Sid: I want everywhere to demonstrate the power of God why? For the sake of the power? Absolutely not because the power commands the attention of the nonbeliever to hear the gospel that’s the whole premise of this ministry. And our job is to equip you and to do the works of Jesus. I have on the telephone a young man Michael Champagne. I’m speaking to him at his home in Palisade, Colorado. Michael comes from a good Baptist background he did not see the power, and through a series of events God got involved in Satanism. And through God’s grace got set free out at the Dream Center in Los Angeles. Now his objective is to set as many people free as possible. And Michael I said to you before we went on the air most believers want to walk in the power that you’re walking in and you said “That’s because most have not surrendered is why.” What do you mean by surrendered?

Michael: Surrendered is… I use a visualization. Surrendered is like getting in an inner tube down a swiftly flowing river and just letting go don’t guide don’t steer just go with the river takes you. It’s giving up all of yourself will so that you can achieve something else.

Sid: But you know what that sounds like what you did with the devil.

Michael: Right it does sound like that but it’s not…

Sid: But what you’re saying is what you did for the devil you want to now do for God, but the difference between surrendering with the devil and surrendering with God, is the devil actually ends up controlling you.

Michael: Yeah.

Sid: Where as with God you always have to surrender would that be a good way of saying it?

Michael: Absolutely that’s exactly what happened.

Sid: Okay talk to us about how we can walk in the supernatural power of God for the sake of reaching the lost.

Michael: The first step is you got to believe. You see everything begins and ends with faith. In order for you to be able to see with your eyes of faith you have to close your eyes to what you physically see, not literally walk around blind, but walk around… you know the Bible says “What is seen is temporary; what is unseen is eternal.” And that’s literally how I look at it when I come across somebody with cancer, when I come across somebody with a demonic problem, when I come across somebody with addiction I see it so it’s temporary. And I look at it with the eyes of faith; the eyes of faith say this person is a child of God I’m going to pray for them that God touch them. And then I act on it and I know that God will hear my prayer.

Sid: If I’m understanding you right like if you were to pray for people that are sick right now all they would have to do is believe that you are praying according to God’s word and believe that it is already happened.

Michael: Yeah.

Sid: And as you said on yesterday’s broadcast do something they couldn’t do before. For instance there’s someone that is listening right now that has arthritis in their fingers. What would you say to them?

Michael: I would say that that person needs to do something with his fingers, or her fingers…

Sid: Pray for them right now.

Michael: Okay. Father right now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray for that arthritis right now I command it to loose its hold it has no more hold on her right now in the name of Jesus. Now I want that person just to close and open their hands really quickly 2 or 3 times. Father I ask that You would do a complete healing, a complete healing right now, a complete healing in Jesus Name.

Sid: Alright if… praise God for the one that has manifested if it did not manifest at this moment what is your advice?

Michael: My advice is to wait because not all healings are simultaneous, not all of them are instantaneous and some of them are in steps.

Sid: Okay while you were praying I heard about someone with a severe back problem and a neck problem would you pray for them.

Michael: Hmm hm. Father God in the name of Jesus right now I pray for that person with the back and neck problem I ask that… I command that vertebrae to be straightened right now and you will be as God created you in the name of Jesus.

Sid: Now there’s so many people who are just saying “I need my first love back, I need a jump start Michael; I really want to surrender but my flesh is fighting me so hard; I need you to pray for God’s grace right now.” Will you pray for them?

Michael: Absolutely. Lord Jesus right now I come to You on behalf of everybody that’s going to hear this message, Lord I ask that you’d give them the grace to let go. Father you have given me a supernatural grace and faith to speak things into existence so right now I speak a downpour of you Spirit in everybody who listens and receives that life springs from them again Father God, let them begin to walk and talk and feel like You do, we thank You for it Jesus; we praise Your holy and mighty name. Amen.

Sid: Speaking of praise Michael because you have the gift of discernment and you can see what’s going on in the invisible world how important is worship and praise in causing God to move?

Michael: Worship and praise is utterly important people don’t understand that singing 3 hymns is not worship, clapping your hands to a high pace praise song isn’t praise. The Bible says that “You must worship in Spirit and in truth.” And if our spirits don’t reach God’s throne room we’re not truly worshipping God. See what happens with worship is when we worship we are letting… the Bible says that God inhabits the praises of His people. If you want people healed in your churches pastors worship with all your heart open yourself let God sit enthroned amongst your people. You’ll see supernatural healing, you’ll see people come to Christ. See that’s the whole, that’s my whole focus is the Bible says “If I be lifted up I will bring all men unto Myself.” First we’ve got to get Jesus off the ground.

Sid: Now do you worship by yourself or do you wait to get together in a corporate meeting?

Michael: I have personnel worship time, but I worship in church also.

Sid: But your personal worship time what do you… what might you do?

Michael: Um.

Sid: Now tell me I really want to know.

Michael: Well you know first of all I put on music probably I have like dozens of worship tapes and stuff from different people. I began by praising God and thank You Jesus that you…

Sid: I’ll tell you what we don’t have the worship tape right now would you begin to worship God I can’t think of anything better. Would you do that right now Michael?

Michael: Thank You Jesus thank You I praise Your mighty name Lord, praise Your mighty name that you sent Your Son to die on the cross for us. Lord I thank You everything Your doing, Lord right now I just ask that You would pour Your Spirit out on me, fill me with Your Spirit. Make me more like You Jesus, Holy Spirit I want You to come and speak to me, commune with me, tell me Your secrets Father God. Lord anybody out there whose listening whose heart is reaching out to You I ask that You would reach down and touch them and heal their bodies, their minds. And that You would make Yourself enthroned in their life in Jesus Name.

Sid: Praise You Father, bless You Father, Oh Lord we worship You, we praise Your holy name glory to the living God, King of kings and Lord of lords we say that Yeshua Jesus the anointed as Lord over every person that is listening right now. We say that Your blood is sprinkled throughout their home. I want you to command every demonic spirit around them or in their office or in their home out right now. Would you do that right now Michael?

Michael: Right now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I command every single evil spirit that is hindering a family. Right now there’s a spirit of divorce in a family I don’t know who you are or where you are there’s been a spirit of strife against mother and father. And I command that spirit to be bound hand, foot and mouth you will not mutter whisper into their ears any more. You have been discovered by the power of Almighty God you have been rebuked leave now in the name of Jesus.

Sid: Bless You Father, bless You Almighty God we worship You Father, we worship You Father there’s no one else that we want to worship You are God. Father God I pray that You would remove the spiritual scales from the eyes of Jewish people. I pray Father God that these Jewish people would become red hot for You, come into the church form that one new man glorious congregation and not be confined to the 4 walls, and not be confined to tradition but open the box Lord. Father You want to do a new thing for a new time for the last great move of Your Spirit. I pray that each person listening right now would be part of that end time army and would walk in the greatest signs and wonders of any man or woman that has ever been on earth short of You Jesus. Grant that Father God in Yeshua’s name. Amen.

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