







SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. Could Christianity be so dumbed down that many will miss Heaven? My guest is going to expose something that is perverse in Christianity. Hello Side Roth here with John Bevere. Now most people assume a little baby, an innocent little baby is born with discernment knowing the difference between right and wrong, good and evil. What do you say, John?

JOHN: Well that’s the whole message here that I want to bring to the people today. Good or God is synonymous because today it seems to be. When you say good, people assume it’s God. But yet the Bible tells us in Hebrews, chapter 5, that the only way to recognize between good and evil is through discernment. If you look at King Solomon before he started his reign, he cried out to God, “Give me a heart to discern between good and evil.” So if good is so obvious, straightforward, why do we have to have discernment to get it.

SID: And you know what the most amazing thing to me is, the revelation you’re about ready to hear, it’s probably one of the most important that you will get between now and the time you go home or Jesus returns. This revelation came in a supernatural fashion to John Bevere. And you have a best-selling book, a million and a half in print, “The Bait of Satan”. Everyone has heard of John Bevere and his book. But it took a supernatural revelation from God for him to get this. What happened?

JOHN: Well this all began years ago in the late ’90s. I was flying to Sweden and I remember landing and my host picked me up, and said, “John, you don’t know this, but a very, very famous woman, she was globally known, was killed last night in a tragic automobile accident.” I was shocked beyond words. She was pretty, she had a great personality, she loved her fans and she was using her beauty and her influence to help victims of land minds, help victims that were poor and needy, and social injustice victims. And so I remember watching this news about people just weeping at her gates, weeping in the nation, and I’m grieving for like two or three hours. And I’m thinking, I’m speaking to like 6000 people tonight. I got to get ready for the service. And I turned the TV off. And Sid, I felt like in my grieving I was in error. So I got down at the end of my bed in Sweden. I literally knelt at the foot of the bed and I said, “God, I feel like I’m in error. What’s wrong?” And I heard so clearly, and this is the supernatural aspect of it, the Lord said, “Read Revelation 18.” I heard that so clearly. So I started reading Revelation 18 and I got down to the 8th or 9th verse and it said, “In the measure that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously in the same measure give her torment and sorrow, for strong is the Lord that judges her.” And I’m telling you, I felt like a bucket of ice water hit me in the face, because I’m a fan of this woman. And I said, “God, how could you ever use that scripture to speak to me about this woman.” I said, “God, everything she’s done, she’s helping the land mine victims, the poor.” And the Lord said, “She’s flaunted her adultery to the whole world. She’s openly rebelled against the house that she chose to submit to.” I said, “But God, all the good she’s done.” And I heard this so clearly, and this is what changed my life, Sid. The Holy Spirit said, “Son, it was not the evil side of the Tree of Knowledge, of good and evil that Eve was drawn to. It was the good side.” And when I heard that, I flew over to my Bible to Genesis 3, and I saw these words: “When the woman saw the tree was good it was pleasant and was desirable to make her wise.” And I dropped my Bible on my bed and I went, oh my, my. And the Holy Spirit said to me, he said, “Son, there is a good that is very rebellious to me.” Right then I saw all the way to the fact that the man of sin, the man of rebellion that’s going to deceive the nations, he’s going to have a good that’s scary good, but it’s going to be perfectly rebellious to God. And so out of that what I started realizing is that the best way that the enemy can deceive people, because Jesus, the apostles, they all spoke about deception and the last of the last days. In fact, Jesus said, if possible even the elect are going to be deceived. And so I started realizing the person who is deceived believes they’re on the side of truth, when in reality they’re not. How is the enemy going to deceive even the elect? It’s through good.

SID: So what you’re saying is that the enemy is going to wrap deception, which you would obviously know, with a package of good. Isn’t, that’s in effect what you’re saying, what happened to Eve in the Garden.

JOHN: Well the Bible doesn’t say that Satan can transform himself as an angel of light. It says he does transform himself as an angel of light and so do his messengers. So there is not only Satan transforming himself into an angel of light, his messengers and the message of the messengers. So there’s a message out there, hey if it’s good it’s God. No it isn’t, Sid. There is sometimes a distinction between good and God.

SID: You had a revelation that in the last days this deception would occur, the discernment between good and evil.

JOHN: Malachi points it out. The Book of Malachi. The Book of Malachi said, “The final days, the days right before the coming of the Lord, you’re not going to be able to tell the difference the righteous and the wicked until the fire of refinement comes.” So in other words, there’s a time period.

SID: The weed in the tares that Jesus talks about.

JOHN: The wheat and the tares, the exact same thing. That you’re going to have the righteous and the wicked together and everybody is going to think they’re all serving God.

SID: It’s going to get tricky and it’s going to get trickier the closer we get to the return of the Messiah. Speaking of trickiness, in the grace-holiness debate, John has some interesting answers. We’ll be right back.

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