
SID: Sid Roth here with David Tomberlin. David is a young man, he’s got everything in the world going for him, there’s no reason to be depressed, but he’s so depressed he’s suicidal. He goes into a building, a man prays for him. The power of God hits him, he falls on the floor, he begins speaking a language he’s never been instructed. He has no paradigm for what’s going on. He’s wondering why he’s laying there on the floor. What happened next, David?

DAVID: As I laid there on the floor, I began to have this sensation come over me. The best way I can describe it is it was as though there was a little person inside of me cleaning me out. I had all this heaviness inside my heart, and all of a sudden I felt a swirling in my stomach area, and then these three black things popped out of my body.

SID: Did you see it? Did you feel it?

DAVID: I saw it, in the sense of… I would say it’s more in my mind’s eye that I saw it, but I saw them very clearly. They were three black circles, and they came out of my mouth area, and they just went [pop, pop, pop], then floated back. Right after that, I immediately felt clean; I was no longer depressed, I was happy to be alive.

SID: Instantly?

DAVID: Immediately after that third thing left me. I almost threw up at this time as well. I don’t know if you’ve seen some of the horror movies, like the different deliverance movies…

SID: “The Exorcist.”

DAVID: Exorcism movies, yeah. I almost threw up, but I didn’t. They came out of me, and I immediately felt this peace and joy. As I laid there on the ground, I heard a voice speak to me. I felt this absolute peace, and the voice said “This is what heaven’s like.” Absolute fulfillment, absolute joy. To the degree that I was suicidal and depressed was the degree that I was absolutely fulfilled. It was as though I felt every cell in my body had achieved its ultimate purpose. This radiant joy overflowing. I was so happy and elated, the burden was lifted off me, but I had one problem: I was on the ground in church, and I don’t understand what’s going on. So I stand back up. As I stand back up, the youth leader there came up and said “Lift your hands and tell God you want everything He has for you.” I lifted my hands and said “God, I want everything You have for me.” I fell down again. I got up again, I fell down again. I could not stand under that power and presence of God. It was amazing.

SID: David, what was the love like that you experience?

DAVID: The word I would use is saturation. I was saturated in God’s love. I felt like a sponge that had been completely wrung out and then dipped in oil, or water, or honey, and that sponge completely filled up. I felt whole inside.

SID: You got rid of these three – let’s call it what it is – demons. Where do you think they came from?

DAVID: My belief is they came from immoral relationships I was in. Ungodly, premarital activity I was involved in. That’s just the sense that I get. That’s where I believe they came from.

SID: Ok. Something new happens to David. All of a sudden, he knows things about people that he never knew before. Tell me the first time this happened.

DAVID: The first time this happened, I remember it clearly. I was driving to my mechanic’s to get an oil change. I’m driving there, and I’m not thinking about anything, I’m just driving. Suddenly I hear a voice speak to me. I remember it like yesterday, and I’ll tell you word for word. He said “Your mechanic’s wife has something wrong with the back of her neck. You need to pray with your mechanic so that she can be healed.” That specific, word for word, just like that. My thought was “I’m just going to get my oil changed.” I’m not on some kind of…

SID: This isn’t a church service.

DAVID: This isn’t a mission trip, a church service. I’m going to change my oil. And frankly, many of us would be excited about that today, but I was a little nervous. In fact, I was so nervous that when I got there, I went to the restroom hoping that the mechanic would go on a lunch break so I wouldn’t have to deliver this word from God. So anyway, he was still there after I went to the restroom, so I just kind of approached him… How do you approach that? I’m in a mechanic’s shop, belts on the wall, cars are lifted up, and this guy’s like “Hey, what kind of oil do you want in your car.” I go “Listen, this is unusual, but does your wife have something wrong with the back of her neck? He goes “No. Why would you ask? Then he goes “Yes! How did you know that?” He was shocked, I was shocked. He goes “She just told me that this morning.” He had just found out, so he knew there was no way I could know.

SID: I could see how shocked you were. I mean forget him being shocked, you must’ve been shocked.

DAVID: It was hot potato. He was scared, I was scared. But there we were, in the midst of a God encounter.

SID: You know, this is called a word of knowledge. He knows things about people, and then God demonstrates His power. I’d like you to see how this word of knowledge operates. Let’s go to the screen and have this clip of a word of knowledge. Two of them.

DAVID: So it takes faith, every time we step out. It takes faith every time we step out. In fact, right now I keep hearing the letters “R, E, G.” I don’t know if that’s a first name, Reggie, I don’t know if it’s a last name. Is that right? Get up here man. See, I’m telling you! But you know what? I want to just confess to you. Every time I get a word of knowledge, in my heart I go “Oh, I’m not going to give that.” It’s the guy standing in front of me. God’s calling it out to prove a point. You understand that? But I have to have faith. I have to be willing to look dumb. Come on. Come here, Reggie. Father, in Jesus’ name… Man, miracles on you like crazy. Father, in Jesus’ mighty name… Take my hand. Father, I break it right now. I feel like there’s been an attack on your household. I see that family. Father, I bless the family right now. Lord, I just release courage to my brother right now. Do you guys get how ironic that “R, E, G” is standing right in front of “M, E”? Seriously. Do you see what I’m talking about though? It’s faith! You’ve got to step out. Who’s got the neck problem and you’ve got the pain right now? Neck problem. Come here. Father, in Jesus’ mighty name, I command the neck. Pain, go! Out of her neck right now! Begin to move it. Begin to move it, just in faith. Sometimes if we don’t think, just trust… Just trust. Pain, continue to go! Pain, continue to go! In Jesus’ mighty name. Thank You, Lord. More fire, more fire. More anointing. Healing anointing, be released. I’m releasing healing virtue by faith, in Jesus’ mighty name. Tell me what happened? Always tell the truth.

WOMAN: It’s still there.

DAVID: You’re still feeling pain right there? Ok, praise God for that, because this is an opportunity for God to do His thing. Father, in Jesus’ mighty name I break that pain right now in Jesus’ mighty name. Stay there for a second. I want to give you one more dose ma’am. I thank you for your honesty. This legitimizes what we’re doing. Some miracles happen immediately, some happen over time. We see it over and over again. I never get discouraged, because we pray in faith and trust God to do the work. Amen? Are you feeling something happening? What’s going on?

WOMAN: It’s getting better.

DAVID: It’s getting better. We’re going to stand in faith. How many of you want it to be all the way better? (applause)

DAVID: Loose that neck in Jesus’ mighty name. Man, I feel the anointing. Father, I thank You for the work that you’re doing. Neck, be healed. Oh! Be healed in Jesus’ mighty name. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord.

WOMAN: It’s gone!!!

DAVID: It’s gone! Come on!

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