JAMIE: That’s fascinating! Now when you’re talking about the imagination.


SHAWN: Is it for you almost like a wind that you catch in a sail or is it something that you sit in silence for? Or how does it begin when you start receiving a download in your imagination?

JAMIE: Well, first of all, you must clear all thoughts. You must take captive of all thoughts and one thing to do is you must – again it goes back to being silent – silencing your soul so your spirit man can begin to really open up and really be able to articulate the things that it’s trying to say. Cause see we have a lot of traffic up here.

JAMIE: Yeah.

SHAWN: So sometimes we have to make sure that the traffic has died down before we can actually clear the highway.

JAMIE: Totally.

SHAWN: So the Lord can just come in and really talk to us and bring us to the next level of the other side of the bridge where He’s trying to get us.

JAMIE: So you’re in the middle of receiving this download. You’ve silenced your brain.

SHAWN: Yes. [laughing]

JAMIE: You know your mind is under your control.

SHAWN: Correct.

JAMIE: Right.

SHAWN: Correct. Correct.

JAMIE: And so then in that moment you’re yielded to the Holy Spirit.

SHAWN: You’re yielded to the Holy Spirit.

JAMIE: And He starts to speak to you.

SHAWN: Yes. Well, the thing is, again the Bible tells us to take every thought captive anything that tries to exalt itself above the knowledge of God. First of all, we have to know what is the knowledge of God. Once we understand what is His knowledge, what is He saying we can know what other thoughts are not His knowledge.   

JAMIE: Wow! That is KEY!

SHAWN: And that’s the key to us understanding so reading our word will help us know that hey this thought is not of God. This thought is of the flesh. So I can begin to really understand what’s His voice versus what’s my voice. You know again like I said before it’s a still small voice, not a loud racing voice!


SHAWN: So that’s how we got to be able to determine that it’s Him versus us! 

JAMIE: See that is – someone asked me that same question last night.


JAMIE: They said how do you know whether it’s God speaking to you or just your own thoughts? 

SHAWN: Right. Right.

JAMIE: And I said well – or even the devils! 

SHAWN: Yeah. Yeah.

JAMIE:  You know even the devils. Right?

SHAWN: Yes. Yes. Yes.

JAMIE: I mean when you hear a thought and you know it’s the devil but it’s like disguised.

SHAWN: Right.

JAMIE: How do you discern that?

SHAWN: Well, first of all, this is how I learned. Several times in the scripture God will call someone and He’ll say their name two or three times. Moses, Moses. Abraham, Abraham. The Bible says out of the mouth of two or three witnesses My word is established.

JAMIE: Whoooh!

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