Sid: My guest by way of telephone from her home in San Antonio, Texas is Margy Palm. December 11, 1981 is a date that Margy will never forget. She felt that God directed her to go to a specific K-mart which she normally did not frequent when she got out of her car unbeknownst to her was a man that was on the FBI Ten Most Wanted List. He had brutally raped and murdered 30 women one just a few hours before.  She was the exact profile of the type of women this man looked for and felt a gun in her back and out of her mouth she said what did you say Margy?

Margy: I said “Do you know Jesus Christ?”

Sid: Why would you have said that? I mean I can think of a lot of things to say but with a gun in your back of course you didn’t know how bad this man was but a gun in your back is pretty bad why did you say that?

Margy: Actually I had turned around and he had it jabbing into my ribs in front. He had it in my back and then I turned around and I was facing him and then that’s when I said it.  But I know the reason you know the Bible says that “Out of the abundance of your heart your mouth will speak.  And you know I talked about on the last broadcast that your…the Bible says that you’re body is soul and spirit and you know in my mind the devil these words that he said I felt were from the devil…you know he was trying to scare me and I heard the words you know these thoughts in my mind say “You’re going to die.” And I…but I had what I had put in my heart for months and months was the word of God and I believe that’s what came out of my mouth what was inside of me. Because in a time when you’re in this the terror is so great that I was in your mind kind of shuts off and what’s really in you comes out you know.

Sid: What happened next.

Margy: He said “No I don’t know Jesus Christ and I don’t want to know Jesus Christ get in the car lady and sit on your hands.” So he had me get in the passenger’s side of my car and sit on my hands. And he jammed the gun into the side of my body and I had some presents in the back of my car it was Christmas time and he was very cussing and you know just saying all of these horrible things. And I was while he was doing this and he was also saying “I’m going to kill myself today I hate myself” and it was just a jumble of things that he was saying. Meanwhile I was over there sitting on my hands praying and asking the Lord “Please show me what to do.”  I mean I just I didn’t know what in the world to do I had not figured out yet if it was God that put me in the car or the devil (Laughing.) I really didn’t know for sure but when I started praying I started realizing oh my gosh God put me in the car. I started hearing the scriptures and seeing them in front of me one of them was “I’ve given you authority over serpents and scorpions and over all of the power of the enemy nothing shall by any means hurt you.” And of course you know I had to…

Sid: What do you mean you start saying the scriptures in front of you?

Margy: Well it was like a….

Sid: Did you see like a vision of the words in front of you or did you have an impression?

Margy: Yeah I actually could see it in front of me like a readout.

Sid: Hm, it was like a tickertape.3

Margy: Yeah it was like a tickertape I could see it in front of me and which helped me tremendously to see it you know I could see it and when I saw “Nothing by any means hurt you.” You know I just I thought “Oh my gosh the Holy Spirit is speaking these words to me and He’s telling me that He has given me authority over serpents and scorpions and Jesus has given me authority over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy nothing shall by any means hurt me.  And then after that I saw the scripture “I have given you…..”These signs shall follow them that believe they shall cast out demons” and then after I saw those 2 scriptures I saw myself and taking my hands out from under me putting them on his head and I felt like the Lord was saying “Do what I just showed you to do.”

Sid: Out of curiosity had God ever worked this way with you before? I mean had you seen scriptures on a tickertape? Had you been told to do such bold things previously?

Margy:  I had some yes I mean I have had things like that but nothing of this magnitude but I had had…

Sid: I mean if you’re wrong it’s your life.

Margy: I know that’s what I was thinking I thought “Okay this really is powerful it looks like God, it seems like God but if this isn’t God I’m dead (Laughing.) And so I kept praying to make sure that it was God I thought “Oh my gosh I…Lord I’ve got to know that this is You I’ve got to know that I’m not imagining this and making this up please make this clear to me.” And it just kept coming over and over and over and it was so strong that it was drowning him out.  I wasn’t even listening to him any more I was really concentrating on what I was seeing. And then I knew that he was telling me to take my hands out…you’ve got to realize Steven said this guy said that I had to sit on my hands and this is what I was doing and the Holy Spirit showed me this picture and then He said “Do what do this.” What he was telling me to do was “Take your hands up from under you put them on his head and take authority over all of the power of the enemy nothing will by any means hurt you.”  And I mean I just you know faith is believing something you can’t see but it’s believing it so much that you’ll act on it. And I believed what I was seeing so much I mean in the Spirit realm I couldn’t see it in the natural realm.  I believed so much what he was showing me that I did it. I mean when I look back on it I think “How in the world did I do this?” But I really believed that all of those hours of prayer had built me up a lot spiritually. I believe that the whole thing was prayed out before I even got in the car is what I believed happened. And I was totally tuned into Him that day now that doesn’t mean I’m totally tuned into Him every single day because you know every day you make the decision if you know you’re going to yield to Him and listen to Him.  Because every day He says “Choose you.” Choose I mean you have the ability to choose if you want to walk with Him that day when He’s telling you to pray or I really want to do something else. It’s like we really do have the choice.

Sid: So you reach over you put your hands on him.

Margy: Yeah.

Sid: And pray you…how did you pray what did you say?

Margy: Before I did I didn’t look at him but I said “What is your name?” And he said “Steven.” And I mean I could feel terror all over me I really could I could feel it my whole body trying to just get out of control and be you know was shaking I was shaking while I was seeing this stuff.  And so I said “What’s your name?” And he said “Stephen.” And I said “I’m going to pray for you right now.” He said “Lady you’re not praying for me.” And I said “Yes I am.” And I took my hands out from under myself and I put them on his head and I said mean I was screaming this I said something like “In the name of Jesus I command every every demonic spirit that is trying to kill, steal and destroy that is trying to destroy this man’s life and kill him and kill me I command you to leave this car in the name of Jesus Christ.” “I know my rights as a child of God and I command you to leave this car right now, and I just thanked You Father that Your presence is in this car, that Your power is in this car and You will show us what You want us to do today.” And I mean all of this stuff just started coming out of my mouth and I said “I decree today that this man will be serving Jesus Christ before the day is over.”

Sid: Now what did he say?

Margy: Well I sat back in the seat I sat back on my hands again and he said “Oh my gosh I’m in a car with a religious freak.” (Laughing) and he said “Are you conning me lady?”And you know I never even heard that terminology but I said “I’m not conning you.” I said “Do you think it’s normal for a girl to carry a Bible a book of scripture and all of these evangelistic tapes do you think that’s normal?” And he said “No I don’t think it’s normal.” And I said “Well this is the way that I really am.” And all of a sudden I was realizing that God put me in the car with this guy and that’s when I started realizing God really put me in the car. And the other thing I was realizing was peace was in that car I wasn’t afraid of him anymore and…

Sid: Margy that’s not normal but hold that thought and we’ll pick up here on tomorrow’s broadcast.

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