WARREN: Same thing there. I didn’t feel the presence of God. I didn’t feel the glory. I didn’t feel that thing. So I’m saying, “Where are you God?” So I go to school, visual arts for film, to study film, motion picture, and all the people there they’re using drugs. And one guy says, “You

know what? This could open a way for you to really see God.” Well, you see the devil knows the trigger to try to pull us away. So I started using LSD, all kinds of drugs. Meanwhile, I graduate. I wind up on Madison Avenue. I’m doing all these high price TV spots, nationally, crazy stuff.

WARREN: But I was not fulfilled. So I’m sitting in my apartment, 21 years old, and I’m smoking marijuana. And I said, “Oh God of Israel, I can’t take this anymore. I can’t live this way anymore.” I said, “If Jesus is truly who these Christian friends of mine are saying, that He is the promised Jewish Messiah, if He is your Son, the Son of God, then I want Him in my heart. But if He’s not, I don’t want to have anything to do with Him.” You know what happened? The same glory that was in my dream, the same glory presence of God and the supernatural power of God, came into my apartment.

WARREN: Then, I was being filled with that. And what happened was I started saying, “I don’t need this marijuana anymore.” I threw a whole thing of marijuana down the toilet. I just flushed it down. There was alcohol. I just started dumping alcoholic beverages. Nobody was preaching to me and telling me, you need to do this. The holiness of God, the holiness of God was there. And then I started cracking, breaking records. My Catholic wife comes home, she said, “What are you doing?” I said, “Jesus is in the house. God’s glory is here.”

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