
Sid: All of this week we will be talking to people that have a prophetic edge to give us insight because there’s no reason for God’s people to not have insight into the times and seasons that we’re living in.  I have on the telephone Gary Kah and I just recently read from your webpage an article called “America’s Wakeup Call.”  For those that aren’t familiar with Gary back in the 1980’s he was the Europe and Middle East Trade Specialist for the government of Indiana which caused him to visit more than 20 countries. And he came into information which has caused a lifetime investigation as to what is going on in the late great planet earth so to speak.  Gary the thing that really intrigued me is your information on the heart of Islam that Islam has historically been a bloody religion. Yet when I talk to my Muslim friends in the United States they seem like just like everyone else they do not seem after vengeance or that sort of thing or violence of any kind.

Gary: Yeah I believe honestly Sid that the majority of the Islamic people are peace loving and decent citizens who love this country. As Bible believing Christians even though I disagree with many of their religious and religious beliefs and practices and we need not to support them it would be wrong to persecute Muslims for their faith.  We need to go out of our way to show the love of Christ to these people in this point in time. But as you’ve said having said that people need to understand that historically that Islam has been a very bloody religion and there’s been a lot of persecution of Christians throughout the world. Most recently in the Sudan where over 2 million Christians have been wiped out by people rooted in Islam. And the reason for the bloodiness is really buried one of the reasons is there’s a very strong influence of violence secret societies that runs through the Islamic culture and has for centuries.  The second reason is a lot of the peripheral religious writings that some Muslims subscribe to promise a better place in paradise including a harem of 72 virgins for those men who die while taking the lives of unbelievers.

Sid: But even more important than that that’s the only assurance a Muslim has to salvation is to die as a martyr otherwise it’s guess work.

Gary: That’s exactly right and then when we add to all of this the Quran itself and when you look at some of the quotes.  I went out and got me a copy of the Quran and read through a good part of it and I just want to share 3 of the shorter quotes here they’re more than these but to give you an idea.  Surah 5:51 of the Quran says “Believers take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends they are friends with one another.  Whoever seeks your friendship they shall become one of their number god does not guide the wrong doers.”  In Surah 9:73 it says “Prophet make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them hell shall be their home and evil fate.”

Sid:  Let me touch on that I don’t know if you got that Mishpochah it says in their holy book it says “Make war on the unbelievers and hypocrites and deal rigorously with them hell shall be their home and evil fate.”  You could see how someone could read that and take it to the extreme to what we saw at the World Trade Center.

Gary: Absolutely and they’re other quotes that are even worse. This one says this is from Surah 9:5 “When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them; arrest them beseech them and lie in ambush everywhere for them.” And then finally Surah 5:33-34 says “Says those that make war against god (meaning Allah) and his apostle Mohammed and spread this order in the land shall be slain or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides or be banished from the land.” So that’s just a few of the examples. So for people to say the Quran is not bloody that it’s a peaceful book that part is not true.  But I personally believe and I hope that many of the Islamic people haven’t even read of the Quran or if they have they don’t take it all literally because if they did we would all be in a heap of trouble.

Sid:  Well what concerns me is the number of nations in the world today that have a majority Muslim rule which base their law on the quotes that you’ve just stated.

Gary: Well that’s exactly right. Even Saudi Arabia which is viewed as a moderate country as far as the United States is concerned is actually very stringent on the many of these things.  So you know they may be moderate politically in cooperating with us on certain things but when it comes to religious matters it is still a crime over there to witness to Muslims and try to convert them to Christianity. You can pay a stiff fine and possibly even pay for your life in places like Afghanistan or Pakistan or Iraq if you are caught.

Sid: So what is the goal based on your knowledge based on the various agendas what is the real goal of Bin Laden and what has just occurred?

Gary: Well I believe the purpose of terrorism as a whole not just Bin Laden is to tighten the screws on western society to get us as a people to be will to go along with something that under normal circumstances we would never go for.  And I’m speaking specifically here of world government. If we’re ever to go along with a one world political and religious system we have to have a reason for doing so. People are not going to do it automatically.  And if terrorism causes so much fear and brings us to the point that people think this is it the world’s going to destroy itself something has to be done.  Then those proposing world government can step in and present it as a solution to all of these problems and bring it on board in the name of world peace and solving many of the other worlds problems.  And I believe this is the specific purpose of terrorism is to apply that necessary pressure. I personally believe Sid that Bin Laden is not capable of carrying this out on his own I think its way bigger than him. And I think in time we’ll see that I think that you’ve got hidden powers secret forces involved in many countries around the world supporting this terrorist network. What you have to understand is… well let’s stay within the realm of Islam for a moment. This country has approximately 6 million Muslims I believe that’s the statistic I’ve heard sited most frequently on the media over the last 2 weeks.  If only l out of a 1000 of those people would be willing to commit an act of terrorism you’re talking about 10s of 1000s. And when you add to that other secret societies that are violent perhaps outside of Islam the propensity here for major havoc is enormous.

Sid: Gary let me read a statistic to you this was an online survey by the public newspapers and the question was asked on line “Would we be willing to surrender certain freedoms in favor of greater national security.”  72% of the people said “We’d be willing to surrender certain freedoms for the sake of our survival.”

Gary: Yeah I’ve seen that same study and I think people are always willing to accept major changes more readily during time of crisis rather than other times.  And so if we’re not very careful here… you know there’s several different directions America can take as a result of this act. One is more government regulation, less freedoms, more surveillance and ultimately the international infrastructure that is in the process of being built around the United Nations could be strengthened and we could be one step, a big step closer to world government after all of this that’s one possibility.  The second possibility is that terrorism could be used to bring the United States down.  If in the eyes of your global planners the United States has played its role and fulfilled its purpose then the next step in their thinking could well be that it’s time for the US to be eliminated. We want to bring the capitol back to Europe from New York and as long as the United Nations is in New York and it’s standing that is the seat of global government the way things are coming together. So if it is ever to go back to Europe then something would have to happen to New York.  And in my book “In Roots of Global Occupation” on page 65, again this came out over 10 years ago I describe exactly such a scenario amazing similar to just what took place in New York and what is happening right now.  So it is a time for us as Christians to be very very much in prayer and in step with God’s will for our lives that we make the most of time that we have left because we don’t know exactly what’s going to unfold in the months ahead the ways things are going to happen.

Sid: What is your sanctified speculation as to what will occur Gary Kah?

Gary: I think that we will see additional waves of terrorism and I don’t know how far it’s going to go and how quickly it gets there but I think we’ve just seen the beginning and I think that there will be more. And again all of this will be designed to tighten the screws on western society to get us ultimately to embrace some type of global system.

Sid: Do you believe that what the traditional rabbis out of Israel are saying is true that we are in the footsteps of the Messiah’s coming?

Gary: Well one thing is for certain we are definitely getting closer and we are getting closer by the day we’re not moving further away. What I do believe though personally I think in this country things are going to get very difficult before the Lord returns. And I know that’s not a popular thing to say but I sense that with everything in me and that’s why I have been teaching and preaching repentance on the part of everyone.  We in the church have become so complacent in many ways in this country and we have got to be ready to stand firm very firm for our Lord and not to be ashamed of Him in any way.  Because I think that difficult times are soon going to come upon America.

Sid: Gary our time is up and you have so much more to say we’ll be interviewing you on tomorrows broadcast.

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