
Sid: My guest Cris Putnam is co-author of the bestselling book “Petrus Romanus” the final Pope is here.  But I’ve been going through this new book that is ready to come out that we have available right now it’s not in the book stores yet called. “Exo-Vaticana.” This intrigues me no end but there’s a little bit of background that I want you to bring out.  Experts in Bible prophecy over 100 years ago saw what would be going on today in our culture which is setting the stage for the book that you’ve just written.  What did they see?

Cris: Well Sid what I was referring to is George Hawkins Pember who was a theologian in England around the turn of the century. He wrote a book called “Earth’s Earliest Ages and Their Connection With Modern Spiritualism and Theosophy.”  What he was looking at was Jesus made this reference to as in the days of Noah so will be the coming of the Son of Man.  Now he pulled out just 7 points where he saw parallels between the antediluvian, meaning the pre-flood civilization. You know the culture that he was living in you know at the turn of the century turning to the twentieth century. Now the emphasis as you look at Jesus’ teaching in that passage He’s really saying that people are just oblivious that the majority of population is just not paying attention to the signs.  And yet Noah, it says in the book of Hebrews that Noah was a preacher of righteousness.  The people ignored Noah and I can imagine that they ridiculed him for building an arc.

Sid: You know when I think about that of “It will be like the days of Noah in the last days” I think about morality, just sinking to zero level; that’s what most people think about but there’s a lot more to it isn’t there.

Cris: Yeah absolutely the seven parallels that Pember commented on were an over emphasis of God’s mercy at the expense of holiness.

Sid: Well, that sounds like the popular grace message today, but go ahead.

Cris:  Yeah absolutely and there’s a whole movement of pluralism that believing that all religions lead to God; you know that all religions are correct.  The expense of this holiness if people don’t want to hear a convicting message about sin people don’t want to believe in a literal place called Hell…

Sid: You know it’s going to extremes there was a time when holiness was preached and today they say “Well, so many people are turned off that we just want to do the positives rather than the negatives and a generation is being raised without understanding without holiness you will not see God.”

Cris:  Yeah, absolutely and you know the gospel is unintelligible without coming to the end of yourself you know without an admission that your fallen and sinful you know without that it’s not really even coherent to have a Savior you know you have to be saved from something for that to be you know an intelligible concept.

Sid: What were the other points that he raised?

Cris:  Well, the second one was a disregard for gender roles and the contempt for marriage.  Now he was commenting on this at the dawn of the 20th century.  I don’t think he would ever even imagine you know the fact that we’re starting to legislate homosexual unions and people are calling that marriage.

Sid: Listen in my lifetime I can’t imagine the change that has occurred so quickly, I mean morality is “There is none” today and it’s getting worse.

Cris: Yeah it really is and the whole idea of relativism is so infiltrated the culture.

Sid: Now what does that mean relativism?

Cris: Well, this idea that morality is really just dependent on your opinion or your own feelings.  You hear the sort of nonsense like “Well, that’s true for you but it’s not true for me.  You know people will just…that’s just completely incoherent to even think that way because there is an absolute truth.  Which is what matches reality, it’s not an opinion and you know I think that people have abandoned this in this sphere of morality but there really are things that are good and evil.

Sid:  You know it goes back to Pontius Pilates question to Jesus “What is truth?”  Either there’s absolutes or there aren’t if there is not absolutes believe anything you want.  What were some of the other points?

Cris: Well, interestingly, the third point was how technology and entertainment entice man away from worshiping God. Again writing at the dawn of the twentieth century how much more so today then we have the internet and such a proliferation of mass media it’s hard to even keep track of it all.

Sid: I mean I go into restaurants and I don’t see people talking to each other anymore, they got their cellphones out or their iPads and they don’t even need someone at the table.  (Laughing)

Cris: That’s right and yet the thing that we have done is really dangerous is that we’ve embraced progress; we made an idol out of progress and we’ve defined progress as increased sufficiency and convenience.  Now you know those are the idols of America, you know we don’t really consider what we adopt a new technology we just don’t get the culture that you have plus the new technology.  The new technology radically changes the culture.  And you know it destroys what was there before.  I mean in a very real way things like texting that we are doing now are deconstructing the English language and it’s really nothing we can do about it once this sort of thing is in motion it’s pretty much a done deal.

Sid: What other things did he predict?

Cris:  Well, five was a vast population increase, and you know that is way beyond the sphere that he was imagining.  You know and that is a…it’s an issue for missions, for world evangelism as well, because you know you have such a population increase in some of these third world areas that it’s hard to keep up; especially with the unreached people groups.  So the sixth is the rejection of the prophetic warnings and preaching.  And that’s the most pertinent really to our discussion is that you know there’s so many signs, people that are you know that are familiar with Bible prophecy see what’s going on in Israel.  I mean things like the Arab Spring you know, there’s so many signs that you know it’s almost overwhelming I mean the general you know feeling in the prophetic community is that things are right on the edge.  Now the seventh idea that ever put forth was I’ll quote “The appearance upon earth of beings from the principality of the air and their unlawful intercourse with human race.”  Now when he’s talking about the principalities of the air that’s a reference to Ephesians chapter 2 where the devil is referred to as the prince of the principality of the air. Now what’s really interesting about that is that. Well the New Testament world view the realm of the demons is really the atmosphere between the earth and actually the moon is the way they really thought of it.  So when we’re dealing with the subject of unidentified aerial phenomenon and UFO’s and these sort of experiences that people are having it’s not really a stretch to posit these as demonic manifestations because the realm of demons in the New Testament world view is the sky.

Sid: You know what you’re saying reminds me of, the wheat and the tares that the parable, and Jesus said “Let the tares grow up.”  So what I’m hearing you say is that when we read the story about the ancient Nephilim where the sons of god cohabited with the human woman that that’s coming back.  Is that what you’re saying?

Cris:  Well, I think that there’s a lot of really compelling evidence that points to something like that going on. I mean in the study of UFO’s there’s several big named scholars who have studied the abduction phenomenon and have determined that it’s real.  Now one is Dr. John Mack who is a Harvard psychiatrist who wrote 2 very large volumes on the abduction phenomenon.  Now, Dr. Mack risked his career in academia to write this book on abduction and come out and say that he believed that absolutely something real was going on and that you know it wasn’t you know a mental illness of insanity that something was happening to these people. He really inferred strongly that it was largely a spiritual type of phenomenon.

Sid: Alright if the abductions are predominately spiritual are you talking about God or are you talking about the devil?

Cris:  Well, you know what we see in the abduction phenomenon is characteristically evil.

Sid: You’ll not understand end-times without these two books that document secret files in the Vatican Library and belief in aliens.  “Petrus Romanus” the last Pope hidden in the Vatican Libraries over 900 years ago a vision of the next 112 Popes; stunning accuracy of the first 111; now this last Pope will take office for the final judgment.  The second book “Exo-Vaticana” documents the Vaticans plan for a rival of an alien god with a small “g.”  Secret file sin the Vatican Library on the reality of alien presence.  Vatican’s position on extraterrestrials, Vatican’s project Lucifer; why 2013 is the year top astronomers say the aliens will be revealed.  The breeding and hybridization programs for humans and aliens….

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