PAT: Well you know tell us some of the miracles you saw because you know when you were sharing just a moment ago I began thinking about the fact that those – you became a mobile Upper    Room! That’s what you became! A mobile Upper Room! You get on those ambulances and you know you probably saw some of the worst tragedies. You probably saw and I can’t even imagine what you saw. The war zone over the last 30 years. But tell us some of the things that you saw take place in those ambulances.  

DAVE: Well one of the cool things that I really enjoy doing was, we did a lot of critical care transports. People going from one hospital to another hospital for cardiac surgery.  

PAT: Right.

DAVE: Things of that nature. I remember transporting this one guy from the ICU. He had been having chest pain. They had been doing a lot of diagnostic testing and they finally decided he needed to have bypass surgery. So we were transporting him and he was having chest pain at the time. He was on a nitroglycerin drip. You know he was getting morphine every 10 or 15 minutes and we get him in the ambulance. We’re taking him to the cath lab. And he goes, “oh, the pain’s getting worse! You know I’m really scared! I’m really anxious.” 

PAT: Wow!

DAVE: And I said hey, can I pray for you? And he goes – and we had been talking and he goes yeah, you can pray for me. So I prayed for him and I said I’m going to give you a choice. I can either pray for you or I can give you morphine. Which one would you want? And he said I want you to pray for me. So I prayed for him and all of his pain went away!

PAT: Hallelujah!

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