
Sid: We want everyone to know that there’s an epidemic. Yes there really is, there’s an epidemic of people being healed of cancer that’s my kind of epidemic. And I’ve got on the telephone the head of the healing rooms of Santa Maria Valley, California. And Rick Taylor I guess if someone had talked to you a few years ago and said that “The doctors would be sending patients to you; the doctors themselves would be coming for physical healing; that you would have 100 believers from different denominations all come together in unity and there would be an outpouring of the Spirit to such a point that not just gold dust but gold nuggets appear, and angels are being seen almost weekly that people have visions of Jesus when they walk in that place.” If someone had said that to you a few years ago what would you have said?

Rick: Well I would have had a hard time believing that it would have come through out ministry. But we’re just so excited that is happening and it’s…those prophecies are coming true today.

Sid: I have to ask you my favorite story from looking over the notes about that little girl that had all of those cavities. Tell me about her.

Rick: Yes there was a girl 14 years old who just got her braces taken off and the orthodontist discovered just by looking in her mouth she had quite a few cavities. So what they did is they x-rayed the teeth and sure enough they found 13 cavities. Now you know the parents didn’t have insurance and the little girl was really in a lot of trauma because of this procedure that was about to take place. So they set a date to begin the procedure. But mean while this girl told her mom, she said “You know I heard that there’s a place in Santa Maria called the Healing Rooms and they’re seeing miracles. Take me there and maybe God will heal my cavities.” And sure enough the mom took her in to see us and as the team was praying for this girl she felt a sensation happening in her teeth. And the very next day she went to the dentist, the dentist looks into her mouth and he was in shocked he no longer sees the cavities. Well he does another x-ray and he thought there was something wrong with his x-ray machine so he sent her to another dentist. Now the next dentist x-rays her and she brings the x-rays back to the original dentist and he’s holding up these ex-rays and he’s shaking his head and he looks at her and said “What did you do?” And this little girl just said “You know what I went to the healing rooms and they began to pray for me and I felt this strange sensation happening in my teeth. And now this little girl is healed, actually she had 13 cavities; God healed 11 of her cavities. Now I don’t know why the Lord did heal all 13 but that’s pretty amazing.

Sid: Now how could this dentist does he think maybe the x-rays were wrong?

Rick: He thought originally he thought there was something wrong with the x-rays but the second set of x-rays proved that it was truly a miracle that took place. And that’s all he can say this is a miracle.

Sid: I love it when dentist say that. Let me take you back to the beginning when you were a young child you had Godly grandparents that were actually part of a famous ministry on the west coast Amy Semple McPherson. And even most of us have heard they actually saw Smith Wigglesworth minister. As a young child they used to tell you stories of what they had seen what impact did this have on you?

Rick: It had an amazing impact. I remember as a child just a young child I would go to my grandmother’s house and I’d say “Grandma tell me the stories of the miracles.” And she would tell me over and over of the people who walked in who were blind and after prayer they received their sight. Those that could not hear were hearing, people in wheelchairs she witnessed and saw people get out of wheelchairs. She was telling me one time an ambulance pulled up to the Evangelist Temple and they brought a guy out on a stretcher who was not expected to live. And immediately he rose up and I never got tired of those stories. And the problem with church was we never saw that in church and so as a young man I really began to get bored with church because I didn’t see the power that was in the Bible and the power that was my grandmother saw. And I knew that church has to change, we need to get the power back in the church once again to let the world know that Jesus is alive.

Sid: And what’s the Spirit of God telling you? Are we in this generation going to see the power that most of us just read about in the Bible that does not happen in the average church? And yet when I read the history of the first church the least Christian walked in the supernatural power of God to such a supernatural point that if they would have been Catholic the Catholic Church would have called them a saint.

Rick: Yes, well not only are we going to see it Sid but we are seeing it. But wonderful thing about the healing room here is there’s not a superstar among us. We’re a group of about 100 people from 32 different denominations. The Lord said to raise up to train the ordinary Christians, we just ordinary Christians and we believe that Jesus is who He says He is and He’ll do what He says He’ll do.

Sid: Well you know what there are a number of other places some connected with your organization some not that are called healing rooms and they’re having some miracles but nothing like what’s going on at your place.

Rick: Well I can’t explain it I know there’s been a lot of prophetic words over our geographical area over Santa Maria. We’ve dug a well we spent a lot of time a few weeks in intercession digging that healing well. We have a lot of people that come to us with great expectation and I really believe that expectation is that key that unlocks the heavens.

Sid: When I hear that word what I think about is someone I had a chance to meet personally Kathryn Kuhlman. And when people would come in buses to her miracle services many would get healed on the bus, many standing in the long lines would get healed even before they got into the meeting and I think the word, the key operative word is expectancy.

Rick: That’s right I got to be in one of her meetings one time also and the very first word the first sentence she said when she came out on the stage was “I Believe in Miracles.” And as she said that…

Sid: You know you came as a skeptic didn’t you.

Rick: Well yeah you know when I was a little boy a young man I was a Christian but I got away I was disillusioned with the church because I didn’t see the power I got bored. I still had those inside me all of those stories my grandmother spoke to me and so I went just because I wanted to see even though I wasn’t a Christian at the time I wanted to see the power of God manifested.

Sid: You know non-believers want to see miracles now they think they’re fake but in their somewhere deep within they’re hoping they’re not fake.

Rick: Well I’ll tell you when Kathryn Kuhlman came out on the stage and she said “I believe in miracles” you can feel the atmosphere change and expectancy just came into the room and all over the room people were getting healed there was miracles happening without her laying on hands or praying for anyone. It’s because doubt and unbelief left the room and expectancy filled the place and Jesus just began to heal people.

Sid: So how much doubt and unbelief do you have in the atmosphere in your healing rooms?

Rick: Hopefully we have absolutely zero; we believe that God will heal every person that comes in.

Sid: 1996 you and your wife started have strange visitations. As a matter of fact, I wonder if you will put Lori on right now your wife and I’d like to ask her about this. I have on the telephone none Lori Taylor.

Lori: Hello.

Sid: Hi Lori would you tell our audience what you told me earlier about in 1996 when an angel came into your bedroom.

Lori: Okay, one night Rick and I had just gone to bed and just he was asleep and I was just falling asleep and all of a sudden our room just lit up. And we live out in the country and there’s no streetlights or anything so our room was pretty pitch dark. And it lit up and I opened my eyes and I looked and at the foot of our bed there was a large angel and he was kneeling. He looked at me and it startled me because I wasn’t expecting anyone in our room so I screamed and then Rick sat up and said “What’s the matter.” And I said “There’s a man in our room.”

Sid: (Laughing)

Lori: And he was kind of startled too but later as I thought back on it I’m not exactly sure why the Lord allowed me to see him or why he was there.

Sid: Did Rick see him?

Lori: No, Rick did not see him.

Sid: What did he look like?

Lori: He was just beautiful he had skin unlike a human skin it was just flawless clear and smooth and he had really pretty blue eyes. He had kind of sandy blonde wavy hair about to his shoulders. And when I looked at him he was smiling and he was looking at me and I just…and I looked into his face and I just felt just indescribable love and I knew it was an angel of the Lord and it was just a wonderful thing to see him.

Sid: Well put Rick back on the phone I want to see what he thought when his wife Lori hears that says there’s a man in the room. Rick what did you think?

Rick: What did I think about the light?

Sid: The light and the man?

Rick: Well the thing is you know when you’re asleep you’re not sure what’s happening but I saw the room just lit up and this is really strange. When Lori screamed you know something is happening here. And then she told me she saw a man and so we’re actually turning lights on and I can’t find the man anywhere. And so we were just awake with our hearts pounding. And so we just didn’t know “What was this?” That was just the beginning of series of visitations.

Sid: What happened next?

Rick: Well what happened next was it was a few nights later all of a sudden I was awoken and I looked at the right hand top corner of our room towards our ceiling and I saw a lion. Sid it was like it was a zoo it wasn’t a vision it was a real lion. Now this lion had eyes that were like penetrating my very soul. And I knew this lion knew everything about me and it was just staring at me. And then all of a sudden this lion began running at me and it just scared me to death I almost like I pulled the covers over me but it ran right through me and out the back wall of our room. And it was the weirdest thing I don’t know if I slept the rest of the night it was such an amazing thing…

Sid: Oh we’re out of time.

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