
Our Guest John Mellor

JOHN: Do you feel it now?

WOMAN #5: Yes.

JOHN: And it’s right there and it’s from surgery?

WOMAN #5: Yes.

JOHN: Explain what sort of surgery did you have? 

WOMAN #5: It was colon surgery. 

JOHN: Can we pray? What’s your name?

WOMAN #5: Shirlene.

JOHN: Can we pray for Shirlene? Let’s pray right now? And you know what? You know what? I’m want to encourage. As I pray you reach out. You know just walking into this building there is an atmosphere for miracles! Even before I start praying there is an atmosphere for the supernatural! I want to encourage you as I pray say, “Jesus! I’ll have some of that, please!” Let’s pray! 

WOMAN #5: I have a ringing in my ears, too.

JOHN: A ringing in your ears?   

WOMAN #5: Uh-huh.

JOHN: Jesus, right now touch this lady! RIGHT NOW! Choooh! No more pain! OUT! OUT! Eche fuera! Fuera! Fuera! Let it go out! Out! Off the ears! Let her go now! Now! Phew! And God, her ears! Out! Eche fuera! Fuera! Fuera! Let her go! Out! Out! Out! Chooh! Chooh! Now! Let her go! Out! Watch out for Shirlene! Oh, there’s somebody here. Man, your knee. Your knee. You know when you walk, man, your knee! The pain even getting out of a chair. Man, you feel it! Your knee. Just come here. This lady here. Man! A knee lady. So how much time have I got? How’s it going for time? Okay. Okay. I’ll say it right now. Okay. Right now I want to talk to the believers at home. The viewers. I want to encourage you right now as I pray, you can believe for yourself! You know the anointing can flow into your living room, wherever you are. In your app! The anointing is here to heal! There is no distance in prayer! So as I pray you can say, “I’ll have some of that!” And the power of God can flow in your life too! And ma’am, what’s up with you?

WOMAN #6: Ahh! I injured my knee playing basketball in college. And when I was older in my forties I fell when I was living in Korea on black ice and I think I broke my tailbone. But an angel picked me up and took the pain out so I never went to the doctor. But I compensated and someone told me it’s something in my back and it’s causing pain in my knee. So my leg is shorter and I can’t run or function.

JOHN: And so to get up here and walk was it painful?

WOMAN #6: Sometimes yeah.

JOHN: Do you have it right now when you walk?

WOMAN #6: Yeah. 

JOHN: And there’s this right leg. An injury to your tailbone. What’s your name?

WOMAN #6: Michelle.

JOHN: Can we pray for Michelle? You know it’s very interesting. You know God heals in different ways. But one way is putting on hands. A bit later I’m pray over you going to and God’s going to heal you in your seat without even laying on hands. But right now I’m just doing a demonstration of laying on of hands. I’m going to pray. You can feel the power now coming!

WOMAN #6: I can feel the power of God!

Our Guest Joshua Mills

SID: You call it “The Song of the Lord.” Where’d you get that from?

JOSHUA: It came straight from heaven. The Holy Spirit taught me how to enter into, engage in this realm of praise and worship. You know there was, I was over in London England a couple of weekends ago and things were going on, there was you know always, there’s always swirlings and things that were just trying to distract my attention and it’s amazing how easily the enemy wants to get us to be offended. Have you ever noticed that? That

SID: It takes no talent, it take no talent to be offended! (laughs)

JOSHUA: Right. Right. And so I woke up this one morning and some things had come at me and some words had been spoken and there was, I could tell that a spirit of offence was trying to take over my heart and instantly I knew you know what? God gives me a new song to overcome every attempt of the enemy to distract me from His purposes. He surrounds me with songs of deliverance and so I just began to lift up my hands in worship I just began to sing: “Great peace have they who love Thy word and nothing will offend them. Great peace have they who love Thy word and nothing will offend them.” And you know I just begin to sing that over and over and over again.

SID: You know where’s the drum and piano. This sounds so good we should be recording it right now, Joshua.


SID: But I do want to, I do want to say that we have this wonderful “Simple Supernatural Package” which includes the Book and Workbook and then the book “Atmosphere.” I imagine people say to you Joshua it has made such a difference in their life, recognizing that YOU have something to do with the atmosphere that you’re walking in. You can change your family! You can change your school! You can change your business! You can change wherever you can walk to or drive to!

JOSHUA: Absolutely! Everything changes in the right atmosphere. And that’s what God is teaching us. He’s giving us Keys to create the proper atmosphere, the atmosphere that will be conducive to releasing the divine manifest glory presence of God.

SID: So we have the two Books, the Workbook, the soaking CD and the book “Atmosphere” available for an investment of 49 dollars or more. Joshua, just, just a minute or so, last thought.

JOSHUA: Well you know what? I believe that the right atmosphere determines your growth. And in the right atmosphere you will grow in the Lord. You will grow in success. You will grow in miracles. And I believe it’s God’s heart that we all grow in the supernatural. And so I really encourage those that are listening to grab hold of these resources and passionately pursue what God has called you to be. You are supernatural! He created you to live a supernatural life!

SID: Well let me know what you think of our new digital show. It’s called Something More. And it’s my desire that this show would be such a free flow of God’s Spirit that no matter what’s going on in your life the peace of God will arrest you and any deep thing it’ll make your house a demon-free zone! How’s that sound? I pray that in Jesus’ name! And come back sometime for more of Something More!

Our Guest Joshua Mills

SID: Now I understand that you play music in your home through speakers in every room


SID: and most of the music is your own. What happens to the atmosphere when you play that kind of music throughout 24/7?

JOSHUA: We play the music in our home because it’s healing music. It’s delivering music. You know the Bible says that “He’ll surround you with songs of deliverance.” And in our home there’s such a peace and such a glory, a presence of God that it just an atmosphere that’s pregnant for miracles and signs and wonders to break forth.

SID: You know you are provoking our audience to such jealousy right now!

JOSHUA: (laughing)

SID: But we’re also making and I’m really impressed with this, you have a book and a workbook. It’s, and I love the title, “Simple Supernatural.”

JOSHUA: Right.

SID: Because do you believe the supernatural should be simple or should be great mysteries for only profound people to enter in to?

JOSHUA: I believe that the Gospel should be simple and I believe that part of the Gospel is the fact that it is supernatural. The supernatural should be simple for people. And we’ve just laid it out in that book and in the workbook for people to enter into these realms and to begin to discover this for themselves.

SID: You actually go to the basics and then you develop already all the way to this book of yours called “Atmosphere.” As far as I’m concerned this REALLY gives you access to the supernatural. What kind of feedback are you getting on your book “Atmosphere” and why is atmosphere so important?

JOSHUA: You know what? I believe atmosphere is essential. Atmosphere is everything. In the right atmosphere you will receive the right rewards. I mean that’s just the way it is. And in an atmosphere of glory it’s heaven on earth. The blessings of God are able to manifest and so I believe atmosphere is so important. We actually had a lady over, a pastor in South Korea come up to me last year with tears in her eyes so thankful I had written this book “Atmosphere” because there were blockages in her church and ministry and she didn’t know how to break out of the norm. She didn’t know how to get higher into the glory. She didn’t know how to break into new places in the presence of God. And she said when she read the book “Atmosphere” I literally laid it out precept upon precept and just every “Key” she had written, uh, or every Key she had read she said that it spoke to something in her life that she was dealing with and she was literally able to break through the very next Sunday and they were able to have the most glorious service she had ever had. And she was so thankful that I had put these concepts and these ideas and these revelations God had given me onto the written page.

SID: You said “God had given you.” Do you really believe God gave this to you?

JOSHUA:I believe that God is speaking to me every single day. I believe that He’s continually downloading revelation. And the reasons is that I produced the Book, the CD’s, all of it, they come out of that revelation that God has given to me. Absolutely.

SID: Okay, I want to have the Book and the Workbook, “Simple Supernatural,” the book “Atmosphere” plus the additional “bonus CD” for your soaking for an investment of 49 dollars or more. And do you want something more on atmosphere? I do! We’ll be right back.

Our Guest Dawna De Silva

LAURA: [laughs] And that’s what’s behind so many times we try to fix someone else. You know I was telling my children the other day okay, so we’ve known a lot of people who get married and then 6 years, 7 years later they got divorced. It’s like the seven year itch or something. I said opposites attract! God gave you to each other for a reason.    

DAWNA: Yeah. Yeah.

LAURA: And then all those things that you absolutely loved suddenly you want to change them. But that’s not our responsibility. So I love that and I pray that that really ministered to somebody! All right. Now let me ask you this one other thing. When you see someone who comes in and they are bound up like that. You said that it happens quickly, even quicker – somebody who’s been in therapy a very long time. Have you ever dealt with people who are on the brink of committing suicide they were so desperate?

DAWNA: Oh absolutely!

LAURA: Yeah. I imagine.

DAWNA: Absolutely! Many times. We have people come in that are so desperate that they’re just like you know this is my last chance. Or speaking of husbands and wives, it was my wife sent me. We’re going to get a divorce if this doesn’t work. I’m like oh, no pressure at all! But any of those situations you know God is faithful and He’s able to answer! I think really the issue is connection to the Holy Spirit. So we are paying attention to the Holy Spirit. They are paying attention to the Holy Spirit and He knows what’s going on inside.    

LAURA: Yeah, He does.

DAWNA: It’s not a surprise to God what you think. It’s not a surprise to God what you feel. And I have a friend that said you know feelings aren’t truth but they are true.

LAURA: Right.

DAWNA: You know it’s like but they’re not telling you the truth so it’s interesting to see what are the feelings down inside? And so if you want to commit suicide there’s a reason for that.

LAURA: Yeah.

DAWNA: And it could be the atmosphere telling you. It could be an assignment over the area. Or it could be that you’re just discouraged so much. Things aren’t working out the way you planned. Yeah. 

LAURA: All right! Great! I want us to wait right there and then after the break [music begins] we’re going to touch on that more again. So stay with us! There’s something more on Something More! I’m Laura Harris Smith and we’re here today with author Dawna De Silva.

LAURA: Hi everyone! Welcome back to Something More! Before the break we were talking with our friend Dawna De Silva. And she was describing just some different ministry situations that she has encountered in Bethel Sozo, her ministry. De Silva Ministries. And you know we touched on the fact that there was somebody we felt like that maybe they were thinking about committing suicide. Sometimes it’s not that drastic. Maybe for you it’s just hopelessness. I just kept seeing darkness all around someone. You’re watching television and you don’t even quite know why you tuned in today. We’re not asking you for anything. We are just saying that God can deliver you! He is the light! And I want to give you hope that He has a hope and a future for you! So stay in with us here? Okay? Don’t check out cause we want to help you get out of that dark place! And Dawna, you and I have talked about this before and it is so important. It’s on the top of my list to you. We have to be careful what we consume media-wise. That includes the music on our playlists.

DAWNA: Uh-huh.

LAURA: That includes the movies that we watch! I would imagine it includes everything from what we eat, what’s in our refrigerator, what we drink! Come on, let me have it!

DAWNA: [laughs]

LAURA: I mean I know this is big on your heart too! What we do and engage in and watch affects our spirits!

Our Guest John & Lisa Bevere

LISA: But because he believed that about me I wanted to grow into all of that for him. And everybody grows in the really the example of the way they’re loved. And so nobody grows through criticism. People grow through nurture! And so John knew how to nurture certain things in my life that caused me to rise up. And I think too many couples they’re experts in one another’s weaknesses rather than experts in one another’s strengths. I personally thought like

JOHN: Or has the vision

LISA: if I could humble John

JOHN: Or, or

LISA: Pardon?

JOHN: Or has the vision to be able to see where that person can go. You know when you say

LISA: Right.

JOHN: weakness and strength, then that means, that means you might not see that strength right now but you look for the potential in that person to grow into that.

SID: Is that what the scripture means where it says without a vision the people or the marriages perish?

LISA: Absolutely!

SID: And it looks like the institution of marriage is being destroyed in every strata of society. Why?

JOHN: Lisa?

LISA: Okay. Well first and foremost I think this has been a long-term thing. I mean Jesus is talking to His disciples and when you know He had this confrontation with the Pharisees and the Pharisees are trying to find the legal outs for getting you know divorced and then Jesus is talking to His disciples in private and He says hey, you know, listen, you know I’m going to hold you liable to the original plan and they’re like wait a minute, wait, that means we’re stuck! And so I think there’s been a problem about people feeling like they’re stuck and they don’t really understand the purpose of marriage and we haven’t done it well. I mean there’s a lot of marriages right now where people are just not loving one another well. And so they’re either the man is strong and the woman is oppressed or the woman is strong and the man is oppressed. And, and there’s young couples coming up right now that are highly educated, have purpose on their lives and they’re saying we do not want to do marriage the way you’re doing it. It’s too small. It’s too limiting. It’s too oppressive. We want to do it together. And because they’re not seeing people do it well together they’re just saying then we’re just not going to get married. I’m want to be independent. We have some young girls, we have, we have, we have such a collection of amazing young women that work for us and one of them in particular is so independent, so gifted, so talented. She said I am never getting married! I’m not going to have some man squash my life! I’m not going to have them shut down my dreams! I’m not going to have them do that. And then when John and I did this taping she sat in there and she was crying the whole time and she said I’m now going to get married because she found out that marriages are not a power struggle where one person wins and the other one loses. Marriages are a power union. Both people become more of who they were created to be in God than less than.

SID: All right, John

LISA: And we haven’t done this well.

Our Guest Jennifer Eivaz

JENNIFER: I take authority over those demons and I command them to leave you in the name of Jesus Christ! And I just decree your liberty! I decree your freedom! Whom the Son sets free is free indeed! This is your day of liberation! This is your day of freedom! This is a new day for you and God is doing a new thing! Now I want you to get it on the inside of you that this is a done thing! This is a done deal! And don’t ever let those spirits push you around! They’ve been bullying you. They’ve been intimidating you. Now you intimidate them with the blood of Jesus! You intimidate them with the word of God and don’t let them manifest anymore in your zone! And let me tell you what’s going to happen. As you see this thing through God’s going to give you a ministry and you’re going to authorize freedom in the lives of others! It always works that way because Revelations 2:26 says those who overcome they will rule! In other words you will manifest what you have just stepped into rulership over! And that’s right now your own world, your own life in this regard! And so I’m going to leave that with you and I know that God is doing a work of freedom in your life!

ROY: That’s powerful!

JENNIFER: Amen! Amen!

ROY: And there’s so many of you that need this right now! You know I think – again I think of my mother.


ROY: A single parent. Sitting at home with you know a little boy and she’s all by herself and she goes to bed at night after her job and she’s laying there in the bedroom and she feels alone. She feels like God’s not there. 


ROY: But He’s always there!

JENNIFER: He’s always there! He said I’ll never leave you. I’ll never forsake you!

ROY: That’s awesome!

JENNIFER: And even if we don’t have the feeling we can trust the word! And then He also said that you draw near to Him, He draws near to you! It’s automatic! And so His presence is definitely there!

ROY: So it’s really been a journey for you!

JENNIFER: Quite a journey! And you know it actually causes you to live your life within certain parameters. Honestly I don’t have the liberty that other Christians do [laughing] to just you know – they can do things and go out and go here and there and they don’t pray as much. Because of what I’m called to do I have a very disciplined life. The Apostle Paul said I buffet my body.

ROY: Yeah. It sounds like you’re carrying the burden for this.

JENNIFER: Yeah. He says I gotta run my race to win.

ROY: Yeah, that’s right.

Our Guest Karen Schatzline

KAREN: And I was able to just run with that! So what weve done is, my husband and I, we actually do teachings and training people on how to write a book. And they can go and check out those teachings and everything because we believe that everyone has a story!

LAURA: Oh yeah!

KAREN: Everyone has something in their life that God has walked them through. Everyones got – we all have stories but the problem is that so many times our stories become our crutch in life to keep us and bind us. But eventually, somewhere along the line, your story has got to become your testimony! And the way it becomes your testimony is by walking forward! Writing it out so that other people sharing your story can help other people avoid the same pitfalls, avoid the same things that youve walked through! And so we believe that everyone should have an opportunity to get their story out. And so we love sharing with people how to do that!

LAURA: That is so beautiful!


LAURA: Im a writer too.


LAURA: Im an author.


LAURA: One of my greatest joys is teaching other people that they can do that same thing!

KAREN: Yes! Yes!

LAURA: And youre right! Everyone has a story!

KAREN: Uh-huh!

LAURA: And earlier when you were talking to, you know, people who, maybe their story, this show goes into parts of the world where there are women who feel hidden! Who feel unappreciated. They are undervalued! They are told – theyre taught to be fearful, to be lacking in confidence. And so I really hope that even though what youve shared, the combination of those, that they have a story.


LAURA: And that they have a purpose!

KAREN: Uh-huh.

LAURA: That those two things put together will bring them up and out to a place where they realize God loves them!


LAURA: He loves THEM! Not just the people around them but He has a story and a purpose just for them! Okay! So I know youre also a mom!


LAURA: And we may talk about that in just a moment. But I am very curious. Youve overcome something recently. You had neck surgery.

KAREN: I did, yeah.

LAURA: And so youve had, you had surgery!


LAURA: Its like 3 weeks ago!

KAREN: Yes. [laughs]

LAURA: And your doctor told you he didnt even want you to come here!

KAREN: Thats true. Yes.

LAURA: But you came here because you know you wanted to share this message. So you look great!

KAREN: Thank you.

LAURA: But you know just even describe to me when you were walking through that process. You believe that God is a healer but I love something you said to me during the break. Because we know that God can work in different ways. Tell me about that process and how the Lord was with you in that even during the surgery. 

KAREN: Yes. Because we do believe in healing! I am a firm believer that God can heal instantaneously.

LAURA: Sure!

KAREN: That He can say You are healed and you are healed! And Ive experienced that healing before. Ive experienced it with I had cancer on my neck and God healed me instantly in a moment! But I believe also that God heals in different ways. Because we believed for the healing for my neck, for the disc that was messed up in my neck. And God didnt choose to heal me that way this time. But during the process of having surgery, during the process of having to walk in faith.

LAURA: Yeah.

Our Guest Bill Hamon

BILL: You know, after 59 years of marriage, you know, my wife and I we love each other, we just don’t feel the same way we did as teenagers. But, you walk by faith, you got saved by faith, you got filled with faith, you move these gifts by faith. Now, 1 Corinthians 12:7 says the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every saint. That means all 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit are sent to your Holy Ghost bodies. And you take them to work, take them home, take them to school, take them to bed and never take them out to bless anybody. Amen. That’s the reason Paul told Timothy, Timothy, you stir up the gift of God, 2 Timothy 1:7 Timothy, you stir up the gift of God for God’s not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind. You quote that scripture but it’s related to stirring up your gifts. They’re in you. You don’t have to pray them down or work them up, let them flow. Now I’m going to show you how to release them, amen. And so, then it says, then it talks about the 9 gifts of the Spirit which is the verbal gifts, tongues and interpretation, prophecy, and the revelation gifts, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, discernment, and the power gifts, faith, healing, and miracles. Now, according to God’s illustration in Matthew there is 1, 2 and 5 every one of you has 1, 2 or 5, 3 or 4, 6 or 8. You see I might have 6, but if I only use 3, then I am in worse shape than you are if you have 1 and use it. Are you with me? So you need to know what you got and so we have activations, we have over 50 activations, it’s like Geiger counters that help determine where there is oil or gold or what, we have activations that determine what gifts you have within you. I could take this group right here, have you 3 days and have you all prophesying. Or you could go sit in church for the rest of your life and never activate. Come on. And so, it’s time to activate. Amen. And I’m going to activate you today.

Audience: [Applause]

BILL: Now, when I was in Pentecost, we would quote 1 Corinthians 12:11 and it says now all these works are one of the same spirit divided to every man separately as he will. Now, we would say it’s the Holy Spirit who operates the gifts. How many has ever heard that? But that’s not what it says. I’m just giving you the tops of the mountain as we skip across. Gifts are sovereignly given by the choice and will of the Holy Spirit, but they’re activated and operated by the faith of the believer. How many believers we got here? God’s sovereignty gives you the gift of eternal life, but you have to believe and receive, which is activating. Amen. He gives you your spirit language, but you have to speak. They spoke as the Spirit gave them the ability, but you do the talking. Some people want to cut their head off and talk out of here. Now what scripture we use a lot is Hebrews 5, he says milk belongs to babes but strong meat for grownups. And he says those who are reason of use have their senses exercised to discern what is good and evil. Good, the mind of the Lord, revelation, thoughts of Christ, evil, man’s thoughts, imagination.

Our Guest Clarice Fluitt

KYLE: Well, there are people who are watching who relate to your story. Who relate to the trials and the tragedies and all that you went through and so much more in different ways. Would you pray for those people in the five minutes that we have left?

CLARICE: Oh, I would be so honored to have the opportunity particularly for those that are bound by drugs, alcohol and wrong relationships. And then we know our cities, our states, our nation, all over the world, people are under the influence of the occult practice of drug addiction. And we think, “Oh my goodness, once a person gets there, they can’t get out,” but I am telling you, the Word of God has the power to perform itself. Now I’ve went through a lot of tragic situations, as a mother, and just saying, “How can this thing be? She was not reared in this atmosphere. We don’t do these things. This is not what we believe”. And here we were, pastors of a church and teaching people everything, and our own child having this terrible affliction. And you know the shame that tries to come and get upon us and the condemnation is one thing, but God has not given you condemnation. The Holy Spirit will bring conviction to show you, don’t do this or don’t to that, but there is a power. The scripture says that the spiritual man judges all things. Then He says judge not lest ye be judged. So I had to investigate that word. One says don’t judge and the other says you do judge. But that word is anakrino, which means you judge it up, as a king, as a priest, as a prophet. You begin to agree with God and you decree and agree with the Word of God. Regardless of what your circumstances or your facts look like, you have to speak the truth which is the Word of God. That’s what He watches over to perform. So those of you who are watching that are afflicted with this terrible demonic force of drug addiction, whether you’re a Christian, whether you’re not a Christian, I’m telling you there is a power in the infallible, inerrant, awesome Word of God. Create with the fruit of your lips. And so I’m here to agree with God. I’m going to judge you up; I’m not going to judge you down. The spiritual man creates with God by calling the things that are not to become the things that are. My precious daughter went through all kinds of terrible, terrible things, awful decisions, but because of the Word of God that was spoken over her—I remember one time she called, it was her birthday, she was eighteen. And everybody had told me she was dead. You know, they didn’t even have hope for her to come through, but the reality, she called me on her birthday and I said, “Sweetheart, let me tell you something,” and I said, “God has destined you for great things.” And she says, “Mom, you don’t know what I’ve done!” And I said, “I really don’t care what you’ve done.

Our Guest Aliss Cresswell

ALISS: But we have something even better! Because Jesus went to the cross and He died and He rose again and He paid the price for all of our sin, all of our sickness, all of our pain, all of our infirmities. Death itself even He took it and He rose again! So what that means for you and for I is that we don’t have to go to a place like the Pool of Bethesda! We don’t have to go and find Aliss Cresswell to get her to pray for me. But you can actually receive the glorious presence of Jesus the healer right where you are and His angels, His healing angels that are around here and they will minister healing to us! So let’s just reach out and receive that right now! If you want to put your hands up and receive from Jesus. Sometimes Jesus will manifest Himself through angels. So it might be through His Holy Spirit. Sometimes His angels that will bring you your healing! Sometimes I see angels like bright lights flashing. Anybody see that right now? You might feel like a wind go past you, just a breeze because angels on the winds. Thank You, Father! Messengers sent from heaven! You might feel an angel just touch you. You might feel something. Who’s feeling something in an area of their body that needs healing? Who’s feeling something right now tingling or heat or something? Just raise your hand if you’re feeling something happening. So many of you are feeling stuff happening. Receive it! This is from Jesus! Receive that touch from Jesus wherever you are! Receive it right now! There’s just this kind of quiet peace is what I’m – are you sensing that? Breezy? You’re feeling a breeze, are you? Wow! Really? Is that the air conditioning or you think that’s an angel?


ALISS: [Laughs] Yeah! Definitely angels! Thank You, Jesus! Thank You, Jesus! Wow! Yeah, some of you there’s a lot of like fear and anxiety been going on and some of you are getting the Prince of peace! It’s coming right now. Who needs that? Raise your hand if you have like anxiety, fear of anything going on. So why don’t we just say together, “Prince of peace.”

AUDIENCE: Prince of peace.

ALISS: I invite You.

AUDIENCE: I invite You.

ALISS: To walk into my body.

AUDIENCE: To walk into my body.

ALISS: To walk into my mind.

AUDIENCE:  To walk into my mind.

ALISS: And walk into my emotions.

AUDIENCE: And walk into my emotions.

ALISS: Wow! Thank You, Jesus! This thing is just leaving. Just let him go. Just jog on as my daughter says. Tell him to jog on! [Laughs] Off they go! Yeah, some of you are getting some real freedom! From fear and anxieties. Jesus said, “Do not worry!” So don’t! You don’t have to! Just don’t do it! Sometimes you know the enemy will come. Evil spirits. Spirits of fear. A spirit of anxiety. Spirits of anxiety will come and you know they’ll only have – you know this. An evil spirit can only have power in your life if you come into agreement with it! Whether you know Jesus or not if you come into agreement with an evil spirit it will give it power in your life! It’s really important to break that agreement! So if you have some kind of trauma or accident or something happened to you that was not your fault but even so you’ve got a little bit of fear or a bit of trauma you’ve taken aboard. Then an evil spirit can come along and if you agree with it in any way maybe even by speaking out.