You want light. We going to create light! And so we started making decrees and doing prayer drives around our city. We went to actually the house because this, this government leader showed us what, what, what building that they were going to get. We went there and we just decreed the glory of God over it. We said we create light on this property and we release the blood of Jesus over this property to seal it into His goodness. We are not going to allow evil to come into our city like that. And do you know what? Within a week we get a, a notification from our friend in the city hall saying, oh, by the way, uh, they’ve changed their mind. They dropped the application and they’re going to go somewhere else. You know? So like you can even do this in groups. You can get together. We’ve had groups of, of uh, wives who have had unsaved husbands getting together and decreeing over their husbands the glory of God and the salvation of the Lord and, and, and God’s moving on their lives.

So you can take this and work it not only in your personal life but you can work it for the glory of God in your churches and your business places and nations and cities. I mean this is, this is what we’re called to do. You are a co-creator with God. So let me, let me wrap up right now by, by praying a blessing over you. Father, I pray for a blessing right now over everyone in this room and over everyone watching over the screen right now, that you would impart to them Your creative blessing. The power to create with You and the power, Lord God, to rule and to reign with You over their situations in their life. What I’m sensing right now too is that there’s a number of you that are actually going to be sent to a mission field where there’s darkness.

In fact I’m, I’m receiving a word specifically for someone, um, that you are actually going to be called to the Middle East and be put in a situation where light definitely needs to come into that darkness and God’s going to give you the keys for, for turning that whole thing around. There’s someone else that I’m receiving a word of knowledge from the Lord. That there’s someone who is working in the medical field. You’re actually working in the medical field right now. And you work specifically with, um, a, a, children with, with big challenges, emotional challenges and physical things going on and without a miracle there is, there is no hope. But the Lord says He’s sending you into that dark place to bring light, to bring hope and to bring glory. And I see this shift in the atmosphere and I specifically see that there’s a person that you work with whose whole life is going to be turned around. They’ve actually been quite hard on you.

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