
SID: You know what I love about Robbie, anything he can do, you can do better. He teaches this step by step and then he immediately takes people out on the street. You know, you talk about it as if that’s almost normal.

ROBBY: It’s supposed to be. It’s supposed to be normal. That’s what we’re called to do.

SID: But is it when you’re with the people you’re with?

ROBBY: You know, I believe it is. After we go through the training and then take them out they see it happen. There’s a reality because God wants to do it.

SID: Okay. I’m taking you on an airplane. You’re seated next to a woman. She is Jewish. She does not know the Messiah. Take it from there.

ROBBY: Yeah. She turns and looks at me, which I get this question a lot, “What do you do for a living?”

SID: I take a cup, a sip of water. Don’t say that.

ROBBY: She said, “What do you do for a living?” And so I looked at her and I told her, I said, “I have the greatest job in the whole world.” I said, “I get to travel the world and I get to equip people on knowing how to do healing by the power of Jesus and to see the power, you know, come, and drugs be healed, give you words of knowledge, give you understand for people’s lives, breaking demonic power and for people to experience the tangible presence of God.” And I said, “It’s the greatest job in the world.” And she looks at me and she goes, “Oh you’re one of those faith healers, are you?” And she goes, “Nah,” she goes, “I don’t believe in that.” She goes, “I’m sure you do some good for somebody somewhere,” and she goes, “but I don’t believe in any of that.” She goes, “I’m Jewish.” She goes, “I go to temple periodically, but I don’t believe in any of that stuff.” She goes, “But I’m sure you do some good.” I looked at her and I said, “Okay.” And so I said, “Well I’ll tell you what, are you in pain right now?” And she goes, “Excuse me?” And I said, “Are you in pain right now?” I said, “A matter of fact, in the middle part of your back, do you have a degenerating disc right here and you’re in pain right now?”

SID: How did you know that?

ROBBY: It just came to me and it’s trusting that when it comes. I’m just asking. All they could do is say, no, you’re wrong. Okay, move on, so what.

SID: Okay.

ROBBY: So I said it again. She goes, “No.” She goes, “I have a bulging disc there.” And I said, “All right, sometimes I get it wrong, but you’re in pain.” She said, “Yeah.” And I said, “And it’s right there.” She said, “Yeah.” And so I said, “Here’s the deal.” I said, “You let me pray for you.” Her name was Marcy. I said, “Marcy, you let me pray for you right now. Jesus is going to completely heal your back because he wants you to know how much he loves you and cares about you, and want a relationship with you.” I said, “So will you let me pray for your back?” And she goes, “What do I have to do?” And I said, “Well just find where the pain hits the hardest.” She said, “It hurts like that.” I said, “Okay. So whatever pain you feel there that’s 10.” She goes, “Try 13.” I said, “Well let’s stay with 10.” And so I said, “I’m about to pray Jesus is going to heal your back.” So I prayed, “Father, I thank you for your healing power and I thank you for Marcy. But the authority of Christ I command these bulging discs to stop bulging, pain to go, inflammation go down. Right now I command this back to be healed so Marcy will know how much Jesus loves her and cares about her, and wants a relationship with her.” And she, and I said, “Now Marcy, check your back.” She goes, “You don’t understand, this has been going on for 18 years.” And I said, “Would you just check.” And she arches her back, and she goes. And I said, “Well?” And she goes, “It’s a 3.” And I said, “So it went down from a 10 to a 3.” And she goes, “Yeah.” And I said, “Can I pray again?” And she goes, “Yeah.” And so I prayed again, said the exact same thing again, and it goes to a zero. And I said, “Give me a number.” And she goes, she checks it and she goes, “I think it’s a zero. Let me out.” And so I was sitting on the aisle. I move aside. She goes out and she puts her palms, standing straight, she reaches down and puts her palms flat on the floor and she turned around and looked at everybody sitting, I had been upgraded to first class and I was sitting beside her. And she turns around and she looks at everybody, and she goes, “This man just prayed for my back and Jesus just healed my back right now.”

SID: You know, she reminds me, my Jewish mother used to go around, she was the best sales person for me to pray for all of her unsaved Jewish friends, and she wasn’t even a believer. That’s what Marcy sounds like. But it gets even better. Marcy gets saved. People on the plane rededicate their life. Marcy is running up and down the aisle telling people, “He’ll pray for you, you’ll get healed.” But I need you to pray for our people right now. I want you to pray the presence of God come on them.


SID: And they be healed and mobilized right now.

ROBBY: Yes. Father, I just thank you for your power. And by the authority of Christ, right now we just release that manifest presence of Jesus Christ, right now, just to go everyone viewing this, everyone right now just for the feel of the tingling, the heat, the reality of God’s presence. It’s there right now. In the name of Jesus be filled with that. And there are some that don’t know, you’re just like, I’m not quite sure about this, but you’re feeling it right. That’s Jesus inviting you to a relationship, just like he was inviting Marcy, and he’s saying, come and know me right now, by the authority of Christ. And some believers who are like, I’ve never been sure about this, but you’re feeling that manifest presence, you’re feeling the reality and he’s letting you know he’s here, he’s real and he wants to use you to do this. So right now we just declare that, we just release that by the authority of Christ to be filled with that right now in Jesus’ now, right now. As a matter of fact, a lady’s shoulder is being healed in Jesus’ name. Father, we thank you for that by your authority in Jesus’ name, be made whole by the authority of Christ in Jesus’ name.

SID: And if you have not made Jesus your Messiah and Lord, now is the acceptable time. Ask him to forgive of your sins and be your Lord, and live inside of you. Do it now out loud.

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