
Sid: We want everyone everywhere to be free; you say you are free. I’m talking about a freedom of walking with the Spirit of God; basking in the Glory of God; walking in the miraculous; seeing people all around you hunger and thirst for righteousness.  The only righteousness is the King of Jews, Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah.  My guest walks in that realm; his name is David Herzog.  Now David you’re not supposed to be walking in this realm right now because it’s the Gentile believer that has to provoke us to Jewish people to jealousy.  But according to the Bible in the last days just before the great and awesome Day of the return of the Lord God says “He will pour out His Spirit on all flesh;”  But then He specifically says “Your sons, your daughters, your old men, your young men, dreams, visions, signs, wonders.”  And the “your” is the physical Jew; so I guess it’s okay for you as a Jewish believer in Jesus to provoke us to jealousy.  Now I really don’t want to have some weight loss company’s go out of business, but is it true that you had some meetings in Las Vegas and people had instant weight loss?

David: Yeah, we’ve seen them all over the world but in Las Vegas the first night 20 people had up to 5 dress sizes of weight loss and we have pictures of it on our website and they show, their pulling out their pants are falling down, they’re trying to hold them up and they’re skirts.  It’s just amazing how God’s doing that right now in America.

Sid: What’s the most amount that someone has lost in a meeting, I mean instantly?

David: Oh yeah either it’s right away you see the dress sizes where they can’t literally hold t their pants up; their walking out with their pants as if there just regular baggy pants that their grandfather had or something.  Or we’ve seen where they actually weight themselves; I think in Memphis or Jackson, Tennessee last year and a half ago the man he lost 70 pounds instantly within a few seconds of just the word coming out “Someone’s losing weight.”  And whack; that’s the few times that we actually had them weight it, it’s probably even more than that’s the time that we know for sure it was confirmed 70 pounds amazing.

Sid: And there are people that have lost up to 5 dress sizes?

David: Yeah, 5 or 6.

Sid: They have to get whole new wardrobes so don’t you feel guilty?

David: Exactly, yeah.

Sid: (Laughing)

David: It’s very very it’s just in a split second; later I’ll explain to you how and why it happens in the glory realm but yeah it happens and I think America needs it right now.

Sid: Now just very briefly you’ve been to Israel and had meetings what happened?

David:  We had it during one of the feasts, we recently had it during the Feast of Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, in Jerusalem and we had another one in the desert during Passover.  And so they put a big big tent and people came from all over the country from Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and it was a great place and all kinds of miracles.  Again instant weight loss happened a lady lost I think it was 4 or 5 dress sizes; tumors disappeared; deaf ears opened up; just every kind of thing. And right away when they saw that with the presence of God that was there I mean instantly they said “Well, we want to know the Messiah, we want to know Yeshua haMashiach if this is what He does and this is who He is we want to know Him personally.

Sid: Now I’m hearing reports of Jewish people throughout the world and Arabs for that matter that are having visitations of the Lord; did that happen at these meetings?

David: Yeah, in one meeting I explained to them about the 3rd Heaven and how that realm operates and how people can see 3rd Heaven like Paul talks about in the Old Testament, Genesis how Jacob’s ladder opened up.  And we had a session on that and taught on it and literally it happened right there in the meetings people said “They were taken to Heaven, or some were transported or some were transported or dreams or visions.”  It’s all the similar realm dreams, visions, trances, transportations, 3rd Heaven experiences, angelic visitations.

Sid: Now you sound like this is almost normal for you; do things like this happen at every meeting of yours?

David: No, every meeting is totally different it just depends on what God wants to do or where the people are that.  It’s not from a man; it’s not my anointing necessarily it’s just opening ourselves up to what God wants to do.  It’s every meetings different you know; some will be this kind of transportation and people will be seeing the Heavens and others will be more evangelistic and miracles and others will be more prophetic it’s just God is so multifaceted it just depends on what He wants to do.

Sid: David I want you to do what God has called you to do right now; I want you to talk to us about the Glory of God, and I want to give instructions to our listeners right now.  I want you to soak in everything that David is saying and expect not just a lecture but a tangible presence of God’s Glory.  And when God’s Glory appears all things are possible; David.

David: Yes, well the Bible says “Lord You will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” If you were to walk in Heaven right now and you had a big cancer coming out of your stomach and you walk into Heaven how long will that cancer take to dissolve?  It will probably take like not even a second.

Sid: Well, there’s no cancer in Heaven.

David: Exactly, so what makes it on earth as it is in Heaven.  In Heaven there’s the Glory of God; if you had sickness; if you had even financial debt anything that’s not of God when you got to Heaven it’d be gone because of the Glory.  Well, if that same Glory comes down on the Earth in a meeting then the same things would happen on Earth as it would be in Heaven.  How would it be in Heaven?  It would be instantly the cancer would be gone, people are not unsaved in Heaven so they get saved; so I notice when that Glory comes down in a meeting not just an anointing but the Glory at that moment God will have me just give some words and instruct people and instantly that’s how the weight loss would happen.  If you went to Heaven 300 pounds, by the time you got there you weighted your normal size that you should be weighting.  So that’s how that Glory realm it’s an acceleration; even people with debts.  I’ve seen people with huge huge financial debts in the meetings and they’ll give in the meetings while the Glory is operating and they’ll see incredible incredible debt cancellation within minutes, within hours that they didn’t see in a normal church service giving an offering.  So everything in that Glory realm is an acceleration “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.”  And so bring in that Glory down to Earth from Heaven and there’s different ways that happens.  You know there’s different keys to that we might share about that tomorrow but you know praise and worship; and fasting and prayer and holiness and giving unto the Lord and there’s different things.

Sid: Now I’ve found something interesting you talked about when people give if they give into evangelist groups moving in the glory, plus Jewish evangelism; explain that you have that in your book.

David: Yeah, Acts Chapter 4 most of us or Acts Chapter 2 maybe we pray for the sick and we go witnessing once and while and some people are added to the church but in Acts Chapter 4 says “A new Glory came and the place was shaken and different things happened. They prayed for signs and wonders, not just healing and God’s hand touched people not just their hands.”  And it says “Those who were in lack, anyone who was poor among them were no longer poor or lacking.”  And so I believe in that moment what happened they bumped into a new level a higher level of Glory and in Heaven there is no debts.  So we’ve seen in our meetings literally money appearing right in people’s pockets and bank accounts; after the meeting they go to the bank and there’s $4,000 that wasn’t there the day before; the bank doesn’t know where it came from.  So these are like supernatural miracles even in the financial realm that we see while the Glory is there.  People would take a step of faith and they’ll usually give something that’s a sacrifice or something.  But the miracle is different than they’re used to; its supernatural it’s very fast and I can’t explain it’ it’s like a Glory zone when that high level Glory zone.  When that high level Glory is there the miracles are faster; the financial miracles are faster; the salivations are quicker, the deliverances are quicker; everything’s accelerated as if we’d been in Heaven it would take long for those things to happen once you got to Heaven.

Sid: Now I’ve asked you this question before, but I love your answer and want you to answer it again. Explain the difference between ministering under the anointing as opposed to the Glory.

David: Yeah, you minister under the anointing let’s say for instance that you’re casting out demons or intercession or praying for the sick a lot of times you feel tired after that time as if strength came out of you.  So it’s partly you and the anointing in you that together God’s using in you.  When the Glory comes it’s like the priests they could not minister in the Temple at all when the Glory comes it’s pretty much just all God. The Glory comes down and He’ll just give you a word to start of He’ll probably say “Someone’s getting healed of this or there’s gold teeth fillings occurring or whatever.”  And then if you’re just staying there on the stage and it’s happening to 100’s of people you’re not tired your ministering directly from the Glory from Heaven not just from the anointing on your life there’s a big difference there.

Sid: Now I have a friend that talks about he has a special feeling in his body maybe one particular finger or something and He knows what God is doing.  Now I’m going to kind of take a leap right now for some reason my fourth finger is just vibrating right now; David any idea what that means.

David: Hmm, well God’s presence is here so when God’s presence is here things happen.  If you put your finger in an electrical socket you get electrocuted. So it’s just a sign that there’s a greater Glory or power now that’s present from Heaven so many times our flesh will begin to manifest in a certain way when that anointing and that Glory starts to come.

Sid: I don’t see any difference between you praying in a meeting in person and praying over the radio right now as far as results; do you?

David: No, there’s no distance in the Glory.

Sid: And I am hearing hair; but David I’ve never prayed for someone that has had hair come back.  Would you pray for that person right now?

David:  Sure, let’s pray right now. If you want while you’re listening you can even if you want lay hands on your head, you don’t have to but you can.

Sid: Well, I’d like my hair to be thicker could I do that?

David:  (Laughing)

Sid: With this finger that is vibrating all over the place?

David:   Sure.

Sid: Well, okay.  Oh, and in our studio right now in the control room there’s some people that they want to lose weight but no.  I’m serious right now I heard this from God; David would you pray.

David:  Yeah, pray for heads to get hair okay.  Well, we just pray for those right now that have problem with balding and hair loss.  We thank You Father God Lord we ask You to stretch out Your Hands now and heal; we declare creative miracles because You’re the creator and declare hair being recreated on the top of their heads on the Yeshua’s might Name.  We declare hair to start growing back on people’s heads, hair to thicken also where they are thinning and bald spots to be filled.  In Yeshua’s Name I declare that even right now roots of people’s hair turning back to the original hair color that where they’ve turned gray or different colors we command it to come back to the original hair color; the roots even right now.  And You renew their youth as the eagles in Yeshua’s Name in Jesus Mighty Name.  Amen.

Sid: Amen means so be it.

David:  So be it.

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