SID: Emma Stark was born in Ireland and she became a believer in the Messiah at age six. In fact, she came from a long line of pastors that had no grid whatsoever of anything supernatural. But as a child, the supernatural started operating in her life. Emma, how did you handle the supernatural that was going on when you never saw anything like that in your parents and grandparents, in church, et cetera?

EMMA: We loved Jesus as a family. But you’re right, there was no grid for the supernatural. But when I was a child, I would see in the spirit, but we wouldn’t know that that’s what it was called. We wouldn’t call it a prophetic gift because we didn’t know that existed. I would see faces the whole time in the supernatural realm, in the realm of the spirit, but they were very black and white. It wasn’t until I was baptized in the spirit that suddenly open visions, color, immediate understanding of it’s God, and those are angels and that’s a demon and that’s the face of Christ with the eyes of fire.

SID: At 18.

EMMA: Yes.

SID: That’s when everything exploded in your life.

EMMA: Absolutely.

SID: What happened?

EMMA: Absolutely. It was the time where John Wimber was actually doing a tour in the United Kingdom. I saw him prophesy and I was like, I can do that. What’s that called? He knows things. I know things. And of course, I’d lived nearly 20 years without any terminology. But here’s the deal, Sid. We can talk about my story, but I really believe that it’s going to happen for other people who are watching. That actually, you are not just watching me talk about at my story. My family, wherever you are in the world, I believe that the veil between the natural and the spiritual is going to drop for you as it did for me all those years ago when I was 18. And that actually, God is moving us as a body of believers to be a Revelation 11 prophetic revelatory church.

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