jonathan maracle

Sid: I have on the telephone a member of the First Nations. He is from the Mohawk Tribe the Tyendinaga Territory of Ontario, Canada. Jonathan Maracle I was talking on yesterday’s broadcast on February 1999 there was a transfer of anointing from your dad to yourself. Your father walked in a tremendous miracle anointing. And I don’t know all of this anointing includes but I do know that when you speak people begin weeping. Why is that?

Jonathan:  I believe that would be the passion that God has given me to see lives healed and changed. Some of the greatest healings that we’ve seen has been people who have been restored, self-respect and dignity and recognizing that God loves them who they are.

Sid: In 1999 you went to Israel but you didn’t just go to Israel you went with your full regalia of your ancestors dress and describe what you looked like?

Jonathan: Well I have 3 feathers on the top of my head that are eagle feathers.  I have on a piece called a Kostowa and it’s kind of like the headpiece that you would wear as an ambassador or somebody going to represent the Mohawk people. I had all buckskin or deerskin clothing that were traditional to my people.

Sid: Why did you go to Israel?

Jonathan: I went to Israel because I wanted to get connected to God’s people to the chosen ones, you know the chosen of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Because I serve the same God they serve I wanted to go and honor them and to love them.

Sid: But you had no idea, at least I assume you had no idea, that when you went there in your full regalia the Rabbis told you about a prophetic word 21 years ago.  Tell me about that.

Jonathan: Yeah it was a prophetic word actually it was one of the guys that was with our team his name is Richard Nunez. And Richard has been really a student or a lover of the Jewish people for a long long time. He went… we were at the wall and he went to the some of the Rabbi’s and he began to ask them “You know if it was okay for us to come in our regalia and to pray at the wall because our regalia the word regalia means royal robes. And when we wear regalia it’s because we’re coming with a heart of respect and dignity and honor.  So as we asked could we come to the wall in our royal robes so to speak, and the Rabbis’ welcomed us to come. So they told us that there was at the time 1999 there was a prophesy that they said that came out in 18 years before had been spoken that when First Nations people come to the wall in their regalia it was going to be a sign of the end times. When we came to the wall I mean it was amazing just 100’s of Jewish people came around us and began to ask us “What are you doing? Why are you here?” And we began to share our hearts with them that we were there to bless and to honor the Jewish people and to honor the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It was absolutely an incredible incredible time. From that we were asked and we were welcomed to go to the Knesset and we went before Avraham Burg. Protocol among First Nations People is one of the most important things and protocol to our people is giving. Whenever we go to another man’s place or another man’s territory we always carry with us gifts, we always carry gifts to honor. And they aren’t just like token gifts but they’re something special to us. And Israel as we went there and we were before Avraham Burg it was all of the people, all of our First Nations people were showering him with gifts, I mean he received eagle headdresses, he received pottery, and beautiful basket work, and bead work, and regalia, and just a whole bunch of things. And I took off my Kastowa, which is my headpiece of my people, and the Kastowa had the basic frame of my father’s Kastowa on it. And my father had always been a lover and always been one who prayed for the peace of Jerusalem. And his desire was to go to Jerusalem but he died before he could get a chance to go to Israel. And I had the privilege and the honor of carrying his Kastowa and giving it to the Chairman of the House of Israel.  So I had the chance to do that and he accepted it and we sang before them. We were they called us Warrior of Peace in the Jerusalem Post and in CNN they said there was First Nations People.  And he said “You keep referring to yourselves as warriors and he said “When I think of warriors,” he says “I think of people with guns doing battle.” But when I look at you he said it means Warriors of Peace.”  And so this was his declaration over us that we were “Warriors of Peace.” And while we were in Israel we had some other very interesting things happen. We had one of the Generals of the Israeli Defense Forces contact us and asked us if we would sing on our drum for the Defense Forces across the radio network of all of the defense forces outposts all across you know whether it was Lebanon, or Jordan, or Israel, or wherever they were. And we sang right in their Renaissance Jerusalem Hotel we set up our drum and we sang over the radio to all of the Israeli Defense Outposts everywhere.

Sid: Jon off of your CD “Rise Up Mighty Warrior.” This is what the Israeli Defense Forces might have heard.

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