Our Guests Tracy Cooke and Emma Stark

TRACY: Sid, I just got back from being in Honduras with Pastor Maldonado and in [unintelligible]. At the time we’re doing a crusade there. God gave me a dream and He set me in a dream in China. Now, I’m aware of… I must say not everything, but in this dream God sent me to a laboratory room, a lab room and I saw the virus being created. I saw how it’s coming from—

SID: I’ve heard rumors about this but you actually saw it being created.

TRACY: I saw it being created. Now, we also got… remember now the shaking is coming because chapter three’s verses, God’s in the shaking. The enemy took that as a leverage to produce the spirit of fear and torment of the entirety of the world. God is raising the prophetic voices to give us a strategy, a plan, how to go one step ahead of the enemy. Amos 3:7 says, “He’ll do nothing unless he first reveal it to the prophets.” God would be unjust, if He didn’t give it to the prophets, He’ll be violating His covenant to the nation Israel and to the Gentile world, if He didn’t show what was going on in America and the world today.

TRACY: He took me into the nation of China and I was taken to this lab room with scientists and everything. I saw behind closed doors, it was Nancy Pelosi, she’s in the Democratic party. They said, “We could not impeach Trump.” I shared some of this in January then when I was here.

SID: But some haven’t heard that.

TRACY: Some have not heard it. God gave me a dream that they would try to impeach him but the impeachment would fall. Then they would try to… they needed leverage. Then into my dream in China, so God deals with me more like he did with Daniel in dreams. He shows me prophetic stages to what’s happening in the world. I’m in Honduras and I had this dream for two hours and I’m taken to this laboratory room. I see these scientists creating the virus and the threats of this virus would come through on the garments and the machine shooting in the air and their needles like vaccines.

TRACY: I’m not saying you shouldn’t take vaccines but that’s an antidote that’s coming, that hasn’t been presented yet. This timeframe of shaking and the introduction of fear from the enemy, it’s to deal with the landscape of the American churches and the corruption. China and… I’m very careful to say this, but God is tired of what China has done to God’s people. How it has tried to stop the church from moving forward as God’s people.

SID: They’ve been persecuting Christians.

TRACY: They have been persecuting, burning down mega churches, trying to martyr the saints. God spoke to me in a dream in Honduras. He said, “Enough is enough.” When God gets enough is enough, He’s going to start showing the prophets was coming. January, the 15th, actually the end… the first two parts… the first part was end of December 2019. The second part, January the 15th. He told me within the four months, we just got to see Him. That’ll make it April to 15th through 16. What is that to the nation of Israel, is the Passover time. We’re going to start seeing this virus and then I had a dream. The second part of—

SID: What is going to happen on Passover?

TRACY: We’re going to start seeing this virus—

SID: Diminish.

TRACY: … diminish.

SID: Okay.

Our Guest Sandra Teplinsky

SANDY:  Right. Right. And as Gentile Christians saw the Jewish people were inter-distancing themselves away from the Gospel, that only fueled the animosity that seemed to be there, so we have church fathers, esteemed church fathers, like the beloved Saint John Chrysostom, who’s venerated by Catholics and Protestants alike, writing venomous, venomous anti-Jewish treatises and stating that the synagogue was worse than a den of thieves, worse than a brothel, and a cave of demons. He made it extremely clear when he wrote, quote, “As for me I hate the synagogue and I hate the Jews.” That not only was he anti-synagogue but he was anti the Jewish people. That’s not God’s heart. Then we have just about a hundred or so years later Emperor Constantine who ruled over the Roman Empire for hundreds of years officially making Christianity the state religion. When he did so, he intentionally distanced himself from any vestiges of anything Jewish from the Hebraic roots of Christianity and imposed that on the Empire as well. He legislated specific anti-Jewish laws designed to isolate and ideally do away with the Jewish people in his Empire and— he wrote this particularly for the church of future generations. He wrote that he hoped it would be his legacy that the church would forever be separated from Israel and from its Jewish roots. And I think that we can say that to a significant degree, that has been the case.

SID:  And the thing that’s so amazing is Jesus is Jewish. When He was nailed to the cross, what did it say? King of the Jews. And— let me ask you this question. These people were intelligent, these church fathers. They loved God in their way, maybe, only God knows that one. What scriptural basis did they have for just denying their Jewish roots?

SANDY: Well, it related more to the way they interpreted the scripture than any particular verse, although they did take different isolated verses throughout the scriptures out of context completely, which is not the Hebraic way of interpreting the Bible at all. Context is everything. They would take—

SID:  That’s what, that’s what causes a lot of bad theology in all areas, when you pull one verse, you don’t look what was before it, you don’t look what was after it, and you come up with anything you want to come up with.

SANDY:  And you build a whole theology and worldview on it. Right. And so they would take verses out of context and attach spiritual, symbolic or allegorical interpretations onto those verses. What I mean by that is that traditionally the way of interpreting scriptures, which Jesus himself and all of the New Testament apostles employed when they penned the scriptures, is to interpret the Bible primarily,  fundamentally according to its straightforward, plain, common sense, ordinary meaning. After that we can see how the Lord puts— uses allegory, uses allegory in His word and we can interpret the word allegorically or symbolically and it’s through an allegorical interpretation many times that we see that believers of all nations enter into the promises that God has given to Israel. But those that adhered to replacement theology and those that were putting forth replacement theology interpreted the scriptures primarily allegorically so that when the Word speaks of Israel it’s taken to mean strictly the Church.

SID:  Well you know I’ve always been taught, Sandy, that if you toss out the literal, then you must take the literal first, before you have the right to take the allegorical. If you don’t do that, then you could take any parable and come up with any theology you want.

Our Guest John McTernan

Sid: I have on the telephone and I’m speaking to him at his office in Millerstown, Pennsylvania John McTernan. John formally for 26 years was a Federal Agent he was with the Internal Security Division of the IRS. He’s also cofounder of International Cops for Christ. But the reason I’m interviewing him is he had an encounter with the Living God in which God showed him that God is a holy God and there are judgments that have been coming on America but such a precise point that when a sin like abortion or a homosexual rally or things of that nature occurred the exact day that they occur there have been hurricanes or the stock market has crashed. And you know if it had been a week later I’d say “Well coincidence but he had events well documented in his book “God’s Final Warning to America.” Now John on yesterday’s broadcast we were talking about chapter 2 of your book which is called “The Israel Connection” why does God cause specific judgments to happen to America when America goes against Israel, why is that?

John: Well Sid I think for 2 reasons number 1 the prophet Joel chapter 3 when you look at verse 1 & 2 specifically in verse 2 specifically that He’s going to judge the nations who have parted or have divided the land. And that’s exactly what Clinton is doing right now through President Clinton we’re putting enormous pressure on Israel to literally give 1/3 of Jerusalem away and the West Bank which is Judea and Samaria which the Jewish people have by covenant. It’s a covenant by Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and if fact circumcision when you look at Genesis chapter 17 verses 7 – 10 up to verse 11 you’ll see that God gave circumcision as the sign of that covenant which is over the land which the Jewish people keep that covenant until today. And then God is…I also believe that the United States is interfering with God’s prophetic plan. God has a prophetic plan for our redemption and the final redemption of the nations through Israel and through Jerusalem and through the nation of Israel. And we are weakening Israel and we are actually as an impediment towards God fulfilling that plan. And I believe with all of my heart Sid that if it’s necessary God will remove us as a great world power so that He can continue with His prophetic plan for Israel.

Sid: Okay in your book and in yesterday’s broadcast you talked about something called the Madrid Peace Process when President Bush, the Father of our current president was in office, it began October 31, 1991 tell me what occurred and what judgment happened literally the same day.

John: Well Sid President Bush went over to Madrid Spain and this was the so called Peace Process but I see it as just a code word as forcing Israel to give away the covenant land along with well 1/3 of Jerusalem. Well on that very day which you mentioned October 31, 1991 while President Bush was over in Madrid, Spain this freakish storm developed in the north Atlantic. Now…

Sid: Why do you call it freakish storm?

John: Well it turns out to be almost a hurricane…to be a hurricane a storm has to have sustained winds of 74 miles an hour or greater. And this storm the winds were 73 miles an hour or greater so it wasn’t technically classified as a hurricane but it developed in the end of October in the north Atlantic which is unheard of and if you could picture this in your mind the prevailing winds in our country are from west to east. Storms generally come from will say California to the east coast. But sometimes they’ll start in the west they’ll start like in the gulf area and come up and they’ll go eastward. Do you have that pictured in your mind Sid?

Sid: I do.

John: This storm started in the north Atlantic and came a thousand miles the wrong way, it came westward rather than eastward. So here you have in late October a virtual hurricane forming not in tropic waters (Chuckling) but in the cold north Atlantic and if that’s not enough the storm comes against the prevailing winds. Now this happened at the precise moment that, we will say I want to make sure that we get the right President, but I was going to say Senior but the former President George Bush while he’s over there initially he is personally initiating the Madrid Peace Process initiated by him. While he’s speaking there’s a bazaar storm is forming and in fact Sid the storm was so odd and strange, did you hear last summer or read the book by any chance called “The Perfect Storm.”

Sid: No but obviously I’m familiar with it.

John: Okay that’s this storm.

Sid: Hm.

John: That’s this storm Sid that they actually made a Hollywood movie about.

Sid: Okay on the date that President Bush the father of our current president was President and he began what was called the Madrid Peace Process which was giving up land for peace so to speak in Israel. On October 31, 1991 was the same day of what was known as The Perfect Storm hit the east Coast of America?

John: Yes Sid.

Sid: And in your book you say that it not only hit the east coast but it hit a specific city and a specific house tell me about that? (Chuckling)

John: Sid (Chuckling) God has a sense of humor he does it hit Kennebunkport, Maine which is the residences of both former President George Bush but not only that the eyewitnesses watch his house being devastated by huge waves 30’ high…

Sid: He’s in Madrid Spain and his house is being hit by this hurricane force wind.

John: Well actually to be completely totally accurate Sid it was the next day the storm was forming and heading his way while he was speaking and the very next day it hit his home. The waves were 30’ high the ocean in front of his house rose up in anger this was the eye witness account and waves 30’ high and he had to come back to his home to access the damage and to start rebuilding.

Sid: Now if that was the only case that was being cited by John we could really call it coincidence but Mishpochah he’s got a book filled with homosexual events in America, a judgment and pro-abortion rally a judgment, a anti-Israel move by the United States a judgment. Tell me some more things that have happened as a result of our country being anti-Jewish people having the land of Israel.

John: Sid in 1993 I’m going to make it ’94 now January of 1994 former President Clinton met with the late Assad of Syria, I just can’t think of his first name right now Assad. He passed away last year well anyway they met in Geneva, Switzerland and it was over Israel and that’s why they met. And this was on a Sunday night I was sitting on the floor in front of my TV and I had my dog next to me I’m going to make it real personal here. I was watching the news the late news and it said “President Clinton today in Geneva, Switzerland met with Premier Assad of Syria.” And I listened to Clinton’s speech and he was standing behind a pulpit and he directly without any guess of words said “That Israel is going to have to be willing to give back the Golan Heights to Syria for peace and that the Israelis might not like it.” And I’m paraphrasing it but this is the essence of what he said but they’re going to have to do it and Assad was next to him. Well Sid the hair literally went up on the back of my neck when I listened to this. I said “Lord he’s bringing judgment on us. He is going to force Israel he’s going to use the power of the United States to force Israel to give the Golan Heights to Syria which will put Israel in a tremendous weakened military position.” I went to bed I woke up the next morning I turned on the news and what had happened but the massive Los Angeles Earthquake. It occurred not more than 12 hours after President Clinton was bullying Israel well from behind the podium saying that you will have to Israel might not like it that’s what he said but for peace their going to have to give the Golan Heights away. And within 12 hours of us threatening Israel over the land we had a tremendous earthquake that did phenomenal damage. And Sid I have it in the book I have it documented the earthquake that hit it’s called the Northridge Earthquake the scientist never found the fault that caused it it just happened. It was actually 2 earthquakes in 1 it rose up and shook back and forth and it has the scientists baffled because they can’t explain really the scientific cause of this earthquake. Plus Northridge is a pornography capital of the United States which I didn’t know at the time but 90% of the video pornography in the United States is made in Northridge, California. And that was the very epic center of this earthquake.

Sid: You know we don’t have enough time to go into it on today’s broadcast but in your book you’ve got a document what occurred the exact day that President Clinton was humiliated internationally by an illicit sex scandal and what he did. I mean there is such a correlation that I have to be candid with you I’m reading the book and I’m saying to myself the next time I hear about a big pro-abortion rally I may short the market I mean the stock market may go down because this has happened so much.

Our Guest Perry Stone


Sid: Sid Roth here with Perry Stone. Perry the revelation that you have so in so many different areas it’s almost like it’s all converging together right now, but so people will understand how you get these revelations and how we can understand keys to our future from them you work a lot with what you call types and shadows explain what that means.

Perry: Well one of the things that I’ve discovered as a young minister first of all I’m going to give you a little bit of background here. When I was felt the call of God to go into the ministry I was a teenager of 16 years of age. I was in intrigued with the prophetic books of Daniel and the book of Revelation. And I saw Daniel as a young man that went into Babylon but God used him to understand ministries. And I began to pray and I think this is the First thing: people should do when they want to understand the deeper things of God is to pray for wisdom and understanding of the deeper things and the deep things of God. So I prayed that for 2 years; after praying that I began to notice that when I began to read the Bible it was very easy once I began to read it to put scriptures with scriptures.  I would say “Wait a minute that verse goes right along with that verse over there.”  Of course I had a study Bible to help me put it together but I began to put verses together.  I began to study by subject when I got into the prophetic word which was again basically after my first trip to Israel I began to just devour and have such a hunger to understand what it was all about. To understand how it was going to come together, to understand how everything was linked together.  So a lot of this began first of all prayer for wisdom because James said “If you lack wisdom ask God and he’ll give it to you liberally.” and I held on to that.And the Second thing: is to have a love and a hunger to understand. And the Third part: and I really held the Lord to this where He said in the Book of Daniel “Seal up the book till the time of the end many should run to and fro knowledge shall be increased.” So I looked at that verse from every translation I could find and it basically is saying “When we come to the time of the end there’s going to be this very heavy unleashing unlocking of mysteries of the Bible especially prophetic mysteries.” And I simply asked the Lord “Lord help me to understand the mysteries of God.”  And I have to say that the way the Lord instructs me the things He gives me to teach people many times will say “Man I never heard that before this is the first time.” And I remember when I was younger people would kind of look at that and say “Well if you’ve never heard it before how do you know it’s true?” But they would always be able to go back to the Bible and see I was backing up everything entirely from the word. So when people for example you’re going to offer 6 CD’s that we have prepared for you; these are best I mean these are the ones that to me, I have one called “Living in Prophetic Crunch Time”  that’s absolutely off the chain in my book. It’s one of my favorites of all time.

Sid: And we’ll discuss that just a little bit and that is in our package of course.

Perry: Yeah exactly and so I’m just…I just believe that because we’re living in the time of the end it is the will of God for us to understand the things that normally previous generations it was not…let me say it this way they were not prepared to understand it. Let me give you an example Sid.  People said to me “Why is it that when you go to the time of let’s say 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800’s a lot of the ministers who were well known did not talk a lot about what we would term “The coming of the Lord for the church.” Now the word theological word for the catching away is the rapture.  A lot of people don’t like that word but I use it because people understand what I’m talking about.  And the answer is real simple #1 how can you preach the signs of the times the Lord’s coming when there’s no signs being fulfilled?  If you’ll think about it something like the 15, 16, 17, 1800’s you know there’s a civil war in America; there’s the American Revolution but as far as to have Biblical signs that you could point to and say “The Lord’s coming based on this Israel was not even a nation. The Jews were scattered around the earth; they were comfortable in Europe, America or where ever they were living it wasn’t the time for them to understand.  And only when the Biblical prophecies of the Biblical prophets begin to come to pass can the people who read the prophecy know this is happening now. And this is why in 1948 when Israel was reestablished as a nation suddenly there is this surge during the great healing revival, and thereafter from 1948 onward especially the 50’s there was this resurgence “Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming.” There were books written on the subject. The reason why a lot of the western ministers were so emphasized that greatly. And Sid I could tell you from studying it there were a lot of ministers who taught that Israel would never be a nation again until the Messiah Christ returned back to earth and then He would gather the tribes from the 4 corners of the world and they were teaching that. I mean denomination after denomination, minister after minister but ’48 that one day “What a message One Day in 1948.” In May 14 – 15th when Israel is restored it shifted everything. And then went back to the prophet and said “Wait a minute Isaiah said a nation would be born at once.” Wait a minute Israel has to be a nation before the Messiah can set up His Kingdom because it is a nation when Messiah comes not after He comes when He comes.  This tied the timing of events began to trigger the men and women that studied the prophecy to begin to say “Something is up.” And when they took Jerusalem in ’67 and tore the concrete wall down with the barbwire and the country of Jordan, they annexed what was called east Jerusalem and united the Capital. And you’ve been there, I’ve been there and you can take tour buses in east Jerusalem, west Jerusalem, south Jerusalem, north Jerusalem, tourist all over the place people from all over the world coming. When that began to happen that was a second wave of understanding. And I would have to say that when about ’88, ’89 and 90 when in Russia the Jews began to come back from the north country and given the freedom to return that was the third wave that people said “Wait a minute we cannot interpret this to mean that all of these great things happen when Messiah steps foot on the Mount Olives, when Messiah rules for a thousand years according to Revelation 20 it’s happening now!  If it’s happening now what does it mean?  These become the signs of the time of the end.  And you can now disconnect it is impossible.  I get real amused at letters I receive from people or they’re email or something and they want to disconnect my preaching of Israel and my preaching of Jerusalem and the Jewish people and the blossoming of that they want to separate that from Biblical prophecy and make it an allegory, or say that the church is Israel, or the church are now the Jews, or you know kind of replacement theology.  But prophecies for Israel are for Israel, prophecy for the believer are for believers, prophecies for the nations are for the nations, prophecy for New Covenant believers and that’s where people have to rightly divide the word of God and say “Wait a minute yes you can look at this verse and apply it to us, but the primary meaning is the nation of Israel.”

Sid: You know Perry you talk about things I’ve never heard before even; you talk about I mean so many revelations. You talk about that we are in “Prophetic Crunch Time” I never heard that phrase before.  And you say that some of the most significant things are ready to happen. What does it mean when we’re in prophetic crunch time and how does that play out to us?

Perry: Okay I’m glad you asked that. In Ephesians 1: 9 and 10 it says “In the dispensation of the fullness of times God will gather together in one all things spoken in Christ both of things which are in heaven and which are in earth even unto Him.” Now there’s a phrase called the fullness of time or the fullness of times which is used in the New Testament. Now the first thing that we have to understand, I’m going to give you the abbreviated version here because on the offer you’ve got there’s a whole CD on this so I’m going to give a highlight point here 1 or 2.  There’s 3 ways that time is counted in the eyes of God number 1 is sabbatical cycles, every seventh day, every seventh year, every 7 times 7 years.  Then there is the Jubilee cycles every 50 years Leviticus 25, time can be counted on Jubilee cycles. We talked about the Rabbi who wrote about the 9 Jubilee cycles; then there’s something called covenant cycles and here’s what a covenant cycle is it’s Matthew 1:17 “So all of the generations from Abraham to David are 14 generations and from David to the carrying away to Babylon are 14 generations from the carrying away into Babylon and to Christ are 14 generations.  Now that’s a pattern 14, 14, and 14.  Point being that there was a set time for prophecy to actually happen, normally when a prophecy begins to happen it happens within a 24 to 48 hour period. You can say that… it’s like Israel becoming a nation when it happened it happened.  Jerusalem the third day of the war 10:00 in the morning they officially had Jerusalem so there’s a moment you know. But the closer you get to the moment time begins to get reduced or shortened that’s prophetic crunch time.  Galatians 4:4 and 5 “When the fullness of time has come God sent forth His Son born of a woman made under a law to redeem those who were under the law that we might receive adoption as sons.” Now here’s the key “When the fullness of time had come.” So here’s where we’re at we’re at times where prophecies are beginning to be fulfilled, milestones leading into stepping stones; stepping stones leading into major prophetic fulfillment. As we move closer the time of it being fulfilled is going to be reduced. Time is going to be shortened; the work will have to be done faster. The work will have to be done quicker that’s why Sid you are like a wild man on a mission. I am like a wild man on a mission.  We don’t waste a day, we don’t waste a week, we don’t waste a month, we’re every day looking for every day how we reach, how do we reach out, how do we win people; how do we touch lives?  Why are we doing it? Because there is a crunch coming in which you and I can sense we are around the corner to the big things the Messiah is making preparations for big things.  We have to get the job done in order to accommodate what He’s about to do.

Sid: Okay let me put this in my word and tell me if this is what you’re saying. We are in a set time where all prophecy is speeding up as has occurred in the past. It’s called prophetic crunch time, but things are speeding up to such a point that if we don’t redeem the time in this set season we may miss it.

Perry: That’s exactly…you hit it on the head I couldn’t have said it any better, that’s exactly what I’m saying with this, it’s exactly what the revelation of crunch time is exactly.  You know because God only gives all of us a certain time in our lifetime to complete everything He’s told us to do and there will be a generation you and I know Sid that will not die in the sense of natural death they will be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye and I hope that you and I both are in that generation of course.  But when we see the prophecies beginning to come to past the closer we get to for example the revelation of the anti-Christ the final 7 years of tribulation, the closer we get to some of these major, major prophecies we’re going to discover things start happening faster. You know Jesus said this “Wars, rumors of wars, famines, pestilence, earthquakes in diverse places.” And then He said “When all of these things begin to come to past.” We’ve always had war, famine, pestilence, earthquake that’s always gone on we’ve always had those things. However when all of these things start happening at the SAME TIME that’s how you know you’re entering into the birth pains and you’re entering into the time of the end.  And that’s why you’re seeing so many wars, so many rumors or wars, so many up risings.

Sid: Perry we’re going to break right now but when we come back I want to know because we’re right in between these very prominent blood moon patterns on feast days I want to know why this is so important and why people are making such a big deal of it. And I also want to know something they’ve all left out that you’re going to tell us when we return.

Our Guest Dr. Mark Gabriel

Dr Mark Gabriel (1303) 2002

Sid: My guest is red hot for the Messiah. He formerly, Mark Gabriel, was a professor of Islamic History at the most prestigious Islamic university in the world. He holds a doctorate degree in Islamic Studies. He’s explaining why there are over 1 billion people on this planet that are followers of Islam. We were talking on yesterday’s broadcast about the strategy as outlined by the life of Mohammed in the Quran, and these are the 3 stages of Jihad. The Jihad is a holy war and most people here in the west do not understand that the only form of assurance that a Muslim will go to heaven is to die in a Jihad, or die as a martyr. Is that true Mark?

Mark: Yes absolutely it’s true.

Sid: That kind of explains why so many people are willing to be suicide bombers because that’s the only way they know for sure that they’re going to go to heaven. Now you explained on yesterday’s broadcast the 3 stages of Jihad in a nation, and you can see it happening in England they’re a little further progressed than in the United States. The first is called the Weak Stage, where they’re small minority and they submit to the laws of the United States and they work to increase their numbers. Then comes the second stage which is the Preparation Stage and explain that to me.

Mark: The second stage, Preparation Stage which means the Muslim community they must prepare themselves for taking over the assistance in the county wars which they living there. For example, like in England or in America they must prepare themselves money, prepare themselves whippings, trainings, establishing secret military, or a secret group so that they can start practicing Jihad, you see take over the country. This second stage was presented by the life of Mohammed when he immigrate from Mecca to Medina and he spend only 1 year in Medina preparing himself and after he had the success to reconcile the most 2 Arab tribes that were fighting each other for almost more than 40 years called the Aust tribe and the Kedarish tribe and when they reconciled by Mohammed himself they was converted to Islam. This is how his number was increased so extremely in the first year in Medina. He established his power and he start again the Jewish community and the other Arabic tribes practicing what you call Jihad. So this is the second stage, the Stage of Preparation, which means the first year which Mohammed had been in Mecca.

Sid: Okay then looking at Mohammed’s life what do Muslims call the third stage?

Mark: The third is called the Stage of Action.

Sid: Explain that.

Mark: The third of action which means the third of practicing Jihad as follows, or the fighting itself by starting a war fighting the non-Muslims. Mohammed started that the first time in Medina when he decide to hijack Arabic Meccan caravan was coming to Mecca. So nobody attacks him, no one came and tried to destroy him in Medina, but when he finished preparing his military and his power, and he start the third stage which means action. He takes his military from Medina to a valley called Badr between Mecca and Medina, and he hijack a caravan for the Meccan idol worshipper people.

Sid: Now why is it that radical Islam is so upset with the United States?

Mark: Yes because the United States presenting the most powerful country in the world today. United States dominating the entire world by the American system, by the American culture, by the American media, by the American politics, and America presented the political system called Democracy. Democracy America is working hardly to present this system to every or each country that is specific to the third world countries, and to establish freedom and democracy. Democracy according to the Islamic law and the Islamic theology it’s something like evil, it’s against Islam totally. Muslim’s like Bin Laden, like the Muslim’s… orthodox Muslims, any Muslim who understand Islam very well he does not believe in democracy or in westernize the world by the western system, or political system. The Islamic law requires Muslims to go and fight till the end for one goal, to let the Islamic system rule the entire world.

Sid: Let me ask this question, there are many Muslims in the United States of America that it is true they are peace loving. There are many Muslims in the United States of America that love America they don’t want to see America destroyed. So who are we talking about? I mean if they’re so peace loving why… according to your book if anyone follows the Quran they can’t be peace loving, so how come there’s this difference?

Mark: You’re talking now Sid, you’re talking about nationalism. Islam does not believe in nationalism, Islam does believe the entire airs does belong to Allah and belongs to Islam. What you talk about these Muslims here in America they loving America, they care for America. America is not all… Muslims are not all the same here in the United States there is a different type of Muslim here. I can assure you that the secular Muslims who run away from the dictatorship and the persecution of the Middle East and the Islamic countries and came to the United States to look for a better future, better job, better education these people I do agree with you they will not agree, or they will not… or they are loving America and they do not want anyone to hurt America. But there are Muslims committed, Muslims living here in America the people who are running the Muslim schools, the people who are running the Muslim centers, and running the Islamic mission activity, these people actually they are… does not believe in the same way of the other secular Muslims.

Sid: But yet on television I see many of these Imams come on and they talk about just the verses in the Quran that are peace loving, are they lying to us?

Mark: Absolutely we come again to the same question you asked me before, “Does Islam ask Muslims to lie or allow Muslims to lie?” Yes for the benefit of Islam. This Imam that was standing and speaks in that way they was afraid that the Islamic image would be destroyed in America if they were to present the true teaching of Islam.

Sid: You know time is slipping away… But I’ll tell you the most important question on my heart Mark. I go to New York City a lot and jump in a taxi and in most instances they’re Muslim taxi drivers. I get into a conversation with them about Jesus and about the Quran, and about the Bible. I say “Listen, I’m Jewish I’m also a believer in Jesus and you’re Muslim we all believe in the Torah, the first 5 books of Moses.” Then I start reasoning with them and they say “Oh no your Bible us mistranslated.” Why do they believe that because our Bible predates their Quran, their bible? I mean so how could they say that? Then when I say that to them then they say “Yes but someone’s changed it.” But they don’t know about the Dead Sea Scrolls that proves that no one’s changed it, but you can’t win through logic. So what can I say to that Muslim cab driver that I want him to know Jesus? God loves him as much as he loves every Jew on the face of this earth. God loves Muslims. I know this, you know this, God knows this, so how can we share?

Mark: Amen. Sid I was one like this people before I meet with Jesus. They’re actually are deceived by the Quranic verses who accused the Jews and the Christians that they were changed and corrupted their books. But the way actually to speak with this people to show them the truth just to win them by logic, but sometimes we can’t use the logic. We can say that the only source for the student of Abraham and the student of the prophets of God is the Bible it’s specific to the Old Testament. Yes the Quran does speak and mention about Abraham and about the prophets, but from where does the Quran bring that information? How does Mohammed catch all this information, from where does he get that? So there was our only source in the world today to know about the life of Abraham, hence the Bible there is no other book.

Sid: I’ll tell you our time is up.


Our Guest James Durham


SID: Now James, on one of your trips to Heaven, Jesus gave you a couple of stones. Tell me about that.

JAMES: Well Sid, he asked me if I wanted these stones. They came one at a time. The first one that came was about the size of an egg and it was a ruby, and it landed in my left hand, and I could feel it just as real I could feel anything I touched. I was excited. I thought that when I came back to Heaven I’d still have that in my hand.

SID: I understand.

JAMES: I thought I was going to be able to show this egg-sized ruby to everyone. But it started to melt in my hand, and when it started melting in my hand there was extreme fire that came into my hand. It was very painful. And then the stone that came into the other hand was also melted into my hand, and it was also on fire and very painful. It was a stone for releasing gifts of healing and ministering impartation to people. And my hands were on fire seven days a week, 24 hours a day for more than two years. And the only relief I could get was to go put my hands under cold water and get relief for a few moments. As soon as I took my hands out, they would be on fire again. And I immediately noticed that my wife started feeling the same thing. So I know that what God placed in my hands is transferable, and that it can be passed to other people. And I believe that some people here tonight are going to begin to feel the fire of God in their hands, going to begin to feel the power of God moving in them, and it’s going to bring a healing anointing, and an anointing to release the love of God to people.

SID: Tell me about two or three people that actually were healed as they heard you speak.

JAMES: One of the most dramatic was speaking in a church in Chicago and the, a woman who had had her neck broken in three places went into a trance. Her neck had been fused and she was in great pain, and couldn’t move her head. And in that trance the Glory came and God restored the vertebrae in her neck. And not too long after that, I was sharing that in another conference, and while I was speaking the Glory fell. The presence of God came and another woman, no one praying for her, no one else really knowing she had gone through almost the same thing. The doctors said, “The rest of your life will be controlling the pain.” Her neck was totally restored in the presence of God, the Glory of God. And I believe that Glory and that presence is here with us tonight and it’s going to be with everyone who is watching this program, God is going to release that anointing to them.

SID: James, I have to describe what I witnessed before the show started. I was talking to James and my eyes went down to his hands, and his hands, it looked like there were scars. It was so red and it look liked there were scars almost all over. Do you understand what I’m saying? It was so obvious that I said to him, “What’s going on?” And we all, it wasn’t just me. Several looked at your hand and before our eyes, the redness and what looked to be like burns almost, disappeared while we were watching that. I’d be remiss before God if I didn’t tell you, pray whatever God wants you to pray right now.

JAMES: Right now, I’d just like to say, Sid, that over and over I’ve experienced angels coming into our presence and they’re holding the angels that have come into the presence. They started coming in this afternoon. They’re still moving in. And those angels are touching people right there, right now, and I believe they’re also, they’re coming into the homes of all the listeners. And these angels are drawing people on to the Father, bringing them closer to the Father. I believe that tonight there’s a lifting up to the Father. And when those angels began to manifest, healing angels also came. And I believe that we have healing angels throughout the room tonight. And the Lord is saying right now, we just pray over you and we release to you right now, the love of the Father, we release that anointing to you that you would feel a supernatural flow of the Father’s love. And that when those angels of holiness come and touch you we release them right now to touch you and lift you up, and draw you to the Father in Heaven. And as those healing angels begin to manifest, we release those angels to minister healing. And I’m hearing that many people are being healed right of severe headaches, of chronic headaches. And right now, you’ve just been healed by the power of God being brought by these healing angels. The Lord said that upper respiratory infections are being healed right now. Right now if you have an upper respiratory infection, just let that healing angel touch you, release the power of God while the Glory is manifesting and powerfully present here and in your home as you watch this. There is a healing in the abdominal region, people receiving it right now for all kind of different issues in the bowels. Chronic problems are being healed right now by those healing angels. They’re coming to you. So right now in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach, we release that anointing for healing and for holiness, and we ask those angels, give to people what God sent you to give. We receive it and we believe it in the mighty name of Yeshua HaMashiach. Amen and Amen. Amen.

SID: You see, when James goes to Heaven, he’s instructed by God to teach certain things. One trip, he was taught about the Kabod, the Glory, the heaviness of God, the presence of God and how wonderful that is. And the Lord taught him there were seven levels, the Kabod of Glory. Tell me the top level that He explained to you.

JAMES: The top level, Sid, is the unity glory. And I believe we see that in that same chapter of Ephesians. Ephesians 2:6, that we’re seated with him in heavenly places. But you read on a little further and we’re told in verses 13 through 18 that the dividing wall has been brought down, separating the Jewish believers from the Gentile believers, and one new preacher, one new man is coming forth, one new human being is emerging from that. And in verse 18 it says, that in this newness along with unity with Jesus, the Holy Spirit is giving us access to Heaven, and we literally are becoming members of the family of God. We’re part of the household. You have a chair in Heaven and it’s time to go sit in that chair and visit the Father, and visit Jesus in Heaven. Amen.

SID: Tell me as quickly as you can, what is going to happen in this unity of Jew and Gentile? When Jesus said, “You’ll do the same works that I have done and even greater,” is that what he’s talking about?

JAMES: Sid, I believe that’s exactly what he’s talking about. And what the Lord showed me is that as Jesus, when he ministered on Earth, was able to see what the Father was doing and hear what the Father was saying, literally Jesus was experiencing Heaven and Earth at the same time, and that you and I can have that same experience. You and I can experience Heaven and Earth simultaneously.

SID: But step one to experience Heaven and Earth is to make Jesus your Messiah and Lord. You don’t need my words. Get right with God now.

JAMES: Amen.

Our Guest John Bevere

John Bevere

Sid: My guest John Bevere and you’ve probably read his bestselling book that’s 20th year anniversary “The Bait of Satan.” Well over a million of “The Bait of Satan” have sold. And John on yesterday’s broadcast we had to stop you were talking about your son worked with you on this book on “The Holy Spirit” and you were telling me a story about it.

John: Well I asked my son to help me write this book because I look at the young generation. They young generation many of them back away from the Holy Spirit. And Sid I think it’s because some of the strangeness that occurred when he was you know 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 years old and all of them and what happened was he saw things that disturbed him. And I want to make very clear is… and let’s just be honest we’ve got listeners right now that are like “Oh, I’ve seen weirdness.” Now let me make this statement “Nobody can detect weirdness better than a little child. I remember my kids we’d go into some churches and they’d be 5 years old and their leaning in as far as they could into their mother because of the person sitting next to them that was just doing something really really strange. And when it’s God it’s not strange, and so my point is this “Nobody yielded better to the Holy Spirit than Jesus, nobody fully allowed the Holy Spirit to express the will of God better than Jesus. Yet kids jumped in Jesus’. Yet mafia invited Jesus to their parties because tax collectors were the mafia of the day. If you look at businessmen and the leaders sought out Jesus. So in other words Jesus wasn’t weird and yet he gave full expression to the Holy Spirit. So my statement to these young people, I said “Wait a minute if you saw things that you knew were not right, weird strange
I said “Chances are good that it was the person they might have been strange if they were playing cards or playing tennis,” but if you see somebody whose completely yielded to the Holy Spirit no matter what the manifestation and there are some; there are manifestations that are amazing that the Holy Spirit will do; spitting on somebodies eye to get them healed but it’s not…. But when He’s in it it’s never perceived as weird or strange or repulsive. And so I had a great burden because this young generation has a deep deep desire to reach the world. I’ve never seen a generation that wants to be a part of something bigger than themselves more so than this generation. I’ve never seen a generation that want to be so much a part of a team. I know that their intentions and their compassions are good to help the needy, the poor, those that are victims of social injustice. But if they don’t have the power and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, and they aren’t friends with Him, intimate with Him, they’re not going to be able to fulfill what God had put in their heart for their generation.

Sid: But I don’t care if whether you are a young person or you’re in your 80’s there is a depth of fellowship. As a matter of fact we didn’t finish that. John the other day we were talking about the word communion and the personality of the Holy Spirit and you started with fellowship.

John:   You know I look at the way… fellowship means to interact; it means to companionship. I know that none of us would jump in a car and not speak to somebody for 20 minutes. Well how many times do we do that with the Holy Spirit; sometimes I think that He’s the most ignored person in the church. So if you look at the apostles in the Book of Acts; if you look at Christians the leaders you will find out that they have interaction with the Holy Spirit. I mean Paul says in Acts chapter I think it’s 20 he said “The Holy Spirit has told me in city after city.,..” So you see that there’s an ongoing interaction there. If you look at Philip when Philip was in Samaria conducting some service and Samaria is getting saved and there’s miracles and healings. The Bible says that an angel spoke to him; it doesn’t say “That an angel appeared.” Now it says an angel appeared to Mary; an angel appeared to Joseph; an angel appeared to Zechariah; an angel appeared to John. It said an angel spoke to Philip and said “Go to the desert.” So Philip listened to the angel and three verses later he’s out in the desert he’s been there a couple of days; he sees a royal Ethiopian chariot. And the Spirit then said “Go and join this chariot.” Sid Philip, these guys knew the voice of the Spirit so clearly they could differentiate between His voice and the voice of angel. Now that sounds weird and strange to some today but I don’t think it is because let me give you a natural example. If I’m in a room and I’m talking to you Sid and there’s a couple a couple dozen people in the room and my wife is sitting across the room and she’s talking to your wife she may make a comment and I’ll hear her voice above all 2 dozen of those people in that room. And I’ll say “There’s my wife’s voice and I’m not looking at her; I’m not seeing her.

Sid: Absolutely, but if you had never heard her you would not know it. If you have never realized the Holy Spirit’s talking to you you’d never know His voice.

John: Correct, so just as I know each of the voices on my team, I have 30 team members. If I call my office I’ll know which one answered the phone, I know their voices. So the early church they could tell; think about it; when Philip was sitting there with Dr. Luke, and Dr. Luke is writing the book of Acts and Philip says “Now wait a minute Luke; it was not the Holy Spirit spoke to me in the city of Samaria it was an angel. Now when I got out into the desert that’s when the Spirit spoke to me. They could tell the difference, that’s how well they knew the Holy Spirit.

Sid: Tell me about partnership with the Holy Spirit.

John: Oh, I love partnership. If you look at partners, partners develop what I call a ebb and flow. In other words they know what each others going to do. I played Varsity Tennis at Perdue University I was paired with the #2 singles and we were the #3 doubles team for the Varsity Tennis Team. And I remember that we were a bit awkward because balls were going between us and I’m thinking that he’s going to get it and he’s thinking that I’m going to get it. But after a few matches we developed a flow and we were very tough to beat we really operated as one man on that tennis court. We knew what each other was thinking. Well the first time that I spoke I told you on the first program I put Lisa asleep. Now I speak in front of 5000 people and 10,000 people and 20,000 people and they don’t go to sleep when I speak, why? Because I’ve learned how to yield to my partner. I’ve developed that flow with Him. So when I was with Lisa I was speaking out of my head, I’m bound to my notes. Now I’ve learned how to listen for what He’s leading me to do in my heart when I speak. And so there’s an ebb and flow that has developed. The first book I wrote it took a year and it really wasn’t that good. Now He tells me to write a book and I crank it out in a couple of months. So I’ve learned how to partner better. Because Paul made the statement “We are fellow workers for and with God” in 1st Corinthians chapter 3. If you look at the Apostles in the book of Acts they said “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us.” You can see His representation and their representation so it definitely means partnership.

Sid: And the third thing you talk about is intimacy with Him.

John: That’s the best, that’s the best. I could talk about that for hours so I have to be really careful. (Laughing)

Sid: You have to we only have a couple minutes left. (Laughing)

John: Well intimacy is fellowship but it goes deeper than fellowship; it goes to the thoughts to the secrets the desires of the heart. Intimacy is a sure avenue to a deep friendship. If you look at that Message Bible it says “May the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with you.” He desires to be our friend, in fact if you look at James chapter 4 verse 5 it says “The Spirit who dwells in us yearns.” Now the word yearns means He longs for intensely and consistently. What does He yearn for? He yearns for our friendship. But the thing you’ve got to remember is James said “He yearns jealousy.” What does jealousy mean? It means that just as Lisa wouldn’t share with me secrets and desires of her heart in intimacy if I was pursuing a relationship with another girl. Even so the Holy Spirit will not share with us the secrets and the desires of His heart if we’re pursing a relationship with the world. That’s exactly what James meant when he said 3 verses earlier in James chapter 4 verse 2. He said “You’re seeking a friendship with the world and you’re an adulterer. An adulterer is one who has a covenant relationship with one but violates that covenant to pursue that relationship with somebody else. So if you want to have intimacy with the Holy Spirit you have to make sure you’re not pursuing a relationship with the world.

Sid: And speaking of that very briefly it was amazing that you decided to fast TV and then you just walked by a TV and all of a sudden you felt something you didn’t feel when you had not fasted TV. What was that?

John: Well it’s interesting, it wasn’t a really particular bad program it actually was nothing. You know some programs today, I don’t care if you don’t fast for 3 years you can’t watch them if you really are a follower of Jesus. But this one was not particular bad one but it was just actually policeman that had to use a gun to take somebody’s life okay. And remember what happened on the inside of me I was so sensitive to it I had to walk back out of the room. I like “Oh my gosh I’ve been in the presence of God for all of these days and yet now I just get out and I get exposed to this and I was like “Ah uh, I don’t want this.” So I find what happens is if we don’t spend that time with Him like you were talking about we get a little dull. We get dull in our spirit, you know just like… you know I go to the gym 3 times a week at least. Why, because I want to keep my body in shape. If we’re not praying in the Spirit and we’re not in the word of God and spending time with Him in intimacy we get a little dull in the spirit.

Sid: John, we’re out of time I’m so sorry… I want you to develop such a friendship with the Holy Spirit….


Our Guest Dr. Jim Richards


Sid: My guest Dr. James Richards interviewing him on his book “How to Stop the Pain.” Jim we’ve been talking about just a few of the areas in your book but I cannot give a stronger endorsement that this is one of these books that will literally stop people from shooting themselves in the foot with their marriage, with their children, with their job. And you don’t want to be doing this but you’re doing it because you don’t even understand.

Jim: That’s right.

Sid: There is such correlation as you said between this judgment, let’s talk a little bit about this.

Jim: The incredible thing is you know the Bible says that “All of our life flows out of the issues of our heart.” Now the issues of the heart or the heart itself actually is that part of us that we really develop our self of identity or our sense of self. As a matter of fact an incredible thing that they discovered recently the physical heart has more neurons than the brain does, therefore it has a greater capacity for memory than the brain.

Sid: Boy that gives you that just really explodes some of the things in the Bible that Jesus was talking about.

Jim: Oh exactly. You know all of these things that the Bible says about the heart you know there’s some link between the physical and the nonphysical heart. So what they’re discovering in the latest cutting edge of medical science is that every organ in the body influences a different aspect of thought and a different aspect of emotion. So there’s a connection between the brain and the organs. Interestingly with the heart, the heart is a link to our long term memory. A person’s heart condition affects their ability for long term memory. This is why when some people get older they may dying and they can’t remember what happened yesterday, but their heart is still strong and they can remember what happened when they can remember what happened when they were 5 years old because they still have that long term memory. Well long term memory is what gives us our sense of self this tells me who I am. So what we understand is what I believe about me ultimately is going to determine all of the issues of my life. Everything that I do is going to come out of a heart that has determined who I am. So when we pass judgments, and most of the judgments that we pass that alter our life we pass them before we’re 5 years old. See…

Sid: That’s kind of scary because who can remember what happened before you were 5 years old.

Jim: You can’t remember that’s why you don’t realize that these things are affecting you. You know you’re born with a sin nature and my belief on the sin nature is not that it just makes you inherently evil per say as it makes you inherently fearful which leads to evil behavior. You know the first thing that happened to Adam whenever he became a sinner was he didn’t say “I’m going to go find me a marijuana plant and another woman.” Immediately he just became afraid he was afraid of God he became fearful, insecure and then that fear caused him to run away from God and try to meet his needs independent of God. Now one of the things that fear does is fear places “me” at the center of everything. You know the fearful person…

Sid: So fear and pride are synonymous.

Jim: Fear and pride yeah, fear and self-centeredness because the fearful person thinks that everything is about them. They see 2 people talking off in a distance they think that they’re talking about them. They just think that everything that happens is about them and of course that goes back to…

Sid: The world revolves around them.

Jim: That’s right I am now god of my own world everything is about me. So as a child with a sin nature, or a fear nature, things happen in your world that you can’t intellectually explain but at a very early age you begin to assume why they happen. For example, most children of divorces parents feel like they did something wrong or they could have done something to save the marriage. So they take on themselves a guilt, a shame, a burden that has nothing to do with them. Or if abusive parent for example and that child passes a judgment and says “This is why my parent does this to me because I’m a bad child.” But we pass all of these judgments and what these judgments do is they affect our heart and develop this sense of who we are and we live the rest of our lives out of that.

Sid: So what can we do about this that it happened before we’re 5 and we’re not even in touch with these things?

Jim: You know the great thing is if we renew our minds in who we are in Jesus, you don’t even have to remember when it happened or how it happened you just have to believe the truth about who you are in Jesus today. I think that one of the most fatal things that is left out of a new converts teaching right off the bat is now there’s over 200 scriptures in the New Testament alone that tells you who you are now that you’re in Jesus. Listen make sure that you see those and that you come to see yourself that way. See that’s how you renew your heart because you begin to believe these things at such a deep level that it changes your sense of self. Now we should see ourselves as priests and kings. We should see ourselves as loved and excepted and approved of God. But most of us never renew our mind and so all of these things from our past you know we believe on Jesus we believe we’re going to heaven but we still have low self-worth. We’re so afraid of rejection and afraid of other people’s judgments and we don’t even know why. And we think it’s because you know we pass a judgment about our self. “The reason I’m this way is because I’m not a good Christian, the reason I’m this way is because I must have some sin,” and we pass judgments about ourselves.

Sid: Now you talk much in your book about most Christians will forgive but they won’t release the judgments explain that.

Jim: You know we do that to other and we do that to ourselves because we do have these events that we can remember, we can remember from these pains that came into our life. We can remember these awful things that people did to us or awful things that we did. And what I find you find Christians all the time it’ll come to their mind about something someone had done to them and yeah they’re going to pray this out “I forgive this person in the name of Jesus and I forgive them in the name of Jesus.” And they get some momentary relief from that, but then suddenly it immerges again.

Sid: All they have to do is hear that person’s name. And the anger will bubble inside.

Jim: That’s right hear… in their heart hear an emotion remember something and then there they are again “Well I forgive them in Jesus name and I forgive… and pretty soon they’re saying “You know what this doesn’t work.”

Sid: So how do you release?

Jim: Well if you were sitting in jail because you had been convicted of a crime; in other words you were charged with something a judgment was made and based on that judgment you were given a sentence. And so you are sitting in jail and one day you’re lawyer comes in and says “Hey I’ve got great news for you the judge is going to forgive you of your offense.” He’s like “Oh, this is incredible I’m going to get to go home.” So your lawyer takes you back before the judge you stand there and the judge says “I just want you to know that in the case of Jim Richards the State verses Jim Richards I want you to know we forgive you.” And I’m thinking “Praise God I’m forgiven.” I turn around and I start to walk home and the guy grabs me and throws me in my cell and I’m like “Wait a minute I thought I was forgiven?” Well, you are forgiven but you still got a judgment against you you still got to pay the penalty.”

Sid: Well, it doesn’t even help that you were forgiven then.

Jim: Exactly it doesn’t help at all. The judge went home and said “You know something the State is not mad at Jim Richard’s anymore but I’m still paying the price.” So what we do is we release people from, or we forgive people we say “Okay I forgive you,” because we never release them from the judgment and the ultimate penalty.” And see the penalty that we sometimes pass upon people is “I will have to be angry with you all of your life.” Or the penalty will be “You need to be suffering; for the rest of my life I need to know that you’re suffering.” There has to come a time when I say “You know something since I don’t know why that person did what they did I don’t have the right to sentence them to anything.” Because it’s my assumptions about why they did that caused the pain anyhow. You know my step-father broke into my room, stabbed me in my sleep would have killed me. Let me say by the way before he died by the way I had the opportunity to led to him to Jesus him, my father, my mother, my brother, my sister and most of the people that some time in my life had tried to kill me I got to lead them to Jesus. You know one of the things I discovered about my step-father was 5 years old he was in an automobile accident he lived in rural Alabama. They didn’t have enough money to take him to the doctor he had a piece of glass shoved through his skull. He was screaming in pain they had no way of doing anything about it so they locked him in a shed to die.

Sid: So you had no way of knowing what that man went through that made him the way he was.

Jim: Exactly.

Sid: I tell you what we’re out of time.

Our Guest Julie Meyer


SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. Are you interested in a breakthrough in one or more areas of your life? I am. Well my guest has been shown a way for breakthrough that I believe is an ancient way that God is restoring right now, because when she prays this way that God instructed her, she has 100 percent breakthrough, 100 percent of the time. I want to find out about this. How about you? I have to tell you, there is such a presence of tranquility as Julie Meyer plays the piano and sings. I have felt peace, but this is almost a different level of peace. The only word I can come up with is tranquility. And Julie, I think it has to do with your beginnings. You see, she had an alcoholic mom and the only peace Julie could find is to go to her piano and just sing. And she wasn’t even a believer in Jesus, but she knew hymns that would bring her such peace. And then, believe it or not, she met a pair of twins, the Roth, R-O-T-H, twins, no relation. And the Roth twins kept pestering her, “You got to come to our Bible study.” She didn’t want anything to do with it. But she said, “If I win this state piano competition I’ll go.” She did awful, but she won. She went, age 17, she becomes a believer and she hasn’t been the same since. But like a lot of 17-year-olds, she didn’t like the way she looked, she didn’t like the way she played the piano. You were pretty negative, period.

JULIE: I was very negative, yes, towards myself.

SID: I know, I understand.


SID: But you found something that supernaturally broke you through to be the person God wanted you to be. Tell me about it.

JULIE: Yeah. And that was in my 30s. So I spent a lot of time from 17 to 30 not liking me.

SID: You had a lot of practice.

JULIE: Yes. I began to sing the Word. I began to, I would take a psalm, I love the Psalms, I would take a scripture, maybe just one or two and I would just sing the Bible, and I would sing it three ways. I would sing it word for word and then I would take the same two scriptures, it doesn’t have to be a whole chapter, and I would turn it into a prayer. So it was just my prayer. And then I would sing it as if God were singing to me.

SID: That’s a hundred percent breakthrough, a hundred percent of the time when you did this.

JULIE: It is my testimony.

SID: Can I hear like 30 seconds of you demonstrating this.

JULIE: Yes. I would take a scripture, you know, Psalm 116, verses 1 and 2, [singing] “I love the Lord because He hears my voice and my cry. You’ve been down and listen, every time I sing…” [talking] If I’m going to turn it into a prayer, I’m singing, [singing] I love you Jesus. You hear my cry. You see me right here, right now and you’ve been down to listen.” [talking] And the best part is you prophesy it. So I’m putting me in it and I’m singing it as if God were singing it to me. [singing] Julie, I hear your voice, I hear your cry and I’m not too busy. I love your song. Just hold on. Just hold on. I’m going to answer you. You’re going to hear my voice. Just hold on. Things are gonna change. Just listen, listen, listen. [talking] Hallelujah. That is a prophetic word for somebody today.

SID: I agree. But I’m going to tell you something. I cannot carry a tune except if I pray in tongues. Then I can carry a tune. But I can’t. And I’m doing the same thing now. So if I can do it, you can do it. Now Julie, there is a song that you sing called, “Healing Oil”. I want to release you now to the piano to sing that song, and minister to us. But I’m going to tell you something. That healing oil, you get ready. You get prepared to have it just drip upon you and wherever that oil goes, healing is going to go deep, deep inside of you, physical, spiritual, emotional, anything you need. “Healing Oil”.

[piano music]

Julie [singing]: Let your oil flow down. Let your oil flow down just as a river flows into the sea oil flow into me. Right here, right now into me. It’s sweet like honey as it tenderly flows washing over me dripping into my soul. I’ll stay in your presence, I’ll never let you go. I’ll just get letting your oil flow. Let your oil flow down. Let your oil flow down just as a river flows into the sea oil flow into me. Right here, right now let it flow into me.

Our Guest Dr. Michael Brown


Sid: Red hot is an understatement; I had a traditional Jewish rabbi, not just any rabbi, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach. He’s host of the national TV show “Shalom in the Home” on The Learning Chanel. He was named by Talker’s Magazine as one of the hundred most important radio hosts of America. I mean he has credentials like you wouldn’t believe. He’s described by many publications as arguably the most famous traditional rabbi in America; he’s been profiled in many of the world’s leading publications including Time Magazine, Newsweek, New York Times, London Times, L.A. Times, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post; he has twice weekly columns in Jerusalem Post, the New Sun. He had a debate, if I was to pick one Jewish believer in Jesus of everyone I know throughout the world it would be Dr. Michael Brown who I’ve known for many years. You see Dr. Brown has got a PhD in near eastern languages and literature from New York University. He is president and founder of Fire School of Ministry in Concord, North Carolina which is right outside of Charlotte, North Carolina. Mike you either read, write, or speak about 15 Semitic languages. How did you happen to learn so many languages?

Michael: What happened was, this is not my fault this the fault of the rabbis, you say how’s that? Well here’s the deal, I got saved in 1971 I was not literate at that point in Hebrew or Jewish sources. I was raised in a kind of a wishy-washy Conservative home on Long Island Conservative Jewish home. I had been a heavy drug user shooting heroine, using LSD, playing drums in a rock band. God radically turned me around at the age of 16 ½ in 1971. My dad was thrilled with the change in my life, but said “Okay great you’re off drugs that’s wonderful, but you need to come back to our traditions.” So he brought me to meet the local rabbi who was fresh out of Jewish Theological Seminary, a great young man; took a real interest in me. We began to have lengthy dialogs by phone, of course I wanted to win him to the Lord the same way, and he wanted to win me back to Judaism. He began to challenge me “Mike you don’t even know Hebrew. Mike how can you tell me what to believe I’ve been studying this since I was a boy.” Then he brought me to meet some ultra-Orthodox rabbis, very religious rabbis in Brooklyn a couple of years later. I had memorized thousands of verses at that point out of the King James Bible, and I was praying hours every day and I was ready for anybody. I went to me with these rabbis and they seemed like very God fearing men, much more religious than the men in the synagogue where I grew up. Boy I mean they knew the languages and they knew the background, and it seemed like everything I threw at them they seemed to have an answer for even if some of the answers were far-fetched at least they had an answer. That really provoked me, I felt “Look I know my experience in the Lord is real, I know I’ve been transformed, I know the word seems so absolutely clear to me, but…”

Sid: Yet, I have to tell you Mike, and a Jewish person, or a Gentile person that believes in Jesus; when they first hear the apologetics or the arguments that traditional rabbis have had 2000 years to develop, it’s very overwhelming if someone has not had a personal encounter with God.

Michael: It is, look the fact is you have some very sincere people who are studying the same Bible, but they’re reading it in Hebrew, and you’re average believer is not able to read it in Hebrew. They’ve had like you said 2000 years of not believing what we believe, and have a whole system of faith and practice and many of them study for hours and hours a day. At that time I didn’t realize, but some specialize in dealing with people like me. That’s only increased, there’s a great increase in what we call counter-missionary…

Sid: But just out of curiosity how old were you when you first were taken to the rabbi?

Michael: Well the local rabbi, the Conservative rabbi I was not yet 17. I was a brand new believer…

Sid: I have to be candid with you, I don’t know how you held your own. I don’t know why he didn’t overpower you because you didn’t know Hebrew. If you were like me, you were bar-mitzvah and you read beautiful Hebrew, but you didn’t understand a word of what you read.

Michael: Listen I didn’t even know what the content of the passage was. In other words, no one ever bothered to tell me that when I was bar mitzvah’d I read from 1 Kings 18 where Elijah calls down fire from heaven [Laughing], that’s quite a passage. Nobody told me that you just went through the motions, that’s not Judaism as a whole that’s the Judaism I grew up with which was very superficial. Leonard Ravenhill, an old man of God who is with the Lord now, he used to say “A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument,” this much I knew. God had radically changed my life; Jesus in a moment of time delivered me from drugs; God brought deep conviction of sin into my own life and made me to realize how far from Him I was, and how deeply He loved me. I was transformed, He changed me; He was working in my life; He had become my Father and my Best-Friend. So if someone hit me with an argument I knew there was an answer somewhere, in point and fact I spent hours alone with God. Not immediately, but after several months in the Lord I started to get hungrier and thirstier. I remember saying to myself “I could live a clean but empty life, or I could give myself to God the way I gave myself to drugs and rock music,” which meant whole heartedly.  I began to pursue the Lord with all my heart, so by the time I had met the ultra-Orthodox rabbis when I was 18, I had been spending 5, 6, 7 hours with the Lord alone every day. I was reading the Bible 2 hours a day; I was memorizing scriptures 1 hour a day; I used to memorize 20 verses every day, that’s how hungry for God I was. I was experiencing the reality of God, so when I met with these men yes they challenged me, yes they raised good questions, yes their lifestyle also challenged me, not that it was different than mine in terms of devotion, but the fact that they were very serious religious Jews, and I grew up thinking all Judaism was superficial the way I knew it. So I was challenged by all that and I thought “Okay, when I start college I’m gonna start studying Hebrew.” When I started studying Hebrew I thought “You know I need to learn more languages to learn more background so I don’t even need to rely on the dictionaries, or commentaries; I want to be able to dig and understand on my own. The interesting thing is, that along the whole journey, even though I knew the reality of my faith, I was always wondering “What am I going to study, what I going to learn, what am I going to be confronted with that is going to cause me to question what I believe, what am I going to be hit that I don’t have an answer for? To my delight, and even surprise, the more I studied the stronger my faith became. I didn’t have to shut off my mind ever. To this day Sid, after 34 years in the Lord and writing 1,300 pages of apologetic material and having many debates with rabbis; to this day I can tell you, the more I study the more excited I get about the foundations of our faith.

Sid: Okay, we did two television shows with Dr. Michael Brown, and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, that I have literally, I mean so many credentials I don’t have time to even list all of them; so we had as good a professional traditional rabbi as possible, and as good a Messianic Jewish scholar as possible debating on the subject “Who is Jesus?” Mike why is it 2000 years ago so many people missed Jesus being the Messiah? I mean here He was in the flesh performing miracles everyone in Jerusalem knew about this rabbi from Galilee that walked in signs and wonders, and people said He was the Messiah. Why did a group of Jews follow Him, and a group of Jews, a larger group, not follow Him at that time?

Michael: Well the fact is that’s the way it’s been in our history Sid. Picture this we come out of Egypt with the greatest display of national miracles, public national display in world history. God demonstrates that He alone is God; He brings us out of Egypt, He brings us through the sea; He speaks from Mt. Sinai in such a way that the whole nation can hear, and the whole nation says “Whatever He said we’re gonna do.” Within 40 days many of them, the majority are breaking the very first commandment and worshipping an idol. Out of that generation only 2 make it into the promise land, and the rest die because of unbelief and…

Sid: Yes, but most of them were not as knowledgeable as say a traditional rabbi 2000 years that from age 3 or 4 starts memorizing and studying the Jewish scriptures.

Michael: Some of those people did come to follow Yeshua, some were believers, but many times He is more than we are asking for. In other words, we want a Messiah who will come according to our plan and make the world a better place and make us all happy and take away trouble and war. On a certain level in the Messianic age we’ll experience a lot of that when it is fully realized on the earth. Jesus came and upset the religious apple cart; He is a threat to our authority systems; He is a threat to our religious tradition, and what happened was despite the tremendous sincerity of so many of these men, and rabbinic Judaism was really in its formative stages then, but despite the sincerity of so many of these men they had made the mistake of replacing the living word of God with human traditions. In their zeal to construct something in which the Jewish people could live on a national level without the presence and the prophetic word of God, they constructed an endless stream of traditions. Jesus came into conflict with those traditions, He did not come the way they were expecting Him to come, He did not come and build up their system, He came and confronted what was wrong in their system and because of that many turned against Him.