SANDRA:Now you know as good as I do we all act like idiots sometimes. And yet I, I could not convince you if I tried to, I could not convince you that you were not saved or not going to heaven. And yet if I asked you to prove it to me for… I could look at a lot of you now and say oh, I’m not sure, real sure. I could follow you around and I say oh, I’m not real sure or I could hear your language and I might say whoa, I’m not real sure. But yet you believe you’re going to heaven. Based on what? The word of God! You found it in the Book, right? That if you did what He said do and that He’s faithful to His word, you ask Him in your heart so you believe that you, He’s going to be faithful to you. How many of you been to heaven? Well I just wondered. Hallelujah! You know, but we’re all expecting to go. Right?  

AUDIENCE:  Right! Yeah!

SANDRA:We’re all expecting to go. How many of you believe you got some real estate up there? 


SANDRA:We all believe it! How many of you seen it?     But you see what I’m talking, what I’m talking about. But you believe it. You believe it. Based on what? This precious, wonderful, glorious Book called the Bible! We found it in the Book and we believe it. And yet again we may, might act like fools some days and you still believe you’re going to heaven?  

AUDIENCE:  Yes! Right.

SANDRA:All right, I’m fixing to trap ya. Are you ready?  

AUDIENCE:  Yeah. Yes, ma’am.  

SANDRA:Good Southern word: “How come?” Why do you think just because your body tells you that you are not healed, why do you believe the body over the Bible?  

AUDIENCE:  Ohh. That’s right! Wow! Ouch!  

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