RON: Hallelujah. Hallelujah! You won’t need to come up. But the Lord’s healed me of sugar diabetes. I had it when I had open heart surgery. I don’t have it now. Ah, it’s gone. My sugar is – I know I’m big but my arteries, I just had a, I just had a cart cath. My arteries are clear. I just had a lung, I have no problem with my lungs. But I do need to lose this weight cause my knees hurt. I’ll pray for that in a minute too. But if you’ve got sugar stand up. We’re just going to declare it gone right now. Hypoglycemia sugar right now in the name of Jesus. Now listen to me. Look at me. Now you could ask anybody in this room that has eaten with me today I’ve had no sugar. Last night I ate some fish. I’m trying to eat right. Now me praying for you isn’t going to do any good if you head for the Dairy Queen as soon as you leave here!




RON: Cause that’s what I’d do. Get one of those cones dipped in chocolate. You know what I mean.




RON: Or Lord heal me after I go through the Krispy Kreme.




RON: You know where it says that brethren I wish above all that you may prosper as your soul prospers?



RON: That’s not talking about your salvation. Souls is psyche. It’s your mind. Your thinking. You’ll prosper when you’re not stupid anymore.




RON: So we got to, we got to do what our good Christian physicians tell us to do. Now there’s some forms of this that people are born with and I believe God’s going to heal that so I’m not picking at anybody. But I’ve been there. I know about met form and insulin and all the drugs. Amen? And I really believe right now let’s hold our hands up and let’s – I’m going to pray this with you. Lord, I’ve suffered with this myself. I know how it saps your strength and how it bounces up and down. You feel like you can’t move one minute and you’re high energy the next. And Lord these good folk are like me. I ask you to balance their bodies, Lord, like the Garden of Eden. But Lord I pray as You do this you’ll bring people into their life and knowledge into their mind and heart to help them to obey Your laws to get their bodies in line with the Word of God. In Jesus’ name! Amen!




RON: Say I’m healed in the name of Jesus!




RON: Well let me go and get to it. And I’m not going to ask you the rest of you to stand up but if you struggle with weight issues like I do hold your hand up. O Lord!




RON: Paul said I beat my body to bring it into subjection. We got to, we got to decide that we’re going to cooperate with the Holy Spirit but you need to understand that I know that you got a girlfriend and she can eat a half-gallon of ice cream every night and she’s this big around.




RON: You go to the donut place you eat one, she eats six!




RON: Or a buddy. He’s drinking a six-pack and eating fried onion rings and weighs a 130 pounds.




RON: But the fall of Adam created a lot of this too, you know, the imbalances that we have. But how many of you will agree with me for the next 12 months we’re going to let God do something about it in our lives?




RON: But we also know that we need some correction in our hormonal balances and that He’ll give us directions about that in our life. Father, we pray right now, we confess, Lord, that we’ve allowed some of this. Lord that we haven’t done and made the right choices in our lives all the time. So Lord we bring ourselves before You and pray, Lord, we want to live longer! In Jesus’ name. Amen!




RON: Now I’ve got a knee replacement on my right knee. They want to do it on my left knee. And I don’t want it! I think this time God’s going to heal my knee!


AUDIENCE: Hallelujah!


RON: Is there anybody else here that’s got knees? Stand up if you have knees.




RON: I know you got knees. I mean knees that hurt. You know what I’m talking – I heard them!




RON: My wife says I have this angel with me now because I can’t remember stuff so – how many of you have had a replacement and have at least one replacement hold your hand up? All right. I want to tell you something. In Psalm 22 when Jesus was crucified He said all my joints are out. So I believe He died for our joints. So let’s just claim it together right now. Lord, we pray you’d restore our joints, our knees. You’d heal us of osteoarthritis and bursitis and all the things that come with this age. Lord, we want to serve you! We want to be able to walk Your walk and talk Your talk! So Lord we pray that You’d speak to the lame and that they’d be healed as You promised in Hebrews and Lord that Your healing grace and power would come upon our joints in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Amen and Amen!




RON: You may be seated. This is a little bit tougher and then I’m done. I’m going to quit. I’m done. The Lord’s revealed to me that there’s probably a younger woman here and you’re really worried about your marriage. Really worried about it. Everybody close your eyes. If that’s you just throw your hand up and put it down real quick. I don’t want anybody – Okay, God bless. God bless. God bless. The Lord wants me to speak this into your spirit. You be the person you’re supposed to be whatever that mate, your mate’s doing. You do the right thing. Father, in the name of Jesus these men they’re praying for right now need a wife, not a preacher. They don’t even know it some of them. And these are good woman who’ve lifted their hands in this room. And some of them are dealing with a bunch of hell right now so I claim Hosea chapter 2 around their mates. That you’d put a hedge of thorns around those men and cause any wrong influence to turn from them right now in the name of Jesus. That they would open their eyes behind that hedge of thorns and realize as Hosea’s wife did that it was better for them with their mate than where they are now. And you have turned them back and when they come home to their wife and God, and I know they’re still there, but Lord when they really come with all their love and all their heart back that you’d give that wife, these women grace enough to speak comfortably to them, to see them restored, their marriage restored. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. There’s someone here who’s already been forsaken and probably already rode through a divorce. Nothing you can do about it at this point. Some of you even the fellas done and remarried somebody else. The Lord’s telling me to tell you this is not a lack of love but put a tombstone over the past. Cut the chains of hatred and anger away and walk into your new life right now in the name of Jesus. Now Father I pray for each one of these and the churches they represent and the ministries they represent and Lord even when they get home Sunday to that place you’re calling them that they’ll feel the mercy drops falling and then the Latter Rain. Lord, let us hear the thunder of the Latter Rain. Let us live long enough, Lord, to see our children and grandchildren in a revival, Lord, a real awakening. And Lord we expect the third day that this time it’s not only going to be a revival of the Church but You going to exalt the Church and raise up her prestige and her nobility in this nation and in this Western and Eastern civilization that the Church, the real true Church of Jesus, the One New Man Church, the Zion Church will rise! And that, Lord, You’ll raise us up in power to have a Last Days harvest before You raise us up in the Rapture! And Father we give You praise and honor and glory for Sid Roth, for the team here. We pray every financial blessing and resource they need to get done what You want to get done here. We pray health and strength and extended years in his life. We pray Father for blessing and favor to be upon everyone who blesses this ministry. Help them to know, Lord, if they’ve got seed through this ministry especially into Israel they are in line for the Genesis 12:3 blessing. Let them receive it, let them believe it in Jesus’ mighty name! Amen! You’ve got to shout!



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