SID: Wait, what does that mean, for all nations?

ROLAND: Yeah. I believe so. It’s a room where strategies over nations are debated, are talked about, are released. There’s a council table there, at which leaders, various leaders gather around. There’s conversations with the Lord. There are those waiting at that table. There’s angelic activity, things that….

SID: Did you by any chance see who those leaders were around the table?

ROLAND: Some of them. Some of them, yes. I’m aware of who they are. And there’s councils that happen there. I’m aware of some of those leaders. Some have passed on. Now they’re in Heaven, part of that great clan of witnesses and there are certain councils that gather together and over the strategies and over what Jesus is doing. Yeah, it’s very powerful.

SID: Does this happen often that you’re caught up to these rooms in Heaven?

ROLAND: It’s reasonably regular. I really don’t talk about this a lot because I don’t want it to be a flippant thing. It’s a very holy thing.

SID: Why is God doing this with you?

ROLAND: Why is God doing this? I don’t know.

SID: That’s what I figured you’d say but—

ROLAND: Because he’s really good and he loves to show us things. I want to be someone that God can trust. Sid, that’s my biggest honor. I think for the body of Christ here, I think God’s looking for friends he can trust. And I really, that’s the cry of my heart. It’s been the cry of my heart for a long time, that I’d be someone that God can trust.

SID: Now, God revealed to you a powerful surprise weapon. What is that?

ROLAND: Yeah. It’s a supernatural weapon that lives on the inside of every believer and it’s a supernatural power of joy.

SID: You just came out with a book called Surprising Power of Joy.


SID: Why did you do this book at this time?

ROLAND: Yeah. I think that waves of joy have been released across the body of Christ for the last 2000 years. I think there’s some we don’t know about and there’s some we do. And before COVID, began to seek the Lord and I felt that he was going to release a new wave of the power of his joy, not just for personal fulfillment for the body of Christ but actually as a powerful weapon that would be released through us for the days to come.

ROLAND: So this was pre-COVID, had no idea this was happening, and when I spoke to the publishers I pitched that idea to them and they said, “Let’s do it.” And it was released, the book was released right in the middle of lockdown last year. So very interesting timing.

SID: So it was real … We Jewish people say a Yiddish, it’s meant to be.


SID: It was a meant to be moment.

ROLAND: Absolutely.

SID: But you have another gift, you can talk before a group, lay hands on people and just speak and this supernatural joy is released. Tell me about that.

ROLAND: Yeah. First of all it—

SID: I think you’re joyful right now.

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