Judy Jacobs

Sid: We want everyone everywhere to walk in the anointing that God has destined just for you. That’s why I have Judy Jacobs and we’re releasing her new book “You Are Anointed for This” because Judy has paid the price and she walks in an anointing similar to what you read about in the book of Acts as you’ve heard this week. But you have a unique anointing and she is determined for you to understand how the anointing operates and understand what your unique anointing is for the end times and how to develop that anointing. She teaches and then she has a special prayer for you at the end of each chapter and it’s a how to step by step to walk into your destiny. Now Judy, there are people that listen to your music over and over and over and over again. Tell me about the woman the woman that was working the night shift.

Judy: Well, let me just say this, the devil is constantly lying to us Sid telling us that we’re all alone that this thing is not real. He tells you that God’s word is not true but one thing we need to understand is that when the devil speaks he speaks his native language which is a lie. Jesus said “I will never leave you or forsake you. I will go with you always even to the end of the world.” And so it comes down to you know that this young girl was working at a restaurant, a little small restaurant, and she was doing the night shift, but she loves my CD “There’s No God Like Jehovah.” And so every time that she was assigned the night shift she would always take my CD “There’s No God Like Jehovah” and that was her favorite song out of all the songs on the CD that was her favorite. So she’d put it on in the back and she put it on repeat so the whole time that she’s working the night shift like you know 3 or 4 hours 5 hours she’s got this song playing continuously. It got to be pretty late when it was closing time and a man walks into the little ice cream restaurant and he says to her “Are you here by yourself?” And she very shyly says “Well, no” sensing something is up she says “No someone’s in the back.” And he said “No, there’s not I’ve been watching this store for the last two hours nobody has come in and nobody has gone out. I know that you’re here by yourself.” And he says to her Sid “I’m going to do to you what I want to do to you.” He takes her by the arm and he drags her to the back; now you got to know that that you’re not alone, you got to know that God is going to do something, send something; something’s going to happen in the spirit realm. So this is a Holy Spirit filled young lady so the guy throws her down on the floor and he’s about to do something to her all of a sudden she said it sounded like the music came up stronger and it was right at that very point where I say in the song “There’s no God like Jehovah; there’s no God like Jehovah.” And all of a sudden the man rises up and say “What is that I hear?” And she said “That is the Holy Spirit filled song because I am a Holy Ghost filled young woman.” He said “Oh, I’ve got to get out of here I don’t mess with Holy Ghost” he said I’ve got to get out of here” and so he gets up and runs out.” And you’ve got to know that the anointing of God came into that room; that music went up to another degree and something happened that was just not corresponding with him and his rage and the Holy Ghost got a hold of him and he had to get out. And I’m telling you you are never alone with the Holy Spirit beside you and the anointing of God in you he said “I will never leave you; I will never forsake you.” I love the Amplified “I will never, never, never, never will I leave you” He says. And we have to be assured that when the devil tells us that he is lying. We have to fill our house with music that’s going to…

Sid: Speaking of filling our house with music Judy, I have prophetic friends that say so many young people are getting into the type of music there getting into pornography, new age, witchcraft. I mean in droves and believers are going to have to pray for deliverance. And as a matter of fact I believe that there is such an anointing on your song “My Deliver” that some people listening right now will get free.

Judy: “My Deliver” excerpt.  

Sid: We are so close to the return of the Messiah. How do I know this? He told me in a dream. Three times He said “I’m coming back soon, I’m coming back soon, I’m coming back soon.”


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