YVON: For me, I used to think that God allowed everything, the evil and the good, and I wasn’t able to distinguish between the two. But by God’s grace, I received healing. I received great healing into an encounter, where later on in life, God showed me that he was right there with me. He embraced me. And He said to me, “I want you to love Muslims. I want you to distinguish between Islam and Muslims. Islam is demonic, but Muslims are victims, and you are to love them because you’re about to be used mightily in their midst.”

SID: And you know what’s so amazing to me? You have seen so many miracles on yourself, but you still did not really believe it was God’s will to heal everyone. Some of you are in that category, too. You believe God heals, but you don’t really believe it’s God’s will to heal everyone, especially you. What do you say?

YVON: Yes, Sid. And I grew up in a church, unfortunately, where I never saw a miracle, never. And I received a lot of bad theology, which basically taught that Jesus healed to prove that he was God. And now that the Bible has been put together, then we no longer need to do this. And so, this was what I grew up with. Now, I was challenged reading the Bible, and I must say a lot of people are challenged, because where do you go from Mark 16? Where do you go, where it says, “Believers lay their hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”

YVON: Well, I was a believer, but I never experienced that. So, that’s what I grew up with. And so, when that miracle happened to me, I just thought, “Well, God is just able to do all things, but it’s not his will to heal. And you don’t even need healing for your Christian journey. In actual fact, God doesn’t even care about your body.” That was my theology, “God cares about you getting to Heaven and getting saved, but your body that’s material. God doesn’t care about that,” until he shook my world.

YVON: I guess the first experience was after I got baptized in the Holy Spirit, I had a skin condition for three years.

SID: Couldn’t a doctor help you?

YVON: No. That’s the thing. I went, literally, to every single doctor. And we had pharmacies, and I used every single product that there is. So then I came to a position where that’s not going to work, and one of the doctors suggested that I would go to see a specialist, which I did. He diagnosed me and he gave me a terrible report. He said to me, “I don’t know where you contracted this virus, but that virus is going to cause your nails to fall off. And unfortunately, it will deform your skin and eat away your skin.” That was the word. He had no cure.

YVON: And I remember, I came in my car, I sat in my car, and I had just been baptized in the Holy Spirit. So I started my car and I was speaking in tongues, because I love doing that. So I’m sitting in the car, enjoying God, because God just wants me to be filled in the Holy Spirit. And as I’m praying, He breaks in. He said, “I want to heal you.” And I pretended like I didn’t hear him. I was like—

SID: Why?

YVON: Because I was scared. I was very scared. Why? I was scared that if that healing did not happen, then it would shake my faith. I was in a good position spiritually. I had just received the baptism.

SID: I understand. Boy, the devil is so diabolical.

YVON: Yes.

SID: Go ahead.

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