Sid:  My guest, Barbie Breathitt, I’m just getting to know her, but she has been given a gift, a prophetic gift, a precious gift from God to have insight into dreams.  I had one of my staff members Bridgette my Office Manager sit down because she had had a vivid dream and explain it to Barbie here’s what happened.

Bridgette MV Office Manager’s dream:  My dream begins with Donald, my husband and I sitting in a car at the side of the road.  I sensed that there had been a storm and our car had stalled.  Then over my shoulder I could see a river of water coming towards us.  In that river were five bigger cars as they became visible I could see them flowing in the water and they appeared to be out of control.  I said to my husband, “Let’s push our car up high to avoid a collision.”  We pushed our car and it went to higher ground, and that was the end of my dream.

Barbie:  So it was Donald and you in the dream – you sense a storm and your care stalls out then you see a river that’s flowing, but there’s five bigger cards in the river and you watch them and you think that these cars are out of control.

Bridgette:  Yes.

Barbie:  What this dream means for you is that there’s going to be a transition in the ministry that you’re in right now to where it’s going to have larger impact.  Donald means a world leader, and also his name means faithful. There’s a scripture that is his life scripture and it says “Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and his works faith has made perfect.”  So there is a working that’s going on in your and Donald’s life and sometimes the work of God comes as a wind of change and it appears as a storm.  But this storm or wind of change, is going to do in your life is to bring you into the move of God that going to give you greater grace and greater favor because the number five is the number grace, favor and redemption in the atonement where the divine name of God is just even going to be imprinted on you.  And it’s going to cause you to step into the flow or the move of God and it’s going to appear at first because it’s going to be one of the new things that God’s…it’s going to appear to be that those things are out of control because it’s a new thing and it’s a new way that God is moving, but you are going to find that stepping into this new move of God is going to bring a lot of blessings to you and Donald and that your faithfulness is really being rewarded as God’s getting ready to promote you and bring forth the increase that your hearts have been crying for.  It’s a very good dream for you and Donald.

Sid:  Barbie I’m in awe with people that have the ability to interpret dreams. Why are dreams so important to Christians?

Barbie:  I think dreams are important to Christians and unbelievers because it tells destiny to them, it’s the script that God is writing for them in order for them to step into destiny, step into knowing…

Sid:  But why doesn’t God just speak to us not in symbolic form, I mean I’m a very pragmatic person, “God just tell me what to do and I’m going to do it.”  Now He’s done that a few times in a dream where it’s been very literal, but those are not very freq…how comes He speaks to us in riddles?

Barbie:  He wants us to seek Him, He’s after relationship first and foremost, He loves us so much that He wants us to seek Him for the understanding. He wants us to begin to learn His language which is the symbolic, prophetic, metaphoric language.  Just like He spoke to the disciples when He walked with them in parables why didn’t He just plainly tell them, but in that scripture He does tell us “It’s given us to know the mystery.”  And the way that we’re able to understand mysteries of dreams and visions and those things of the night that He gives us is because the Spirit of God lives within us. So we hear His voice and another we will not follow.  So we’re able to see the dream and as we seek Him for the understanding He gives it to us just like putting a puzzle piece together.  If He clearly tells us exactly what He wants us to do it comes with a very high cost and a price tag, you know because then we cannot deviate in any area, shape or form because we knew exactly what were suppose to do, then we have to exactly perform that.  But with the dreams he speaks to us in a dream since it’s symbolic it’s parabolic, we can only be held accountable to the amount that we come into the understanding of that dream.

Sid:  Okay, Barbie when people get your tools and you’ve put together tools in a very practical fashion from this special CD on God’s dreams symbols that we are making available. These cards intrigue me especially like for instance I have a card here that anyone can pick up and it says colors.  Now you list a color, tell me one color and what it means.

Barbie:  Red is a very powerful color, and it can mean God’s wisdom and His anointing and power on the positive side. So I’ve seen healing come through a red light that comes flashing into an audience.  So red being a delivering healing power as well, also on the negative there is meaning war or anger because how some people when they’re angry can turn a red.  It can also mean a hatred or a bloodshed, or lust, so there’s always going to be a positive and a negative. The Holy Spirit is the one that will lead and guide us to know in the context of the dream; is this a positive application that I apply to this color or is a negative application that is being applied to this color so that we can come up with the right interpretation.

Sid:  Okay, you see someone in the dream you know it might be a mother or a father or a spouse a school teacher, give me an example of one and what it might mean.

Barbie:  The people that are in the dream can represent that office that they’re standing in or that job that they are standing in, or it could be that God’s speaking to you about that person and what is their name and the meaning of their name as well.  So there’s the dialoguing that you do with the Holy Spirit to find out why did you show me this person wearing this particular color and He begins to tell you well, “They’re dressed in red because they have an anger problem.” They’re dressed in red because My wisdom is coming to them and they’re anointed to move in the power gifts. So the different person you would look at, are they a pastor, are they a teacher, what is there job, what is their name if you know them, I would look up the name of what they mean. Then I would look at the colors so you begin to take each aspect of the symbol that appears in your dream, and you can get insight from God because He’s the one that chose that symbol, put that color with them that caused that particular symbol to enter into your dream so it has significant meaning.

Sid:  Okay, so we have put together an list of the colors and what they mean and I like the idea that it’s not a piece of paper it’s a card that won’t through usage get ruined, it’s a laminated card and what the symbols mean.  And then you have something called God dream language that’s the one that I really need, would you take an example of one and what it means.

Barbie:  Well, if I have different things that are listed on here that are broken down in categories so it will give people idea of how to come into an understanding. Like horses appear in your dreams, so many times horses come into our dream it represents somebody that’s moving in power and in great authority.  And then you would look and see what color or type of horse was in your dream or jewels.  Jewels appear in our dreams a lot of times and that’s going to denote spiritual gifts and treasures that are given to people with their inheritance.  It can also represent a rank that God is placing on them and the level of authority and the riches of His kingdom coming to them that they have consecrated their lives to the Lord.  And then of course you could be something like a knife that enters into the dream which could represent cutting or stabbing words.  And one of the frequent symbols that show up in people’s dream is they’re teeth falling out and it could indicate a season where they’re biting off too much or come into a season of indecision in their life.  Or simply that they’re concerned about their appearance or their lacking wisdom and understanding and not realized things about relevant issues that are entering into their life.

Sid:  Tell me briefly about this healing card, because that’s the one that intrigues me the most.

Barbie:  If you have a disease and if you poll audiences, 75% of the people have some ailment with them. So what we’ve done is picked out the most frequent sicknesses, or ailments, or diseases. We’ve identified the root causes of those with the legend at the top whether it’s a deaf and dumb spirit, drug abuse or evil spirit or familiar spirit, mother or father issues, or issues that you have with yourself, or is it caused by multiple causes with assortment of these.  And so when you can find the root cause, if you can eliminate the root, the unholy fruit of the sickness, it will die and evaporate, it will no longer be there when we pray.  And this can be worked to where you pray and send the prayers to other states, other nations because in the realm of the Spirit there is no distance and there is no limitation.

Sid:  Take one disease briefly and explain how they would use the card.

Barbie:  Oh like if you had something with autoimmune diseases which you would notice that it caused by bitterness, it’s caused by guilt, it’s caused by self hatred that the person’s own immune system now is destroying its self. My father died of autoimmune hemolytic anemia where his body systematically the blood cells devoured themselves.

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