
Sid: I have a friend by the name of Israel Pachtar; I’m butchering your name Pachtar is that good?

Israel: Yep…

Sid: Well an Israel and I just got back from Israel of course that’s where he lives and we had an historic outreach.  More Jewish people made professions of faith that were gathered in on place at one moment.  It was almost 650 people made professions of faith these are Jewish people, these a non-believers in the Messiah this is Jerusalem, Israel. A friend of mine who is a second generation Messianic Jew Samuel Smajda said that they have experienced this type of evangelistic activity in Israel since Pentecost when Peter gave a few paragraphs.  At this that is the way it is in the New Testament he spoke a few paragraphs and 3000 Jewish people accepted Jesus. Well it wasn’t 3000 but I’ll tell you what I am still in awe, amazed, I almost have to pinch myself Israel that it happened!

Israel:  Yeah its history in the making.

Sid: But you know what I want you to get to know my friend Israel because this is such an unusual background.  He was born in a place that’s in the news a lot Ukraine, Crimea and that where there’s a lot of activity between Russia and the Ukrainians and you’ve been reading about in the newspaper.  So you were born there you had a great grandmother that didn’t know a whole lot about Judaism although she was Jewish it was just that that generation and since they actually took away the Jewish identity as much as they could. But she knew something better than Judism she knew God was real and she instilled that in you.

Israel: Yes.

Sid: But then your age 7 you go to school and what does the teacher say?

Israel: Oh my teacher said you know and it’s the 3rd grade teacher like a god for you I don’t remember that age but (Laughing.)

Sid: Maybe I don’t remember, I never thinking that my teacher was like god but go ahead (Laughing.)

Israel: Okay high respect and she made all the class quiet and said “I want to make an important statement.  And she said “There is no god.”

Sid:  How did…wait wait you’re at a point your grandmother gives you instills this and your great grandmother instills this and you’re starting to pray to God.

Israel: Yes.

Sid: How did you feel?

Israel: I feel confusion, big confusions and she kind of brought the reasons and kind of a sense an astronaut he had been up there is no God.

Sid: Oh, this is awful.

Israel: She said “Only stupid people believe in God.”

Sid: Ah.  And remember now at that time there is no synagogues in Crimea there’s no churches in Crimea. So what did this little kid do he had such a touch I believe of God I believe from your great grandmother that despite that you still prayed a little bit to God.

Israel:  I have a week 7 days not praying.

Sid: Ah huh.

Israel: After the story kind of going and thinking of all of this confusion and then I played with my kids and I was going to come home late and I should be punished by my parents. So I prayed again and God really helped me so my faith came back.

Sid: (Laughing) But at 17 you continued praying and you would feel something when you prayed what would you feel?

Israel: I really feel that God is that he is that there is something more I’d been talking to the Lord of any possible friend that were open to speak about supernatural. And I just carried this thought I actually like you when I die or when people are dying there is nothing?

Sid: Yeah, isn’t that an awful, that’s the most objectionable thought as a kid.

Israel: It drive me crazy I stopped and looking at the stars and thinking I like the history and thinking about all the great people died and so faith kind of was growing in me.  But I had no directions like you said in my city we had pretty big Jewish community but not even one synagogue.  The synagogue became the cultural center music school and many other activities so I have no body to ask questions so I just been wondering and speaking to heavens and speaking to God.

Sid: But did you feel that I know He answered that prayer but did you really feel his presence I guess is the best question?

Israel: Yes it is really a good way to put it I really felt His hand on my life and I have seen many prayers…

Sid: Was it tangible I mean could you I mean like now as believers I can feel His presence come on me could you feel a degree of that even as a nonbeliever?

Israel: Probably not.

Sid: Okay.

Israel: But in certain times and quiet time it would grow stronger and I just just came to total conclusion that God exists and I knew that I don’t know Him but He’s there. At the age of 17 I really started to speak to God every day, praying, I’d pray every day.

Sid: It’s amazing you know you have to understand that he knows nothing about Judism for sure knows nothing about Christianity.

Israel: No of course.

Sid: But you don’t know when you plant a seed in someone his great-grandmother planted a seed in him that if she hadn’t done it I think it would have been finished with God in you when your teacher says there is no God.

Israel: Yeah most likely.

Sid: Okay so then at 18 he meets a brand new Gentile believer that tells him about Jesus and by the way Romans 11:11 “Salvation has come to the Gentile to provoke the Jew to jealousy they’re just being a Gentile believer that’s the God ordained call of ever Gentile believer.  By the say do you know what the God ordained call is of every Jewish-believer? We’re to be a light to the nations that’s the Gentile; now you get the Jews and the Gentiles together guess what you got?  The whole world!  God You’re so brilliant!

Israel:  Yes.

Sid: Anyway and you got baptized in the Holy Spirit the same day was it powerful or…

Israel: Oh yes it was powerful; I was really I just was ready and you know I came one to my mother’s grandmother’s village and I met there some group of people now I assume they were Pentecostal preachers.

Sid: You didn’t know.

Israel: And I was walking with my friend and I just came there right by the end they were staying downtown it was tourist days when it was allowed and legal to preach you know and they were sharing with a little group of people just boldly downtown village 15 people around 20. And I came at the very last words but it never called to repent to receive Jesus or anything but I felt the presence of God I really felt it. And they said “Well we’re coming next week come.”  But I just couldn’t make it next week it’s just gone.  So I see there just a little touch of the Holy Spirit now I’d been reading a book I don’t know if you know here in America but the book that was translated to many languages that book called “Satan in Moscow.”

Sid: No.

Israel: And actually it speaks about supernatural work Satan and God both.

Sid: Right.

Israel: And it’s really kind of also kind of rising my curiosity about Satan too.

Sid: Yes.

Israel: But I mean it just fell and I’d been focused on God even more after that book.  So you could see little different secular books draw in closer. And when I met this boy I was just ready; now it’s interesting but when he approached me and he said straight away “I’m going to share with you my new faith in Jesus.” And then all of the Jewishness I had in me come up; I mean really I’m just amazed supernaturally but all of the prejudice come up I don’t know where it come from.

Sid: You know something isn’t that just amazing that here he’s a Jew the Jewish culture means nothing you looked at him you wouldn’t even know that He’s a Jew culturally and yet you know what that is?  God said through the Prophet Jeremiah “As long as there is a sun and a moon and stars there will be a physical Jew on the face of the earth.” And there’s something of Israel and there’s something inside of me, there’s something inside of every Jewish person that goes like this “I was born a Jew and I will die a Jew.” And you have a Jewish friend that doesn’t go to synagogue or doesn’t do anything you think “Oh they don’t care about being Jewish.” Untrue right Israel?

Israel: Right, that’s right even the secular ones when it comes to real decisions they are Jewish.  So it’s really happed with me but then he was really smart it was the Holy Spirit I can tell you because I don’t know how he knew it how he could address it but he really said “But you know Jesus is for everybody and he’s for Jewish and by the way He was Jewish.” And you know that I really didn’t know that, I had no idea and he said “More than that he said “You know the holy apostles and by that he said at that time I knew about pictures and the ancient historical churches.”

Sid: Yes.

Israel: The one in the downtown just opened and everybody went there as a museum to see the pictures and I saw the pictures.  And I said “You know those guys the holy people of the Catholic church or Orthodox church they’re all Jewish.”  I was surprised, “Yes really.”

Sid: You know there’s a lot of Catholics and Russian Orthodox that would be surprised if they knew they were all Jewish but go ahead.

Israel: Yeah, they’re worshipping pictures but this is Jewish guys Jewish apostles.  So I said “Okay great.” I mean he really explained to me very well and he kept talking and then he spoke about salvation and about heal and heaven and the Holy Spirit.  So he brought me to the home group the little group of people just brand new home group and they said “Now it’s time to repent and to receive Yeshua and invite Yeshua into your heart.”  And I really sent to him yesterday and today I’m praying every day and he was shocked and I said “Really.” And I said yes but I said “Anyway let’s do that.” And he explained it a little bit more about Yeshua he’s a Jewish Savior as a Savior and he said “You know what try.” And I’d been kind of buying it and I said “You know what it sounds great it sounds reasonable it sounds good and I mean I will try.” So I really said to God I mean before praying and then I’d pray after him I said to God “I wish it would be true but I will try and if it is really truth so let it happen, let Yeshua come into my life, let Jesus come into my life.”  And then they said “Okay.” And then the prayer after him the moment I repeated a short prayer I just knew I changed, I was born again when Jesus came into my heart.

Sid: And when you were filled the Holy Spirit what happened?

Israel: Well 10 minutes later he said “New step Holy Spirit.” (Laughing) and let me pray for you for Holy Spirit okay, let’s go the same way.” He showed me a couple of scriptures I mean he was good by showing scriptures by the way and faith has been growing and growing and growing in me. And so I said okay so he prayed for me the same second I received the Holy Spirit and that was kind of one event from Holy Spirit just one thing altogether didn’t even mention difference the whole package in my life. So I came home same day Spirit Filled saved and I went to preach to all of my friends.

Sid:  But you know what that same thing happened to me and I happen to me and I happen to believe that’s the way that it’s supposed to be.  Somehow in America anyway we’ll make someone sit and be study for the next 3 years before they can be used. And then the zeal is gone and their not used.  I mean we’ve got it backwards here I mean you had a built in market everyone you knew was unsaved.

Israel: Everyone.

Sid: (Laughing)

Israel: He was first person that I ever met, first Christian I ever met in my life.

Sid: Huh well so you were called to preach the gospel immediately you would go to Bible school in Estonia where you meet your wife and you study Bible prophesy and it’s pretty clear the blessings of God for a Jew are found in only one land the land of Israel. The curses for God for a Jew or an evidence of a curse is you’re in the nations because that’s a curse. So he’s a smart guy so he and his wife decide based on Bible prophesy they’re going to go to Israel. So you go back to Crimea…

Israel: Now I’d like to share with you another story you know coming to this brand new home group and I started to come every day like no exceptions every day.

Sid: Me too.

Israel: Seven days a week.

Sid: I would go to meetings 7 days a week when I got immediately saved.  You don’t see this zeal and hunger today maybe it’s a different gospel I don’t know. (Laughing)

Israel: So I was coming everyday and these people showed me in the Bible and told me all kinds of stories they have seen on some tapes or somebody tell them or a story coming from then and here. And they told me lots of stories about healing and God can heal and He wants to heal everyone. So I just believe in it and it’s all in…and all of the teachers I have they’re been telling me and it’s written in the Bible and I just believe it like a baby you know. And at that time my Mom she was very sick, she was laying in the bed with kidney problems and she refused to go to the doctors so she was laying in the bed for a month. So coming from the home group when I heard the stories about healing and I hadn’t seen anybody praying for the sick because it’s a bunch of young people everybody healthy you know no need but I heard the stories. I came to my Mom and I said “Mom you know I became a believer because I told her I became a believer and the Bible says and I show my Bible and I just brought my Bible and I paid half of my salary to have my first Bible can you believe it.

Sid: Hm.

Israel: Anyway I said to my Mom “I want to pray for you for healing and God wants to heal you.” And then asked her “Can you turn back to me and I didn’t want her watching me because she’s my Mom and I’m just newly saved.”

Sid: Okay.

Israel: I prayed for my Mom and nothing happened to I went out and when I came back she opened door to me and she was totally healed. And she said “By the way when you left after 2 hours pain gone and I’m healed.” So first healing ever in my life I saw through my own prayer because I heard the stories but now I’ve seen it.

Sid: Well, were going to have something more for you but I have to tell you this Israel goes back to Crimea to settle things and move to Israel but in between he’s ministering to a woman that’s loaded with demons and he’s really upset over this and he leaves and shortly there after he leaves and he hears an audible voice of God what did God tell you?

Israel: God told me “God home to Israel.”

Sid: Did He say home?

Israel: Yes He said “God home to Israel.”

Sid: Yeah but when you told your wife what happened?

Israel: Oh she was happy, she was happy she knew that it was growing in her I mean I’d been in Bible school and coming back to the place of revival my kind of inner picture when are we going to go to Israel.  I thought “Now is revival we went to take part in revival and take part in revival and have a great harvest and then we would retire.” Just go to Israel and then the work will be done; but God interrupted and He changed our plans.

Sid: Okay God spoke to you, God witnessed to your wife, you go to Israel with a small son and $10?

Israel: Ten dollars cash (Laughing.)

Sid: How did you have that chutzpah that’s a Hebrew word for nerve, how did you do that?

Israel: I don’t know when God gave me a word.

Sid: Ten dollars a wife and a small child and going to a land you don’t even speak the language?

Israel: I didn’t know anybody.

Sid: Are you Mashuga?

Israel: Probably.

Sid: (Laughing) that’s another Hebrew word for crazy.

Israel: Yes.

Sid: Will be back in a moment with something more but I have to tell you something; you think you don’t know where Crimea is I was in Israel and I’m speaking to a group of Bishops and this Bishop says to me “Sid I want to tell you a story I’m living in outer Mongolia.” I don’t know where outer Mongolia is I know about Mongolian beef in a Chinese restaurant I even asked Israel he’s a world traveler he didn’t know where.  Well I looked it up on a map it’s just about Tibet in China outer Mongolia. And at outer Mongolia he turns on his TV and he sees It’s Super Natural.  Well his back is broken in 5 places an auto accident; he’s been in constant pain for 14 years.  The doctors say there’s nothing they can do for him.  His prognosis is he’ll get so doubled over he’ll have to be in a wheelchair he won’t be able to walk it was a horrible thing. So on TV I said “Someone’s back is being healed.”  And somehow he believed it and instantly he was totally healed and he tells me he has not had a pain in l year.  I said “Did you go back to the doctor? He said “No you only go to the doctors if you’re sick I have no pain.” Now that’s supernatural, now outer Mongolia I don’t even know…oh I do now where outer Mongolia is. But I’m so excited to make available to you this watch, it’s an old time pocket watch that railroad people would use. In fact on the outside is a railroad and it’s going to be the coloring is antique bronze plated gold plated train on the case and a 30 inch train.  And it has a scripture Psalm 102:13 “Now is the set time to favor Zion.” And it says Jewish Express it’s engraved in it. And God’s given me a vision of the Jewish Express see we Jews were scattered to the four corners of the earth and in the time of Hitler he would have trains that would take Jewish people to the gas chambers and everyone like you see these monkeys holding their ears, their eyes, their mouth they’re not going to speak anything and that’s the way the population was.  And they were being taken to these extermination camps and no one said a word. Well we Jewish people said’ Never again! And we mean that however I believe there’s another Jewish train and it’ called “Jewish Express.”  And this Jewish express is making stops all over the world collecting Jewish people that believe not taking them to the concentration camp a gas chamber but taking them to be ready for heaven.  They’re getting saved all over the world, the stops I’ve been to 2 already.  I’ve been to more many more but just recently I was in Jerusalem 650 unsaved Jewish people better than 98% stood up in mass made professions of faith. There were more healings than I could take the time to even count them….There’s something more an you are going to be amazed and I don’t know Israel Pachtar how you had the courage to do what we’re going to talk about we’ll be right back.

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