KYNAN: Amen. This is so exciting. Shawn, before the break, we had a little chat and I wanted to ask you something. Do you speak Spanish?




KYNAN: So how can you explain to me how God gave you a Word in Spanish? You want to talk about that a little bit?


SHAWN: I told you, my best friend is Spanish. He used to make fun of me whenever I’d try, so I stopped trying. He’s from Guatemala and he’s like, he was brutal with me and so I never try and speak Spanish. And I was in Vacaville up in Northern California, and I was praying before the meeting. A lot of times before a meeting I’ll pray like on the spot with people if I’m in a coffee shop or whatever, God shows up and I take the risk. A lot of times before a meeting I want to pray because I want to bring a model of what the prophetic would be like in a meeting. So I was praying and had this phrase hit me, and I had to type it as fast as I saw it. I literally saw it written now, so I can say it. It wasn’t like I heard.


KYNAN: So you actually saw this.


SHAWN: I saw it written out. And it was Spanish phrase. It was like two and a half lines, and I was like, I hope this is real, like I have no way to know if this is real. One of my good friends said why don’t you use Google Translator to figure out. And I’m like, I didn’t think of Google Translator. I didn’t even know this could be real. And so I went to the meeting, and all the prophetic words turned out so well that I said I’m going to try this. I don’t know if this is going to work, but I have two names and this Spanish phrase. And so I said, “Does anybody here speak Spanish?” And this man came up, and he read the phrase. Now it had colloquialisms and it had like a certain way to say things. You’d have to be from the region she’s from to even understand it. So it’s not like Spanish you couldn’t just use Google Translator or something online. It actually had slang. And it basically, like this woman had given up her business career. She married this white man and she gave up her business career and had like a bunch of kids in a row. And she just, there was a part of her that was going through that mom thing, and going, is this significant? I know it is. I know these kids are amazing, but I’ve given up everything. Part of the Word was I said I feel like you’ve rubbed shoulders with John Maxwell, you’re a business woman, but you gave it all up for raising world champion leaders, and you’re kids are going to say, at the end of the day this phrase. And the phrase was, “You are like a totally charged, amazing mom.” It was like this certain phrase that you’d say.


KYNAN: In Spanish.


SHAWN: Only in Spanish that they’re going to say you are the ones who made our lives possible, basically, and you are this kind of mom. And because you’re this kind of mom, we’re these kinds of kids. And she’s like weeping, just couldn’t believe that, she knew I didn’t know that Spanish. She knew immediately, oh my gosh, this is so like only God could have given her this because it’s what kids so would say. So it’s not only a word from the Lord, it’s a word from the Lord of what her kids would say one day.


KYNAN: Wow, that’s something. You know what that means? Get ready for God to speak to you in a foreign language. Just FYI. You say that God can speak to us in all kinds of ways. What are some of the ways that God speaks to us? Because I know a lot of times we think of “Thus says the Lord.” It has to be in the audible Charlton Heston voice. It has to be that kind of thing.  But you say he can speak to us in different ways. Give me an example. What are some of the ways God can speak to us?


SHAWN: I think the number one way when we train people is just the impression, just the download of thoughts, or just, I wasn’t thinking of this before and now it’s in my head.


KYNAN: Is that a feeling?


SHAWN: It could be a feeling. It could be a sense. It could be like the same realm your daydreams are. You might get a picture. Whenever you think of something, you’re like, that reminds me of this person. That could be the same kind of experience you’re having with God. So a lot of cerebral ways that people hear from God are the most common ways, and the most discounted, because it’s almost one step past your own thoughts. It’s already in your own thought realm. And we don’t expect that, but the Holy Spirit is relating God’s thoughts to our thoughts constantly.


KYNAN: Now how would you distinguish between, I know a lot of believers have this question: How do I know when God is talking to me? How do I know when it’s my flesh? How do I know when it’s the devil talking to me?


SHAWN: We say it’s either God or it’s your hormones. So many young people go, I know I’m going marry you. I heard it from the Lord. No, you heard it from your hormones. “It’s the devil” is usually not as much as a factor, but it could be your own desire and it could be your flesh like you’re saying, I think you have to go on the journey of saying, God, I’m looking for your heart to manifest and I’m learning what your heart is. And you have to trust God’s heart to lead you more than the enemy can mislead you or you can mislead yourself. And that’s a hard part where you’re like it’s trial and error for a while until you get it. But once you get it there’s a foundation of when you’re adding the biblical virtues of the fruit of the Spirit and the character when that’s all driving you. It’s all love that you say character base is driving you, you won’t go very far off.


KYNAN: You know, according to you, Shawn, you say that a word of knowledge can restore destinies. Tell us how a man’s destiny was restored.


SHAWN: Are you talking about in the northeast when I told you that story?




SHAWN: I love this story because I was praying about it again, racism in America has just been one of my buttons right now, just prayer. And I was up in the northeast and there’s a very diverse crowd. And I called up this woman, an African-American woman, and I said, “Hey, is there somebody named this in your life?” And she said, “Yes, that’s my son.” And I said, “When he was a teenager, did he get violated by white cops?” And she said, “Yes, he did.” And he was brutalized and it was totally, it shouldn’t have happened. And they got held responsible for it, but it created a moment in his life that was really hard. I said, “Did it happen again?” And she said yes, and it didn’t get justified. There was no justice for. And she said, “Yes.” I said, “Well you go home and tell your son,” who wasn’t there at the time. “You go home and tell your son, who is now in his 30s, that these policemen were not a representation of God and this is not God’s justice. This is a man of justice. Your son has leadership in his life to restore justice and you’re going to tell him. Because he has purpose confusion now because of what happened in those two incidents that it actually tried to steal his destiny from him. So go home and tell him that God is going to restore him to this one word.” She went home and told him that she never knew this, but his whole life from the time he was little he wanted to be a police officer. And when he was violated by these two different groups of cops he decided that all cops are bad and he’s not working at the police force. When he heard the Word he had this purpose depression lift off his life and immediately enrolled in the police academy, and is now a police officer.


KYNAN: Wow, that’s awesome. Now Shawn, I want you to pray. I believe there are people watching right now that they need a Word, but more importantly, they need to be activated to be able to hear God. Would you pray for them right now.


SHAWN: Yes. I pray right now that God will release in you that, not just the faith, but the connection, the intimacy and relationship with him that you deserve, he paid the price for it, that you could have fellowship with his thoughts and his mind, and I pray that he would unlock in you right now the faith to have that kind of connection. John 17:24. He wants this connection more than you do. Jesus prayed that you would be with him where he is, that you’d see the Father in his Glory. And I pray over you right now a release of words of knowledge, words of prophecy, his original design over you, your family. I pray that you would see what was in his heart in the first place. Even as you’re watching this, I pray that there would be a breakthrough, a moment of time where everything is different because God is speaking to you in a different way than you ever anticipated hearing. I pray he would blow you away, Ephesians 3:20, beyond what you can hope for or imagine, in Jesus’ name.


KYNAN: Wow. I believe. That’s right. I believe that God has a plan for your life. I believe, according to Jeremiah 29:11, he knows that thoughts he thinks towards you. But more importantly, I believe that you are going to know the revealer of secrets and your life will never be the same. Shalom and God bless you.


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