
Sid: I’m speaking to my friend Dave Roberson he’s Pastor of Prayer Center Family in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We’re talking about his series called “Removing the Ceiling.” And there’s something going on this week on this show Dave where you were talking about weeping that just came upon you and you just ministered to a group of pastors that came upon them and then they went to their churches and it came upon them. And then you were talking about a supernatural peace that comes upon us when we’re praying in tongues for a long enough period of time. Tell me about a bit about this peace this is so intriguing because the world is talking peace in the Middle East, the world is talking “What are we going to do about these AIDS viruses their mutating and that there’s no cures for them? And what are we going to do about the biological warfare.  What are we going to do about the shortages of blood of the shortages of water, the shortages of food on this earth?”  And the Bible itself talks about it the spirit of the last days which we are in is the spirit of fear. So when you talk about peace that’s got to be what everyone is looking for. But not just a positive confession of peace I mean living in a tangible presence of God’s peace tell me about that.

Dave: (Laughing) Well Sid you know it I didn’t even know it was what I was looking for because each time that I would make some level of peace you know something I’d make another level of peace and I’d find out “Oh goodness I didn’t really believe that it could be this way.” And the peace and as you said “God is love and perfect love casts out fear and it has not been perfected in love that is tormented in fear.” So if a person is perfected in that love and the absence of torment and fear you’ll have peace. But I’ve found the strongest key in my life from bringing me from torment and intimidation and failure and ceilings on my life of bad habits all kinds of things. That one of the strongest keys that I fell into quite by accident was praying in tongues. And praying in tongues begin an edification process in me that started building me up above the strongholds and the feelings that was robbing me of my peace. And sometimes of somebody who went through a second marriage and two a second marriage and the husband begins to do something that reminds her of her first husband and causes a stronghold to come forward and sabotages her life. Those are the kind of things that He will displace by absolutely destroying the root of them through edification and replacing them with peace.  And when the peace of that strength comes then those programs from those strongholds will no longer control any part of your actions.  And that strong peace begins to come.

Sid: That’s what happened in your life I mean you were sabotaged as a child.But not just a positive confession of peace I mean living in a tangible presence of God’s peace tell me about that.

Dave: Yeah.

Sid: With an alcoholic mother a father in prison and different fathers and grandfather that literally was curing you because you reminded you of your father who was upset over. I mean with all of the handicaps that you had unless God did something supernaturally I don’t think you could have overcome them.

Dave: (Laughing) And I was even born again and the holiness church thank God.

Sid: And Spirit filled.

Dave: And Spirit filled.

Sid: And speaking in tongues.

Dave: And I spoke with tongues and so if all of that of it was just possible by…

Sid: And you went to church every Sunday.

Dave: And I went to church and if it were just by merit of baptism of the Holy Spirit alone or salvation alone then I would have had it all. But I found out there was something I could do and so I began to pray and He began to edify me and build me out of those things. I was just in Brazil after this anointing to weep came upon me when He washed me and brought me to even a greater level of peace. And I’m in Brazil with an interpreter a language barrier had about 1700 preachers in the meeting. And I got up through the interpreter they didn’t know what happened to me I had given no testimony it was the first 15 minutes of the first service. I’d just got up and started talking about the love of God. They begin to breakdown those preachers and weep and weep and weep and weep. So finally under this anointing I said to them I said “Everybody with tears running down your cheeks come to the front and 100’s and 100’s stormed up to the front and broke down sobbing and crying on the floor.”  And I said “Father what are You doing?” Because it was still so new to me “What are You doing?” And He said “I’m washing them, I’m washing them of strongholds.” And yesterday at the end of the program and I broke down for a minute and just had to pray for people’s peace because all of those preachers were lying on the floor in front of it and I said “Lord what is this?”  And this is the same thing that went out yesterday over the air and set people free.  I said “What is this?” And He said “This is my grace the sower overtakes the reaper.” He said, “Son it took you 28 years to get here but you can sow this into people’s lives through teaching in just a few short years and they can overtake your harvest because it’s not by our works, it’s nothing we can do to earn it.  It’s simply when we can simply receive it whether that’s through fasting or prayer or me 28 years of exploring wrong trails only to come back and get on the right one.  Because you can’t get into error if you keep praying in tongues cause it activates you teacher by revealing the mysteries of Christ in you.  So I’ve had all of those years of going down some wrong trails for a short way and coming back and now I can teach you and save you a lot of time. And I can sow into your life in just a short time in one tape series in certain areas of your life like the one that you’re offering in this program.

Sid: Well I got this as a gift and I started listening to it and that’s where we get many of our guests and many of our tools. I listen to some and I saw “Wow this is really benefiting me!  I want to help other people.” You know there are people listening to us Dave that have never prayed in unknown tongues. And then there’s others listening to us that have but just don’t do it anymore. On tomorrow’s broadcast would you lead us and teach us just a little and lead us into how to pray in unknown tongues if there are people that have never done this?

Dave: I’d be glad to.

Sid: And but there are people listening to us now that do pray in tongues and they just stop doing it why have they stopped?

Dave: I understand that too because I had to overcome all of that I can teach on it hallelujah.

Sid: Why have they stopped?

Dave: Well the flesh isn’t always negative sometimes the flesh feeds lust and desire and things like the love of money improperly.  And so when we love something more than God then eventually you’ll make a move to move up above it and when it does it causes a war in the person’s soul.  And then at that point they’ll either fall out of praying in tongues or they will punch through and let Him show them what is dying in their life. And He’ll give them faith to move that out of their lives.  So usually it has to do with the flesh.

Sid: Isn’t it important to pray in tongues our loud or is it just as valuable if you pray in tongues and no one hears you?

Dave: It’s just as valuable to pray and no one hears you because he said “If there be no interpreter let him speak to himself and God. The fact that he’s speaking it’s not bothering anyone around him. So that means he’s doing it quietly enough he’s not bothering anybody else because there’s no interpreter yet he’s talking to God.  So it isn’t how loud you speak it isn’t the emotions you add to the prayer as it passes through the soul it’s the content of what you’re saying when you’re praying in tongues that changes everything.  So you can whisper and not even wear yourself out and it will be just as effective.

Sid: Dave when you pray in unknown tongues many times do you know what you’re praying or most of the times do you not know?

Dave: Most of the times I do not know but eventually much of it you will know because much of it is your future and He’s working His plan in your life and He’s also revealing mysteries. But the times that you don’t know is when He’s building you up over some problem that has a hold of you a hold of your life.  And He doesn’t want to let you in on it until your past it because you don’t know a lot of times what’s good for you or we don’t know the problems. He’ll just simply build us up above it and give us the strength to turn lose of it before He moves against it.  So no I don’t always know Sid and sometimes I do.

Sid: But I can tell you that what you’ve been teaching on all of this week…it’s causing the bubbling going on inside of my spirit.

Dave: (Laughing)

Sid: That’s what it’s causing.

Dave: That is when the Holy Spirit see will reveal a mystery in you He does it to your spirit and then your spirit will eventually it can illuminate your mind where you can word the revelation. And what that revelation is doing it is feeding your spirit in such a way that it’s broken down by the Holy Ghost so it’s broken down already where you’re spirit can understand it. And so what you’re feeling is the uplifting evidence it’s an edification process of being free being to go on in your spirit.  Then the tremendous thing is that will set you into prayer. Hallelujah.

Sid: Okay let’s just start no we only have half a minute but just start for someone who’s never prayed in tongues what can they do?

Dave:  All they have to do…

Sid: Born again but they’ve never prayed in tongues.

Dave: Just never prayed have been baptized or prayed? Oh all they have to do is just yield themselves over…. “Father God fill me with the Holy Spirit in Jesus name.” You’ll note that they’ll begin to move on their mouth. When they do just yield over and start speaking it out it’s as simple as that.

Sid: And what if they don’t know what to say?

Dave: Well if they will just open their mouth and begin to speak it out by faith you won’t think so but His words will begin to form and be there because if you ask Him He will fill you.

Sid: That simple.

Dave: That’s simple.

Sid: Everyone who asks receives in Jesus name.

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