DONNA: Hello, I’m Donna Chavis. Welcome to Something More. My guest today is the author of “Seeing Behind the Veil” and she has had some amazing supernatural encounters. We’re going to talk to her about a lot of them, but specifically, we’re going to just zero in a little bit on a topic that a lot of us are very interested in, and that is Heaven. Please welcome to Something More, Anna Werner. Hi, Ana!

ANA: Hey, Donna.

DONNA: It’s good to have you here.

ANA: Thanks for having me.

DONNA: Ana, my goodness, your story, you’ve been on with us a couple of times and so I just love it so much. But you started experiencing the supernatural at a very, very young age. What was your first experience?

ANA: Well, I was five years old and I was playing in my bedroom and an angel walked in my bedroom. And it wasn’t like—I wasn’t scared, actually. He felt like a warm friend. And he said to me his name was Timothy and that he was my guardian angel and he told me he would be with me throughout my whole life. And we actually played together for a while and I asked—I still remember, I asked him if I could touch his wing and He said, “Yes.” And it was—it wasn’t like my hand went through his wing or something. I mean, I really physically felt a—

DONNA: Like a tangible wing?

ANA: –like a wing! Like a tangible—and there was warmth and I remember—and we played for a while and then he said, “I’ll be with you throughout your life,” and then he said, “But I have to go now.” And then he was gone, just like that. And then I went out of my bedroom and I went and I told my mom everything. And she knew that, because of the way I described it, that it wasn’t, you know, something that I could make up. It wasn’t something I had seen on a Christmas card of, you, know, a flying angel, a baby angel or something. You know what I mean? It was a real angel. So that was my very first experience and I’ve seen Timothy throughout my life. He’s come at different times.

DONNA: You know, that is so important because we were talking before the program; I had an experience many years ago when my grandson was having surgery, and my daughter and I both saw an angel waiting for them to carry him down the hallway. And once he came out the door—they came out the door with my grandson, he just followed right behind them. We both saw this and so we were like, “Okay, that’s his guardian angel.” But you just said something, that he said, he told you, “I’m going to be with you all of your life.” And I think it’s interesting that most people think that once you grow up your guardian angel goes away. I mean why would he go away? I love that he told you that! So that’s an encouragement to us and we’ve told my grandson that before. We’ve said, you know, “You have this guardian angel and he’s going to be with you all of your life”. So—

ANA: That’s an amazing story.

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