Michael and Cyndi Hinson

Sid: I’ll tell you what I just got interrupted there’s such a strong presence of God in the studio.  I know that as you listen to our discussion I’ve got Michael and Cyndi Hinson in the studio.  We’re discussing their brand new book “To Heal the Heart.”  I know that the anointing is so strong that many of you are going to have healings….I’ve heard this again it’s so strong there are people anyone that has pain in their back will bend over, bend over and you’ll see you are free! The pain is gone in Jesus Name; there’s a pain inside of people’s hearts. This is where you are going to get freedom.  Michael, why did you write the book “Healing the Heart?”

Michael: I got so touched and dramatic when the Lord came and showed me parts of my heart.  He led me in basic truths that I was so incredibly simple.  The people can get free with such ease that it’s startling; they can get free from the negative effect of other words.  Things like loneliness, depression, anxieties, fears, addictions, abuses see all of those are so easy to change and God comes through and touches people miraculously.  The worlds made it complicated to get touched in these areas; the simple truths in God’s word.  And we wrote this book and when you apply them your life’s different.

Sid: For instance you teach in this book something called faith and that’s a very important thing, but it’s so simple.

Michael: Oh yeah, we have things that are completely different aspects some people call it revolutionary.  People who are suffering or going through problems or they’re life doesn’t have all the fruit in it; sometimes we don’t have a full understanding of the basic principles of God.  Things like faith and love you know if I tell you the word white but you see ivory and in your thinking then from that point on every time I mention white you’re going to have a different image than I do.  And many people have different images in what love is and some of the key elements which are the foundation principals of God.  The Bible says that “Without faith it is impossible to please God.”  We know we need it but do we really know what it is; do you know how to get it?  Do you know how to use it; do you know what its offices are?  Do you know what the most powerful forces of the Kingdom of God is and how to apply it in your life? I used to think it was some miracle so far out that I had to reach out and get it; I did everything I could to try to find it. I used to think that if I didn’t have this faith I wasn’t going to be the man of God God called me to be.  So I was in constant search of something and when the Lord visited me…

Sid: So and then people like that your fasting 40 days, your reading the Bible nonstop, you’re meditating of the Word.  You know all these are wonderful things but they’re not going to get you what you’re after.

Michael: Not when you find the simplicity of it; if you have to work hard towards it… Now we have to work toward keeping our heart set towards the Lord but if you have to work hard to gain something then maybe it isn’t exactly what God has for you.  Maybe we have gone about the wrong way because everybody that’s been a Christian for a short period of time the things of God are extremely simple.  Every time you get a revelation from the Lord you realize how incredibly simple this is.

Sid: Oh that’s why Jesus said “You have to become like a little child to even enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Michael: Oh, absolutely very simple, words like faith I was taught “The substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.”  Hebrews 11:1.  We were all taught that, but you know that’s not the definition of faith it’s a characteristic of faith.  A definition of faith is Hebrews 11:6. “That anyone that wants to come to God must believe He exists.”  Faith is simply believing, now Hebrews 11:1 is a great characteristic of faith it’s the fulfilled nature of faith.  I had a daughter that wanted to go to a college out in California; we didn’t have the funds at the time for her to go. And she knew that she was supposed to go there. She prayed earnestly and felt in her heart that she was supposed to go and one day she was holding the check for that college.  What she was holding was the substance of what she had hoped for; she was holding the evidence of what she had not seen.  Hebrew’s 11:1 is the fulfilled nature of faith, and then when Paul wrote it then He went to talk about the patriarchs and what got fulfilled in their life; the definition of faith is Hebrew 11:6 and that is simply believing. If you’re riding in your car right now you don’t have to muster up faith you have it; if you put on brakes that stop light you already have faith the car is going to stop. It’s no more complicated than that you are going to stop.  And if you’re in sitting in a chair right now before you sat down did you pick that chair up and turn it over and look at the legs and make sure that it will support you?  And then when you put it down did you ease yourself into that chair, leaned back slowly to make sure that it held you or did you just sat down.  Well then if you sat down you applied faith, you have faith; he didn’t say “Guys you didn’t have faith.”  Well each man has been given a measure of faith.  When Jesus was going in the water and the storm came up the disciples said “Master aren’t you worried we’ll drown?”  And He stood up and said and He said “Listen,” he didn’t say “Why don’t you have faith.”  He said “Where is your faith?”  Our faith has to be applied to something.  We can apply our faith to the things of God or apply them to the world.  We can put our faith in Jesus and in the Word and what it says and the blood of Jesus; we can put our faith in our finances; we can put our faith in our medicines, we can put our faith in many other things besides the Kingdom of God.

Sid: Cyndi tell me about Charlene.

Cyndi: Charlene was a Christian woman who worked in a bank and there weren’t too many other Christians around.  And so the atmosphere in the bank was a little rough for her on a daily a basis, but she knew that’s where she was supposed to be.  She began to pray that God would change the atmosphere and when I say that I mean that you know that there would be others that would begin to receive a revelation to accept Jesus and in that way the atmosphere in the office would change.  But as she prayed about and time went on there was an incident that happened at the bank; she was responsible for putting money in the vault as were other people at the bank.  One day after she had been in the vault some money was missing, a large amount; her superior deducted that it must had been Charlene, she was the last one in the bank about that time and so she must had been the one that took it.  So she accused her of stealing the money from the vault.  Well and investigation occurred, you know it was a big mess as you can only imagine. She did not do it, she knew that she didn’t do it; it was really no way for her to prove her innocence.  So as she waited and they did the investigation, her superior was very ugly with her, every day as she faced her she was very slanderous to her face.  She pressured her greatly, she tried to get her to admit that she just did it “Wouldn’t it be easier on you and everyone else if you just admit that you did this; it would be behind us and we could move on.”  But she was not going to bend under that pressure, she was sure that she had not done it.  Eventually there was some leaks to something that was going on so there was an article in the paper that she was under investigation which caused it to be a bit uncomfortable for her in social circumstances.  Well, as her children in school began to get ridiculed by it. Eventually I don’t know if anyone has ever been under stress or pressure similar to this but it became so strong that her friends began to back off, it was too hot to handle so they kind of abandoned her in her hour and need and she felt that she was standing alone.  But she kept on seeking the Lord and she still had a peace about that she was supposed to be in that job.  She went in every day, she didn’t have the same responsibilities as before but she continued on.  Well eventually the transport company came forth as the guilty party, they had made a mistake and an error. They had not wanted to accept the responsibility for it because they didn’t want to get in trouble so they kind of sat back and waited for the bank to come and say that they found the error and they would act surprised or whatever.  But the irony in it is that Charlene’s the one that was responsible for checking up these types of errors and she had not investigated that as a possibility because she was convinced that Charlene was the guilty party.  When it was all said and done and Charlene’s name was cleared she kind of flippedly walked up her her boss did and said to Charlene “Well, sorry it was a mistake” and turned around and walked off.  Well Charlene followed her behind her and went into her office shut the door and her bosses eyes got real big because she just knew that “I’m in for it now I have given this woman trouble over the past few months and here she was innocent all this time and she just knew she was fixing to get just attacked from one side to the other.  Instead Charlene looked her in the eyes with almost tears in her eyes, she just compelling said, “Listen I love you and I forgive you.”  When she did it just took down all the defenses and her boss began to cry and weep under the conviction of the Holy Spirit and she gave her life to the Lord.  And before the end of that week was over I think that four or five at least of the other employees became born again because of the testimony of Charlene and the witness that she brought forth through her actions and the way she handled herself through this whole entire time.  So she got the answer to her prayer, God changed the atmosphere in the bank.  But it didn’t.

Sid: It was not the way that she wanted it.

Cyndi: That was not what she was thinking, it was really wonderful because it strengthened her through it.  It was not was not what she expected but she got something out of it as well, it strengthened Charlene but at the same time it was a witness to those. It was a lasting effect on those around her that saw her go through this and how she handled herself.  And that is the testimony that we all have how we walk out our daily lives, how we…You know I asked someone once said, “We may be the only Bible that someone ever reads. Our lives are supposed to be living epistles as we walk through this daily life. And if you don’t have the simple truths or you’re not sure of what they are, if you don’t have a revelation of them you can’t exercise them in life.  And like Charlene did she was able to stand in that and believe God that He was going to bring her through because she trusted Him.  He was going to bring her through this, no matter what it looked like she held on to that.  He was faithful, he never lets you down if you believe in Him and you believe the He’s able because He is.

Sid: And there’s some people going through it now that are listening to us and as you even heard the story of Charlene. It’s so refreshing to get teaching that’s pure scripture and it came from a broken heart.  Michael had a confrontation in which God showed him his heart and from that broken heart came this teaching.  And many of you are going to know what it is to be free, it’s so wonderful to be free; you don’t have to just control, free.

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