fear of God within you. I know this. Between you and me, has there anything been told to you by rabbis with these 2000 years of study and knowing Hebrew well that has rocked your faith?


MIKE: I’ll be totally honest with you.


SID: Yes.


MIKE: When I got hit with some of the objections in the early days, okay, I knew that Jesus had changed my life, but I also said these are serious questions. I need to dig. And I determined before God, I prayed with all my heart. I said, “God, I’m going to follow you as a Jew and I’m going to be loyal. If Jesus is not the Messiah and I have to renounce him and lose all my friends and say I’m wrong, I’ll do it. But if everything I believe is true, I don’t care of the whole Jewish community rejects me, I’m going to follow.” And I said, “God, you’ve just got to help me to know that I know, that I know.” And Sid, the scriptures opened up to me like never before. Words came jumping off the page. I remember telling God, if Yeshua, if Jesus is not the Messiah then you intentionally deceived me because it could not be any more clear. So it had the reverse effect from what the rabbis wanted. The more I got challenged, the more I learned, and I did it with an open heart. I said, “God, I’m not just trying to come up with a cheap answer.” When I look at some of the answers others had, I thought, no, that’s a cheap answer. I don’t like that. And I would dig and I would wrestle, and out of that, two or three times of really having my faith rocked, I came so much clearer in my understanding. And I can say, shout it to the whole world to any rabbi, any time, day or night, with all respect, for a sincere man, Jesus, Yeshua is the Messiah of Israel. If he’s not the Messiah of Israel then the Hebrew Scriptures are lying to us.


SID: And guess what I’ve had Dr. Michael Brown do? You will be fascinated with this. We took the Modern English Version of the Bible and I had him chain reference the most important predictions proving Jesus is the Messiah from the Old and the New Covenant, and then write a commentary. And I’m going to tell you, he did something you’ve probably never seen before. He not only wrote it as to why Jesus is the Messiah, but he wrote why the rabbis say he’s not, 2000 years to prove this, and why the rabbis are wrong. It will be one of the most intriguing studies and that combined with the healing and the supernatural. And then there are articles that I have written on the End Time book to the church. You know what that is? Not Revelation—Esther, on God’s heart for the Jews and Israel, on how to communicate the Gospel with Jewish people, on the feasts and the cycle of the feasts, and I’m not saying to do these things because you have to. But God has a blessing in everything in this Bible, and it’s one of the freshest translations because even many of the words that were originally from the Greek are from the Hebrew now. Like instead of Mary, how about “Miriam”. She sounds a little Jewish, Mike. Now when we come back, I’m going to have Dr. Sandra Kennedy and Dr. Michael Brown, and we’re going to just be so free in the Holy Spirit. I believe people are going to be healed and I believe some of you are going to fall madly in love with Jesus. Be right back.

Our Guest Robby Dawkins

ROBBY: The lady, the lady at the very back. You got dark hair. And you’re right…Yeah, right there. Could you stand up if you would? What’s your name? Can you say out… Dottie? Toni ? Toni, I just heard the Lord just say there was a door that was shut and it was really frustrating to you. You felt like you just walked… you felt like it was supposed to open but it was like shut when you went to it. And it was really frustrating and disturbing but this is what I hear the Lord saying. Is that there’s double doors that He has open and where you hit the one closed door there’s actually double doors…




ROBBY: …and if you would have went through the one you would have gotten only that single opportunity but there’s double doors and it’s almost like a theater you know like double doors that’s coming and I just heard the Lord say it’s opening up. Do you have a son? You have two sons? I felt like with one of your sons that there’s been he’s really been in a real difficult place and he’s really been struggling in his faith. There’s been a lot of things challenging. There’s been some hurts in some relationships and there’s been some real heartbreak. Here’s what I hear the Lord saying is that this week there’s dreams coming to him. The Holy Spirit’s ministering and releasing dreams to him…




ROBBY: …and I heard the Lord say he’s turning around. There’s turning around and there’s a breakthrough coming for him. And I felt like too… I don’t know if you… I felt like I heard the name Connie. I don’t know if you know anybody named Connie but I felt like there was a friend named Connie that the Lord was going to give you a very specific word for and they are to release some things to. She’s going through a tough time just in some finances and things and I felt like there’s a real prophetic declaration for you to release to that. So Lord we bless Toni and we thank You for Your hand on her. And I saw, I heard the Lord say where walking has been a struggle, where there’s just been some things with physically like with walking there’s coming a greater ease and a lightness in your feet and so Lord we bless that for Toni right now in Jesus’ name. We just thank You for Your presence on her. Fill her up Holy Spirit. Fill her up Holy Spirit. More Lord. Right there. Right there. Go deep. Go deep. Go deep. More. More. And just better sleep. Where there’s been restlessness in sleep there’s breakthrough. You’re going to have the best night’s sleep and we thank You for that. In Jesus’ name. In Jesus’ name. More. Thank You Father. In Jesus’ name. Yes Lord.



Our Guest Jim Richards



JIM:  But, man, you’ve got the most polished speakers in the world. You’ve got this one guy up there and you’re just looking at him like “What?” Man, he walks up. And he was funny. His glasses were sliding down his nose. And he was always making all these weird faces trying to get his glasses up. And all these other guys, you know they would preach for like 90 minutes, you know? He gets up and speaks about 15, 20 minutes. I’m going to tell you something. From that day to this day I have never struggled with faith. Never! And the verse that he taught on was from the Book of Philemon, Philemon 6, where it says “That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing that’s in you in Jesus.” Now if you just took that at the King James translation that’d be enough to change your world! And that’s what he did! He… and, and he just basically said, Look, if you want the communication, the living, the sharing, the functioning of your faith to become effective, start acknowledging all the good things that are in you in Jesus. Man, that was, that was monumental in 1975! And I remember the very next day I, you know, I was, I was doing my undergraduate work in theology. Man, I’m telling you the next day we got together, we’d, we’d have a big chapel service every morning, there’d be several hundred of us get there, get together and pray. I’m walking around saying Father, I thank you that I’m the righteousness of God in Christ. I thank you that I am an overcomer. I’m more than a conqueror. I mean I’m going through this stuff. And I notice it’s getting quieter and quieter in the room and finally nobody’s praying but me! And you know I don’t care so I’m going to just keep on. Finally when I get through praying I look and the whole class had stopped praying and they were all standing on this side of the room looking at me. And basically one of the guys that had… you know, was, was, was a senior went to one of the pastors and said you need to talk with Jim. He’s got an ego problem.




JIM:  And they called me and they said what, what is this you’re doing in prayer? And I said I’m doing what the Bible says. I’m acknowledging the good things that are in me in Jesus. And, and I mean…. honest… They gave me the nickname “Mr. Self-Sufficient” because from their perspective you, you needed to be talking about what all was wrong with you. You need to be, you know, you know whining and crying about whatever was wrong with you. And let me tell you something. That doesn’t change anything. Now yeah, you got to own that stuff. But I, I don’t want to live in the realm of what’s wrong with me. And that’s not what I, see that’s not what I share with Jesus. I shared that with Him when we died together. But when I got raised up with Him we left that in the grave.

Our Guest ISki Abla

SID: Okay. I can’t wait to hear this. She has no gas, she travels, what, four or five hours in a car on empty, gets to this total stranger’s house. He only knew about her because his church was praying for her and he felt prompted to call her. So he speaks in tongues. It turns out to be perfect Turkish and he states all of the sins in her life, and then what happened?


ISIK: Well I was so committed. I was weeping and he did this like, “Sister,” and he started speaking to me. I just passed out. But when I came back I was a completely different person. I was transformed completely and all these lies and deception of Islam left me. I felt like tons of demons left me at that very moment.


SID: And she had a supernatural hunger for more and more, and more of God, and God met it. One day you go to church and they talk about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and being able to speak in a language such as you just heard in your own tongue. He didn’t speak one word of Turkish.


ISIK: Then I was so hungry after that. I was like, wow, I am serving a God that nothing is impossible, so I cannot put him in a box anymore. So I started going to a spiritual church and believing everything the Bible said about God, and he did. And then pastor, one night, made an altar call: “If you want to be filled with the Holy Spirit, just come to the altar.” Before he even made the altar call, I threw myself to the altar. I want to be filled with the Lord’s spirit! Before I even finished, boom, a fire of God, just like a liquid poured down on me. My knees were shaking. It was like electrical power of God. And I opened my mouth in obedience and it just started flying. Butterflies were coming from my mouth and I started speaking in tongues. And it changed my life, ministry, everything.


SID: You know, with the background you came from tell me how you have such joy, such peace. Tell me how.


ISIK: That joy is supernatural because we should have the joy of the Lord as believers, and it’s one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. And I started seeking God’s joy in my life because I hadn’t known joy. I was a believer, I had some joy, but it was not real always. And then I pursued God to release his joy in my life and he did it. But it wasn’t only receiving it, I learned to keep it and exercise that joy every single day, and it happened with freedom in Christ, accepting and receiving my identity in Christ, because I was feeling ugly and stupid. I was called and I started every morning declaring I am fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s own image. And the Word of God started bubbling up within me. So that joy comes from making an agreement with the Word of God. I hold hands with God and I say yea and amen to his Word for me.


SID: You have some six million followers on Facebook, mostly Muslim. I imagine a lot of these women that are being abused in Muslim countries relate to you. You also do television.


ISIK: Yes.


SID: Tell me the type of women that correspond with you from when they hear you talk?


ISIK: Well they start seeing glimpse of hope and end of the darkness, and they say, I want to have the joy you have. I want to laugh. I never laughed in my life. And I want to tell you, until I came to America I never laughed in my life. Then after Jesus, I started laughing out loud, because in my culture, only prostitutes or bad woman laughs out loud. And now I don’t even care. I just laugh. God gives me that joy.


SID: Well I’ll tell you what, there are so many women watching right now in other countries, but also in the United States of America that are maybe not as abused as you, but they are abused and they think there is no way out. Talk to them.


ISIK: Well I just want to speak to you right now. If you are lacking joy in your life, you’ve been through trials, tragedies, maybe even rape, maybe even a raping family, and you are looking at your circumstance, and you are saying no good will come out of my life and I can never laugh. You have such anguish and sorrow in you. And I am here to tell you, not coming from a perfect background, but coming from a mess, coming from tragedies myself, that God can restore your joy right now in this very moment because the God that I serve is God of hope. And I am speaking to someone right now that whose one breast is removed because you have cancer and you lost your joy after cancer. You overcame that cancer, but you have no joy. You were not abused, but life really treated you very badly and the enemy was there. And I just want to speak, maybe you’ve been through divorce right now and you feel so much this label and weight on you. And God wants to remove that weight from your shoulders and say to you right now, you’re not labeled as cancer patient. You are not labeled as a divorcee. You are not labeled as a raped person. You are an overcomer. If you receive my Son and his joy right now at this very moment, I release this joy to you. In the name of the Son, Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, be filled with Holy Spirit’s joy.


SID: And for those that have said I’m sorry of my sins, Jesus, wash them away, make me clean, come inside of me. Anyone that has said that prayer or saying it as I’m speaking right now, you pray the fire of God on them right now.


ISIK: Amen. I speak fire right now from top of your head to the bottom of your feet that you will be filled with Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus Christ right now. Your latter will be greater. The best is yet to come. You are not defeated or put down. You are more than a conqueror right now. Be filled with that fire in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.


SID: I’ll tell you something, when you read her book, “I Dreamed of Freedom,” you won’t just dream of freedom. Whatever prison you’re in, you’re going to be set free.


ISIK: Amen.

Our Guest Ryan LeStrange

SID: Ryan, you don’t know how blessed you are. When you were just a young man, you had a vision of the Throne Room. That provokes me to jealousy.


RYAN: Yes. I had a life-changing encounter and my story was I was bound in darkness. I got radically set free. Now, I’m really pursuing God. I say I’m in hot pursuit. And all of a sudden, I’m taken into the Throne Room, and when I’m taken into the Throne Room I’m literally in the Glory of God. I see the Glory cloud. I see the feet of the Lord. It’s like I am just this little tiny creature looking up at this skyscraper kind of sized entity. But I was swallowed in the Glory. Right after that happened, Sid, I went somewhere to minister and the most remarkable thing, I think perhaps I never saw this since then in this manner, I was ministering. The Glory came in, as I told what happened, and every single person, all of a sudden through the course of the meeting, was knocked down in the floor in the power of God. And that’s one thing, but the other thing was—


SID: How does a teenager handle that kind of power?


RYAN: You know, I think you’re just so shocked because you’ve been in the Throne Room. It’s real to you. So when it’s happening, this is an extension of what you saw in private, but now it’s happening, and people were being miraculously healed. You know, it’s one thing to have an encounter like that, but I always want to ask, okay, what is the result? And the result was people were delivered and healed, and set free.


SID: You recently had a vision of the lightnings of God. What do you mean by lightnings of God?


RYAN: Well this was one of the most stunning visions I’ve had, and I’m seeing it come to play in America, but I believe it’s for the nations. I saw this huge Glory cloud. I knew it was a Glory cloud because I know enough about that to know. But inside of this cloud were storm systems, if you will. There was tornadic activity. There were lightnings. There were rain clouds. As far as the lightnings, the lightnings, they are different things. They’re revelation. Light in the Bible represents revelation, but also, they’re moments and types of ignition. After I saw this I realized what the Lord was saying, “I’m literally going to release my lightning strikes in dry territories,” and they are going to become ablaze with the power and the fire of God.


SID: And you know, the drier the area is, the greater the fire. So there’s hope.


RYAN: And maybe, Sid, they’re like, well I’m in such a dry place, what can happen? But you know what, God is setting you up for a lightning strike that’s going to shift your life, your city, the people around you. We need to get out of this demonic haze of saying it’s hopeless and it’s impossible. The Glory storms are coming, the supernatural is upon us and it is time for the church of Yeshua, the Lord Jesus Christ, to step into her prophetic destiny, not later, but right now.

Our Guest Rich Vera

Lord, fill this place. Let me feel Your embrace. O Lord touch this heart of mine. With Your love so divine. Let the embers burn in me. Let the fire rise to Thee. You have cracked this heart of stone. And You have called me as Your own. Lord fill this place. Let me feel Your embrace. O Lord touch this heart of mine. With Your love so divine. Let the embers burn in me. Let the fire rise to Thee. You have cracked this heart of stone. You have called me as Your own. Lord fill this place. Let me feel Your embrace. O Lord touch this heart of mine. With Your love so divine. Lord fill this place. Lord fill this place. Let me feel Your embrace. O Lord touch this heart of mine. With your love so divine. Fill this place. Let the embers burn in me. Let the fire rise to Thee. You have cracked this heart of stone. You have called me as Your own. Lord fill this place. Let me feel Your embrace. O Lord touch this heart of mine. With Your love so divine. Lord fill this place. And remove my iniquity O God. Oh, fill this place O Lord. Lord fill this place. Let me feel Your embrace. O Lord touch this heart of mine. With Your love so divine. So divine. O Lord, touch this heart of mine. O Lord, fill this place. O, Lord fill this place. I worship You, O Lord. You alone are worthy O Lord. Fill this place O Lord. And I worship You with all of my heart today. O Lord fill this place. Let me feel Your embrace. Touch this heart of mine. O Lord touch this heart of mine with Your love so divine. With Your love so divine. Let the embers burn, let the embers burn in me. Let the fire rise to Thee. You have cracked this heart of stone, O Lord, and I know today You’ve called me as Your own. Fill this place, Lord fill this place. Let me feel Your embrace. Oh, touch this heart. O Lord touch this heart of mine with Your love so divine. With Your love so divine. So divine. We wait for You. We wait for You. Oh, we wait for You. To walk into the room. Just sing with me we wait for You. We wait for You. We wait for You. We wait for You. Oh, we wait for You. To walk into the room. Mmmm. Here we are standing in Your presence. Here we are standing in Your presence. Shekinah Glory come down. Oh, here we are standing in Your presence. Here we are standing in your presence. Shekinah Glory come down. Release the fullness of Your spirit. Shekinah Glory come. Shekinah Glory come. Release the fullness of Your spirit   Shekinah Glory come. Shekinah Glory come. Release the fullness of your Spirit. Shekinah Glory come. Oh, oh, oh, oh, release the fullness of Your Spirit. Shekinah Glory come. Shekinah Glory come. Oh, because You saved me and You rescued my soul and You love me and call me Your own and You raised me I give You control of my life and I know You are my greatest friend. Because You saved me and You rescued my soul and You love me and You made me Your own and You raised, Lord You raised me I give You control of my life and I know You are my greatest friend. You’re all I want. You’re all I ever needed. You’re all I want. Help me know You are near. Help me know You are near. Draw me close. Draw me close to You. Never let me go. And never let me go. I lay it all down again. I lay it all down again. To hear You say that I’m Your friend. To hear You say that I’m Your friend. You are my desire. You are my desire. No one else will do. And no one else will do. Cause no one else can take Your place. Cause no one else can take Your place. I feel the warmth of Your embrace. Feel the warmth of Your embrace. Help me find the way. Help me find the way. Bring us back to You. You’re all I want. Every voice sing it out. You’re what I want. All I ever needed. You’re all I ever needed. You’re all I want. Help me know You are near. Help me know You are near. Oh, help me know You are near. Mmmm.